Here is the next chapter of my Magical Tamers revision hope you all enjoy

Revealing his true name to the foreigner Andrei didn't go any further than the name knowing that somethings were left best unasked, "So what are you expecting this year?" Andrei asked as the digimon got into their own discussion, "Besides people wanting me to stay in England and people calling Harry nothing much," Takashi shrugged. "Besides what weapon do you use?" the Japanese raised teen asked, "Mace with a Rocket Launcher for long range you?" Andrei answered then asked, "I can summon creatures through cards," Takashi said showing them Kuriboh card from Yu-Gi-Oh bringing it to life receiving a squeal from Catherine who started to hug it, "I also use a gun blade which I can also use cards I've created to help," he explained. "I use a rapier but I'm not sure about what long range weapon I can use," Catherine revealed. "You'll figure it out in time," Takashi shrugged, "So what are you both expecting when we reach Hogwarts?" he asked.

Seeing the door slide open the group of three quickly returned their partners into the digivice, "Excuse me have you seen a toad around here someone lost it and I'm helping to look for it?" the bushy haired girl asked. "No we haven't seen any here," Catherine answered, "We've been here since the train left the station," she explained. Nodding she was about to leave before catching sight of Takashi, "Are you really Harry Potter I've read all kinds of books about you," the girl said, "But I'm confused as to why they were taken down?" Takashi snorted, "That's probably because of the fact they were using my name without permission hoping to make a quick buck." The girl refused to accept it, "No everything in books are true," here Catherine voiced what was on her mind, "Then why is there a fiction section in library's," not coming up with an answer the girl closed the door and stomped off, "Wow what went down her back and died," Andrei said receiving shrugs from Takashi and Andrei. "Hey while we're still on the train why not exchange numbers in case we're put in different houses," Takashi said receiving nods and soon numbers were exchanged.

Hearing that they were nearing they were reaching Hogwarts the guys took their stuff and went to the nearest rest room to change and when they returned the guys saw Catherine already dressed and reading one of their school books. "Hey do you have any hand held device on you?" Andrei asked, "PSP and a 3DS," Takashi answered, "But we're nearing the station anyways so it would be pointless to pull them out," he added. Watching the train roll in, all the students started to flow off the train to see a giant man who gestured for them to follow him down a path leading to a lake, but to our foreign students they all head their hands on their respective weapons receiving nervous looks from the other students as well as an enraged look from the bushy haired girl from earlier. "No more than four to a boat," Hagrid said and watching everyone start to pile he also moved to a boat everyone wondering why that small boat wasn't sinking due to the weight, "Everyone in a boat?" he asked checking if there was no one left behind, "Alright forward," with the command the boats started to move.

"Heads down," the giant hollered as they reached the bridge and after ducking under the first years took their first sight of Hogwarts in all of its glory. "I've seen sights better than this," Takashi shrugged remembering his first time seeing the Digital World, "The view from the Eiffel Tower is better than this castle," Catherine nodded in agreement, "I know the feeling," Andrei said remembering some locations in Russia much to the shock of their companion.

Reaching the opposing shore, everyone got off the boats and after returning a toad to a student Hagrid brought them to the castle entrance and banged on the doors three times. Swinging open the doors revealed a tall black haired witch in emerald color robes standing there, and the atmosphere around her told everyone that she wasn't one you wanted to mess with. "The first years, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid informed her letting everyone know the name of the woman, "Thank you Hagrid I'll take things from here," McGonagall told him opening the doors, "Huh this is similar to the one in Beacon," Takashi thought seeing the walls similar to the one in the bank in Japan.

Following the professor she lead them to the room opposite to where the sound was coming from ushering them into a medium size room letting everyone have some breaking room. "Welcome to Hogwarts," she began, "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into different house. The Sorting itself is a very important ceremony because here your house will be like your family while in Hogwarts (RK: I still have to say bullshit because where was that family when Harry needed it second and third beyond). You will spend time classes with your house, sleep in your house dormitories, and spending your free time in your house common room," she listed.

It was here the professor was interrupted, "Professor those three have weapons," the bushy haired girl snitched, "So what," Takashi said, "We have permission from our respective headmasters that we can carry them." Professor McGonagall nodded, "He is correct unlike Hogwarts other schools teaches their students both magic and non-magic arts letting them also craft their own weapons," she explained surprising the Britain native students. "But as I was saying the houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin," she said the last one with a bit of hate in it, "Each house has its own noble history produced its own wizards and witches." Taking a deep breath she continued, "While you are here your conquests will bring you points to your house and any rule breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year the house with the most wins will receive the House Cup, a great honor. I hope you all give credit to the house you are sorted into."

Taking out her wand and did a couple of flicks it showed the time, "In a short while I will bring you to the Great Hall to be sorted, but for now you may mingle with your school mates," then left the room.

"Alright I get the points but what about expulsion are still taken?" Andrei asked getting shrugs, "And to be honest the House Cup is sort of pointless," Takashi said, "I mean what do you get besides bragging rights?" he asked getting confused looks from Catherine and Andrei. "I'm just wondering how they're going to sort us?" Catherine asked, "Whatever it is we'll be ready," Takashi said gripping his weapon getting nods. "Everyone form a line and follow me," McGonagall ordered entering the room then seeing the students lined up she motioned for them to follow entering the Great Hall.

"Headmaster," the hat said next to Dumbledore, "I wish to sort the foreign students the old fashion way," he added changing the room to where they were outside and standing in front of them was a Mountain Troll. "Andrei, Catherine, and Takashi please step forward," the hat called out as the three stepped forward, "In the early days of Hogwarts the sorting was to face a troll like you see here," the hat began, "I'm going to ask if you wish to face it as one or go one at a time?"

"Well what do you think?" Takashi asked unsheathing his sword, "I say we go as one," Andrei said twirling his mace around, "I agree we have a much better chance against the troll," Catherine added. "Then may the test begin," the hat voiced causing the eyes to light up, "Who's the strategist here because I'm not a very good strategist," Andrei asked, "I'll be the strategist," Catherine said invoking seals, "But I'm going to need some protection since I'm going to be defenseless," she added. "Cyber Tutu (Yu-Gi-Oh) Light Van Helsing (Super Monster League) come to my aid," Takashi said inserting the two cards into the slot before opening a portal to reveal a girl with pink hair and blue eyes the same height as Takashi wearing a mint green jumpsuit with red sleeves and the sides with ballerina shoes and a tutu with a visor and the second figure to be the same height as an adult with blonde hair and red eyes garbed in suit and a high collared trenchcoat with a crossbow in hand. "What do you need Takashi?" Cyber Tutu asked surprising everyone that she could talk, "We're going to be facing that troll over there and our strategist is pretty much defenseless for the fight," Takashi explained, "So we're going to be bodyguards," Van said with a deep tone, "No if you can fire that crossbow when you see an opening and Cyber Tutu will act as support for Catherine in scanning the Troll for any weak spots," Takashi explained receiving nods.

"You ready to do this?" Andrei asked, "Hell yeah let's do this," Takashi answered as they both moved it as Van Gave them some cover fire. "Magical Style Twin Blades," Takashi said inserting a card resulting in another blade to appear, "Takashi incoming club," Catherine informed, "Got it Cross Guard," Takashi said crossing his blades in an X position. "Meteor Slam," Andrei yelled jumping over Takashi and smacking the troll across the face, "Andrei watch out," Catherine warned letting Andrei raise his mace in time to block. "Triple Fire," Takashi called out switching his blade to gun mode firing three rounds towards the troll making it step back, and unknown to them all there was a symbol on the back of the trolls neck that started to shine catching their attention.

"This isn't part of the trial," the hat gasp seeing the light, "So this wasn't part of the test back then?" a black haired wizard asked worry in his eyes when he saw Takashi. "No someone tampered with the trial," the hat said, "And we can't stop it until it's over," he added.

"I'm guessing that this isn't part of the test," Andrei said watching as the mountain grew and somehow now holds a sword. "Be careful the troll now has dark powers," Cyber Tutu revealed switching the gun back to sword mode Takashi said, "Everyone cover me I'm going in," before charging in," switching to launcher mode Andrei called out, "Barrage," Van soon followed, "Arbalest Assault." Watching the attacks land on their intended target Takashi jumped into the air, "Starburst Stream," he yelled and everyone watched as both blades glowed blue and landed a 16 hit combo. Then when the energy blade vanished Takashi saw Andrei charge forward, "Andrei switch," the Japanese raised child yelled extending his non-occupied hand, "Here's an Earthquake to the face," Andrei yelled slamming his weapon forcing the troll to reveal the seal, "Everyone attack the seal it's the only way to quickly beat it," Catherine yelled out.

"Aw I like doing things the hard way," Andrei said but still went for the seal, "If you give me a chance I'll fire straight through the seal," Van yelled crossbow raised, "You all heard the man let's do this," Takashi yelled slashing away at the troll with Andrei upper bashing the head to reveal the neck, "Fire," Van yelled out pulling the trigger everyone watching it pierce the neck exiting from behind ending the fight.

In a flash of light they were all back in the Great Hall seeing everyone stare at them in shock, "Well that was an experience," the hat commented, "So now that we passed the test of old how are you going to sort us?" Andrei asked. "Well judging by your experience you kept a clear head through out the fight and knew what was needed," the hat began, "You knew you would need a strategist and summoned creatures to guard said strategist while also allowing them to give you cover fire, and also knew that together you would be stronger than alone. You played on each strength while also covering your weakness," the hat listed, "From that alone it seems you are all in Hufflepuff," he finally said. Takashi shrugged, "It's all in how you lead others; Courage to take of the challenge without going in reckless, Loyalty to stand with your comrades against the odds, Knowledge to plan head while also having room for any surprises, and Cunning to win the fight," he listed, "Yes all the requirements to be a leader," the hat nodded, "Now why don't sit with your new house mates while I sort the rest of the students," he said.

"Yeah Harry why don't you sit with me," Tonks yelled, "Wait your Harry Potter," the blonde haired kid from the train yelled as everyone was surprised then realized that the Boy-Who-Lived was in the house oh the badgers. "You asked for Harry Potter I'm not Harry Potter I'm Takashi Nonaka," Takashi said sitting down away from Tonks next to Andrei and Catherine.

At the head table there was different reactions; Dumbledore was surprised then pissed that his perfect plans were already going down the drain, Snape was proud that the son of his former friend took to her more than that fools James, Sprout was excited that Harry, or Takashi as he wishes to be called, was in her house, Flitwick just hoped Takashi has the same prowess as his mother in Charms, Quirrell was confused but still had a plan to bring his master back to life, McGonagall was split while she was happy that Harry was here in Hogwarts she wanted him to be in her house like his parents before him.

"Guess that the professors are split about this new development," Andrei said to his companions, "Yeah I can see that," Takashi said looking at each of them feeling something try and penetrate his mind when he looked at Dumbledore and a softer one when looking at Snape.

When the sorting finished, Dumbledore stood from his throne arms spread wide, "Welcome," he began, "Welcome to a New Year of Hogwarts and before we begin I would like to say these words: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

Then sitting back down he said, "Thank you!"

Looking at the food in front of him, Takashi saw all sorts of food but only went for the least greasy kinds, "Not hungry?" an older student asked sitting across from him. "Not it's just that some of the food is to greasy for my liking is all," Takashi answered, "I see growing up in a different place you don't know what kinds of food is beyond your home," he said receiving a nod, "Well the names Cedric Diggory so if you need any help just find me," Cedric told him receiving a nod from the Japanese raised teen. "Don't worry about it Ced," Tonks said from near the end of the table, "I can take care of Harry," Takashi shook his head, "I believe I'll go to Cedric or my head of house if I need something," he said much to her disappointment.

Making small talk with some of his house mates as well as the house ghost Takashi figured out as things work: Gryffindor and Slytherin were the rival top dogs, Ravenclaw were the book hoarders that like to remind people of the knowledge they have but others don't, and Hufflepuff were the losers that don't amount to much, but with Takashi or Harry, in the house status may change.

Dumbledore, after the desserts vanished from the tables, stood the entire room fell silent, "Now that we all had our fill I would just like to say a few start-of-term notice to give you. First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils, and a few of our older students would remember that as well," here Dumbledore was looking to the lions table. "I have also been asked my Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trails will be held in the second week of the term, so if anyone is interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. Finally I must inform you that the third corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who doesn't wish to die a very painful death."

"He's not serious is he?" Catherine asked fearful, "I'm not to sure but why would he announce it," Cedric said uncertain, "Even if it is out of bounds the headmaster would always give a good reason, but this year he's leaving us clueless." Takashi also put his two cents and said, "Not only that be he was also very specific about what corridor and what side it was on. It's like he's baiting someone into going up," Catherine was shocked, "But won't people die if they do that," Cedric shook his head, "Not to the Gryffindors."

Takashi shook his head, "There is a fine line for Courage that those are bravery, knowing when to fight or run, and stupidity, rushing in with no plan, and for the Gryffindor's that courage is stupidity."

"Before I send you off let us sing the school song," Dumbledore cried happily, "I don't like where this is going," Takashi muttered seeing the smiles on the professor's faces become fixed. Giving his wand a flick a long golden ribbon flew high above the tables twisting itself into words, "Everyone pick their favorite tune," Dumbledore began, "And now off we go!"

What transpired next felt like a nail being dragged across a chalkboard, "Damn don't these people know how to hold a good tune," Takashi grumbled getting agreeing nods from Andrei and Catherine. When everyone was finished Dumbledore said, "Ah music a magic beyond all we do here. And now bed time off you trot," he finished.

Slowly the houses started to leave, "Alright everyone follow us," a female yelled causing they first years to follow the older years. Trekking down the halls of Hogwarts the first years started to smell food, "If your wondering about the smell our house is located near the kitchen," the male teenager explained.

Opening the entrance door the first years saw their common room for the first time feeling it give the feeling of home to it. "Thank you for leading them here James Samatha," an older female said stepping into the common room, "For our first years my name is Pomona Sprout, your head of house and Herbology professor," Sprout introduced, "I wish to express my happiness for you all to be in the house of the hard working and don't think of what the other houses think of us. As you're your sleeping arrangements they are co-ed with a minimum of four students and it will be like that for the rest of the year or if one of your roommates graduates before you do, then at that point you will be asked if you wish to have another roommate or just you three or the number in the dorm," Sprout explained. "Hey Takashi do you mind an older year with you three?" Cedric asked, "I'm cool with it," Takashi answered before turning to his friends, "I'm fine with it I just hope you know how to act around a lady," Catherine said while Andrei gave a nod.

So I actually went with the Troll thing so what I'm sure the sorting of the medieval area did the same or at least something similar. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and see you all next time.