Zarya's POV

I couldn't stop crying because the loss of Jack was too painful. I cried the whole way to Tia Dalma's in fact. When we entered the waters of her domain there were locals standing in the water holding candles representing Jack's fall.

Tia Dalma had been expecting us and she made me sit where it was comfortable since I was so upset. Will was messing with his knife while Tia Dalma handed out tea. When she gave me mine she patted my back and I gave her a grateful look. Elizabeth had told me it was Jack who wanted to stay behind on the Pearl. It was him who wanted to be chained up. An act of selflessness. An act of his love for me. Elizabeth was upset too because she felt guilty for chaining Jack up. I promised her I wasn't angry and she was only doing what Jack wanted. But still the pain was too much.

Will placed his knife down and came over to me.

"I'm so sorry Zarya" he whispered.

I buried my head into his shoulder and he let me cry into him. He hugged me and rubbed my back. Gibbs then made a toast to Jack. The others followed suit except for Will and I. Eventually I pulled away from Will and tried to drink the tea but I couldn't.

"If there was anything that could be done to bring him back" Will said to me.

"Would you do it?" Tia Dalma asked suddenly coming up to Will. "Hmm?"

She then turned to me.

"What would you?" she then proceeded to look around the room. "What would any of you be willing to do? Would you sail to the ends of the earth? And beyond to fetch back witty Jack and him precious Pearl"





Cotton and his parrot agree too. Elizabeth nodded and Will looked to me along Tia Dalma.


Will also nodded. Tia Dalma smiled.

"All right, but if you go and brave the weird and haunted shores at world end, then you will a need a captain who knows these waters"

Everyone shot her a questioning look at that revelation. Suddenly the sound of boots was heard coming down the stairs. The others stood up while I remained sitting down.

"So tell me" Barbossa asked. "What's become of my ship?"

He then took a bite of his apple before laughing.

Will's POV

Zarya suddenly fell limp and I was quick to catch her.

"Is she alright?" Elizabeth asked.

Tia Dalma came over and looked at the unconscious water dragon in my arms.

"She just needs rest since she just lost her mate"

I had a feeling something else was going on though.

Zarya's POV

"God I really am pathetic" I growled as Tia Dalma made me drink something that would ease my nerves. Sense I fainted she made me lay in her bed.

"No child you are not" Tia Dalma reassured me. "You are overwhelmed"

I nodded and I felt more tears slide down my face. Tia Dalma wiped them away like a mother would do with a child.

"There is something you need to know Zarya" Tia Dalma continued. "I am not who you think I am"

"You're the sea goddess Calypso" I replied. "I've known for a while and my dragon half does too"

"Smart one you are little dragon" Tia Dalma said with a smile. "But my true identity isn't what I speak of"

I shot her a questioning look. She then placed a palm onto my stomach.

"Holy shit" I said realizing what she was saying.

"You are with child Zarya Hart"

And that wraps up Dead Man's Chest!

Stay tuned for Jack Sparrow&The Water Dragon: At World's End.