Hi guys! This is A G Wicked and Dusk19, creating our final chapter of our Ice Age crossover story

I hope you enjoy our story :D

Ice Age (C) Blue Sky Studios

Our Story and our separate OCs belong to both A G Wicked and Dusk19 ;)


Prologue: The Lycan Witch

It's strange how magic is a mystical subject that has been questioned for thousands of years, yet there is little support in the world to prove such power. Magic can be controlled and used by humans since the dawn of time, but even the biggest question is how could an animal possess such abilities?

In an unknown island surrounded by mist down below the underground ruins, there was once a human tribe that practiced voodoo and sorcery beyond the world's belief. The tribe was killed off by either animals or humans as it remains unknown to this day, but lurking in the shadows lived a giant female wolf with snow-like fur and black marks of a spider on her back.

Her name was Robithia, a wolf whose owner was once the powerful chief of his tribe who conquered dark magic which is now strangely inherited to Robithia herself. She was known as the Lycan Witch to the other animals of the island that never even dared to step foot inside the abandoned underground ruins, and that was how she liked it and she kept it that way.

The Lycan Witch was soon approached by a trio of other wolves who were her assistances. The leader of the trio was Brute, a dark grey color wolf with green eyes who was the typical smart guy. Next was the only female wolf of the trio Edna, the purple-furred wolf was somewhat loyal to the trio for a reason despite her rebellious nature especially to the two males of the trio and her master, Robithia. And last and somewhat least to Robithia is the crazy runt of the trio, Rax. Nothing much was about the light grey-furred wolf except for the fact he was completely bonkers.

Robithia emerged from the shadows and hissed at the trio with, "Is it true?"

The trio looked at one another uneasily before Brute stepped forward and confessed, "It is our sad duty to report that the rumors are true. Your children, Ripper and Carlotta along with her lover Victor, are murdered."

Robithia made no movement, but the atmosphere grew darker by the shifting glare of the Lycan Witch as she growled, "Who dares murder my children?! Who killed my only bloodline of the Lycan clan?!"

"According to what we've learned, they were separately killed by two creatures who called themselves The Fire King and The Dinosaur Hunter," Brute explained.

"Sounds pretty foolish if you ask me," Edna scoffed.

"Silence!" Robithia angrily exclaimed to the female wolf.

"Ha! You got told off!" Rax mocked Edna.

"Shut up you idiots or she'll kill us where we stand!" Brute angrily hissed at the others.

"I knew something was amiss when I felt a surge of my power fading away...I was hoping this would never happen to my clan. Well...let those fools who dared to murder my children best pray I do not find them because their hour has come," Robithia evilly growled before she turned to the trio and asked, "Where were those mammals located?"

"According to your weird shadow birds, they said that the mammals that killed your children along with Victor are located on an island nearby deep underground in this place known as the Dinosaur World," Brute explained.

"Dinosaurs? I thought those freaky things were extinct," Edna said in confusion.

"A Dinosaur World, you say? Interesting..." Robithia said while puzzled a bit, stroking her chin with her paw.

"Oh, we almost forgot! We caught a guy!" Rax joyfully exclaimed.

"What was that?" Robithia demanded.

"What Rax means is that your creatures had found a mammal that was on the ledge with your children and may have information about our new enemies," Brute explained.

"Is that so now? Good, because I can use all the assistance for this point," Robithia replied with a nod.

"Good luck getting something out of that freak though," Edna snorted.

"And just what do you mean by that, young lady?" Robithia firmly hissed.

"The guy is ugly as hell!" Rax laughed.

"Shut up, Rax!" Brute growled at the crazy wolf before he cleared his throat and said to his mistress, "The problem is that this thing is badly injured and might be near his deathbed."

Robithia glared on at the trio before she soon used her voodoo magic to bring though her shadow birds into the underground ruins with the victim all bloody and covered in dirt as they dropped the creature before the Lycan Witch.

"Yeesh! Talk about ugly!" Edna reacted in disgust.

Robithia soon looked at the trio and said,

"My fellow wolves, we've now come to this. Our clan has been destroyed and my children are dead...I hereby call for justice and revenge on the ones we have lost. We will find those who dared to cross with the likes of me and we shall kill them all one-by-one until justice prevails."

"We are with you till the end," Brute bowed before Robithia.

"I like doing revenge," Rax giggled as he bowed down as well.

Edna looked on at Robithia before she coldly said, "I'm only doing this for Ripper and no one else..."

"Be that as it may for I must regain my strength and train myself to be stronger again. It's been so long since I've trained my powers to its finest glory and with this...creature at my paws, I can avenge my fallen children and show those who cared for this Fire King and Dinosaur Hunter what it is like to live in darkness," Robithia evilly declared before she used her power to heal the injured creature.

Soon, the creature was awoken and he rose up on its feet before it growled, "Where am I?!"

"Welcome, my friend. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Robithia, the Lycan Witch..." Robithia responded with an evil grinned.


What happens next?

Stay tuned to find out!