A/N: Hello, everyone! Sorry I've been missing for a bit. Got busy with school and work but I'm back. Make note that the I'm going to take down all the chapters and rewrite them. Down below is new content. Peace.

He stares soberly at the yellow stained ceiling and for a moment, just so faintly, he thinks of painting over it. His gaze traces over the curling swirls, and Severus glances over sharply to the half opened window when sharp pecking cuts through the silence of the still, humid room. He groans loudly and abruptly as he pushes himself up, startling the tawny speckled owl. It angirly hoots at him and he glares back in answer; he quickly grabs the letter, flicks a nut at her, and watches her as she flies away in a flurry of flustered wings.

Severus slams the window and flinches when the sharp clang sends a sharp jolt of pain though his temple; the sealed letter lies forgotten on the window ledge as he throws himself back into his cooling bed and burrows his head into the damp pillow. It's difficult to fall asleep - the weather is disgustingly set against him and any peace of life that he hopes to one day maintain.

Still, he pushes his head further into the pillow and hopes, to any higher power out there, that it suffocates him. Shit. Okay, he can't.

The room is stiflingly hot. Humid air coyly touches the corners of the dark room and eventually makes their lazy way across his warm and sweat damp back. He knows by now his hair must be matted down due to the wet heat and a persistent drop of sweat trickles down his back and in a huff of irritation, he blearily opens his eye so that only a black slit shows.

Severus contemplates laying in another hour but the sharp pain in his stomach and impending loss of bladder forces him to the restroom where he blearily does his daily ablutions. He throws on his tattered robe - he knows he needs to replace it, thank you, and trecks down the creaking stairs.

His kitchenette is spotless. Aside from the odd orange theme, but decidedly enough, he has neither the time or care to change it. Orange fridge, orange microwave, and orange stove. Really, not the most original but good old Eileen made it work.

Severus starts the brew and as the coffee is being made, he slowly makes his way through making his breakfast. Toasted bread, one grapefruit, and …

"No, no," he hisses into the empty jam jar. The jam was out. Absolutely not, he thought vehemently. He quickly sorts through his cabinet and to his absolute dismay, there seems to be a shortage of jam.

What an absolute disaster. Severus knows he's being dramatic but to run out of Surrey's finest jam was strife against the happiness of Severus Snape.

Preposterous. He can't just eat dry toast. He hurries upstairs, changes for the day and apparates off his property.

The sealed envelope of heavy paper flutters gently while on the window ledge. Addressed to future guardian of one Harry Potter.

A/N: All done! Chapter two will be much longer and have more content! I will post that update next week Friday. Keep an eye out!