Chapter: This chapter was quite difficult to write. I've rewritten parts of it quite often.

Notes: I hate retelling Canon. If I don't change it, I'll not write it. If you read CG fanfiction you should know what happens in Canon and fill in the blanks.

Updates: I'm sorry? While I said that I won't update regularly I didn't imagine that Ch3 would take that long. Well Life got in the way and what little writing time I had went mostly to my main story. I can't promise anything concerning the next chapters.


Thanks: Especially to the reviewers. I am happy that the story seems to be well received for now. I'm looking forwards to your thoughts on this chapter.

Special Thanks to Follower 100: Venus5-Gryffindor


Word Count: 9.313

Published: 2018-01-14



Chapter Three: The Present I



The Present, March 2017 a.t.b.


"You have a problem with mindless killing!? Then you should fight against Britannia!"

Suzaku couldn't believe what he was hearing and seeing. It was like a memory. The tone of voice, the arrogant and confidant posture even in such a situation. A steely and determined glare directed at him while walking out of the shadows. He barely could believe his eyes. He had worried for seven years, never believing the proclamation that the two royal siblings were dead and now in front of him was standing Lelouch vi Britannia himself. He was older, yes, but apart from that he didn't seem to have changed.


His question is met with a shocked expression and the other stopped in his tracks. He quickly took of his helmet, not hiding the happy smile as he met the violet eyes after so many years.

"It's me, Suzaku."

The shock turned into a disbelieving frown. "You became a Britannian soldier?"

Suzaku hid a wince. How often had he heard that after introducing himself but somehow when said by Lelouch he reacted with indignation.

"And you? You became a terrorist?"

The answer he got was so much like the Lelouch he had known his frown turned into a smile again.

"Of course, that's why I took part of an operation of this magnitude in an easily recognisable Britannian school uniform. Idiot."

While the first part was said with heavy sarcasm the last word was said with fond exasperation and a sigh. How often had he heard that one word said in the same tone? Hearing it brought forth memories of easier days, of happy times.

Before either of them could say anything further the capsule beside them started to hiss and begin to open. Acting purely on instinct Suzaku took his mouth piece and pressed it on Lelouch while simultaneously backing him further inside the truck and away.

He expected smoke to come from it but the only thing that happened was the side parts of the capsule falling away, revealing a green haired girl in a straight jacket lying at the bottom of it.

"I thought it was poison gas..."

Lelouch scoffed at that, quickly regaining his senses and moving towards the girl. She hadn't moved at all and the first thing he did was check her pulse which was steady. Holding up her eyelid for a moment revealed blown pupils and he picked her up before leaving the truck and gently laying her down on the ground.

"Really Suzaku? Does this girl look like poison gas?"

He started to undo the restraints and was thankful when his childhood friend finally got his bearings back and started to help him.

"That's what they told us in the briefing."

"Ah! And of course they would always tell the truth, especially to those at the bottom of the ladder. Look here."

He had freed her arms and had moved one sleeve as far as possible. There were scars on the arm but he pointed to the many puncture wounds on the inside of her elbow.

"What do you think that means?"

"Could be a lot of different things. But Clovis clearly wanted to hide her existence, hence the strange way of transporting her. She's most likely a prisoner and has apparently been repeatedly drugged."

"But… why would his highness do that?"

Suzaku watched as the other flinched at that and hid a grimace of his own. Always referring to the higher ups in the right way had been drilled into him. For Lelouch who could remember him ranting about Britannia and throwing less than nice words at him at the beginning just because he was a prince, it must be quite a shock.

He looked down again at the scars and wounds, wondering what she could have done to deserve such a treatment. She couldn't be much older than Lelouch and himself and it really was strange that she was transported in a capsule that led to the belief that it contained poison gas. Just like Lelouch had pointed out but the other had always been able to think quickly no matter the situation. While he still wondered, the prince had already thought about most likely answers. That clearly also hadn't changed.

When the girl moved slightly, both of them looked down at her. Maybe she would wake up and they would get more information.

And as the two boys were otherwise occupied they didn't hear the arrival of the Royal Guard until the leader spoke.

"You insolent monkey! You didn't have the authority to open the capsule!"

Suzaku instantly stood up, obedience drilled into his body and ran up to the commander, standing at attention and saluting.

"Sir, I was told that this was poison gas and..."

He wasn't allowed to finish his sentence, which would have ended in an explanation.

"You don't have the right to argue. But you did find the stolen goods and for that you shall be rewarded."

Suzaku looked at the gun in confusion that was held out to him. As Honorary Britannian he wasn't allowed to carry a weapon and he couldn't understand why he would now be given one when he clearly had done something wrong in the eyes of the commander.

"Take this gun and execute the terrorist and your misstep might be overlooked."

Suzaku looked at the Britannian in shock before quickly turning around and settling his gaze on Lelouch. He saw that the other had moved, hoisting the girl up into a sitting position and holding her upright and against him. He couldn't let anything happen to him, not when he had finally found him again.

"He is different! A civilian that has been caught up in this!"

"I don't care. This is an order, Private! You pledged yourself to Britannia, so do what you're told."

He turned slightly, so that he could get a good look at Lelouch one last time. He saw realization in the violet eyes before he said the words.

"I can't and I won't. I could never shoot a civilian like him."

He gave the other a sad smile, trying to convey his feelings. He wanted to apologise, wanted to tell him how happy he was to finally know for sure that he was still alive.

He wasn't too surprised to hear that he should die and the following sound of a gunshot accompanied by a sharp pain in his side didn't even really register. He held the gaze of his friend for as long as he could while his body dropped to the ground.

The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness were eyes the colour of amethyst watching in shock and anger at what was happening in front of him.

"How unfortunate for you, you seem to be a Britannian student. Retrieve the woman and kill the student."

When Lelouch heard the order he was finally able to overcome his shock and let his anger course through, clearing his mind he looked at the soldiers that had levelled their weapons at him. Going through his options and calculating his chances against them he came up with not so favourable odds.

Not hesitating any longer he pushed the girl to the ground, protected her head with his hand and rolled them under the truck to the other side while the soldiers opened fire. But seemingly a little too late as they only hit the truck and the floor where they had been moments before.

When he stopped moving he still held the girl protectively and didn't let her go when he set up. Looking down at her revealed that her eyes were open but still glassy. She was awake but barely and seemed to not be aware of her surroundings.

He helped her up and steadied her before starting down the tunnel. He worried that they wouldn't be able to move fast enough to escape.

But luck seemed to finally be on his side as an explosion from behind pushed them back to the ground. He tried to shield the girl but nothing more happened.

Looking back he saw that the truck had exploded. Coincident? No matter the reason it certainly blocked the path to him and he was thankful for that. He didn't allow himself to think about the person he had to leave behind. He couldn't afford to think about it, not here and now at least.

He got up again and half carried the girl further into the tunnel until they came to a small alcove where he helped her sit down again while he took out both of his phones.

Both showed that he still had no reception which was bothersome as he would really need to contact some people. Whatever was going on with this girl, it was big. Why else would a prisoner be transported in something like that capsule. Even if she were some kind of highly important prisoner it would still not explain this kind of disguise.

The terrorists had most likely also thought they were stealing poison gas which would explain that girls comment about a massacre before she left the truck.

So that meant Clovis was hiding something. Whatever he was up to had to be kept hidden under all circumstances so it was either something that could be damaging to him or he was preparing something to prove his worth as possible heir.

Over the last years Clovis had proven himself only adequate in governing and had no accomplishments that spoke for him. His one and only real talent were arts and Lelouch had thought for the longest time that his brother should have stayed with that.

Whatever it was Clovis surely wouldn't like the fact that his Royal Guard had missed its chance to retrieve the girl. Not knowing if she was still alive meant a possible security risk and his secret coming out. From the increased sounds of gunfire and explosion that were even heard and felt down here in the tunnels it could not mean anything good.

For now they had to go somewhere with a signal so that he would be able to call help or at the least get more information about what was going on. He pocketed his phones after checking once again if the sound was off. Not that he had it turned on often, he preferred to always set in on vibration.

He offered the girl his hand, seeing as she seemed more aware of her surrounding and giving her the chance to stand up on her own. It wouldn't be nice to be pulling her around if she was able to do it herself.

He met her confused gaze with a smile and never broke the eye-contact while he waited. After some time he was rewarded with her taking his hand and he gently pulled her to her feet. While they certainly should hurry it couldn't hurt to treat her kindly.

She had obviously gone through some horrors and even if she had been imprisoned because she was dangerous he hoped that she wouldn't turn on him. He had essentially rescued her and if he could gain her trust he would have an easier time getting information from her.

They continued their way through the tunnels, searching for an exit that hadn't caved in and he still helped her but she was already much more steady on her feet.

When they finally found an exit he directed her into a one way side tunnel.

"Please wait for me here. I will see what's going on and hopefully get help. No matter what happens don't come out until I get you. Should something happen your best bet would probably be going back and finding a different path. Okay?"

He was a bit unsettled by her gaze. He didn't know if it was due to whatever chemical was still coursing through her or something else, but the emotionless eyes regarding him where not expected from a girl in her position. She hadn't reacted to anything that had happened around them up till now and he wasn't really sure how aware she was of her surroundings.

Therefore he was more than glad when he received a small nod and smiled back at her. She moved further into the shadows and he turned to slowly walk towards the exit.

Carefully he crept up the stairs until he could take a peek outside and he quickly ducked back down again when he saw the soldier. Shortly after that he heard gunfire and the distinctly sounds of a body hitting the ground.

"There are only Elevens here, Sir."

"This is the only exit?"

"According to our maps, yes."

"Then we will wait here."

He slowly moved down the stairs once again., but not before hearing the cries of an infant that was immediately silenced. He cringed. What was it with Britannia that it seemed that they didn't posses one feeling bone inside them.

All in all he was in a worse initial situation than anticipated but he hoped that his guess would prove right. He took out one of his phones once again, glad to see a signal before starting to type a coded message.

Jeremiah Gottwald was trying to find the red Glasgow again, moving through the ghetto and looking for possible routes it may have taken. He ignored the civilians that run from his Knightmare and shot only half-heartedly at them when comrades where near to keep up appearances.

He contemplated his next step when he felt the phone in his breast pocket vibrate.

He quickly brought his Knightmare into a hiding place before scrambling to get the device out. Seldom did he get a message or a call but he always had it with him and knew that whenever he received something it was important.

He quickly decoded the message and couldn't stop the feeling of dread and fear welling up inside of him. Nothing could have been worse than what he was reading right now.

Pulling himself together he checked the coordinates of the message with his screen and was thankful to see that he wasn't too far away.

He left his hiding place and first went into the opposite direction of his path before reaching for his Knightmare Key and pushing a hidden bottom. He waited for ten seconds before changing course again and rushing towards his destination.

He made sure to not be seen by his fellow Britannians which cost him time and he gritted his teeth and tried speeding up a bit more. He could only hope that he would be there in time.

When he neared his goal he slowed down again as to not be heard too soon and when he compared his map with his surroundings he saw one old warehouse and slowly moved inside.

He was trained to analyse a situation in seconds but it was still difficult to process the fact that he was standing in front of Clovis' personal Guard, who all turned to him, guns ready.

"We have everything under control here. Please continue with your duties."

While their attention was on him he looked around once more and saw, for a moment, what he came here for. This was the confirmation he had needed.

"That's exactly why I'm here. I'm following orders."

Before the other could question his answer he levelled the gun of his Sutherland at them and let loose a volley of bullets.

It was over in seconds.

He hadn't hesitated and he didn't think twice about it and no matter what he couldn't find it in himself to regret what he had done. Moving around the bodies now lying on the ground, he had eyes only for the figure now emerging from an underground stairwell.

He moved his frame into a kneeling position in front of him and waited.

Lelouch smirked at the Knightmare in front of him, happy to know that Jeremiah knew better than to address him in uncertain territory.

"Well done and thank you. Barricade the entrance."

While the frame moved back to the entrance he went back down to retrieve the girl. He noted with curiosity that she didn't bat an eyelash at all the dead people scattered around.

He met up with Jeremiah in a rather clean corner near the entrance and ordered him out of the cockpit before taking his place.

He pulled out his phone once again and called a secure number.

"Have you gotten my message? Okay and the signal from Jeremiah? Perfect than link yourself up with his systems and see what you can find out."

He waited for the screen to ask for a password and typed it in, then watched for a short moment as a mass of data flashed over the screens. He searched through the cockpit and found three bottles of water and a first-aid kit and took everything back down with him. The other two both watched him silently and the Margrave expectantly.

He opened one bottle, took a sip before holding it out to the girl and gave her a smile when she took it.

"Jeremiah I need another Knightmare, anyone in your troops you wouldn't mind missing?"

"There is one. He has started to intrigue against me, it seems like he's trying to gain my position, he could become bothersome."

"Then we have to lure him here without him notifying the higher ups of where he's going. I'm certain the Royal Guard has radioed their last position in."

"If he thinks I've been injured he surely would wait with contact until he knows details, hoping he could let it look like the doings of the terrorists."

"Good, than do that."

He settled down beside where the girl had sat down and offered her the second bottle when he saw that she had finished the first. He again drank from it first to show her that it would do no harm.

"Do you have any injuries we should take care of?"

"No. Do you have a knife or anything sharp?"

The tone was flat and she regarded him with expressionless eyes. What a strange girl.

"Why do you need one?"

"You will see. I'm not going to attack you, I promise."

He held her gaze while contemplating her request. She probably wouldn't attack him but he hadn't survived this long because he was trusting.

In the end he pulled out two of his hidden kunais and gave one to her while he held the other loosely.

She didn't spare the second blade more than a glance before she pulled her left sleeve up. Before he could react she was already cutting deep into her own arm and was astonished to see that she didn't even react to the pain that must cause her.

"What… what are you doing?"

When he finally reached for the dagger she was already done and was now calmly opening the first-aid box and withdrawing a forceps and starting to dig around in the new wound.

"Removing the GPS. There it is."

He was shocked to see a small chip being pulled out and put aside which she then stabbed with the blade before holding it out to him, handle first.

Still trying to process what was happening he took it automatically.

"Who are you?"

"Test subject number C-2. Now I have a wound that needs to be treated."

With that she held her bleeding arm out to him and he could only stare at her in response. But instinct overcame shock and he drew the box to him and retrieved what he needed.

"This should be stitched but we neither have the time nor the utensils for that right now."

She shrugged as answer and he quickly did the best he could with what was provided.

For now the best course of action seemed to be to just go with whatever happened, he would have time to think later but there was one thing he couldn't let rest. As he was finishing up the bandage he had to ask even if it clearly wasn't the right place or time for that.

"When you say test subject..."

"It means what you probably think. Human experimentation."

He could only shake his head as he felt fury coursing through him.

"Clovis, you damn fool..."

Coughing from behind brought him back to the matters at hand. Jeremiah had stayed at some distance after he was done but now he indicated that they should get moving. Standing up he quickly looked around. He noted with relief that Jeremiah had removed the barricade of the door once again.

"Okay, Jeremiah sit down against your Knightmare. When your comrade comes, tell him you're injured and can't move your legs but you think one of the Royal Guards is still alive and he should check on them."

When he turned back to the girl he saw her moving away from him and she pointed to the underground entrance they had left earlier. He nodded back at her before going over to the dead soldiers and picked up the first handgun he saw. He checked it to make sure it was loaded and the safety was off before also moving towards the stairs.

Before he could vanish from sight he was stopped.


"I will deal with your friend. Cough at the right moment."


He shot a glare at the sitting man before he could even think about standing up again and nodded sharply when the other shut up and leaned back against the machine again.

At the bottom of the steps he could see the girl and he settled himself into position.

When the other purist came through the small opening everything happened exactly as he thought. The combination of his injured superior, whose job he wanted and the opportunity to rescue someone of the personal Guard of a prince was enough to make him leave the safety of his Knightmare.

When Jeremiah gave the signal he readied the gun before taking the last step needed to look out of his hiding place. The purist was kneeling by the fallen soldiers and he took aim and pulled the trigger.

Whatever his name was slumped down beside the others and Jeremiah wasted no time in getting up and checking him.

Lelouch motioned to the girl to come with him and he moved back into the warehouse, looking at the frame he had just acquired. With that he could execute the plan that had been forming in his mind.

"Perfect head shot, sir."

He nodded in acknowledgement, that was the reason he had switched to a gun. He had more accuracy with that than with a dagger.

"So, I have come up with a plan to get us all safely out of here. That's what we will do..."



They had left the warehouse at the same time but took different routes.

Jeremiah would bring the girl to safety and he really hoped that she had enough trust for him to stay where she was brought. He would really like to get to know more about what Clovis has been up to and he would be well equipped in hiding her away.

He had promised that he would take care of her if she would trust him and help her get her life back. He really hoped she believed him.

After that he had directed his Knightmare to the heart of the fights, directing the red Glasgow he had seen before to the train and helping her survive that way. He was intrigued by her, she seemed to be quite a good pilot, despite having the older frame she knew how to handle it and still win against newer and better ones.

Now he watched as the small group searched through the train and get the equipment they would need to end this massacre. He had wanted to step up his plans in the near future and this was the perfect starting point. He couldn't have wished for something better to finally start his rising. Clovis had given him the perfect opening. Especially as he also couldn't just look away from what his brother was doing here.

"Are you ready, P1? We will start soon."

"Yes. But first, tell us who you are."

"I am Zero."

Ohgi couldn't believe what he had just heard and stared at the transmitter in shock.

Nearly everyone knew the 'name' Zero. He was everywhere, helping feeding the Japanese in the ghettos, trying to give them as much medical help as possible. He had a vast network of people that worked together to help out each other in the various ghettos.

He also worked together with certain rebel groups and they had hoped to be allowed into their network after stealing the weapon from Britannia. His friend Naoto had been a huge fan of Zero, saying that he had the right approach on the resistance.

"Are you really the Zero?"

"Of course. Now get to the points as instructed, we don't have much time."

"Ah… of course! Everyone follow the instructions. Let's get going!"

He heard Tamaki grumble but ignored it, he felt the adrenaline coursing through him. Even if he really wasn't the Zero, what choice did they have? They had been in a tight spot before they were contacted and had now been given the means to really fight back. In reality, following the voice was the only thing they could do if they wanted to survive.

It didn't take long to prove that that had been the right choice as the voice commanded them from point to point and bringing victory after victory.

Lelouch stayed hidden as much as he could but lend aid when it was needed, he didn't want to overwhelm himself with commanding and fighting at the same time, not now that he had finally stepped out of the shadows.

Still, it was easier than he could have ever imagined. Clovis was a bigger fool than he thought and had apparently not gotten any better in strategy.

It was then that a message flashed on his screens.

'Lloyd Asplund has just contacted Clovis offering his help. He was refused, but...'

He messaged back an understanding before concentrating back on the fighting.

Lelouch knew that Lloyd Asplund had come to Japan some time ago and that Clovis hadn't been too happy with having him here. He had known about Lloyd in a different context but after he came here it had been important to find out more.

Research had brought forth that the Earl had finished Imperial Colchester Institute with high marks in science and mechanics. He found some information that afterwards he started his own research organisation called Camelot with his inheritance but burned his money quite quickly.

Next he had tried to find sponsors with the nobility which he probably found as the next years there couldn't be found much on his doings. It had been Jeremiah who met the scientist at a gathering for the nobility of Area 11 shortly after he arrived. Careful research had brought forth that Camelot was now an irregular division of the Britannia military under the protection of Prince Schneizel.

They didn't have much information on what they were doing. They had not tried too hard to breach the systems of Camelot as the defences were tight. Lelouch was sure that whatever they did had to do with Knightmares, either they were developing new weapons or building a new prototype. Considering the strength of their security he would bet on the later. Which meant this could quickly turn around should they deploy whatever the mad scientist has built.

It was a variable he couldn't plan for as he had no further information but it was good to know that they were here. His screens showed that Clovis made one bad decision after another, including sending troops meant for his own protection out on the battlefield.

Time to see what his brother would do when tasting defeat.

"Q1, are your maps accurate?"

"As much as they can be. They are based on the old city."

"That should do. How about we take care of this?"

Kallen wondered if that was really a good idea as she looked up to the ceiling above her. Despite her worries she released her slash harken when the order came and quickly moved further down the tunnel to escape the falling debris.

"Perfect. With that we have taken out most of their units. Stay underground and move to your next coordinates."

Lelouch knew that now he had to be careful, if he remembered right, this would be the moment Clovis lost his cool. He had always had a problem with temper which meant he may fall back on whatever ASEEC had built.

He wanted and needed to safe as many machines as possible but he also wanted to safe as many civilians as possible. He had contacted a few people that lived in Shinjuku and told them to get as many to safety as possible. The inhabitants knew best were they would be safe and how to get there, he had tried to set up safe routes in all ghettos or at least give people the incentive to work on that just in case. Now it proved that that had been a good idea.

His apprehension was soon confirmed when another message flashed on his screens warning him that Clovis accepted the help of Lloyd and a bit later the first message came over the radio of a strange Knightmare but thankfully he had already ordered them to hide. He told everyone to not engage the new opponent and to carefully leave the ghetto and try to get the Knightmares somewhere safe. If they were seen they should eject instead of fight.

At this point in time it didn't matter. It would be more important to safe this cell and the frames while he would make sure that the massacre would be stopped totally. He knew exactly how to accomplish that.

He activated a different communication.

"Is everything ready on your end?"

He got the confirmation in written form on his screen and couldn't stop his smirk.

He was safe underground now and could proceed without worry.



Clovis couldn't believe what just happened. Never should someone be able to go against the strength of Britannia. Not even the prototype Knightmare made as much difference as he had hoped because while it did encounter some of the stolen frames they vanished shortly after.

At that point he decided to take what he could and ordered his troops to proceed with the complete eradication of the ghetto now that their enemies had vanished.

He looked over the map and the incoming information when his screen suddenly went black.

His first thought was that somehow they had lost energy but the digital map was still active that is when he saw the first red appear inside the black. Slowly but surely a symbol was forming and he watched in trepidation as it slowly finished appearing.

There was the shape of a bird in dark red and through the middle of the body in grey/silver a sword cut through.

Before Clovis could study it further a voice sounded over all their communicators.

"Greetings, Prince Clovis la Britannia, I am Zero. I am contacting you to negotiate the stopping of the mindless killings."

"Who are you? How have you managed to get into our systems?"

"Like I said, I am Zero. The how is not important, you should worry more about the why. Why you have ordered the death of the inhabitants of Shinjuku Ghetto. I know the real reason and therefore think we should talk."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"No? Then I will say only one thing. Green hair."

At that point Clovis had a hard time hiding his shock and fear. It was with every last shred of nerves he managed to keep a hold on his calm mask. He couldn't risk his secret getting out, even if this person, this voice, only had found her and knew nothing more it was enough incentive for him to send away everyone beside Bartley. He couldn't take any risks.

"What do you know?"


"What is it that you want?"

"For you to order a complete ceasefire and medical attention not only for the soldiers but for all the people of the ghetto."


"Why not? What you have set out to do is already impossible. I have her and no one else has seen her. There is no further reason to this massacre and I don't take well to such injustice."

"So you're just another number? I'll never bow to your demands."

"Like I said, who I am is for now not important. But it is offending me when someone kills my people with no reason. As for my demands, you really want the world to know what you have been up to? Not even Britannia would condone what you have done. She looks European or Britannian, I'm sure the public would just love to hear that not even they are safe."

Clovis had a hard time containing the fury he was feeling, alongside the fear of his secret getting out. How had everything crumbled so quickly?

"If I order a ceasefire, I demand her back."

"I don't think so, I can't hand her back to such a life. She will be cared for and will stay free. If you stop the attack I'll not reveal what you've been up to."

"I gather I should just trust your word for that?"

"I'm not exactly an enemy. As long as you don't attack innocents I have no problem leaving you alone. I would not gain anything by not adhering to our agreement."

"Then what and who are you?"

"Someone with a claim to this country."

"A claim?"

"So, what will it be Clovis la Britannia? Shall I reveal what you've been up to or will you stop a battle that is already lost?"



Lelouch had thankfully found the girl exactly where Jeremiah had dropped her off. He hadn't been too sure if she would stay, if she would trust him enough to wait. Whatever happened to her was probably not something that would make her trust strangers, nevertheless he had hoped that he had proven himself enough to her.

First he had given her his school jacket to wear. The bottom half of her prisoner garb was inconspicuous enough after a few adjustments. With that he was able to take her back home without the need to stay hidden during the whole way.

She had followed him without protest which surprised him a bit. He did promise her a safe place to stay for now and help if she decided to leave the country, go someplace she could hide or maybe where she belonged. He didn't know her story but he would make sure that she was safe until she decided what she wanted. He would not allow her to fall back into the hands of his foolish brother.

A brother who had thankfully swallowed his pride and ordered the ceasefire, now he would have to hold up his side of the bargain, not revealing what he knew. As much as he may be able to bring a stop to whatever Clovis was up to with that action, his own plans would suffer because of it.

He now had something to control the viceroy with and that was much more important. He would find a way to end this idiocy in a manner that would benefit him even more. But he would end it. Human experimentation, whatever his brothers goals where with that, it definitely wasn't something he would allow to continue.

As soon as they were far enough away from the ghetto he called a cab and let it bring him home.

Back to Ashford Academy, his home of the last years. His sanctuary, his place and his base of operation.

Sayoko opened the door and Nunnally waited in the hall, waited until the door closed behind him and their new guest before she flung herself at him, hugging him tight. She didn't let go of him for quite some time and he had just hugged her back as fiercely as she did.

Despite the easiness of the battle against his brother there had been many times today that could have gone wrong, with him either ending up dead or taken prisoner which would have led to the reveal of their survival. Not something he would have wanted, neither of it.

As much as they may have contingency plans for such scenarios, he and his sister didn't like to dwell on them too much. They adapted it whenever it was needed but apart of that they didn't talk about it. But they were aware of the possibilities, that something could go wrong and it would only get more dangerous now.

Nunnally withdrew from the embrace, taking her brothers face in her hands and looking at him thoroughly. He seemed alright with his first brush of real danger, of having to directly go against someone of their family. She didn't expect the shadow in his eyes, she could see a hidden pain in the deep violet, well hidden but not to her.

There was something she didn't know which pained her brother and the smile he gave her was a little sad but he tipped his head a little to the left and she nodded in understanding.

Nunnally let go of him and turned a bright smile on their guest, waving at her. She didn't have the full story of her, only that they needed to hide her for some time and may need to help her flee the country, maybe set up a safe place somewhere else for the girl.

Her welcoming gestures were met with a nod but otherwise the strange girl only looked around without an expression.

*Dinner is ready, there is enough for both of you.*

"Thanks Nunnally. I'm starving and I'm pretty sure our guest is too."

Lelouch didn't miss the former prisoner watch his sister gesturing and him answering aloud and in sign-language.

"I could eat."

Her tone of voice was still without any real inflection but she took part in the conversation and for now that was enough. His sister just ignored her demeanour, carefully took her hand and led her to the dinner table, smiling at her the whole way.

He watched amused as whatever trepidation the green-haired girl may feel vanished as she smelled the food and she didn't hesitate in sitting down and starting to eat.

Dinner was a silent affair as it often was in their house but low music was playing as usual. Signing and eating simultaneously was bothersome and the siblings didn't care if the only sounds were those of the cutlery and the music in the background. As forced as Nunnallys silence may be, they both had come to appreciate it. Especially in a school filled with teenagers and Milly at the top running the school like some circus.

Their day life was loud enough most of the time, therefore their home was calmer.

Sometimes, if their schedules kept them apart the whole day Lelouch would tell his sister about his day during dinner and they would stay at the table when they were finished and Nunnally would tell him about hers. But usually it was like this.

Calm and silent. Appreciating a good meal and relaxing after a school day, gaining strength for the rest of the evening in each others presence.

While his sister had already eaten she still stayed with them, not asking questions for now. Her very presence calmed him down, let him unwind from the action and nerves of the past hours.

When they were finished Sayoko came back to clean up.

"I have prepared the guest room, Master Lelouch."

He nodded to her and held her gaze for a moment and she nodded at him in understanding.

"Come, I will show you to your room."

He led their guest out into the hallway once again and up the stairs. The ground floor consisted of the dinning room, the kitchen, a big living room, a bathroom and Sayokos room. The first floor held two guest rooms with a shared bathroom and a library.

At the top floor were his own room and Nunnallys, both of them with their own bathroom and a small room which was a combination of a library and a living room. Most days Lelouch and Nunnally would sit in there together before going to sleep.

The house looked normal even if it was a bit big for only two children and their maid. While it may stand on school ground it was still theirs and they had lived here on their own for the last years. The few people who knew that they lived on their own were friends and would never share it with others. The last thing he needed was some kid telling its parents and them getting suspicious why they didn't have adult supervision. Britannian parents wouldn't think Sayoko fit to watch over two Britannians.

He opened the door to the first guest room and walked inside.

"Sayoko, our maid, has hunted down some clothes for you. I hope you don't mind that they are old ones from her or even myself. But they should fit and will do for now. We will see what we can do about that tomorrow."

He turned around seeing her hover in the doorstep and took a step back to her, motioning her inside and gesturing to the wall next to the door.

"You can lock the door from the inside. The code is 91A7. You can change it if you want but I have an override code but I promise to only use it in case of emergency. My sister and I lock our doors during the night also so don't think much on it.

"If you decide to leave during the night that is your choice. Please know that we don't mind you staying for as long as you need to. Like I told you before, I'm more than willing to help you set up your life somewhere. But you don't have to rush your decision, you will be safe here."

He got another nod and then watched her going around the room. Touching everything and lingering by the bed, stroking the bedsheets.

He didn't know how her life as a prisoner had been. Maybe not as bad as a true prison as she was there for a different reason or just as bad or worse. He would leave her alone for now, as much as he may want answers it would be better to just let her settle for now.

"I wish you a good night. We usually eat breakfast at seven but you're welcome to sleep as long as you like. Sayoko, our maid, will be here when you wake up."

He had nearly closed the door when he heard a whispered 'night'.

He went up to the next floor, knowing Sayoko would lock up the house for the night with fewer precautions as usual, just in case their guest really did decide to leave. If she did, he didn't want to be woken by the alarms.

Lelouch wasn't too surprised that Nunnally was waiting in his room, her expression vastly different from the one she wore during dinner.

*I want a full retelling.*

"Of course. How about we head down for that?"

She nodded her acceptance and they both turned towards a certain section of the wall. He pressed a hidden button and the wall slid aside, revealing a narrow hallway. He let her go first and followed after closing the wall again.

The elevator at the end was small, could hold only three people if huddled together, he knew that because they had tested it with Sayoko.

The ride was smooth and short despite at least going down two floors but actually going deeper than that.

It was one of the many secrets they hid from the world, one even more important than their true identities.

Another hallway, long and leading deeper. There were doors left and right in irregular intervals and the hallway split into two directions after some time. But they didn't go that far, opening a door to the right halfway through.

It was a training room. One they both visited often, sometimes together and other times alone or in the company of Sayoko, their teacher in these circumstances.

As Lelouch would have to be talking he went for the knives and daggers, picking out two sets and bringing them to the table at one side of the room. The area was filled with targets, both big and small in many different intervals.

"Well everything was as planned. We met with the Duke as you know. The listening device is running you said?"

*Yes, no problems there. I've already configured the word-filter that runs over the recordings like we discussed. We will soon have more information on his dealings.*

"Yeah, he likes to work from home, isn't often seen in his company. Probably thinks it beneath him to actually go to work or something like that."

He threw the first knife and it hit its intended target, even if it was a bit off from where he planned.

*Maybe, but it is to our advantage. His company is doing too good and his personal accounts are off. I'm sure he's dealing in something shady so it's good that we're watching him now, especially as it seems like he has only recently started with that. He may not be careful enough so that we get more information*

Nunnally had chosen a position by the wall far enough into the room that her brother could watch her answers while still keeping up with flinging steel towards targets. Watching him was nothing special. He hit the targets, his movements were smooth but it was years of training that had made him this good.

In comparison, watching Sayoko was an experience. The steel was like an extension of her body and she moved like it was a deadly dance. But daggers were their most important weapons, easily concealed on your person and held a special meaning in Britannian royalty. That was why Lelouch and also herself trained extensively with them, her brother more as it wasn't his preferred weapon.

But back to the reason why they were here. She had an overall understanding of what happened. Had hooked up her own systems with his Knightmare, had broken into the G-1 systems of their brother to know what was going on and later connected Lelouch to the base so he could talk to Clovis, discussing a ceasefire.

From all the pieces and what Lelouch had told her during it she could form a picture which was probably pretty accurate to what had happened. It should be enough but this was important, therefore she wished for the whole story, step by step.

It marked the beginning of what they had worked for in the last years and she wanted to know as much as she could, like she had been there. She didn't mind operating from behind the scenes, she preferred it that way which she knew Lelouch was happy about. But this was a monumental step in their operations and she wanted to know every detail.

*Quit asking questions you already know the answers to. Start talking. Now!*

She watched him give her a wry smile but of course he had to have the last word and suppressed a sigh.

"Anything came in today that I need to look at?"

*No, nothing that can't wait until tomorrow. Some reports from our allies, some requests for resources. Nothing out of the ordinary but you should plan some time for it, also don't forget that the poker tournament is tomorrow."

She watched him fling two knives at once while nodding. Not that he needed the remainder. Her brother could remember information in a way that wasn't normal. It wasn't completely an eidetic memory as it covered read as well as heard information and he couldn't recite a book word for word after he had read it once. But he was still able to retain information easier than anyone she knew but that didn't mean he didn't appreciate a reminder of the more important things.

Her brothers mind was a dangerous place, for more than one reason and it often happened that he could get lost looking far into the future, planning ahead that he sometimes forgot to think about the next five minutes. Or he would forget smaller issues because he was tackling a bigger problem.

He was most likely already plotting ahead, sorting through information he had on Shinjuku and how to incorporate this new cell they had stumbled on into future plans, just like he would try to find the best way to use the knowledge of Clovis secret to their advantage.

Nunnally was sure he would have remembered or at least seen it on his 'official' calender but she also knew that he was already replanning the next day with everything new he wanted to do, things that he now had to plan for because of the happenings today.

Which reminded her.


Lelouch sighed at his sister impatience. As much as he understood it he wanted to get everything in order before he began his tale, because at the end he wanted to be there for her, wanted to forget work for the time and remember the friend he had lost today just seconds after finding him again.

He pushed that thought from his mind once again and started to tell Nunnally everything from the beginning while he went and retrieved the daggers.

He couldn't help it but he did have to pause as he drew nearer to the moment where Suzaku, then only a faceless Britannian soldier, discovered him. He wanted to tell that tale at the end which meant omitting a few details.

By the end of it he had finished his fifth set of exercises, not stopping as he went through the room and collected his weapons back. The last of it he told while setting the table with Nunnallys preferred set of knifes. She favoured the kunais Sayoko was using too, while he didn't care so much, he was pickier with guns, his preferred weapon. While Nunnally specialised more in throwing sharpened steel and while she hit dead centre with whatever you gave her she would always pick her favourites if given the choice.

*There's still something you need to tell me and you don't like it or you wouldn't give me my favourites to train.*

He kissed the top of her head when she came to stand with him, looking down on the arrangements.

When she looked to him Lelouch reached for her hands, holding them as he locked gazes with her before Lelouch told her the part he had left out. The reveal of Suzaku as a Britannian soldier, how he had helped him free the girl instead of securing her. Following his lead despite his orders probably. How he had changed, jumping to attention at the commanders appearance. It hurt to retell not only because of what Suzaku had become but because of what happened next. The idiot always protecting him no matter what.

Listening to the rest of her brothers tale, Nunnally was shocked and saddened. She could also feel the anger building in her and only the steady gaze of her brother was keeping her calm.

She saw the same anguish, the same turmoil she was feeling deeply hidden under the calm mask of Lelouch. She reminded herself to keep breathing carefully. She couldn't allow her emotions to overcome her, if she did the scarred tissue in her throat would cramp and breathing would get difficult. Crying wouldn't help her, wouldn't help her brother and certainly not Suzaku.

She took a deep careful breath under the watching gaze of Lelouch, she did tear up a bit but she was still in control and leaned forwards into the arms of her brother.

She drew strength from him, like always.

He was the steady presence of her life now, she couldn't imagine what she would do without him. He had guided her through everything in the last years, protecting her but also letting her become what she wanted. It had been hard getting him to allow her participation in his plans. But now they both knew that only together they were strong.

She breathed in his scent, calming down further.

"I've told Jeremiah to try and get Suzakus body so that we may give him a proper burial."

His voice was only a whisper but she felt a slight tremble go through his body. He may hide it well but he was as much affected as she was. She hoped that Gottwald would be able to get Suzaku to them but she also knew that it was more important that he wasn't found out. No matter how much the thought of their friend being thrown carelessly into some hole in the ground hurt her, their priorities were clear.

They would mourn their friend, with or without the body. Remember the angry boy that turned into a true friend. The happy child showing them around his home and explaining Japanese traditions. A young boy that helped them and even protected them.

It was hard accepting what he became but that didn't mean they wouldn't pay him the respect he deserved for all he had done for them. Especially as he saved the life of her brother today.

Nunnally withdrew from her brothers embrace, gave him a smile before she stepped away and back to the table. She picked up the first kunai and threw it at the farthest target, hitting dead centre.

If the steel went farther into the target as usual because she let her emotions influence her throwing, Lelouch didn't comment on it. He just stood back and watched.

She worked out her emotions through training and even managed to not let them overrule her, thanks to the calm presence behind her. She kept her breathing steady like she had trained and went through her thoughts while Lelouch retrieved her kunais.

When she was done they went back up and huddled together on the balcony of Lelouchs room, staring up at the stars like they had done with Suzaku when they stayed at the Kururugi shrine. It was something they had done back at Pendragon, mostly with Euphy and then later with their friend.

It was even more bittersweet now than it was then.

It reminded them of happy times at the Aries Villa with their mother, of the cruelty of their father, of the friend that gave them back their happiness and of everything they had endured since then. Gazing at the stars was something that gave them strength despite some sad memories that were connected to them.

They didn't talk much, just sharing some stories of Suzaku but both were more involved with their own thoughts.

Thoughts of what would happen now.

They would slowly but surely step out of the shadows now. Starting tomorrow they would see if all their preparations had been enough. Everything would get more dangerous and despite having waited for it, it was still different to know that it was finally happening. Everything would change now.

The game was on.




Hope you enjoyed! ;-)

I'M STILL SEARCHING FOR A BETA! (Is really no one interested? Don't be shy ^_^ )

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wish you all the best for 2018. Until next time! (Whenever that may be...)