AN: Hello my beautiful peoples! Here is the next chapter for this story. Like I mentioned before this story will follow the canon timeline however there will be some drastic changes to fit the story better. Enjoy my beautifuls. Review, like and follllow ~
Disclaimer: The universe and characters from the Vampire Knight manga and anime belong to their amazing creator and author; Hino Matsuri. Any OC's belong to me.
It had become apparent to Emmy that Cross Academy's only pureblood had some predatory feelings towards her. The revelation amused her to no end, and she had decided to shrug it off as some joke, but to keep an eye out to how he treated her little Hana. She still would never trust this man, not even if her life depended on it.
In all the revelations of her life, she had depended on her father to shed light on her issues. However, Nagamichi was miles away, and the only father figure she could find was within the Headmaster of the academy. So, she decided to visit the happy - go - lucky Headmaster to ask for is advice. Chilly air nipped at the pads of her fingertips and frolicked in severe cuts on her nose. She was sure she'd be looking like Rudolph later, but that didn't matter.
She was really excited when she first found out about their enrolment to Cross Academy. Here she had an opportunity to cause some change and do it, side by side, with her brother. She scoffed at the thought of it, the only difference that they had made was creating a rancid substitute for human blood. For political affairs, which to her amusement was not met with welcoming unity at all.
The old and ancient lawmakers detested the idea of not enjoying the delectable hunt of fresh blood. However, the Hunter's Association had long marked it with a stamp of "punishable by death", and thus it was useless to go back if it meant the death of ancient bloodlines. Therefore, the current pureblood prince had decided to invest his authority into the blood tablets and co-habitation of vampire and humans.
All her thoughts swirled around her brain, and she had not realised that she had arrived at the Headmaster's dorm building. She ceased her movements and stared at the massive mahogany door. She could sense a duo of energies fighting one another in dominance. The entirety of her way to the Headmaster's office had her gagging in breathlessness as both presences seemed to push each other out, causing a zone of stifling aura.
"I trust you, so I have not interfered. But you have only taken a few steps, and you continue to treat Zero as a regular student. Do you intend to allow Zero to destroy your ideals of peace?" said a familiar voice. Destroying the Headmaster's ideals of peace? Why would Zero be capable of such a thing?
But before I could continue my thoughts, I could taste sorrow andbloodlust coating my tongue a metallic frenzy. The only vampire capable of committing such heart pulverising pain was te resident Level D. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and appeared in time to have a sweet scent invade my nostrils. Blood.
Frightened doe eyes widened from the shock stared at me. The silver-haired hunter had lost all control of his senses and had attacked his closest friend; the Headmaster's daughter. I ripped Zero off her and pushed him away from both of us. The young girl had gone lax in my arms and was shaking from the devastating fear she must have been experiencing.
"Zero, I know you do not like me but breathe in and control yourself. Yuki is your friend, do not do something you might regret" I reprimanded gently. The girl was slowly replenishing her strength, as I could sense her determination to comfort her friend. I thought my powers as a blessing at times like these. Deeming me as a non-threat, the brunette clutched my arm to hold herself and opened her mouth to speak before she ripped away from and cradled in a raging pureblood's embrace.
Anger was coating the air, walls, and the whole damn planet. My knees buckled at the heavyweight of it, and I fell to the ground choking on the air around me. I knew I looked like a fool coughing and spluttering with tears falling freely from my eyes, I had lost control of all my other senses. I did not realise it when anger left and sorrow was gripping me tightly in their arms and transporting me away from the deathly presence.
Weary electric blue pools started to open and stare at the ceiling above them. The loud static of voices arguing and soft breathing opposite the stirring brunette was met with an unwelcome sting of an arising headache. Emmy pushed herself up to balance herself out. Elbows propped up on the linen pillows behind her, she gazed out in front of her to see a circle of the Headmaster, Night Class Dormleader, and her little brother gathered around a bed holding a crying Yuki Cross.
Her movements silenced the group of people and propelled a worried noble toward her. Hanabusa grabbed his sister by the shoulders and pulled her into him in a death-defying embrace. Emmy returned the embrace with equal fervour and smoothed the blond's mussed hair as he whispered that they'd be both alright. Over her brother's shoulders, she met the pureblood's wide eyes and flinched at the bitterness within.
The older noble had enough of dramatic happenings today and whispered to her brother that they should make their way back to bed. She stood up and silently thanked the ex-hunter and wished the brunette disciplinary committee member a healthy recovery. Long legs making a hasty retreat to the exit. She was halted by dainty fingers griping her jacket sleeve and turned to find soft autumn brown eyes stare at her.
Yuki Cross has always led a confused and sheltered life and found it difficult to easily connect with other girls her own age, especially vampires. Thus, it was not common for many vampires to stand up and help her in her hour of shocking revelations and need. These truths propelled her to use her diminishing strength to stand up and hug the noble vampire with long chocolate locks.
Silence encapsulate the entire infirmary, and everyone watched with bated breath as the older girl returned the embrace and assured the younger girl that she was welcome to her support at any time
I hope you enjoyed that my lovelies. I want Yuki and Emmy to form a sisterly bond. To those wanting to know, I am a sucker for symbolism and personification in my writing so there will be a lot of scenes that can be quite open for interpretation :)
The next chapter is in progress; Kaname confronts Emmy, and Yuki and Emmy have some bonding time.