Summary: Will everyone be in place when the curtain rises?

Nico had her closet open and Maki was lying on her bed, barely covered by a sheet, hanging off the side, enjoying an upside down view of Nico in her slip. Nico was vibrating with excitement, humming, happy, a quick fresh shower having invigorated her.

"Wear something warm." Maki suggested, her arms stretched out, waving fingers at a smirking Nico.

"Nico didn't realize you knew that was a thing, pretty girl."

Maki rolled up, distracting Nico only for the briefest of moments before she turned back to the vitally important issue of which little black dress to receive compliments and awed praise while wearing. Then something soft whumped into her face, and she felt the pillow fall at her feet. Nico snorted, "Don't you have a date to dress for?"

"I'm fast." Maki flipped so she was on her stomach, any sheet or clothing covering option totally ignored. Nico pulled out her bathrobe and tossed it in Maki's direction, "If you're going to drool over…

"I'm not…"

Nico rolled her eyes and continued, "If you're going to drool over Nico in lingerie, at least cover those curves. Nico has a busy night." Nico swivelled, pounced at the bed, crouched, arms on either side of Maki, nose to nose with the suddenly flustered, blinking madly, not up to Nico's level of game redhead, "Plus, Nico recently paid very close attention to you."

Maki continued to be fascinated by the way the thrill and presence of Nico's lanced through every other sensation she could get off Nico, a core of mutual want they kept layering and texturing more levels of…

Nico bumped Maki's nose, to get the werewolf to refocus on the conversation and not just drift aimlessly through whatever olfactory clues she was picking up from Nico. Maki whined slightly, then her eyes locked onto Nico's slightly scolding glance, recent sexiness still smoldering like the chips of neon green, banked down to be revived later. Nico shook her head, now she was getting distracted.

Maki grinned, full fanged, and then kissed Nico with an overly dramatic noisy smack, "Wear anything. People will be so impressed by Mina they won't even notice."

Nico dropped her fuzzy bathrobe over Maki as she sat herself on the bed, next to her never clothed in the bedroom girlfriend. Nico nearly crossed her arms with a side of discouraging scowl, but Maki was gazing up at her with such open, adorable goofiness that she decided to side step the opening for teasing and untangle a few tousled clumps of silky mane, "Nico's so excited. This show is going to be amazing. You did so well, pretty girl, helping Kashima almost sing."

Maki snort laughed. Kashima was managing to not cause the entire orchestra to wince in pain, but it was a very near thing. Fortunately, all the audience would be hearing in their heads was Nico's final solo, a soaring triumph of hope cresting over loss.

"They'll only remember you." Maki body hopped into Nico.

"That's the plan." Nico let her hand linger across the length of Maki's back one more time before practical, professional Nico took over. Maybe Maki was right and warm was a good idea. That would help narrow down the dress choice and Nico suddenly knew what she wanted her post curtain TWIG feed to feature. A ribbed dark charcoal dress with a cowl neck that fell nicely forward. Warm, stylish, mature, eye catching and she had a sexy set of black tiger stripe tights that Maki would probably find irresistibly eye catching. Nico grabbed it off the rod, but then paused, with the dress in front of her, eyeballing Maki suspiciously.

"What?" Maki sat up, Nico's robe wrapped around her as best she could, which meant barely hanging on a shoulder and completely open in the front.

Nico shook her head, "Never mind."

"What? Tell me?" Maki bounded up, nearly leaving the robe behind her, to loom over Nico.

"Nico just wondered if you ever use your eyes instead of your nose."

Maki whiffled her face through Nico's hair, completely rendering Nico's post shower coiffure tending irrelevant, "" embarrassed werewolf now had her chin driving into Nico's shoulder "every way, every sense."

"Good." Nico dislodged the clingy girlfriend and pulled the form fitting dress over her head, "Time for you to go, pretty girl. We both have a busy night."

"Yeah." Maki grumbled, head hanging a bit low.

"Hey," Nico put her hands on Maki's forearm, "This is very exciting for me. You're the one person Nico really wants to be there tonight." Nico didn't know how to explain that, the feeling that Maki, the woman she loved, the woman she'd opened up to, the woman who made her feel like she could achieve anything, would be there, eyes locked on the stage, paying attention to every nuance. It took Nico's normal opening night champagne levels of fizz and boosted it to a nearly illegal high. And watching the neon glow steadily pulse in Maki's eyes as Nico's lips brushed against hers, Nico knew Maki understood.


Not hushed, backstage is never hushed until the audience is allowed in, but efficient quiet chatter reigned as stagehands checked set and prop placement, light and sound cues were doublechecked, and actors began to arrive. A giggle here and there, but surrounding the stage, there was a bubble of intensity that left the hubbub of happy, nervous extroverts in the green room. Ninety minutes until audience arrival and everyone was a little early. Forty five minutes to fight call. Ten minutes to dance warmups. Eli found herself pacing, the half lit contours of the stage suddenly strange. She was in her warmup gear, white leotard, powder blue tights. A bright spot in the middle of Transylvanian winter...Nozomi paused at the lightboard, ignoring Shalin for a minute, to watch as Eli paced back and forth, head down, hands wringing out something in front of her, ponytail bobbing back and forth with the slight movements of her head.

"I'm still a little worried about the manuals. Erena was tweaking the timing until last night." Shalin muttered.

Shalin waited, not certain of what the designer or director had left things with so many last minute changes. Now that Erena had resigned from the show and from what anyone could tell left school, along with Anju and Tsubasa, Nozomi was the go to for lighting questions. Which was fine, Nozomi had always had a strong vision and Erena's absence just let her tweak things to be more in tune with her aesthetic. Asuka hadn't mentioned anything yet. But in costumes, Kotori was in a fluttery panic, Umi and Honoka had offered to help, but Umi refused to set foot in dressing rooms and Honoka was too easily distracted. Free after the cues were all finalized and the show began its run, Nozomi had volunteered to take Tsubasa's place on the set crew, but maybe she should switch with Umi...give her a night to get familiar with the show, let her take over tomorrow, and then Nozomi could help Kotori. But first, Shalin's question.

"Let's run the storm…" Nozomi started, then caught sight of Eli again. "Oh wait, please, Shalin. Just pull up the cue. I need to take care of something before we actually try out the timing."

Shalin nodded, her fingers typing instructions while Nozomi headed to the stage.

"Eli-chi?" Nozomi called softly as she approached the front of the stage and Eli's head snapped up, a small smile at the sight of her fiancée.

"Hi, Nozomi! When did you get here?"

Nozomi shrugged, "We need to run a cue before your warm ups so you might want to head backstage."

Eli looked puzzled.

"It's the storm."

Eli paled.

Nozomi smiled encouragingly. "Do me a favor and tell Kotori I can help her after I settle Shalin a bit. And if you see Umi tell her I want to talk to her."

"Why?" Eli didn't know Umi well but she could picture the dubious look at that request.

"I want Umi to learn Tsubasa's job but she's going to have to assist me for a night."

Eli shook her head, blue eyes amused, "Good luck convincing her it's not some kind of trap."

"I have only the best interests of the show at heart." Nozomi put her most sincere attitude, hand dramatically clasped to heart, "Umi will sense my intent."

Eli, hand on hips, leaned forward as she chuckled, "I'll run your messages, Nozomi."

Nozomi winked, "There's a tip in it."

Eli waved, "You might not have anything left after you get my bill."


Kashima. Kotori closed her eyes and focused on the aesthetics as Dracula loomed, reflection very apparent in the mirror. Kashima was fussing with her cuffs now, her collar being left for another time, probably when Kotori had five repairs to make.

"The cufflinks weigh down my arms."

Kotori stepped closer as Kashima swooped her arms up, so close to Kotori's nose she squeaked, startled. But with a quick inhale, Kotori the charmer was back.

"The look is so dashing." Kotori's hands adjusted the shirt over Kashima's shoulders, smiling up at the actress.

"True." Kashima contemplated the effect in the mirror, baring her fangs, swooshing her hands in front of her, above Kotori, as if hypnotizing herself, "But what if we went without them?" Kashima reached for her left wrist but Kotori was faster, hand wrapped around the cuff so hard she could feel the cufflinks cutting into her palm. Kotori yanked Kashima's arm down.

"There are no changes." Kotori's voice was soft, but Honoka, sitting in a corner playing a game on her phone, glanced up, putting the phone away. "This is the look I decided works for Dracula."

"But, Kotor…"

"There are no changes." Kotori repeated, voice a little louder, words a little faster.

"Hey, Kashima, where's your jacket? Do you need me to go get it for you?" Honoka leaned over the chair behind Kashima, her reflection smiling from the mirror. "Or maybe you could show me where you hang your clothes so I can have them ready for your change?"

"That's a great idea, Honoka." Eli agreed as she stepped into the room, "Oh Kotori, Nozomi wanted me to tell you she can help when she finishes checking the storm timing."

"Oh that's sweet." Kotori's face relaxed, "She can help me with repairs. Everything's tearing."

"It's the extra weight." Kashima intoned, holding her arm out and letting her wrist drop toward the floor while glaring accusingly at her French cuffs.

Kotori's eyes narrowed. Honoka took that as a cue to shove Kashima into the hallway, "We'll be back Kotori. I'm gonna find Umi."

"Okay, Honoka." Kotori sighed.

Eli turned to watch Honoka's progress with removing Kashima from the room before something crashed into her pompaded coif. "It's almost too bad Chantal didn't let Nico hit Kashima with a real sword."

"Yeah." Kotori nodded, stabbing a pin into a lapel.


Opening Night. Closing the backstage door behind her, the rush hit Nico, her excitement surging even higher. Chantal was hurrying down the hall, black turtleneck and skirt, clipboard under her arm, but she paused to greet Nico.

"You're early. I thought I owed you a nap."

Nico twirled, "Nico is a professional. And I need to try the quick change again, after Kotori made adjustments."

Chantal flashed the Vulcan blessing, "Just be ready and on time for vocal warm ups. Conductor's flipping out a bit. I think she's been having Kashima nightmares."

"Nico will keep Kashima on key." Nico chuckled, "by pure willpower if necessary."

"You know, I think you could. Break a leg, Nico, just not Kashima's."

"Thanks, Chantal. Make sure you don't miss any of Nico's light cues."

Chantal shook her head, "You're laser focused, aren't you. We're not all just here for you, you know."

Nico's half shrug was a study in modest disbelief, "Tell yourself whatever you want, but Nico's what they're going to remember."

Chantal continued on her backstage ramble with an amused nod, not wanting to fuel Nico's ego any further by telling the junior how right she was about what was looking like the breakout performance of the decade. After last night, chatter about Nico's performance was outpacing chatter about Kashima's curtain call prank, although Chantal was sure several TWIG posts about it had been mysteriously deleted, based on comments made by a few members of the cast.

Maki knew she shouldn't have left it this long. And yet here she was, in a small clothing boutique, behind schedule, with nothing to wear that would impress Nico. And she needed to run home before going to the theatre. PROBABLY. There was a florist nearby. And she'd already stopped by the jeweler to pick up the earrings she'd ordered for Nico.

A saleswoman, about Nico's height, came up to her, "Hi. Can I help you?"

Maki sighed. Time to get some assistance. "I need an outfit…"


"Opening night." Maki stood a little taller, "My GIRLFRIEND'S got two solos." How long ago had it been that Nico had excitedly been explaining the concept of 'thrall' to Maki, unaware that Maki was the 'Princess' she'd christened the night before? A different lifetime almost, Maki thought, compared to her current easy habit of rolling off Nico's bed in human form and hitting the floor with four paws, while Nico giggled, reaching to grab her for a hug.

"Well," brown eyes took in Maki's current outfit of hoodie and shorts, "You're obviously not bothered by the cold and we just got an eye catching asymmetrical pleather skirt in."

Nico liked Maki in shorts so a skirt would probably be the right choice for grabbing her attention.

"And there's this to go with it, it's a different kind of sweatshirt." Stepping to a display, the saleswoman offered Maki a shoulderless heather gray top with overlong sleeves that laced loosely up to the elbow. "But it's a sexy way to keep the sporty in your outfit."

Maki nodded, eyes gleaming a little, nose picking up interest from the woman helping her, whether in her or the sale, Maki wasn't sure.

"Why don't you try it on? See if you like how it feels?" Maki took the offered hanger as the saleswoman continued, "I'll grab the skirt and bring it back to the dressing room. What are you, a 10?"

"Huh?" Maki frowned, didn't she just mention she had a GIRLFRIEND.

"Your size."

"Oh," Maki relaxed, her hackles flattening, "Medium."

"Okay, I'll bring you an 8 and a 10 to try."



The dressing room was starting to fill, actors in various stages of prepared for the first act. Nico was checking her night gown. Kotori was supposed to repair it yesterday, the hem had come undone and was getting ragged.


Nico whirled, to see Eli striding toward her, "I've got vocal warm ups in a minute, Eli."

"I know. We just finished ours. Have you seen Umi?"

"No. Dressing room's probably the last place to look." Nico rehung her nightgown, happy with the repair, "Why do you need her?"

"Nozomi wants..."

"No." Nico crossed her arms in a 'do not pass' gesture.

Eli sighed, "It's to help Kotori. Nozomi wants Umi to take over set duties…"

"So Nozo can help with costumes...not a bad idea." Nico acknowledged, stepping out of her dress.

"Just tell Umi that."

"Nope. Nico is a busy woman." Nico was happy Kotori hadn't insisted on corsets. Breathing freely was so important to performance. "Your bedroom buddy is on her own there."

"Fiancée." Eli corrected, flashing the crystal and silver ring at Nico with a fox eats Nico sized canary grin Nozomi would have been proud of.

Nico ignored Eli, who headed for the stage, planning to grab Umi if she passed her.


Dr. Nishikino was handing his wife her coat when their only child came tearing through the door. He veronica-ed the coat like a bullfighter as Maki charged past him, carrying shopping bags.

"Maki, you're late." Dr. Nishikino the chider stated as she retrieved into her coat, rolling her eyes at her husband.

"Five minutes." The racing werewolf panted at her mother.

Dr. Nishikino's voice went high, as did her judgier eyebrow, "I thought Nico's list said '30 minutes before curtain.'"

"Be nice." Maki's father pulled his wife in for a quick embrace.

He felt the shrug. "Punctuality is an attractive trait."

"So I've heard." Dr. Nishikino glanced at the watch his wife had given him many years ago after he was nervous and late to their first anniversary date. "Maki, your mother and I will wait for you."

"Thanks, Papa" was shouted from the upstairs.


In the wings. One step away, one moment...poised, Nico could hear the audience breathing, shifting, rustling, their talk fading as the lights did. The orchestra began the overture. As the opening notes for each song played, blending together, the scenes flashed through Nico's mind, Nico aware of every word, every angle, every connection that she could use to leverage the audience members forward, under Nico's thrall for a night, tilting toward the stage, each one caught in Mina's struggle, to be freed by the triumph of actor and art. The lights darkened, the music stilled, and there was Mina, striding forward, ALIVE for this night, this audience, sharp, smart, loving, brave, vital. Ready to cheer friend and face foe, as yet unaware of the storm approaching. Nico let that joy, that optimism fill her as Lucy stepped out from stage right, letter in hand, Mina joining the scene from stage left, Nico's voice rising, amused, self deprecating, then twisting around the roots of worry over Jonathan. What shadow would Transylvania cast on their future?

"My dearest Lucy,

Forgive my long delay in writing, but I have been simply overwhelmed with work. The life of an assistant schoolmistress is sometimes trying. I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air..."

The lines from Lucy's reply had haunted Nico for a week or two as she tried to make sense of Mina, to find Mina's strengths in herself, to find the place where fear could never break either of them.

"Do you ever try to read your own face?"

There were no secrets left in Nico's mirror. All the discoveries possible were here, on the stage, in front of an audience anticipating wonders. And there, breathing in possibility, speaking out magic, Nico ventured, to dare much for Mina's sake.

A/N: Hello, my name is...well, surely you know by now, and I am addicted to the casualness of Casual Lunacy, which surely also you know ; )

An after party is planned, although a Christmas treat or two may delay its arrival.

I could write a book's worth of poems about how grateful I am for your patience, support, questions, answers, puns, comments, et alia. Casual Lunacy has kept me on track through 18 of my more difficult months and I am thankful for your company.

Drop me a Christmas song in the comments, it's making a playlist time ; )