Chapter 1


Group Chat: Voltron

(1:03) Lance: Guys I'm boreddd

(1:05) Keith: Lance wth

(1:05) Lance: Oh hey

(1:06) Katie: GUYS IT'S 1 IN THE MORNING!

(1:07) Hunk: Oh it is? That's weird

(1:10) Lance: Ah so you guys are up, perfect!

(1:11) Lance: Guys?

(1:12) Keith: What do you want?

(1:14) Lance: Well you see, I have been thinking about the dance, and I want to know if any of you know about a girl that likes me. Because uhhh Cindy said….

(1:15) Katie: Ha! He got turned down again. Keith, you owe me ten bucks!

(1:16) Keith: Ugg last time I make a bet on Lance.

(1:17) Lance: WTF you guys been placing bets?!

(1:18) Keith: It was Katie's idea

(1:19) Katie: Was not!

(1:20) Lance: Come on you guys focus, Do you know any girl that might like me?

(1:22) Hunk: Dude it's too late to think right now, if my mom finds out I've been texting she's going to kill me.

(1:22) Lance: But you're usually up until 3

(1:23) Keith: Eh

(1:24) Katie: If you're gonna stay up this late, at least do your homework.

(1:24) Lance: Nah, I'm talking to you guys! :D! I'm also reading a magazine

(1:25) Hunk: Of course you are!

(1:26) Lance: So any ideas?

(1:27) Katie: Nope, none. I need some sleep. I have a test tomorrow. Or, technically, today.


(1:29) Lance: LOL

(1:30) Shiro: What is this conversation even about? Go to bed!

(1:31) Lance: LOL

(1:32) Hunk: It's Lance's fault!

(1:34) Shiro: Lance, what did you do?

(1:35) Lance: I needed some help because Cindy was mean to me when I asked her, so now I don't have a guaranteed date. Did you guys ask anyone to the dance?

(1:36) Shiro: …

(1:37) Katie: I bet anyone ten bucks Cindy slapped him!


(1:38) Katie: Um… I got coffee instead.

(1:39) Lance: As soon as Shiro got on? Interesting :)

(1:39) Shiro: Lance, can this wait?

(1:40) Katie: Lance shut up!

(1:40) Hunk: I'm deleting my text messages

(1:41) Shiro: Katie go to bed, Hunk you too.

(1:42) Lance: So I don't have to?

(1:45) Shiro: Can it wait until morning?

(1:46) Lance: Fine. Where'd Keith go?

(2:15) Lance: ?

(2:16) Lance: ?

(2:17) Lance: Goodnight Keith

(2:18) Keith: ...

Chat: Shiro and Lance

(6:14) Lance: Morning Shiro

(6:15) Shiro: Yes Lance?

(6:16) Lance: So, do you know any pretty girls?

(6:17) Shiro: Let's talk about this at school.

(6:18) Lance: Well I meant pretty girls besides Katie

(6:19) Shiro: Ok…?

(6:20) Lance: Dude!

(6:22) Shiro: We should talk at school.

(6:23) Lance: Someone wants to see their secret crush! *sunglasses emoji*

(6:24) Shiro: For the last time, I'm not madly in love with Katie just because I bought her a frozen lemonade once.

(6:25) Lance: On a rainy day when you were study buddies!

(6:26) Shiro: I'll see you in History.

(6:27) Lance: Would you ask her out if she didn't dress like a potato?

(6:30) Shiro: I'm getting dressed and silencing my phone.

(6:30) Lance: Wear the black and white dress shirt, Katie likes that one! She agrees you look handsome in it!

(6:31) Lance: Hey. That's actually a pretty good idea.

(6:32) Lance: OOO MATCHMAKER LANCE! Good thing you silenced your phone because now you can't stop me!

Chat: Katie and Lance

(6:30) Lance: KATIE!

(6:30) Katie: WHAT!


(6:31) Katie: IDK YOU CREEP!


(6:32) Katie: YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT!


(6:34) Katie: Whatever.

(6:35) Lance: What are you wearing? Pretty please? :)

(6:36) Katie: If I tell you, will you shut up?

(6:36) Lance: Sure!

(6:37) Katie: Sweet! Jeans and a linty sweater, bye Lance

(6:38) Lance: AWW WHAT! Come back, that's not good enough

(6:42) Lance: Everyone keeps abandoning me :(

(6:42) Katie: To be fair, you made a deal with me

Group Chat: Cindy, Tara, Evelynn

(7:30) Cindy: Listen up girls, I need a plan to ask Shiro to the dance!

(7:31) Tara: Ohh he is hot… Is he on the football team?

(7:33) Cindy: Yeah, he's a total jock, but he has strange friends… remember when Loser Lance asked me out?

(7:34) Tara: Oh right! But Lance isn't that badd…

(7:35) Cindy: TARA! EW!

(7:36) Evelynn: You can always just ask Shiro out.

(7:36) Cindy: Idk

(7:38) Tara: There are rumors that someone else is asking Shiro.

(7:40) Evelynn: If you are talking about the nerd, she has no chance! Even Shiro's not stupid enough to ask her of all people. For one thing she has no taste in fashion… yesterday she basically came to school in ratty pajamas.

(7:41) Cindy: TRUE TRUE *laughter emoji*

(7:42) Evelynn: Oh I see you across the parking lot

(7:43) Cindy: K we'll talk in a sec

(7:45) Tara: I am running late, see you soon.

(7:49) Cindy: We will fill you in, I've got a plan to embarrass the nerd!

Chat: Lance and Matt

(8:25) Lance: Matt we need to have a talk!

(8: 30) Matt: I'm in class right now, how did you get my number?

(8:31) Lance: That does not matter… we need to talk about your sister!

(8:32) Matt: Leave Katie alone. She's not interested.

(8:33) Lance: What? No! Gross! I'm talking about her clothes.

(8:34) Matt: WHAT?!

(8:35) Lance: Well sometimes she dresses like a potato and I want her to match with Shiro!

(8:37) Matt: Why? That's so weird. And Shiro?

(8:38) Matt: Lance when did this happen?

(8:39) Lance: Lol nevermind

(8:40) Matt: Lance!

(8:41) Lance: Matt!

(8:42) Matt: My sister is too young to be dating!

(8:43) Lance: She's sixteen, bro.

(8:45) Matt: She's too young!

(8:46) Lance: I did not expect to be having this conversation. You've made this very awkward. I'm just going to leave now.

(8:48) Matt: Wh-?! Okay, whatever.

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