The 100

Ai Skaigada

The Full Summary:

Sentenced to death when she reaches 18, her only saving grace is being sent to the ground the day before her birthday with 99 other teen prisoners but even with the odds stacked against her thanks to familial ties – however she finds herself in deeper danger when she is captured by the Grounders and brought before their leader, the strong will of the teen seems to win more than just the favor of the commander it seems…but can she really survive in this new world? (OC x Lexa)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with the 100 franchise – (I only own a few OCs such as my main character, Dani)


Had she been here for three months or three years? She knew the answer already - but in truth it really felt like the latter.

The day had started out just as any other did in this tiny cell she often thought of as her own personal hell, the punishment she was subjected to until the day she was to finally reach her 18th birthday and with that a worse thing would await her, since she'd been tried as an adult for her crimes but the punishment had to wait for her to be of age – she would be 'floated', a term commonly used for the act of taking said prisoner to the airlock and opening it allowing the prisoner to be ejected into space.

It was a fear that haunted her on a pretty regular basis.

For 97 years now, the remains of the human race had sought refuge in space after a worldwide nuclear meltdown swept the Earth making it pretty uninhabitable, 12 nations sent stations into space filled with those they could save whilst billions perished in the radiation soaked world, as years passed by the stations would slowly be melded into one large one that had come to be called 'The Ark', however, to live on this station you had to adhere by strict rules where even the smallest crime such as theft could get you killed if you were or over the age of 18, those under the age would be kept in a juvenile prison most had come to call the 'Skybox' since it housed the so-called delinquents, most of whom were in there for menial crimes such as: theft, vandalism or even just answering back to the guards – but even with this there were dangerous ones who deserved to be there with crimes such as murder or attacking someone with the intentions to kill them.

With this being the case, 17-year old Daniella 'Dani' Williams had been in the 'skybox' for just over three months ever since the guards had busted up that illegal fight ring down in the lower decks of engineering, unfortunately for her, she had been taking an active part in such an event with her being one of the fighters duking it out at the time – the worst part? Her father, who just so happened to be the local Councilman had attended the arrest only to find his daughter having the cuffs slapped on her wrists as she was taken away, soon her fighter handle of 'Dynamite Dani' was little more than a memory and her new name would become 'Prisoner 328' as she settled in her new accommodation.

In the 105 days that she'd been in the juvenile detention sector, she had only seen her father once and that was when she'd been in there for two days, he'd not held back at all on telling her just how disappointed he was in her – and if that wasn't bad enough, he then went on to say how her mother would also be just as furious as he was, after he'd had his say it was like he was disinterested in hearing the teen's side of things as he left her to sit in her cell hurt and angry...

That being said, it probably didn't help her case when she busted that guard's jaw after he bad-mouthed her mother who had died just two years beforehand, Dani had socked him right in the mouth when he made the remark that her mother was very popular with most of the male guards on the station, especially when it came to getting just what she wanted, after hitting him just once, the anger began pouring out over her father leaving her here and with that she just kept hitting him over and over – and voilà! Her current situation wrapped up in a nutshell, the committee had ruled her as a danger due to her aggression and if she was to go off at someone again then maybe the next person may not be so lucky, it had taken three guards to pry her off of the one she'd beaten the crap out of for disrespecting her mother's memory, he was lucky to have still been breathing let alone eating food without the aid of a tube after she was done with him – for this, she was to be floated on her eighteenth without review.

Time had passed slowly since then, she had tried to keep her mind and body occupied by either reading the books she'd found under the mattress of the bed within her cell or exercising in the limited space, these were the only things keeping her from going insane since she had no one to talk to, even the guards who came to drop off her daily ration of food and water remained silent, she truly felt alone for possibly the first time in her life and though she'd never easily admit it, that scared her more than anything and someday very soon when her birthday approaches, she will die alone too.

Well, that's what she thought anyhow.

Today the prison station had sounded rather lively for once, a chorus of raised voices had caught her attention while she tried to at least grab a couple of hours sleep, with that precious moment now ruined she decided to just get up and get her shoes on for the day ahead, she wandered barefoot across the cold and hard concrete floor dressed only in the navy blue long-sleeved t-shirt and black cargo pants that they had brought her here in, reaching for the hair band on her wrist she tied back her long medium brown locks back into a loose pony tail, she grabbed her socks and pulled them on before she slipped her shoes on and bent down to tie them, though it was only as she reached for the canteen of water by the wall that the strangest thing happened…

The calming darkness of her cell was suddenly illuminated with the bright lights above forcing the 17-year old to squint briefly and look around towards the door as she heard the distinctive clunk of the lock being undone moments after the blinding light had momentarily disorientated the tired teen, the door was pulled open and two figures dressed in black guard uniforms entered the room one was a male carrying a large metal case and setting it on table near her while the other was a familiar face but no more friendly than the other who had been a deathly serious expression, the second to enter was a girl and someone that Dani thought she knew.

"AJ?" the teenage prisoner uttered hoarsely her voice scratchy from lack of use, she stood looking at the guard who approached her with an air of surprise to see a familiar face "What are…" she began but was cut off by the slightly older girl, a slender-figured redhead with her hair tied back into a tight bun while her deep blue eyes looked at the younger brunette with a poker-faced expression the them.

"Quiet and face the wall, prisoner 328…" she said with the typical guard-like authority in her tone silencing the stunned teen who seemed to let out a sigh and complied to the order, she turned and faced the wall with her hands down beside her and in full view of the two guards, she didn't want to give them any reason to pull the batons from their belts and shock her for some dumb decision, she was all too familiar with the sting those things carried but even still she couldn't help glancing over her shoulder, looking at the female guard who was much closer to her age than the male one who looked to be in his late thirties or early forties, again she heard the red-head speak with the same tone she'd used before "…eyes front, now…" she ordered her making the teen turn her head back towards the wall.

The girl's name was Amy 'AJ' Jensen and to say she and Dani were close would be an understatement, in fact the redhead was her former girlfriend who chose her career over the imprisoned teen, the one who had ended things almost a month before Dani had been sent down for the underground fighting charge, it was also the first time she'd seen her since watching her leave her cabin after a blazing row but in three months of solitary confinement, it was good to see a friendly face even if it didn't really seem that friendly after all.

"Right…sorry, ma'am…" the teen huffed emphasizing the last part as she shook her head and kept her eyes on the wall in front of her, the whitewashed surface had a series of deep scratches in a tally chart like style as though they were counting something, in fact they had actually been counting each day that had passed her by in the form of two guard visits for food and water a day, on the wall there was one-hundred and five scratches in uniformed blocks of four lines followed by a dash through them for the fifth mark.

"Drop the attitude and hold out your right arm…" she ordered giving the brunette a chance to do as she was told for once.

"Why? Is it time?" she asked now feeling slightly worried as she glanced over her shoulder once more, she now looking for answers from the redhead no matter what trouble she would get into for disobeying them "Tell me…please…" she uttered but instead of speaking, AJ reached down and grabbed her wrist tightly lifting it up as the other guard had prepped one of the large metal bracelet like devices, he handed it to AJ who promptly placed it around Dani's wrist and closed it, with this came a sharp piercing pain flooded her wrist on both sides "Ah fuck…what the hell is that?!" she winced as the burning feeling was left after a few moments.

"Quiet…" she was told by the redhead whose eyes showed a flicker of guilt at the pained look of the brunette.

"Fuck that, what the hell was-" the teen hissed as she turned now holding her stinging wrist, an angered look in her own eyes but she was cut off by the other guard speaking up.

"She told you to shut the hell up, 328…" the male guard growled at the blatant disrespect the teen was showing to the orders she was given, though just as the brunette was about to say something back the redhead looked at her and shook her head before looking back at the older guard.

"Darnell, can ya give us a few minutes?" she asked him and saw a skeptical look cross his expression but soon followed with a sigh as he nodded.

"Fine, you have three minutes…no more than that or it's both our asses, Jensen" he told her and with that he turned towards the door and outside of the cell as he left them to talk as he stood keeping watch on the balcony.

Once he was gone, Dani looked at AJ and saw a visible change in her posture like the pretense of her being the guard had dropped for now, the girl she once knew and loved was back for the moment but she still couldn't be sure as the teen stood rooted to the spot, her dark brown eyes narrowing slightly as she watched the redhead sit back against the edge of the table.

"So…am I talking to AJ or Guard Jensen?" she asked raising a slight eyebrow as she saw the older girl sigh.

"It's me, Dani…now what do you want to know?" she responded the authority gone from her tone for the moment as she lifted a hand to brush a strand of her scarlet hair behind her ear "Hurry up, I can't keep Darnell at bay for long…" she told her taking note of the attitude that had seemed into the teen's posture and tone of voice.

"Fine…" the girl shrugged thinking of the first question to ask "…am I being floated?"

"No, things have changed…" the older girl responded straight out.

"What things?" Dani asked as this now had her interest peaked, she saw AJ shake her head for a second a sigh departing her lips as though she was trying to find the answer.

"I can't say too much, mainly because it's classified and they've not told us all that much…" the guard explained with a shrug looking down at the ground for a second, pausing as she tried to find the words before her cobalt blue eyes looked back up at the girl "… but rumor has it that they think Earth might be safe to return back to, only they need the proof… and that is where you and the other prisoners fit in to all of this" she told her as she saw the realization settle into her ex's features.

Were they for real about this? Sending the teens down to the ground? A radioactive hellhole, which still apparently needed another hundred years to be survivable again?

Were they crazy?

"More like they need Guinea pigs…" the girl grumbled but as it sank in leaving a nervous feeling in her gut as she looked at her "…what if it's bogus? If things are still glowing down there?" she asked her, a hint of fear in her tone at the thought of being sent down to a potentially still radioactive planet and remembering reading about the likes of radiation poisoning and it's effects "I'll die…we'll all fucking die…" she could the nerves tighten even more in her gut at the thought of this.

"Look at it this way - what do you have to lose?" AJ asked with a small sigh before looking at her watch "If this chance wasn't on the plate, eight hours from now I would be walking you down to the air lock…" she told her trying to ease the bluntness of her reply without adding insult to injury "…and you'd be dead either way…" she added with a hint of regret in her tone, it was clear to see that the girl was scared of what was to happen to her and the rest of the kids in this block but this was out of her power, AJ was just two years older than Dani and at one point she was a hair's width from ending up in this place when she was under 18 but a friend had covered for her and took her place – the only thing is, that friend had fell past the age line and subsequently ended up getting floated, now she was looking at someone she knew who could well have suffered the same fate.

"Getting floated would be quicker…" the teen shrugged "…I'd rather not be puking out my own vital organs or mutating into a freak of nature…" she added as all kinds of gruesome thoughts passed through her mind, she watched as the older girl stood up from the desk now shaking her head hearing all this.

"Don't be so morbid…" she told her with a sigh as she glanced over at the door briefly before saying a little more quietly "…if the planet is safe, you'll still be alive, right?...think of it this way, a second chance? Freedom from this place?" she added trying to make her see the bigger picture and with that, sh saw the thought ticking over in the brunette's expression while her dark brown eyes were looking down at the device on her wrist, AJ followed her glance down at the bracelet and sighed slightly "Sorry about that…" she said nodding towards the bracelet "…I didn't want to hurt you but those things have a bite to them it seems…" she admitted while rubbing the back of her neck.

The girl looked down at the device and traced her fingers over it but with that came the dull pain of the embedded spikes that sank into her flesh when it was attached to her, she winced a little and took her hand away from the device.

"Its fine…just hurts a little, now…" she said with a shrug while looking back at AJ "what does it do anyway?" she asked curious as to what the redhead knew about all this.

"I don't really know…maybe it monitors your vitals…perhaps even a tracker?" she shrugged looking at the others in the case before returning her gaze to the other girl who seemed to still be very nervous about what was coming "You can do this…no matter what's waiting down there, you're one of the toughest people I know…" she told her with an almost heartfelt tone it had finally began sinking into her that this was potentially the last time she'd ever see her and despite everything she still cared for her in some degree it seemed.

A small but forced smile seemed to cross her thin lips as she looked at Dani for the moment, though this seemed slightly awkward for the most part because they'd gone from breaking up four months ago to being at this point of their first and possibly last time seeing one another, to Dani it was good just to see a slightly reassuring face now rather than just another guard who treated her like crap.

"Thanks…I appreciate that at least one person gives a shit about me, more than the old man…"

"He's not been to see you?" AJ asked curiously since she'd often seen him near the prison but never inside.

"Nope, not since a few days after they locked me up here" Dani shook her head and sighed as the muscles in her jaw tightened a little "I guess he's got better things to be doing…he made it clear that he's ashamed of me" she told her now looking down at the ground.

"Maybe there's something stopping him?" the older girl asked trying to offer a different thought instead of the possible suspicion that he had disowned her.

"That would be his pride…" the girl answered bluntly being no love-loss between her and the councilman father of hers for the time being "…why do you think I've always gone by 'Williams' and not 'Kane'?" she asked her giving her food for thought, she saw a small nod as the redhead mulled it over for a moment but as she went to continue there was a sound of footsteps and soon a figure entered the room, Darnell was back and their time for talking was up.

There was a slight regret that the teen felt as she wanted to say more but knew that now AJ would be just another guard again, she looked at her and nodded for a moment telling her that it was alright and that she knew she had a job to do, the small look back at her turned back to a guard's one as she heard Darnell speak up.

"It's time, say your goodbyes and get her ass out to the dropship…" he ordered the junior guard who looked back at him with a nod as she cleared her throat and then looked to Dani.

"I know this doesn't really mean much from me…" she began the tone softened slightly "…but… good luck down there, stay alive and stay strong…you can do this, I know you can…alright?" she told her trying to find the words to inspire the girl and in some way hoped that it gives her a reason to fight with everything she had if things were really that dangerous on the ground, she saw a small smile cross the girl's lips.

"It means more than you think…" Dani responded quietly before for the first time in a long time she moved forwards and hugged the slightly older girl, it felt strange to be doing this but it might be for the last time so she wanted to at least part on good terms rather than the blazing row they'd had long ago "…thank you" she whispered as she felt the other girl hugging her back.

Darnell shook his head with a sigh but did not intervene for a while as he checked his wrist-watch; it was not his place to say anything, not with this.

"Don't mention it…" the redhead whispered back a small lump building in her throat as she wiped away a tear that threatened to fall before it could be seen by the brunette, she pulled back out of the hug and cleared her throat once more "…it's time to go, you ready?" she stated and questioned at the same time as she took a breath and tried to look more guard-like.

Dani nodded and remained silent as tears seemed to threaten her own eyes, she couldn't speak without wanting to cry but she feared that if she started she'd not be able to stop and turn in to an emotional wreck – not exactly what she wanted to be seen as by those outside so she just kept it held in and tried to display a calmer façade, she took slow and tentative steps towards the door that for the first time in three months felt alien to her as she passed Darnell and headed for the door, her feet stopped just before the threshold as her eyes peered out the seven by three foot window into the commotion filled structure of the prison, cells were being emptied of the teenage inhabitants who were then pushed forwards by guards telling them to move on down the stairs, there were a few brave enough to fight back but they were dealt with by force and shock batons – those wise enough decided to comply with little fuss but plenty of confusion.

The brunette looked around with bold eyes at the world she'd almost forgotten existed outside of her cell, she felt a hand press against her back softly pushing her out into the commotion filled balcony, she set foot onto the metallic floor and looked around taking in the sight around her as she was guided along the way, the hand never leaving her back for the full length of the balcony as she heard AJ's voice sounding more guard-like.

"Move it…keep going…" she told her though she sounded less like she had earlier when she first came to the cell, she did as she was told just to keep up with what was going on as she looked ahead of her to see the stairs leading down the levels.

She felt out of place here but also it was nice to know that she wasn't as alone as she originally thought, they had walked down a couple of flights of stairs before she heard a voice that made her look up from the stairs, a woman's voice that was somewhat familiar.

"Clarke, stop!"

The voice belonged to Doctor Abigail Griffin, the woman who at that moment barged past a couple of guards to see her blonde haired daughter who looked like she was scared out her mind, she was familiar with the Griffins and found it unusual that Clarke would be in a place such as this because she was normally such a well behaved and law abiding person, she got on pretty well with Abby too since the doctor had patched her up a couple of times after a fight or two didn't go her way and she ended up with more than a few bruises, she was thankful that Abby hadn't told her father since the two of them had worked together a lot of the time, she stopped momentarily to see Abby comforting Clarke before a prod in her back brought her back to reality.

"Keep going…" AJ told her "…plenty of time for you guys to catch up on the ship"

"Doubt it…"

"Ya never know…"

With this she began walking down the stairs again this time a little faster since a couple of delinquents had been forced to stop behind them, she was holding them up and the other guards had seen this, so with a little shove AJ seemed to keep up her part in this but she was only doing what she had to and Dani knew it, she carried on walking and soon enough they had finished walking down the other seven flights of stairs leading them down to the base of the prison where the delinquents were being sorted into groups of ten, lined up in single file and this is where she would feel the familiar presence of AJ leave her for a moment as she guided her to stand behind a taller boy, he had long-ish dark hair that was restrained with a dark green beanie hat and he wore a dark blue jacket much like everyone else in the lines.

She looked around at what was happening and tried to find some familiarity, it was all strange for her once again as she tried to keep a cool façade over top the nerves but each moment that passed made it harder to keep it up, she looked behind her at the next couple of teens to be brought into line up with her making the row of ten for her group, one was an Asian boy and the other was tall and skinny with wide eyes and a pair of goggles on his head.

"Hey there…"

A voice caught her attention as she turned her head back to look forwards and see the boy in front of her was now looking at her, the first thing she noticed about him was that he was pretty good looking, not her type but still easy on the eyes and his smile seemed to bring about her own out of reaction and just wanting to at least seem nice.

"Hi" she replied quietly not really sure of what to say other than that for the moment.

"Finn Collins, or as these assholes prefer to call me 315…" he introduced himself with a little sarcastic humor added into it as he offered his hand to her "…got a name or number?" he asked at least trying to make conversation with her.

"Dani Williams or better known as 328…" she replied looking down at his hand for a moment before shrugging and shaking it but as he took hold of her hand and lifted it to kiss the back she pulled her hand away and smirked "…nice try" she told him only to see a grin cross his lips.

"Can't blame me for trying…" he joked looking down at the shorter brunette with a mirthful look in his dark brown eyes, she could tell he was only trying to lighten the atmosphere around them but a voice would soon bring that right back down.

"Eyes front, Casanova…now"

The voice belonged to AJ whose eyes were currently glowering at Finn who turned back to looking ahead of him with a sigh and muttering something that she let slide for now, her gaze turned to Dani while keeping it's seriousness as she held up a jacket "Put this on…" she told her bluntly, obviously she didn't like what she'd just seen though it might be that she'd jumped the gun slightly and misunderstood what'd happened, Dani went to speak but she shook her head silencing the brunette "…don't even say it…" she told her as she turned and began walking way.

"Shit…" the teen girl muttered with a sigh and looked down at the jacket, she unfolded it and slipped it on though left it unzipped since it would be far too warm, she didn't pay too much attention to what was happening at the front since the strangest feeling came over her, one that made her feel like she was being watched by someone or a few people, it was an uneasy feeling that made her feel a little more nervous.

Glancing out the corner of her eye towards the left she saw a couple of teens looking in her direction or rather right at her, one of them was a girl a year or two younger than her with jet black hair and blue eyes, the other was a boy with brown messy hair and what looked like green eyes as he looked away from her and whispered something to the girl, who looked at her with a glare before saying something back to the boy who nodded, there was something about this that Dani didn't like whatsoever.

She looked forwards and hoped to god that this didn't mean that the nagging suspicion in her mind was right, she hoped that they'd not already figured out who she really was since the conversation with her father wasn't exactly a quiet one the last time she'd seen him, she sighed and shook her head knowing that now she was going to have to deal with this crap if they survived long enough to reach the ground.

"LISTEN UP!" a voice boomed out over the chatter in the hall, silencing many of the teens in the room as the male speaker continued "STARTING FROM THE LINE ON THE FAR LEFT, YOU ARE ALL TO MAKE YOUR WAY ACROSS TO THE DOORS – ONE LINE AT A TIME…" the voice ordered before the guards present started leading them towards the doors, a few minutes passed and each teen in that line would pass through the automatic doors after being checked by a guard at the door, next line of ten teens went through and then another before it was time for her line.

She wandered over and lined up behind Finn once more, watching as those before her left through the door and eventually Finn was called forwards and one guard at the door checked him over, looked at the device on his wrist and scanned it with another device before sending him forwards and through the doors, for a moment she watched him walk down the corridor and then around the corner.

"Next" the guard called and soon Dani hesitantly walked forwards to stand in front of him, she stood there as he patted her down "The device…" he told her and she lifted her arm to show the wristband, watching as he scanned the device and a quiet beep sounded from them both as a green light flashed on the side, almost in time with her heart beat it seemed "…go through the door over there…" he said indicating towards the doors almost forty teens had walked through before her, she nodded quietly and began walking as she heard him call for the next teen who'd be the Asian boy if she remembered correctly.

As she walked forwards she could see AJ standing by the wall next to the door, her eyes not moving from the brunette as she nodded to her with slightly down look to her, the gravity of the situation had hit her it seemed while she watched as Dani nodded back as she passed her, it took everything she had just to walk through those doors - while the rest of her wanted to run and hide away from it all.

She walked through the corridors following the others as the guards got them into what looked like a huge escape pod like ship, after queuing for a few moments she would soon be pushed in through the doors and passed from guard to guard who ordered her up the ladder, she climbed up and found herself standing in a large seating area, a guard grabbed her arm and pulled her across to some seats.

"Sit down, there…" he told her pushing her down by her shoulder earning a small glare from her but ignored her, he began strapping her into the seat with a series of clicks and clunks before he yanked the straps a couple of times making sure they were secure "…keep these on until told otherwise" he told her before standing up and dealing with the next teen.

"Asshole…" she muttered and rested her head against the back of the seat with a sigh, watching over the next half an hour in silence as the rest of the teens were brought up into the ship, sat down and strapped into the seats while a few were strapped to harnesses on the wall just so they could fit all 100 of the teens into the space, after a while she just closed her eyes and tried to drowned out the chatter, her mind letting it all sink in that they were heading down to a world that no human has set since the bombs dropped turning it into a radioactive and potentially poisonous hell-hole.

The next few hours could be her last or they could the first of her new life.

Either way, she was going find out soon enough.

So here it is, I hope it made sense enough for you all to enjoy it! ^^ I would like to say thank you to my friend and beta reader Arizona Green for giving this the once over along with adding a little to the parts I was stuck on, thanks hun :) and thank you all for reading it!

Stay tuned for more!
