Lynn felt woozy and sore. But mostly she was just furious. She sat back in her place seated behind the driver's seat inside of Vanzilla. Lori was behind the wheel and Lincoln was sitting in the passenger's side, cradling Bun Bun in concern. Both Lynn and Lincoln had bandages covering their many flesh wounds, and they both had some wrapped around their heads, although Lynn's was slightly worse for the wear. There was a piece of gauze placed over the spot on her forehead where it had started bleeding thanks to Lincoln's headbutt. Thankfully it wasn't a concussion, but it still infuriated her to know that Lincoln had been the one to do it. Her eyes locked onto him, glaring so intensely that one would think she were trying to burn a hole in his head.
"Lucky little punk." She muttered angrily to herself.
"I heard that." Lori said icily from up front. "I'd sit still and stay quiet if I were you. You've caused enough trouble, Lynn. Hope that you're proud of yourself"
"Proud? Why would I be proud?" Lynn asked tersely, recalling what had happened. "I lost! Again!"
"And you literally almost needed to go to the hospital. Mom and Dad were thrilled to hear about all of this by the way. You can look forward to seeing them both as soon as we get home."
"Hospital? Yeah, right! I'm fine! I've had worse from falling off of my bike!"
"Then maybe I should come back there and finish what I started!" Lincoln spat. "It's what you want, right? To fight me for your own stupid ego? Well you got it and you lost, now deal with it! I beat you and this time, you actually deserved what happened to you!"
Lincoln choked back a sob and held his bunny closer to him. Lori held back the urge to tell him off for raising his voice like that, but could see that he was still very much upset over what had happened, so she let it go. Their parents would deal with everything soon enough. The house was just a couple more blocks away.
"It's okay Lincoln, when we get home I'll give Bun Bun to Leni and he'll be good as new in no time. Okay?"
Lincoln nodded, keeping his eyes on Bun Bun the entire time. Lori felt bad for him. She knew how much he loved his little bunny. It was just a shame that Lynn didn't share that sentiment.
"I can't beleive you're getting so worked up over your stupid doll. What a baby."
Lincoln clenched his teeth and grinded them as his face started to turn red. Lori could sense another outburst was about to happen. Luckily they came to a stop sign at that moment and she took the opportunity to reach over and place her hand onto his shoulder. He got the message and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. And once Lori was certain he was good, she cast an angry glare at the reflection of her sister in the rearview mirror.
"If you had even a tiny idea of how he felt, then you'd literally know that this isn't just about that, Lynn. But you'll be hearing about this from Mom and Dad soon enough, so I won't bother to keep telling you. We'll be home any minute now, so try to behave."
Lynn crossed her arms and scowled. She said nothing for the rest of the ride home, mostly because she wasn't looking forward to whatever she could expect from her parents. And as they pulled into the driveway, she could see both of them on the front porch. They didn't seem nearly as angry as any of the three in the van would have thought. But Lori could tell that this was just the calm before the storm.
"Well, well, well. Look at the two of you." Rita said as she saw Lincoln and Lynn. "I honestly can't believe this! What were the two of you thinking?!"
"Hey Loud!" called Mr. Grouse from his front yard. "What happened? Your kids get into a fight and lose?"
Rita glared at their neighbor, making him start to sweat a little. He smiled sheepishly and took a step back.
"Gotcha, not any of my business. I'll just go back watering my flowers."
Rita ushered their kids inside the house, steering them over to sit on the couch as Lori came over to join them
"There was a medical staff at the convention center" Lori said "They looked them over before I got there."
Rita pinched the bridge of her nose "I'm almost afraid to ask" she said " bad was it this time?"
Lori bit down on her lower lip, her eyes flitting back and forth nervously as she started to sweat "That bad?" Rita asked?
"Well I didn't actually see it myself" Lori said taking aout her cell phone and pressing a few buttons "But I got a video in a text on the way back"
Lori handed the device to her mother the and pressed a button to start the video. Rita watched as the fight unfolded in front of her.
Lincoln throwing a can at Lynn before decking her in the jaw
Lynn sweep kicking Lincoln onto the ground, only for him to bite her ankle
The two of them in what she could only describe as a bare knuckle brawl as they swung their fists and feet at each other, trying their hardest to pummel the other sibling.
Ending in Lincoln delivering a fercious headbutt to his sister.
Rita's jaw dropped as she saw her daughter hit the ground and remain motionless as security surrounded was so shocked she didn't notice her husband peeking over her shoulder.
"You knocked her out!?" Lynn Sr said to Lincoln "You actually knocked your sister unconscious?!"
Lincoln turned around, refusing to meet his father's gaze. Lynn Sr looked over at his fifth oldest daughter "Well it looks like you're 2 for 2 now, junior" he said
Rita glared at her husband
"So help me, Lynn!" she said "If you congratulate him for this..."
Lynn Jr snorted in annoyance as Rita nudged him with her elbow "Well I'm not proud of him" Lynn Sr said "He beat up his sister, that's nothing to be proud of. He went overboard, but all things considered I'm...well...usually Lincoln would be the one on the other side of this so...seeing him defend himself so well...maybe pleased isn't the right word either so..."
Rita rolled her eyes "Honey, please just quit while you're ahead "Rita said
"Sorry, I'm just conflicted, that's all. It's not that I'm happy that he beat up Junior again. Heck, this time both of them got pretty roughed up. But it is nice to know that he can hold his own. Just saying."
"He didn't 'hold his own'!" Lynn jr cut in. "He fought dirty! At least I wasn't trying to bite him like some kind of animal!"
"You asked for it!" Lincoln snapped.
"ENOUGH!" Rita shouted, stepping between the two. "Lincoln, please go up to your room and wait for us to come and talk to you. And as for you, young lady, park it. Now."
She pointed to the couch and gave her daughter a stern glare. Lynn took a seat and rested her head in the palm of her hand, letting her eyes follow her brother as he went upstairs with Lori right behind him. Rita waited for them to go and then stood in front of Lynn, clearly waiting for her attention. With a heavy sigh, the teen looked up to meet her gaze.
"So how much longer am I going to be grounded?" she asked, already anticipating what was going to happen.
"For twice as long as Lincoln was, at the least." Rita said.
"And you'll also be barred from your sports teams until further notice." Lynn Sr. added.
"What?!" Lynn jr. asked in shock. "But they need me!"
"Your brother needs you more!" Rita countered. "Did you even stop to think about his feelings at all during your pitiful little revenge scheme? How he must have felt to have his big sister treating him so poorly day after day just because of one mistake he made, regardless of how big it was?"
"No buts, Junior. Listen to your mother! Lincoln worked his butt off both at home and at school to try and earn just one day off of his grounding for the first time he beat you. He did so much just for that and then you took it all away from him, made a huge scene in public and could have gotten the both of you hurt very badly! And all for what?"
"I...I, uh..."
"You had better find a way to make things right with him. Because until you do, you'll be spending any time you aren't at school in your room. And if you even cause the tiniest bit of trouble for him again, you can look forward to an even longer grounding. Do you understand me?"
Lynn could only nod begrudgingly in response.
"Good. Now go to your room!"
Lynn eased herself off the couch, sending a familiar wave of pain through her body, and limped over to the stairs.
"Lincoln,Lincoln,Lincoln" she grumbled as she made her way up "No one cares that he knocked me out, all that matters is that he missed his stupid convention. I'm the victim here"
"You are literally full of it" said a voice
Lynn looked up to see her sisters, all glaring at her with a look of disgust.
"You're the victim?" Lori repeated "How in the world can you think you're the victim?"
"Because I got knocked out" Lynn said "I'm pretty sure that makes me..."
"What it makes you is an imbecile" Lisa said "And quite possibly mentally insane"
"What do you mean insane?" Lynn said
"A quote for you" Lisa said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Lincoln flew into a rage and pummeled you after you damaged Bun Bun. And you had the arrogance, or to be more accurate complete lack of common sense, to think that starting another fight by damaging Bun Bun again would result in your victory the second time around when it didn't the first time?"
Lynn twitched uncomfortably under Lisa's words. She thought she had a better chance of beating Lincoln if she was prepared. She thought that Lincoln had just gotten lucky because he caught her off guard.
"How could you do something so mean to Lincoln" Leni asked "You know how much he loves Bun Bun"
"And it was for such a stupid reason" Luna added "So Lincoln beat you up. It was an accident, plus it was mostly your fault for taking Bun Bun in the first place. You couldn't just let it go?
"I was mad!" Lynn said "He beat me up! Didn't I have the right to get mad at him?"
"You had the right to get mad" Lucy said "But staying mad wasn't your right , it was your choice . No one told you to spend all week trying to get a rise out of him. You did that all on your own. It was wrong and now you have to deal with it"
"But I.." Lynn tried to say
"Why'd you'd have to make such big deal over the fight anyway?"Luan asked "This wasn't a game, there was nothing for you to win. And even still if there was, what would you have gotten if you beat him up? Grounded, and the knowledge that you beat up your brother? Does that really sound satisfying to you?"
"Well...I...So what if it did?!" Lynn managed to defend herself. "Like any of you can't say that you haven't been quick to jump into a fight! You don't have the right to point the finger at me!"
Lily lifted up her hand and pointed to Lynn, blowing a raspberry at her. "Poo Poo!"
"You said it, sister!" Lana said. "So what if we fight? It's not like we plan it out like you did!"
"Yeah, miss cranky, revenge pants!" Lola added. "Besides, we always make up afterwards."
"Exactly, we don't carry petty little grudges." Lori continued. "You literally should be ashamed of yourself! And since you clearly didn't get the message before, we're going to make it clear to you now."
"You mess with our bro again and we'll start messing with YOU!" Luna said. "So watch your step, sis!"
The nine other girls all disbanded, save for Lucy, who remained with her roommate. Once all the others had left, she stepped over to Lincoln's door and gestured for Lynn to join her. The jock did so somewhat reluctantly, still not keen on being near their brother. But before she could ask what the reason was, Lucy held a finger up to her lips, signaling her to stay quiet. Then she moved her hand to her ear, cupping it and leaning near the door. Lynn got the idea and mimicked her sister's actions. That's when she heard a sound from Lincoln's room. He was crying. Sobbing softly, almost continuously.
"So what?" Lynn whispered, mostly to avoid getting any of their other sister's attention. "I don't care that he's crying! Serves him right for..."
Lucy was suddenly in Lynn's face. An eerie chill was emanating from the pale girl's body. And while Lynn couldn't see her eyes, she could somehow tell that she was getting a deathly serious glare from her sister.
"MAKE. THIS. RIGHT." The goth hissed.
"Okay..." Lynn sqeaked out, a cold sweat running down her face.
Lucy seemed satisfied and then backed away. She went into her bedroom and Lynn cautiously followed, keeping a couple of feet behind the other girl. But as she arrived at the doorway, Lucy came back out. She was pulling her coffin, which contained her bust of Edwin and her pet bat, Fangs.
"You can have our room to yourself for a while. I'll be in Lola and Lana's room."
"Wha? Why?" Lynn asked, completely confused.
"Because I'd rather be surrounded by all of Lola's cute, pink, girly stuff than have to spend the night in the same room as you. Of course, I wouldn't feel that way if I thought I could trust you right now." Lucy said with slight emphasis on the last part. "Plus I want to be closer to my big brother, just in case he needs a sister who cares."
Lucy dragged her coffin into the twin's room, not sparing another moment to speak to or look at Lynn. She shut the door behind her, leaving Lynn alone in the hall. The brunette stared in silent awe at the doorway Lucy had just walked through, feeling a harsh sting from the younger girl's words. The sting flared up her temper a bit again and she turned to storm over to give Lucy a piece of her mind. Or, at least she was about to, right before...
"Junior, why aren't you in your room?" came her father's voice.
Lynn turned to find her parents staring at her expectantly. She made an attempt to explain herself, but they both pointed to her room simultaneously and narrowed their eyes. And knowing better than to try their patience any further, she meekly slipped into her bedroom, shutting the door and sitting on her bed...alone.
Alone with her thoughts, her parents and siblings words were fresh on her mind
"This is stupid" Lynn grumbled to herself "Why should I have to make anything up to him. He...he's the one who should have to...
"How could you do something so mean to know how much he loves Bun Bun"
Lynn grabbed a tennis ball from under her bed, and began to bounce it against the wall.
"He's the one who beat me up" Lynn told herself "I was...I was mad at him so...
It was an accident, plus it was mostly your fault for taking Bun Bun in the first couldn't just let it go?
Staying mad wasn't your right, it was your choice
Lynn buried her face in her pillow, trying desperately to drown out the sound of her conscience.
"This whole thing is stupid!" Lynn thought "I wasn't trying to...I mean I didn't mean to...I mean...
She kicked herself off her bed, rolled onto the floor and began doing heart pounded, sweat began pouring off her face, and her muscles began to ache. But the exercise still couldn't make the voices in her mind any more bearable
No one told you to spend all week trying to get a rise out of him. You did that all on your own
Lynn rolled over onto her back and started doing situps
You had the arrogance, or to be more accurate complete lack of common sense, to think that starting another fight by damaging Bun Bun again would result in your victory the second time around when it didn't the first time?
She jumped up to her feet and began doing jumping jacks
This wasn't a game, there was nothing for you to win. And even still if there was, what would you have gotten if you beat him up? Grounded, and the knowledge that you beat up your brother? Does that really sound satisfying to you?"
She started to jog in place, bringing her knees as high up as she could.
Did you even stop to think about his feelings at all during your pitiful little revenge scheme? How he must have felt to have his big sister treating him so poorly day after day just because of one mistake he made, regardless of how big it was?"
She began to kick and punch the air, savagely flinging her hands and feet until a misstep on a discarded hand weight made her trip and sprawl over onto the floor. Her eyes itched as tears crept from their corners. Her muscles ached, but the didn't hurt nearly as much as the guilt that settled in the pit of her stomach
"I was...I was only..." She muttered to herself, her tears starting to flow as the guilt began weighing her down more and more. "I was only being a complete jerk!"
Lynn began to sob softly as she came to see how wrong she had been. And it only made it worse as she recalled all she had done to Lincoln up to this point too. That alone would make it difficult for him to want to be around her, but after earlier that day, she just had no idea what to expect. She had no idea what she could do. Part of her was starting to wonder if she had gone so far that Lincoln might never forgive her.
No! That was quitter talk! Sure, she had gone too far. A couple times, actually. And Lincoln most likely wouldn't even look in her direction if he could help it for who knows how long. But if she just gave up before she even started, then she really should be ashamed of herself! After she put in so much effort to make Lincoln mad with her, she knew she could do the same to make it up to him. She'd just have to do something really nice for him to show she was sorry and then she could work her way from there. There had to be something!
Sitting up and wiping the tears from her face, Lynn furrowed her brow as she started to think. Treating him to some ice cream was an option, but not grand enough a gesture. Same with buying him comics or a video game. She could fix up Bun Bun for him! No, she was no good with a sewing needle. And there was no way he'd let her get anywhere near his beloved bunny again.
Lynn growled in frustration. This was going to be much tougher than she had thought, and she knew it was tough to start with. But she kept thinking all the same. She didn't exactly have much else that she could do anyway. So she got up onto her feet again and started to jog in place. Maybe if she got her blood pumping then she could figure out what to do. Or at the very least she could have a few ideas to work with. A bunch of little things could be just as good as one big one.
Minutes passed by while Lynn continued to wrack her brain. Those minutes became hours and then there was a knock at the door. Lynn went to answer, but the door opened from the other side and Lucy poked her head inside.
"Dinner will be ready soon. Mom and Dad said you have to eat up here since Lincoln still doesn't want to see you. I'll bring your food up in a bit."
Lucy went back downstairs, leaving the door ajar. Lynn stepped over to it and peeked out. Some of her other sisters walked by on their way down to the dining room. But Lincoln wasn't in sight. Lynn opened the door a bit more and dared to peek down the hall, seeing the door to his room wide open. He wasn't there, so he must've already gone down to eat. Probably for the best. Lucy did say he didn't want to see her and that meant trying to say she was sorry to him might be out of the question for now. Maybe he'd be in a better mood after he ate.
"Lincoln?" came a staticky voice. "Lincoln, are you there?"
"What the, who is that?" Lynn wondered silently. She peeked back out at Lincoln's room again, where the voice had originated.
"Lincoln?" the voice, which Lynn recognized as Clyde, repeated. "I know you're upset buddy, but I got some news for you that might cheer you up. You might still be able to go to the convention! I know where to get you another ticket!"
Lynn's eyes went wide. Acting on impulse, she dashed over to her brother's room and snagged the walkie talkie that was lying on the bed. She fumbled with it a little, not familiar with how to work it. But she found the button soon enough and pressed it.
"Clyde? Can you hear me?"
"Huh? Who is this?"
"It's Lynn!" she answered. "Do you really have a way to get Lincoln another ticket?"
"Well, yes and no. But why are you asking me this? In case you forgot, you're the reason he got kicked out today! Not that it matters since the pass they took was only good for one day anyhow."
"No duh, dude! That's why I'm asking! Now tell me, can you help me get him a ticket or not?!"
"Like I said, yes and no. Flip has a ticket and he's selling it. But he wants $200 for it."
"T-two...he really wants that much for a stupid ticket?!" Lynn snapped.
"Yup, and not one cent less."
Lynn pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine. Whatever. Can you do me a favor and just get it for me to give to him? I'll pay you back for it. Promise."
"I don't have that kind of money!" Clyde said. "I don't even think I could get my dads to let me have that much of an advance on my allowance!"
"Then could you tell Flip to hold it and I'll get you the money to buy it from him?"
"I guess. But there's no guarantee he might not sell it sooner."
"I'm willing to take a chance. I'll contact you again when I have the money, so be ready." Lynn said, setting down the walkie talkie. A moment later she slapped herself in the forehead. "Dang it! What was I thinking? I don't have that much money either! "
Lynn hobbled out of Lincoln's room and into searched through her side of the room for any money she could find, only able to scrape up a few dollars in went up to her dresser and yanked out the drawers, dumping them out onto the floor. She searched through the junk, grabbed the bills she had, and lumped them together with the change she found.
"Good thing I had this saved for a new punching bag" Lynn thought
She counted her money frantically "46...47...48" she counted " 48.50? That's not even half of what I need!"
Lynn kicked the empty drawers "Where am I gonna get the extra cash I need?" she said in frustration
"You could try looking behind you" said Lucy said frightening her roommate
Lynn turned around, her hand clutching her heart "Someone should put a bell around your neck" she said
Lucy shrugged her shoulders and held out a handful of bills "Fifty dollars" she said "It should help you get the money for Lincoln's ticket"
Lynn grabbed the money and added it to her own "Great" she said "Now Im up to about half'd you know I was getting Lincoln another ticket? And where'd you get this money anyway?"
"I overheard your conversation with Clyde" Lucy said "And I get this money from Lola"
Lynn frowned a bit "From your bet with her?" she asked "On my fight with Lincoln?"
"That's the one" Lucy said
Lynn fought down the pain of her wounded pride bubbling up inside her "Well...thanks for the money" she said "'d really give up this much cash for him?"
"Of course" Lucy said as her mouth moved into a smirk "The money was great on its own the first time. But the feeling of beating Lola twice in a row was even better. And besides I already told him I'd spend my winnings on him the next time. Take it and use it to get him another ticket"
Lynn looked over the stack of bills "Halfway there" she said "Now where can I get the rest?"
"If I may make a suggestion" Lucy said
She took Lynn's hand, led her out of their room and into the hallway, and pointed at Lola and Lana's room. Lola had her stuffed animals set around a table, having a tea party
"Lola!" Lynn said "Of course! If she could give you fifty bucks she must be loaded"
Lynn rushed as best she could over to the twins' bedroom. She set foot inside and then found herself immediately caught in the fierce gaze of her younger sister.
"Hey! You're supposed to be in your room!" Lola said. "I'm telling Mom and Dad!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Lynn hurriedly said, waving her arms back and forth. "Before you do anything, please just hear me out. I found a way to apologize to Lincoln!"
Lola narrowed her eyes at Lynn. She took a moment to consider what she had heard, taking a sip of her pretend tea. Setting the plastic cup back down onto it's saucer, she sat back her seat and looked at Lynn with mild interest.
"I'm listening. But if I don't like what I hear, I'm still telling on you."
Lynn smiled gratefully, taking a step closer. She thought over how to go about asking for the money, but considering that she was on thin ice as it was, she just went with her strong suit. The direct approach.
"So I can get Linc a new ticket to his convention. But it's gonna be a bit pricey. I need to borrow some money."
"Oh? And just how much would that be?"
"Um...just a little more than a hundred?" Lynn asked sheepishly
Lola's eyes widened in surprise and Lynn felt her heart sink. That wasn't a good sign. Even if Lola did have the money, it was clearly too much to expect her to...
"Fine, you can have it." Lola said, taking another sip from her cup.
"Wha? Really?! Sweet! Thanks Lola!" Lynn said. "We gotta act fast though. Or we might not be able to get the ticket after all."
"Hold on. I'm going to give you the money. But there will be a few...conditions." Lola said, smiling almost wickedly.
Lynn groaned. She had a feeling that she was not going to like whatever it was that Lola had in mind. But if she wanted to get that ticket for Lincoln, then she'd just have to take the chance.
"What kind of conditions are you talking about?" She asked hesitantly.
"Oh, you'll see sister dear. You'll see."
-Later that evening.-
Mr. and Mrs. Loud were seated on the couch. With them were eight of their eleven children, all of whom were either seated on the couch itself, in their laps or just on the floor. Lucy stood before them all with Lincoln beside her thanks to their parent's permission to let him out of his room. Lynn was there as well, also with permission. There was a bit of tension in the air, Lincoln avoiding looking at his older sister.
"Can we get whatever this is over with?" he asked. "I'd rather be up in my room than standing around with her!"
Lynn flinched a little. The tone of her brother's voice was harsh. She really hoped that her idea was going to work. Because if it didn't, she would be dealing with Lincoln giving her the cold shoulder for who knew how long. And that idea really, really bothered her.
She shook her head to clear her thoughts and nodded to Lucy. The goth stepped forward to address the rest of their family, some of whom already had a good idea of what was going on. It was mostly Lincoln and their parents who were completely in the dark.
"First of all," Lucy began. "I wanted to just thank Mom and Dad again for letting both Lynn and Lincoln out of their rooms so we could gather here. As you may or may not have guessed, Lynn wants to apologize to Lincoln."
"Well it's about time." Rita said. "And I hope that it's better than the other apologies that he's gotten from you so far, young lady."
Lynn smiled nervously and nodded. She stepped forward and looked Lincoln in the eyes. But he immediately broke their eye contact and found interest in something on the floor, crossing his arms in a huff. That annoyed Lynn a bit, but she paid it no further mind. She didn't need him to look at her, only to listen.
"Okay, so I'm just coming out and saying it. I was a complete jerk. I was mean, selfish, stubborn, and totally out of line." She started, noticing many of her sisters nodding in agreement with her. Lincoln however continued to look away, even as she continued. "And I know that I deserved to get punished for what I did. Both by our parents, and by you too, Lincoln. I shouldn't have treated you so badly. You're my baby brother and I'm supposed to be there for you. Instead I was trying to drive you out of your mind just so I could get you to fight me again and prove a point that only I cared about. I ruined all your hard work this week. I made you miss out on something that meant a lot to you. I made you cry and I damaged something that you love a lot. Saying I'm sorry just once isn't enough. I could say it a million times and it still wouldn't be enough. But I am sorry little bro. I really, really am. And I have something to help prove it too. Here."
Lynn took something from her pocket and held it out to him. For the first time since she started to speak, he looked in her direction. Then he gasped, his jaw dropping. He gaped for a moment at the object in Lynn's hands before taking it from her, staring at it in awe.
"You got me another convention ticket? But how?"
"Clyde helped." Lynn explained. "He came by and got the money and ran off to Flip's. Then he rushed back so Lucy could get it for me. It's only fair that you should get a second chance to go."
"I'm still grounded, just like you, remember?" Lincoln pointed out.
"Right, I know. But I've got that covered too. Just a moment." Lynn said, turning to face their mother and father. Suddenly she threw herself down onto her knees and folded her hands in front of herself, bowing her head and pleading in an almost pathetic tone.
"You guys have got to let him go! It's not his fault that we got into a fight again! I was the one who kept asking for it! He just kicked my butt really, really hard because I kept pushing him! Please let him go! Please, please, please, please, please?!"
"Okay, okay! That's enough already Junior!" Lynn Sr. said. "I suppose we could maybe let him go. What do you think, Honey?"
"I agree that Lincoln should be allowed to go tomorrow. He did work all week just so he could go there today, so as far as I'm concerned we still owe him that much. But after that you'll still be grounded for fighting your sister again, alright Lincoln?"
Lincoln nodded eagerly. "That's fine with me! Totally fine! Thank you so much!"
The boy ran over to hug his parents one at a time. Once he was done, he turned to face Lynn again. The athlete smiled a little at him, glad that things worked out for him. But she did still feel guilty about everything.
"It's okay if you still need time to completely forgive me. I know that there's a lot I did that you might still be mad about, and that's totally okay. But, I hope you'll let me keep making things up to you. Just let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Anything at all. Sound good?"
"You know what Lynn? There is something I'd like you to do. Right now." Lincoln said.
"Sure. What is it?"
"Shut up and come over here." He said, opening his arms to offer her a hug.
Smiling a bit, Lynn ran forward an accepted the hug/Lincoln squeezed his sister tightly. He opened one eye to see his other sisters staring at them, all of them teary-eyed at the display.
"This is literally the sweetest thing I've ever seen" Lori said as Lucy handed her a tissue
Lisa pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose "Normally I don't care for inane human emotions but..."
Lisa buried her face in Leni's chest as she burst into tears.
"Just promise me one thing" Lincoln said
Lynn pulled away to look at him "Anything" she said
His face took on a sad and tired look as his eyes began to well up "Promise me you'll leave Bun Bun alone from now on?" he said "Please?"
She felt a sharp stab of guilt in her heart at the look on his face "I promise" she said as she shuddered at the memory of their fights "Believe me, for the sake of my butt I will never touch Bun Bun again"
And with that promise, Lincoln pulled her back into the hug
-The next day-
Lincoln scrambled out of his room in his Ace Savvy costume. Just barely missing stepping on Cliff, he ran down the stairs to the livingroom.
"I'm off to the convention" he called out" Be back later"
Just as he made his way over to the door, he looked behind him to see Lynn and Lola. Lola's tea set was on the table and her stuffed animals were set around it. Lynn's red shorts and jersey were gone, and it thier place was a black dress outline in white frills and lace.
She was dressed as a french maid holding a platter with a teapot on it
Lincoln snorted loudly as he struggled to hold in his laughter
"Hey guys" Lincoln said " your new look Lynn"
"So do I" Lola said "She makes almost as good a maid as you make a butler"She held out her teacup "More tea please"
Lynn refilled her cup as Lincoln's face reddened with supressed sighed
"Go ahead and laugh" she said "I have it coming"
"Hurry it up, Lincoln" Lori called from outside
Lincoln grabbed at the doorknob "See you guys later" he said
He ran outside, leaving Lynn to stare over at the door "Wow" she said "I was sure he was going to..."
A slighly muffled, but clear enough to be heard, burst of laughter came from outside as Vanzilla drove away.
"Never mind" Lynn said
Lola put down her teacup "Well now that he gone, why don't you make yourself useful and clean up his room for him" Lola said as she clapped her hands twice
Lynn shrugged "Ok then" she said
"Excuse me?" Lola said crossly
"I mean, yes Mistress Loud" Lynn said "At once"
"Much better" Lola said
Lynn left to head into Lincoln's room. She'd start by cleaning up anything that was just lying around and then she'd make his bed. From there she'd work her way through the rest of the room. Thankfully her brother's room was small enough that she wouldn't need long to tidy it up. Then it would be back to tending to Lola's whims for the rest of the day.
"Oh, and once you're done in there Lynn, you can come in and give me a foot massage."
The athlete turned maid cringed. On second thought, she'd be taking her sweet time with her brother's room. The longer, the better. To be safe she stripped his bed entirely so she could start from there. Even if it only bought her a few seconds, she'd still take it.
"Well, I'm not gonna lie. This stinks." She said as she laid down the mattress cover, stretching it over the corners of one side of the mattress. "But I guess I brought it on myself. With all of the stuff I did to my brother over this past week, I definitely deserve it. I shouldn't have gotten so mad over that first stupid fight anyway. Trying to get revenge wasn't worth it. All it did was get me into trouble, not to mention this stupid maid outfit."
"LYNN!" Lola shouted. "Did Linky give you permission to talk to his imaginary friends?!"
Lynn let out a heavy sigh. "No Mistress Loud. He didn't."
"Then quit yapping and get back to work!"
Lynn did as told. She finished setting down the rest of the bedspread and fluffed Lincoln's pillow. And as she turned to take on the next cleaning task, she felt something soft underfoot. Looking down she say two little bunny ears sticking out from under her toes and she immediately stepped back. She retrieved Bun Bun from the floor and carefully laid him down onto Lincoln's bed, checking carefully to make sure that the new stiching hadn't come loose. Finding nothing to be concerned with, she wiped the sweat from her brow and then tucked Bun Bun under Lincoln's blanket, propping the stuffed bunny's upper body against the pillow and then she whispered to him softly.
"Don't tell Lincoln, okay?"
The End.
This is been a great ride everybody
Twisteddarkness225 and I want to thank you for reading our story
Until the next collab
And believe me,there will be more
C u L8tr