Jaces pov

"l'M GOING TO GET YOU" I laughed when I heard Olivia and Jacob squeal and run out of the kitchen, I ran behind them and picked them up, they squealed again but louder and then started to laugh when I tickled them with the hand that was around them

"OK DADDY PLEASE STOP" gasped Liv as she kept laughing, I laughed and put them down, and perfect timing to because the door bell rung.

I went over to it and opened the door revealing Izzy. Before i could say anything the kids walked in "AUNTY IZZY" Jake screamed happily and ran to hug her and soon Liv did to

"thanks Izzy for watching them while I go to work, and-"

"Jace it's ok I love watching them, go to work" she said, cutting me off. I smiled at her, turning around to my babies

"be good" I kissed Livs head " and listen to aunt Izzy" I finished, kissing Jake's head

"yes daddy" they said together and then started to laugh at what they just did, i smiled, before kissing Izzy on the head, and walking out.

When I was 17 years old I got my girlfriend, Miley, pregnant with Jake. After some fighting, our parents warmed to the idea, and wanted to help out. Two years later and she was pregnant with Liv, by then we were already living together, with jobs since we couldn't go to college because

we didn't finish high school. Life was great we had our babies and each other, but three months after Liv was born, Miley and her parents were in a car accident with 7 other cars, no one lived.

I was devastated

Five years later and I am a 24 year old man with a 7 year old and a 5 year old. I work at a bar that is very well known in New York, so I got some tips. I live in a small two bedroom apartment, and just try to do right with my kids, but I am failing big time and I knew it. The rent was late, the light will be shut off next week, and I can't even by school supplies for them.

When I got to work I immediately started. After awhile of working I felt a hand on my arm

"hey Jacey, your looking good tonight" I rolled my eyes before turning around and smiling politely

"thanks kaelie, but I have to get back to work" I said, she smiled and nodded, then walked away swinging her hips on purpose, but it wasn't sexy at all, it just looks like she is walking with water in her pants.

When Miley died, I swore off all women, and just lived for my kids. I knew that Miley would want me to be happy with someone, but I hadn't met that person yet, I knew I never would, so I never date. That also means I havent had sex in over 6 years. But as long as I have Liv and Jake I was fine

when I was 9 years old, my parents died, murdered right in front of me, I went into the system for a few weeks but then got adopted by the lightwoods, I got lucky, I knew not every one did, so I am grateful that I wasn't in the car too.

I was getting someone a drink, when Alec, my adopted brother, came up to the bar, looking lonely "hey man what are you doing at pandemonium, you never come here" I asked with a smirk, because I already new why he was here, he glared

"another date failed, he was weird, anyway I need a shot ASAP" I nodded and turned around, getting him a shot of hot damn, I turned back around and have it to him, he took the whole thing, then started to couch, I was about on the floor I was laughing so hard "what the hell was that!"

"hot damn" I answered

"no the drink I don't care what girls you think are hot" he said rolling his eyes. I laughed again

"the drink, is called hot damn"

"oh, well it's horrible" I shook my head laughing "I have to go, I have work in the morning, see you later" I nodded and he left.

Finally after about 5 hours, my shift was over. When I walked in the apartment, it was quite. I walked in the living room and seen Izzy asleep on the couch, I smiled see her

I walked into the kids room and saw my babies asleep, I walked in the room and kissed their heads, then grabbed a blanket and left their room but letting the door open a little

I walked back in the living room with the blanket and put it on Izzy then I went into the basket to take a shower. After my shower I wrapped a towel around my hips, waking to my room

When I got there, I put boxers and sweatpants on. As soon as my head hit the bed I feel asleep like a light.

I woke up with a groan. I sat up and seen Liv cuddled up to my side and Jake had his feet on my face, hitting it. I chuckled, I climbed over Liv as quickly and quietly as I could. I don't have work today

I went into the kitchen and started to cook breakfast, when I had the eggs going I walked into the living room to see Izzy gone and the blanket folded.

A few minutes later like came in the kitchen yawning, followed by Jake. "hey babies, how did you sleep"

"good, I had a dream, that I was a secret spy and I was saving the world" said Liv, I laughed

"how about you buddy, did you sleep well"

"... I had a dream about mom" I stopped what I was doing and closed my eyes.

"daddy? will we ever get a mommy"asked Liv, before I could answer Jake beat me

"No, we only have one mom and she is dead" he said harshly, Liv started to cry, I turned around and saw Jake hugging Liv "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry sissy"

"it's ok bubby" I smiled, sadly. I gave them their breakfast and sat down with them. Liv stood up and turned on the TV, she squealed when she seen Clarissa Morgenstern getting an interview.

"so Clarissa, how have you been" asked the person giving the interview, Jane,

"please call me Clary, and I am doing good, how about you" Clarissa said with a polite smile, they were sitting side by side but their chairs where slanted, so that the could see each other, and the camera

"oh I am doing good, how about we start with these questions" Jane asked

"of course"Jane had cards in her hands

"ok, how old where you when you first started to dance"

"oh wow, this is a trick question" she said laughing, along with Jane "i have been dancing for as long as I could remember, my brother says that I was dancing before I was walking" she said with a fond smile

"if you could pick one person in your life that had inspired you the most to become a dancer who is it and why?"

"I will have to say my brother, my life has never been easy. my mother died when I was two and my father couldn't handle that so he went off the handle, my brother had always been there for me and he has raised me to become the person I am today."

"that is amazing, now I heard that you are going to New York" as soon as Liv heard that she squealed, loudly

"Yes I am, I am opening up a dance studio so that anyone that wants to become a dance can go there. It is completely free and I will be there when I can to help. There will also be a contest, and who ever wins will be dancing with me in my next concert" Liv was about to burst with happiness now

"ok thank you Clary for talking to us and we will hopefully see you later"

"of course" she said and then a commercial came on

"daddy can we please go, please" asked Liv

"we will see ok, now finish eating"

"can we go to the park afterwards" asked Jake

"sure, but you have to eat all of you food" I said, then laughed when the started to shove all of the food in their mouths.