I'm back! I am so so sorry I kept you all waiting for so long. I am going to try and update this regularly from now on.
Also, thanks so much to those messaging me their ideas, and giving me inspiration. I love you guys so much :) (You know who you are)J
Disclaimer: Nope I'm not J.K Rowling :(
There had been an air of fear around the group of friends ever since their meeting with Dumbledore last week. With the exception of James and Sirius, who couldn't wait to join the order, they were fearful for the future. They knew it would be dangerous, but just how many of their friends would die? Would it affect their families? And by some miracle, if they did manage to defeat Voldemort, how high a price were they willing to pay?
On top of this, Evanna was tired of how her friends were treating her. They hardly ever let her out of their sight and, whilst she understood where they were coming from she was pissed off that her friends didn't trust her to take care of herself.
Exactly a week after their conversation with Dumbledore, Evanna was sat in the common room with James, Sirius and Remus studying. "Aw crap!" Evanna exclaimed, with a frustrated sigh. "I left the start of my essay in McGonagall's classroom."
Remus looked up at her and frowned. "Evie, that essay's due tomorrow." He said, his voice laced with disapproval.
Evanna swore under her breath, before standing up. "I'd better go and get it."
Sirius was on his feet instantly. "James and I will go with you." He stated, glancing at James who nodded in confirmation.
"No, that's okay, you guys just get your essays finished."
"Eva…" James began hesitantly "I think it's better if we go with you."
"For your safety." Sirius added.
Evanna's eyes flashed gold for a split second, so quickly not even her friends noticed. "Why?" she demanded. "What do you think is going to happen?"
Sirius' grey eyes wandered to the scar on her left arm, and to the replica of the dark mark burned into her forearm. He only allowed his eyes to linger there for a second, but his girlfriend noticed where he was looking immediately.
"I'm in school, Sirius." She reassured him "Nothing is going to happen to me."
"You don't know that." Sirius interjected. "Any one of those Slytherin bastards could be spies for Voldemort, you don't know what they're going to do."
"So? I'll just used my powers. That's what you said they could be used for, right James, protection?"
James shifted uncomfortably. "But Evie, you could risk exposing yourself to more people."
"James, if they're really working for Voldemort, then they already know." Evanna argued.
"None of this matters!" Sirius interrupted "We should go with you, just to be sure."
"This isn't up for discussion. I'm going alone." With that, Evanna grabbed her bag and stormed out of the common room. She knew that James and Sirius meant well, but she felt like a small child being babied by her parents. She could take care of herself.
She was deep in thought, when a hand grabbed her wrist forcefully and pulled her round a corner. Evanna whipped around, wand at the ready. She was met by the familiarly grey eyes of Regulus Black. Noticing that Regulus didn't have his wand out, she lowered hers but kept it grasped firmly in her hand, just in case.
"What the hell, Regulus?" she demanded.
"I need to talk to you." He replied, his voice serious.
Evanna was confused. She and Regulus had barely spoken, so what could he possibly have to talk to her about. "Talk."
"The dark lord is planning another attack." Regulus whispered. "On you. At Easter. He's planned out all the places you might be, and prepared to check all of them. He's certain that he will find you. Some of his followers know… they know how to find you."
Evanna blinked. "What? How do you know?"
"Because…" Regulus took a deep breath. "Because I'm one of them. One of his followers."
Evanna narrowed her eyes. "If that's true, then why are you helping me?" When Regulus remained silent, she continued. "Hold up. You said that some of his followers know how to find me. How can they? I don't talk to Slytherins."
Regulus stared at the floor, refusing to meet her eyes. "It was you." Evanna stated. "You told Voldemort where I lived."
Regulus nodded slowly. "I didn't know what they would do to you. The dark lord told me that he would persuade you to join us, not torture you."
Evanna rolled her eyes. "What did you think they meant? That we'd have a nice chat over tea, and he'd invite me to join."
Regulus winced, but said nothing. "What do you want me to do about this attack?" Evanna sighed.
"You need to get away. I don't know, on holiday or something. And-" Regulus hesitated. "Take Sirius with you. I'm scared they'll… I don't want them too..." he took a deep breath "Just get him away from here."
Evanna nodded slowly "Thank you, Regulus. You might have just saved my life."
Regulus nodded once, before turning and walking away in the direction of the dungeons. Evanna's mind was made up. She couldn't put Sirius, or any of her friends, in danger. She had to get them all away for a while.
Later that afternoon, Evanna was sat on her bed alone when there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" she called.
The door opened, and Sirius walked in. As he sat next to her, Evanna closed the book she was reading. "Look, Sirius-" she began.
"No." Sirius interrupted "I'm sorry about earlier. I know that you can take care of yourself. I just worry. Thinking I'd lost you was… the worst I'd ever felt. I don't know what I would do if that happened again."
Evanna turned her body so that she was facing him, and kissed him gently on the lips. "I know. I'm sorry for worrying you."
Sirius smiled. "I know how you can make it up to me."
Evanna raised an eyebrow. "You do?"
"You can let me take you on a date this Saturday. To Hogsmeade." Sirius grinned at her.
Evanna smiled softly. "Deal."
Sirius kissed her once more before getting up and heading for the door.
"Sirius." Evanna called. She wanted to tell him about her meeting with Regulus. But, as he turned, the grin still on his face, she couldn't do it. It would completely ruin his happiness if he knew his brother was a death eater, and that he was one of the reasons she had been kidnapped. "Wear something nice." She finished with a smirk.
Sirius laughed "You too." He replied, before leaving the room. Evanna lay back on the bed and smiled to herself. All thoughts of Regulus went out of her head as she thought about going on her first date with the infamous Sirius Black. It just didn't seem real.
Thanks for reading!
Make sure to review, and if you have any ideas for chapter please message me or comment.
Rose xo