[no one pov]
It was a beautiful morning five special kids first time to go to Regal Academy their names were Solar SnowWhite, Min-Ji Beast, Seth Rapunzel, Lys Frog, and Lunar Puss'N'Boots. Solar has hair that matched the sunshine with two sky blue strokes in it and has emerald eyes. Min-Ji had blue hair with green highlights and yellow eyes. Seth had dark purple hair with green ends and teal cat slit eyes. Lys has dark green hair with teal highlights and and lake blue eyes. Lunar has super light blond hair to the point it matches moonlight and midnight sky blue eyes with crimson-blood-red iris.
All of them were heading to the school. when they got their they went to the outside assembly waiting for Coach Ling-Ling, Art teacher Travis, Headmistress Astoria, Heroism teacher Hawk, Music teacher Rose, and Potion teacher Joy to have the teams picked.
[Lunar pov]
I am wearing the normal uniform outfit for the school though I added pants. I am a bit tired so when they call my name I don't walk up to the stage but I use my magic, moonlight magic, to carry me there. I see Solar my best friend and my crush since we were young. I see two boys and a girl already up here another girl one I'm well accounted with walks up her name Lys she is a good friend she helps me keep Solar's fan club away.
I say to Lys "Hi how you've been" she responds with my signature move the 'Bullet Hug' as a way to say 'good. I missed you.' I hug her back to tell I've been good too.
we stop hugging and I hug Solar saying "Hi Solar".
he hugs back "Hi Lunar it's nice to see you, how you've you been".
I say "you too and good, you" while thinking 'I would be better if I could tell you how I feel'.
Solar says "good".
[Solar pov]
I walk up to the stage and stood and I heard Lunar's name called I knew the three other kids, they're my friends, but Lunar is my best friend and my crush. she came up looking tired on a small disc of moonlight under her. then our friend Lys walked up here.
Lunar says to Lys "Hi how you've been" she responds with a hug. Lunar hugs her back.
They stop hugging and Lunar hugs me saying "Hi Solar".
I hug back "Hi Lunar it's nice to see you, how you've you been".
Lunar say "you too and good, you".
I says "good" while thinking 'I'd be even better if I could tell you I love you'.
[Lys pov]
I watch as my friends are called up to the stage. I see Lunar and Solar moving a bit closer to each other they probably don't realize it though. I am called and Lunar says to me "Hi how you've been" I respond with 'Bullet Hug' as a way to say 'good. I missed you!' and to get her even closer to Solar. She hugs me back to tell she's good too.
we stop hugging then she hugs Solar saying "Hi Solar".
he hugs back "Hi Lunar it's nice to see you, how you've you been".
she says "you too and good. you?".
Solar says "good".
I think 'I've heard them both talk about liking each other so why can't they just see the other likes them a tell each other they love each other. well least they'll see each other more.'. I mentally sigh at both the cuteness and the annoyance of it.