Liv walks into the morgue with a wide smile on her face.

"Hi Ravi!" She says.

Ravi is standing by the computer and narrows his eyes at Liv.

"What is this?" he asks her pointing at something on the screen.

"That looks like you were experimenting? Ravi, did you order a bunch of sex toys on Amazon? Naughty, naughty." She wiggles her finger at him.

"I did not!" He exclaims and Liv has to giggle at his reddened face.

"Sure you didn't." She smirks as she gets ready for the next brain.

"Liv. You can use my Amazon account but please try not to use it for…things like that. What would people say." He says mockingly.

Liv sighs. "It was that kinky lesbian brain I was on. Not my fault."

"Did you keep the stuff?" Ravi asks curiously.

"Well what else was I supposed to do with it?" Liv says and Ravi's smile widens.

"Ha! Blame it on the brains when in reality…" He laughs and Liv can't help but join because she's happy. Stupidly happy but happy.