Leo didn't know how to react when he first saw the Kraang on his hands.

It wasn't anything at first. They were just going over his messy room, looking around to see if there were clues that would answer why Mikey possessed those powers.

It was only when they were about to give up when they discovered a tunnel under his bed.

Where did the tunnel lead them, you may ask?

It led them to another bedroom.

It wasn't anything like the one above, actually. The walls were coated with white painting and the floor was dressed in gray. To their left was a simple bed, neatly made with Mikey's teddy bear on top of it. And to their right were a desk, chair, a laptop decorated with pizza stickers, and a shelf full of books and magazines.

But that wasn't what shocked Leo the most.

To their front was a Kraang that appeared to be meditating on a red pillow which sat on a small table. Its eyes were closed and mind was focused.

The three froze upon finally letting the fact that there was a Kraang in front of them sync in.

Their first instinct? To attack.

They were already going to make a run for it when the Kraang opened its eyes and told them, "Hush."

April was the first one to stop.


Leo and Karai followed her but were confused.

"April, what is it?"It was expected that Leo would be the first to ask. After all, he couldn't find a reason why his little brother had a Kraang in his other bedroom (if that even was Mikey's in the first place)

April closed his eyes.

"Guys...he's not an actual Kraang."


Before Karai could even finish, the "Kraang" coughed before smiling.

"Good day, ladies, and gentlemen. What might have brought you here?"

Leo was on the verge of freaking out.

One: The "Kraang" spoke like a normal human.

And two: It wasn't even afraid. It was as if he had already expected them.

Karai looked at Leo with a face that said, "Say something."

Leo, although still shocked, gulped and tried to retain his sanity.

"Wh-Who are you?"

The "Kraang" hopped onto Leo's hand before answering, "I am Professor Spencer Dunceman. Or," Spencer looked at himself before continuing, "I...used to be."

April was the next one to regain herself. "Are...you a mutant?"

"Hmmm. I would not say mutant either. But you could say that...that is...if human to Kraang is considered mutation." He smiled. "Shall we sit down, my friends? I had a feeling that dear Michelangelo told you the truth already. He should be down in a few minutes-"

"Mikey's been kidnapped."

April, Leo, and Spencer looked at Karai who frowned while looking down.


"It's true...Professor...Spencer."Leo looked down. Somehow, he wanted to cry. He wanted to cry not just because he failed as a leader. But he wanted to weep in despair for his baby brother was gone. Probably being tortured. Probably dead.

He shook his head. No. You have to stay calm.

"The...Kraang came back. And we don't know if they took Mikey."

Spencer looked down for a bit before rubbing his temple using one of his tentacles. "This is a lot to take in. I did fear for the worst."

April bit her lip. "I think we should sit down for a bit. Professor, is that okay?"

Spencer smiled. "You may call me Spencer, dear. And yes. I insist."

Once they finally got comfortable on Mikey's bed, Leo sighed, holding the teddy bear his brother has always cherished. Spencer looked at it and smiled sadly.

"That was a gift I gave to him when he was nine."

Leo widened his eyes. "So you mean he didn't venture out the sewers by himself?"

"Well...he did afterwards."Spencer sighed. "Michelangelo and I had a long history together."

"Could you please tell us then,"April asked. "About how you found Mikey, I mean."

"And what about his powers? Where did they come from?"Karai added.

Spencer nodded. "I guess I should answer them one by one. You see,"he turned to Leo. "Your father and Michelangelo ventured into the sewers one time when an incident happened."

"Incident?"Leo asked.

"Yes. A metal piece that was probably from a construction had crashed into the sewers and Michelangelo made a large dome shield to protect them using his powers. He probably didn't even know he could do that because once the shield was gone, his face held fear. Back then, I was trying to look for a retro mutagen so I could be human again but it seems that fate led me somewhere else.

"So I tried to follow him and then he discovered me on the night of that event..."

Mikey tilted his head, trying to poke Spencer's tentacles one by one.

"What...are you?"

Spencer chuckled. "My name is Professor Spencer Dunceman. You can call me Spencer though."

The first thing the professor had expected from him was fear because after all, a talking brain was already scary enough. Mutant turtles, sure. They were fine. But a talking brain was a different story.

Instead, Mikey rubbed its head gently, smiling. "I would yell to my brothers that there is an alien but,"he yawned. "I'm...too...tired..."

Once he finally slept in front of the professor, the latter rubbed his head and smiled.

"It is best if they do not know for now."

Spencer smiled. "Little by little, we managed to get by. The next day, I managed to explain where I came from and how I found him. He was, at first, confused. And that is understandable since he was six. But as he grew, that is when he finally understood my words and his powers."

April was amazed. She could imagine the bond Mikey and Spencer had since that day.

"And you were, like, his father, right?"

Spencer let out a lighthearted laugh. "He did tell me about that once."

"I don't get it, Spencer."

Spencer looked at seven-year old Mikey, who stopped in the middle of drawing. The elder looked worried. It was rare to see the usual happy-go-lucky child get sad all of a sudden.

"Why aren't we allowed to call Master Splinter 'daddy'?"

Spencer let out a, "Hmmm..." before answering his question.

"Well he is also teaching you ninjutsu so-"

"I mean, I understand that but,"He put the red crayon down. "It doesn't feel right. It's like saying that I don't have a parent. And I want a parent. I want a daddy since it's impossible to find a mommy."Mikey giggled at the thought of the rat finding a lady to love and marry.

It brought the professor to a memory that still retained in the recesses of his mind. A memory of happiness and a child's warm laugh.

Somehow, he felt his heart break.

He knew that he'll never make it back to him, even if he had taken the retro mutagen.

He had to let go for it was long in the past. And with Mikey, he could start a new life.

"What about me? Do you not consider me as a father?"

Mikey was surprised. And that was to be expected.

"S-So I can call you daddy?"

Spencer smiled. "If that is what you wish, my son."

"Michelangelo was like the best son to ever exist..."

Ten-year old Mikey gripped the tray carefully, afraid to look at the results.

"It is nothing to fear, my son."Spencer said. Mikey bit his lip.

"But what if they look like charcoal?"

"I'm sure they do not. We did follow the instructions, after all."

After much thinking, Mikey finally decided to pull the tray out from the oven.

He gasped upon looking at the golden brown cookies that produce a kind of smell that made him hungry.

"Every single day with him was full of excitement..."

"This tastes awful,"Fifteen-year old Mikey stuck his tongue out after tasting one of Casey's brownies. Spencer looked at him while putting the book down.

"It is food, my son. And it is a gift. You must finish it."

Mikey snorted. "Why don't you try it then?"

"If that is what you wish,"Using one of his tentacles, Spencer grabbed the fork from his hand, pierced the brownie using the utensil, and brought the sweet to his mouth.

When his tongue touched it, however, he put the fork down and tried to gulp whatever trace remained in his mouth.

"You...are right. This is rather disgusting and indigestible."

Mikey looked at the remaining brownies on the plate. "Well, what do we do with them now?"

Spencer thought for a bit before looking at the turtle.

"How long has it been since you pranked Raphael?"

"And soon, the bits and pieces of my old human life were blurred and mixed together until they rested in my subconscious."

"Because...you had Mikey..."Karai uttered, her voice going softer as each word was said.

Leo gripped onto the teddy bear, finally allowing a tear to come out. He sniffed. He covered his face using the teddy bear and cried.


Spencer looked down. For some odd reason, he felt a strange, unsettling feeling in his heart. One that he hadn't experienced after what happened in London. The mutated Kraang felt the tears trying to break the wall that blocked them from escaping.

But he had to pull himself together.

After all, they have to find Mikey.

"Now is not the time to mourn."

Leo wiped his tears upon hearing those words and nodded. "You're right, Spencer." And he stood up with newfound determination. April and Karai followed before Spencer jumped from the bed.

"Let's go save Mikey."