
"Aw, the poor thing…" Mrs. Hudson told me, as we were both sitting for tea in her apartment.

"Yes, I feel bad for her too but hopefully he will come around soon and then in the long run she'll be just fine" I reasoned.

"Actually, I was talking about Sherlock. He can barely take care of himself, let alone another human being" she seemed like she was on the verge of giving up and rushing to Sherlock's aid.

"He has to learn! He's been slacking off from all his parent duties and by helping him we're enabling him. Heck, if I wasn't a doctor she wouldn't have gotten any vaccines" I explained.

Upstairs I've heard Abbie crying even louder and then Sherlock's voice joined hers…

Serves you right for thinking you can trick me into being your nanny I thought.

"Should have added 'babies' to the 'no pets allowed' section in his contract." Mrs. Hudson sighed.

"You should have, but then he wouldn't have been able to sign it seeing as he is a big old baby!" the loud cacophony started getting on my nerves.

Suddenly the noise was replaced with a soft violin tune, and before we knew it, Abbie went quiet.


It felt like the baby and me were in a screaming competition, and I wasn't going to let her win.

While still yelling, I reached for my violin, and placed it on my shoulder. Raising the bow I shouted "Let's see you beat that!" I've started playing a complicated piece I was working on, channeling all my frustration to the instrument.

To my surprise, Abigail didn't raise to the challenge and instead stopped crying and turned her head to the source of the sound, her eyes met me and then a wide smile spread on her face.

"Well what do you know?" I said, and kept playing. She was a fantastic crowd and waved her hand and legs, making high-pitched noises.

"You think this one's good? Wait till you hear the piece I wrote about your mother." and with that I started playing yet another complex piece I've compose after meeting Irene.

When John came back he found me sitting on the couch, holding Abbie in one hand and the violin in the other.

"Were there any trouble while I was away?" John asked.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." I told him, then after some thought I said.

"You know, I have taken your help for granted these past seven weeks, and I know it must've been hard for you. You're a better father to Abigail than her own biological father. In fact, I want you to be her godfather".

John seemed dumbfounded by my out of character words "Sherlock, I'm surprised… I… I don't know what to…", coming back to his senses he cleared his throat then said "I'll be honored".

"Good, now could you please put her in her crib?" I handed her to him.

"Yes of course," he rushed to my side to take her, looking at her in a whole new light – his goddaughter.

Well, he won't pull a disappearing trick on my again I thought with a sheepish grin, Next time you stage your exit don't forget your bag.


A/N: Spoiler alert – there will be a moment in your first days as a parent when your child would go quiet listening to some Mozart and you would be sure you've brought a musical prodigy into this world… but then they would be just as quiet when you'd turn the washing machine on and you would no longer be so sure.

But you'd love them just the same though.

Reviews are much appreciated.