As soon as Hilaeg shut the door to the Princess' quarters, Dis began questioning her.

"What does your brother think he is doing?" she nearly shouted.

Taken aback by the princess' tone, Hilaeg didn't know what to say. "Ardin?"

"Yes, of course Ardin, unless you have another brother I am unaware of!"

"Yes, of course, your highness. Ummm, he went to the Woodland Realm to visit aduadar."

"How could he leave Lin now, when she needs him the most?"

"Why? Did something happen? Is Lin alright?" Hilaeg asked, concerned.

"Of course she's not alright. She is pledging herself to someone she doesn't love and the only one who can help her now is Ardin!"

"I'm confused, your majesty. How can Ardin help Lin? If she doesn't marry Kandler, she's going to be stuck marrying Nain. Surely you know that!"

"Of course I do," Dis sighed, finally sitting down. She rubbed her face, before looking up at Hilaeg. "Do you understand why I made the deal with Stonehelm in the first place?"

"You didn't want him to fight King Fili for the throne in the middle of the battle against the Easterlings."

"Aye. And Stonehelm was ready to do it. But I appealed to his wife. She was less concerned about the crown for her husband than for Nain, especially since there was a chance they would lose. By dangling marriage to Lin, they agreed to let Fili have the throne without a fuss. But there was more to the deal. All Lin had to do was to marry her one, and the deal was off. It was so simple. But your brother is even worse than your father! The sons of Fundin are exceptional warriors, but they are idiots when it comes to matters of the heart!"

"I don't understand, your highness."

Dis shook her head and sneered at Hilaleg, "I had hoped that you had more sense than the rest of your family. Lin and Ardin. They are each other's ones. I only made the deal because I was so certain of it. I've been waiting for the two of them to figure it out themselves. Are you telling me you haven't noticed how devoted Ardin is to Lin? The two of them act like a married couple of 200 years!"

"But Ardin is her guard, that's his duty."

"Oh darling," Dis sighed. "Nobody is that devoted to their duty. Have you ever seen either of them look at another with any sort of desire?


"No, but they aren't each other's one," Hilaeg insisted. "They tried, years ago, on Lin's 75 birthday. She told me that they kissed, but nothing happened, kind of like amad and Uncle Galen."

"What do you mean, nothing happened?" Dis demanded to know.

"Lin said that there was no spark, no change when they kissed. They didn't feel anything different like you're supposed to feel when you kiss your one. So they just stayed friends, with Ardin continuing to guard Lin.


"Oh Mahal save me from idiots! Of course, nothing changed. They had their 'moment' on the day Lin was born. I was just waiting for them to see it. And now Ardin is in gone and Lin is about to make a horrible decision and I've got to fix it."

Hilaeg stood frozen to her spot. She had no idea of what to say or do, so she simply watched as Princess Dis worked out her plan, muttering to herself. Anytime Hilaeg attempted to speak, Dis quickly cut her off until she finally worked it all out.

"I'll have to take Lin to Thranduil's Halls. You go get Rhana and Bhana. Bhana will go as Lin's guard and Rhana can stay in Lin's quarters pretending to be her. You will have to cover for Lin's absence. The queen will have to be in on it, but I don't think it would be wise to let Fili know. Caileen can stall the marriage contract negotiations. If we leave at first light, we could be back in two days."

"But . . . "

"But nothing child!" Dis ordered. Despite her hair being snowy white, she still had plenty of spring left in her step. "Get going!"



The next two days were awful for Hilaeg. She hated lying to anyone, but now she was forced to lie to the king, Kandler, her father, and eventually her mother when she returned from her patrol. She told everyone that Lin was working on a special wedding present and didn't want to be disturbed and took food to Rhana who was bored out of her mind just sitting in Lin's quarters. Both friends were thrilled when Princess Dis returned late on the second day and 'Lin' was required to join the king and queen in the king's council room. Luckily, the real Lin, dressed in Rhana's cloak, returned to her quarters in time for the quick switch to be made. She said nothing other than wanting to speak to her father as soon as possible, leaving Hilaeg's nerves stretched to the breaking point when she accompanied her parents to what they expected was the announcement of Lin's courtship to Kandler.


Amayla was excited to hear the announcement, as she was impressed by the young Blacklock and was pleased that Lin was not going to marry Nain, but she couldn't help notice her daughter's unusual anxiety. Hilaeg's jitters grew even more apparent when Thranduil was standing in the room next to Ardin that was filled with many of the nobles of Erebor, all anticipating the big news. Amayla greeted the king with a big hug, Dwalin with a curt nod, and Hilaeg with a look of concern. She looked to Ardin, who stood frowning, arms firmly crossed in front of him, staring at the door.

Thranduil brough her in close, kissing her on the top of her head, "Relax mir nin. Trust your brother to handle it."

Hilaeg smiled weakly, as King Fili and Lord Vindler came striding out. She stared at Lin who had eyes only for Ardin. She could tell that some sort of message was exchanged between the two, but didn't know what


In a moment, Fili started his speech about reclaiming Erebor and how proud Thorin would be now. As he dragged on, someone, Amayla guessed Bofur but would never rat him out, shouted for Fili to "get on with it." Kili clapped in agreement earning him a glare from his big brother. Lin leaned in and tried to whisper something to Fili, but he brushed her off, instead calling Lord Vindler up.

"It is with great pride that I announcement the courtship of Crown Princess Lin with . ."


The king did stop and looked down to see Ardin with Thranduil by his side, striding forward.

"Whatever it is Ardin, it will wait!" Fili said through clenched teeth.

"No, your majesty, it will not!" he answered boldly. "I won't have you announce a courtship between the Blacklocks and MY WIFE!"

"YOUR WHAT?!" Fili screamed, as gasped came from everywhere.

Lin stepped in front of her father as he moved forward toward the edge of the dais, "Adad, it's what I've been trying to tell you!"


"Perhaps you will talk to me, your majesty," Thranduil said calmly, stepping in front of his grandson.


"Ardin is my grandson."


Caileen, who had been trying to comfort her daughter, placed a hand on Fili's cheek, "My husband, obviously there is something that we need to discuss, but I think it would be best if we did it in private. Let everyone involved go into your private office and we can work it out there."

Fili's blue eyes were wide in anger, switching between Ardin, Thranduil, and his daughter.

"Please husband," Caileen whispered softly.

"FINE! I will know what is going on, and if I don't like it, somebody's head WILL ROLL!" Fili growled, staring at Ardin.



Hilaeg followed her father and mother, who was gripping onto Dwalin's arm for dear life, into the king's private office. They stood behind Ardin, showing their support. Thranduil came over to comfort Amayla, whispering in elvish. Caileen had an arm around Lin, who had tears flowing freely. Kili and Tauriel stood behind Fili, and the three Blacklocks stood to the side. Dis took a seat next to Fili's desk.

Fili had never stopped glaring at Ardin, and the moment that the door was shut, he got into Ardin's face and demanded an explanation.

Ardin stood tall, nodded at Lin, and looked back the king. "Your majesty, last night, in King Thranduil's halls, I married your daughter in an elvish ceremony."

Fili's face grew beet red, and the words coming out of his mouth made no sense, "WHAT? ... HOW? IMPOSSIBLE! … YOUR BEARD … YOUR HEAD!"

Lin ran in front of her father, placing herself between him and Ardin. "Adad, please calm down. It's all true."

"But you were here for the last two days!"

"No, I left with Grandmother two days ago. Hilaeg and Rhana covered for me."

Hilaeg shrank as the King's anger shifted to her.

"I DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Fili screamed in frustration.

"Let me explain, my son," Dis said softly.

"Amad, is this your doing?" Fili asked.

"Aye," she replied softly. She turned to Kandler first. "My apologies to the Blacklocks. Lord Kandler seems to be a very fine and honorable dwarf, but I was not going to allow my only granddaughter to marry someone other than her one. Sometimes, especially in certain families," she paused, looking directly at Dwalin and Amayla, "Mahal's will is misunderstood. Ardin and Lin have been each other's one since the day she was born. I think that because their love was always there, the two of them didn't realize how special it was. I hadn't intended on going to the Woodland Realm to work it all out, but since Ardin had left for there, I had no choice."

"Why didn't you just tell me, Amad," Fili sighed.

"Because there was the slimmest chance that I was mistaken, in which case I would have wanted the courtship with Lord Kandler to go forward," she shrugged.

Fili pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head, "But why the marriage ceremony?"

"We didn't want there to be any doubt about how we felt, adad," Lin answered, taking her father's hand. "If you had signed the contract with Lord Vindler, I might have been trapped."

Fili put his other hand on top of his daughter and drew her in so their foreheads touched, "I would never have allowed you to marry another once you had found your one." Lin pull back and walked over to Ardin, who put his arm around her.


But Kandler stepped in front of his father, "No, he doesn't, your majesty. Not on behalf of me!" He walked over to Lin and Ardin, addressing her first. "I would have supported you and tried my very best to make you happy, but I don't think I ever could have put the smile on your face that you have now." He then turned to Ardin, whispered in his ear, "If you ever hurt her, I will beat you within an inch of your life, and then turn you over to your sister." Hilaeg, having overhead the promise, chuckled.

Kandler winked at Hilaeg before turning back to the king. "Your majesty, all I ask, is the privilege of remaining here in Erebor. I believe I have some skills as a stone mason that would prove useful under the mountain."

Hilaeg quickly added, "Your majesty, I am certain the Master Fimuk would welcome Kandler into the stone mason guild."

Fili nodded, "Thank you, Lord Kandler, for not making this situation any worse than it needs to be. Of course, you are most welcome to stay in Erebor. And as a gift, I task Hilaeg with helping you find quarters and furnishings that will be paid for out of the treasury."


"FATHER!" Lord Vandler said sharply. "ENOUGH!"

"Have no worries, Lord Vandler. I am certain that we can come to some agreement to assuage your loss," Kili spoke up, standing next to his brother.

"Aye, my brother is right," Fili agreed, waiving his hand. "When we get this all straightened out, we will work something out."

Fili raised his hand for quiet and then faced Lin and Ardin, "Despite this elven marriage, nothing is official until it is done properly in Erebor, according to Dwarvish traditions. So we will go out there and make the announcement that Ardin will be courting Lin. A wedding will be set for a year from now."

"A year?" Lin cried out.

"Yes, my daughter, one year. There are traditions that will be upheld, and we must give time for all the clans and all the kingdoms of Middle Earth to be here."

Lin stuck out her lip and leaned into Ardin, who kissed her head.

"Actually, your majesty," Thranduil spoke up, "I don't think it is wise to wait a year."

"Actually, your majesty," Fili responded, quite tired of everything, "this is not open for further discussion. Ardin may be your grandson, but Lin is my daughter and heir. Their wedding will be according to Dwavish traditions."

"Indeed," Thranduil nodded, "however, you may want to consider what it would mean for the future ruler of Erebor to be born outside of marriage."

"That will not happen!" Fili insisted. "I don't care if they are married in your eyes, they will remain separate until the Dwarven wedding. She will not be getting pregnant!"

"Perhaps I should be more clear, your highness," Thranduil smirked, "Your daughter and my grandson had a complete traditional Eleven wedding, which includes the wedding night."

"I understand that!"," Fili interrupted, "but I do not wish to be reminded of it!"

"I'm afraid you will have no choice in the matter."

"What are you getting at?" Fili whined.

"I am not worried that the Princess will become pregnant, I'm saying she already is."

A cacophony of shouts rung around Thranduil, who simply continued smirking.

"Impossible. They were only together the one time!" Fili yelled, causing Lin and Ardin to look at each other sheepishly.

"If you touched my daughter before yesterday, Ardin son of Dwalin, I will have your beard and more!" Fili growled, turning beet red.

"No adad, nothing happened before last night," Lin assured him.

Ardin looked at Lin, "Is he right?" he whispered.

"I don't know! Can it happen that fast?" Lin replied, the color draining from her face.

Caileen rushed down and grabbed for her daughter while Hilaeg went for a chair.

"How can you possible know already?" the queen asked Thranduil.

"We elves recognize new life at the moment of conception," he shrugged.

"Tauriel, can you confirm it?" Caileen asked her sister-in-law.

"I am not nearly as in tuned to life forces as his majesty, but I can try."

Tauriel knelt down before the seated Lin and took both hands into hers. After a moment, she leaned her forehead to her niece's. A smile slowly spread across her face as she pulled back and nodded to Lin. "Aye, there is life, you are pregnant."

There were several cheers, but as Lin smiled up at her husband, her expression turned to one of terror. She screamed out his name as the tall, broad warrior turned grey and slumped down. Luckily for him, and unluckily for his sister, Hilaeg made a grab for him but only succeeded in breaking his fall as he fainted on top of her.

There were gasps from everyone but in the moment of quiet afterwards, Amayla sighed, "Just like his father."

"Aye," Dwalin agreed. "But at least he didn't have his friends wagering on him," he added, sneering at Fili.

"A little help, PLEASE!" Hilaeg wailed as she tried to push her brother off her.

"Careful! He could be hurt!" Lin cried, kneeling on Ardin's side, checking him over.

"Believe me! He's not injured. He landed safely on me. But I'm going to be crushed to death if somebody doesn't get him off me!" Hilaeg complained.



Dwalin and the guards lifted Ardin and laid him out on a table, while Kandler helped Hilaeg up. Once Ardin was revived with some water and tender caring from his new wife, the Blacklocks excused themselves so that the families could start wedding negotiations.

Dis immediately took charge, hustling everyone away from Lin and Ardin to give them some privacy. "We have to pick a date now so that Ardin can give her two beads for the announcement. The rest of the contracts can be worked out later. I trust there will be no difficulties with it," she said looking at Dwalin and Fili, who both shook their heads no.

"Fine, then when can we have the wedding? It needs to be soon so that when pregnancy become obvious there will not be much gossip," she continued.

"What about the guards and the Blacklocks?" Caileen pointed out. "They already know.


"The guards will keep quiet. They know their duty," Dwalin stated firmly


"I'm certain Kandler will be quiet if asked, his brother too," Hilaeg added. "His father though?" she shrugged.

"I suggest making that part of the 'retribution' he will seek, brother," Kili suggested.

"Aye, brother, I think you are right," Fili answered.

"So a date?" Dis said again.

"You pulled off our wedding in a week," Amayla pointed out


"But that doesn't give time for the clans to all arrive, or any of the other kingdoms," Dis replied.

Everyone was looking at each other, unsure of what to suggest, when Hilaeg loudly declared "Five weeks."

"Five weeks?" Caileen asked.

"Aye. Five weeks is mid-summer's day, which is a perfect date for a wedding and makes it less suspicious as to why we are rushing things. We'll need to send out ravens to all the clans immediately. I don't think there's a way for anyone from Erid Luin or the Shire to make it in time, so we don't have to plan for it. It's sad, but I don't see a way around it. We can ask Lord Gimli to pass the invitations to Gondor and Rohan, giving them all just enough time to arrive. Aduadar can get messages to Rivendell as I assume at least Elladan or Elrohir will want to come. A wedding dress for Lin shouldn't take five weeks. At this time of year, the stores are full so a feast shouldn't be difficult, and there will be time for hunting parties for anything that is needed. Preparing quarters for all the nobles coming might be a challenge, but if we get all the guilds involved, I'm certain it can be worked out. The weather should be nice so we can hold some of the pre-wedding festivities outside in tents, like a mid-summer's festival."

When Hilaeg stopped talking, nobody said anything, instead they all looked at each other shrugged. Fili looked at Caileen who nodded her approval before turning to his mother.

Dis smiled at Hilaeg, "Mid-summer it is! Let's tell the happy couple and have Ardin get his beads for the ceremony. We should all enjoy tonight, for tomorrow the work begins!"



And work it was. Hilaeg moved into Princess Dis' quarters to be at her beck and call overseeing the wedding arrangements. Given her experiences with most of the guilds during her training times with Lin, Hilaeg was able to get everything arranged while allowing Queen Caileen the freedom to work on all the wedding clothing. She was allowed some time to help Kandler get settled into new quarters but once that was over, she barely saw him around Erebor. Everything was in place by the time the delegations from across Middle Earth arrived before mid-summer's day. Erebor was packed to the gills with all the clans represented as well as Princess Gilbrian of Gondor and Arnor, accompanied by her uncles Elladan and Elrohir, and Lord Elboron of Ithilien. The delegation from Rohan, led by Prince Elfwine stayed with his cousins in Dale, as there was literally no room for them under the mountain.

The ceremony went off without a hitch. Lin was resplendent in gold, while Ardin matched her in blue with gold trim. Throughout the celebration, they were hardly separated except for a few dances that neither Lin nor Ardin could refuse. As the oldest unmarried dam in the line of Durin and the granddaughter of the King of the Woodland Realm, Hilaeg found herself in the position of having to dance with all the dwarven clan lords and all the heads of states of every delegation. The matchmaking at the wedding was in full force. Bolger wouldn't let anyone dance with Rhana, and the betting was in full force for when he was going to give her a bead. Kind Bard was thrilled by the obvious interest of Lord Elboron in his youngest daughter, while Princess Dis was overjoyed to see Prince Frerin and Princess Gilbrian's budding attraction. The latter had Elrohir and Elladan grilling Hilaeg on Prince Frerin's character as they felt responsible for their niece's protection.

Hilaeg had hoped that in between some of her official duties, she would get a dance in with Kandler, but every time she looked, he was either on the dance floor with a dam or completely surrounded by a phalanx of mooning females. Her disappointment triggered a wave of exhaustion that felt like the mountain collapsing on her, so when Amayla suggested that it was time for her, Rhana, and Bhana to steal Lin away, she readily agreed, and added, "I'm going home afterwards, amad."

"But the party has barely started, Hilly!" Amayla argued. "I know that your father wanted a dance with you."

Hilaeg frown as she looked at her mother, "Please tell adad that I'm sorry, but I'm simply exhausted. It just hit me."

Amayla pulled her daughter in for a head tap. "I'm sure you are, mir nin. You did a wonderful job arranging everything. I doubt that Lin or Ardin have had the chance to tell you yet, but everything turned out beautifully, and I know – and certainly the king and queen know – that it was mostly thanks to you."

"It was for my brother and best friend, it had to be perfect," she shrugged.

"Go steal Lin and get some rest, I'll tell your father."


Hilaeg collapsed into the chair in her room after leaving Lin and Ardin's new chambers. It was strange thinking that her brother and best friend would be sharing a bed and everything else that went along with that, but Hilaeg was too tired to dwell on it. All she wanted was to get out of her dress and crawl into bed. But that was not to be. She pulled on the laces on her back as she had done thousands of times before while getting undressed, but this time, instead of loosening, the laces became even tighter. She tried again and again, yelping out in frustration. As she debated going back down to the party or simply finding a pair of scissors to cut herself out of and ruin the gown, she heard pounding on the door.

She was dumbfounded to see Kandler standing there when she opened the door.

"Are you alright?" he demanded, looking her up and down.

"Kandler? Yes, I'm fine. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to ask you something and your mother told me you had gone home. I was hoping to catch you before you got into bed. But then I heard you shouting when I got to the door. Are you sure you're alright?"

Hilaeg smiled and gestured for Kandler to come in. "Actually, I'm not alright. I'm tired and I want to go to bed, but my laces are in a knot and I can't get my stupid dress off! I was just considering resorting to scissors."

"But that would destroy your dress and you look so nice in it!" Kandler objected.

"At this point, I really don't care!"

"If I'm not being too forward, I'd be happy to try and help with your laces."

Hilaeg quickly turned her back to him, praying that he didn't see her blush, and agreed. She hid the blush but couldn't control the shiver that ran up her back as he lifted her hair and gently draped it over her shoulder and out of the way.

Kandler started yanking and pulling and after a few minutes he too was muttering curses as the laces still wouldn't give.

Suddenly the door slammed open and a deep voice shouted, "TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!"

"Adad!" Hilaeg screeched as Dwalin shoved Kandler away from her before yanking his axe off the wall.

"It's not what you think, General!" Kandler protested.

Hilaeg quickly stepped in front of Kandler, preventing her father from swinging away.

"Step aside daughter," Dwalin growled, "He's not going to be able to hide behind you like a sniveling coward."

"I am not a coward, General. But I swear on Mahan's beard that nothing improper was going on. I was simply trying to help your daughter out."

"Out of her dress you mean!" Dwalin roared, raising his axe.

Kandler cringed but held his ground. "Of course not, General, that came out wrong. I would never dishonor your daughter that way. Her laces were in a knot. I was just trying to undo it."

"It's true adad! I was about ready to cut myself out of the dress when Kandler came over and offered to try to and get the knot out!"

Dwalin scowled at the young dwarf, but lowered his axe, "Why were you here in the first place?"

"I wanted to invite Hilaeg to join my family tomorrow at the celebration outside. My sister-in-law wanted to meet her and my nephew will be there. I thought she might like to meet him too."

"Why didn't you ask her during the party?"

"I wanted to but she was always dancing with someone, usually one of the blasted tall elves or men!"

"You have a problem with elves and men?"

"No, not in general," Kandler stammered. "It's just when they're dancing with Hilaeg, they can just look right down her dress! It isn't proper!"

"Kandler! I assure you that none of them were looking down my dress!"

Dwalin snorted, "While I felt the same as you laddie, I got over it a lonnnnng time ago. At least the elves that were here today are all honorable. And none of them were in our quarters attempting to take off my daughter's dress!"

"I wasn't trying to take it off, General! I swear! I was just trying to undo the knot!"

"Try for yourself adad! I would really like to go to bed," Hilaeg said, turning around and backing up in front of her father.

Dwalin glared at Kandler before setting down his axe and starting to work on the laces. Soon he was muttering and cursing just like Kandler. Finally, he swore, grabbed a dagger from his belt, and sliced off the knot.

Hilaeg yelped and crossed her hands on top of the bodice so the dress didn't just fall off.

"There!" Dwalin grumbled as he sheathed his dagger. "Hilaeg, I believe you owe the lad an answer to his invitation."

Hilaeg blushed and told Kandler that she would be happy to join them.

"And to make up for the scare we put in him tonight, maybe you could make some Hobbit cookies and bring them to the picnic. You promised me some right before this wedding bru-ha-ha started!"

"Oh, that's really not necessary. My sister-in-law has everything prepared, I believe," Kandler insisted.

Dwalin walked over and bent over to get in Kandler's face, "Laddie, piece of advice, when it comes to my daughter's cookies, never turn them down, especially if some of them are for me!"

"I'm certain my family would love your cookies, Hilaeg!" Kandler stated, with a small amount of fear in his voice.

"Much better laddie, now leave and let Hilly get some rest."



Ten months later, on the private balcony, Kandler pulled out a bead for Hilaag. "I wanted to give you this here, where I once told you that I wasn't interested in finding my one. I really didn't think I wanted to then, but Mahal had different plans for me. You were right. I was a fool back, but I get it now. I only hope that you want a future with me as much as I want it with you. I love you and always will. You are my one. Will you accept this bead?"

Hilaeg burst into tears and nodded her yes. They sealed their vows with a passionate kiss before going to her quarters to tell Dwalin and Amayla who were both as pleased as they could be. Then, as a group, they headed to tell Ardin and Lin, who was now hugely pregnant and rarely left her quarters.

Kili was also there, sharing a letter from Frerin who was in Gondor visiting Princess Gilbrian. When Hilaeg waggled her braid, Ardin jumped up to embrace both his sister and Kandler telling him "it was about time!" Lin held her arms out to her uncle to help stand. As soon as she got to her feet, there was a pop and gush of liquid that landed on Kili.

He looked down at his ruined boots and moaned, "How is this possible? Three times!?"

Everyone else reacted differently. Ardin was at Lin's side in a flash, with Hilaeg close behind. Dwalin headed off to find Fili and Caileen, and Amayla headed off to fetch the midwife.

Lin's labor lasted through the night, but as the sun rose early the next morning, she was safely delivered of a son of her own. They named him Thrain, after the dwarf who never had his chance to rule Erebor.



Amayla took her turn to hold her sleeping grandson while Lin rested. Dwalin draped an arm around her to gaze at him, wiping a tear away from his eye.

"Think of the stories we can tell this little one. How you came riding up to join the company, Bilbo hanging on for dear life. I think I fell in love with you at that moment," he whispered.

Amayla snorted, "You did not, you big softie! You didn't trust me a bit when I first arrived."

"Well, maybe that's true, but I did save your life when you fell out of that tree."

"I'm not so certain that you saved my life, but I did fall in love with you then," she smiled, stroking the babe's cheek. "Are you going to tell him what you did with my courting gift?"

"Maybe when he's old enough, like 200."

"Well, I'll be telling him how his grandfather is Erebor's greatest general and that no dwarf has ever been better in wielding an axe."

"And I'll be telling him how his mother slew Azog and was the hero of the battle of five armies."

Amayla leaned into her husband, who tightened his arms around her, "We've had many adventures my luv, been surrounded by so many good friends and family - many of whom I wish could be with us now. Our two children have both found their own loves, and now we have a grandson, the future king of Erebor. Truly, we have been blessed by Mahal, my luv."

"Aye, and as long as we're together, the best is yet to come."


*******************Author's Notes *****************


I used the canon names of all the "next generation" princes that I could find. Aragorn and Arwen's son was too young to come to the wedding, but they had two daughters who were never named. My head canon had them being older, and I combined the mothers' name to come up with Gilbrian. Also, I just had to have Kili ruin another pair of boots. Makes me smile.

This is really the end. Thanks to everyone who has read this, especially those who have left comments. They were all greatly appreciated. I never expected that this story would take over two and a half years of my life, so I am both happy to have finished it, and yet a little sad to be done with it. Hope you enjoyed it. Cheers!