The person laying down on the old rotten mattress was indeed Mocha. Her arms and legs bond by rope to prevent any movement, her eyes covered by a thick blindfold, a red rubber ball gag was stuffed in her mouth to prevent her from speaking a word. Her body was covered in raw scratches and freshly made bruises as well as her farming overalls being in complete tatters. At first glance I feared for the worst may have already happened but was more than relieved to hear faint breathing from her nostrils.
"Mocha. Mocha!" I whispered lightly shaking her shoulders until she realized my presence.
She responded by kicking her legs and letting out labored yet angry muffled sounds.
"Hold on a sec, let me take this off first." I removed the saliva covered gag from her mouth and she started coughing.
"Come back for more huh? Tsk, just make it quick…before I throw up." She said coldly turning her head away from my direction before I could try and take the blindfold off.
"...You don't recognize me, do you." "
"...All you humans are all the same anyway, all you do is care about yourselves."
"…If that was true, then I wouldn't have came looking for you."
"…Looking….for me?"
She turned her head back towards me and I quickly removed the blindfold, her eyes was squinting shut from the sudden exposure to the glare of the light but soon adjusted and her golden yellow eyes rested on mine.
"It's you." She said staring up at me moments before her surprised gaze turned into a cold stare.
"What are you doing here?" "Huh? Saving you of course! Why else would I be risking my life coming here?"
"How should I know? I don't know what motivates humans to do stupid things." She said with a twin huff from her nostrils.
I sighed aloud and figured now wasn't a good time to be arguing about this.
"Alice, Alex. Please untie her legs while I untie her hands."
"Right!" Alice said with a salute.
"Ai-Ai captain." Alex said with a salute as well.
With that I started untying her hands, yet Mocha wasn't exactly in the thanking seeing the many scratches and bruises bothered me.
"What happened to you? I swear to god if they touched you-"
"Swear to your own god, like I'd ever give them that chance."
Mocha was brought into a small room with a leather sack on her head and was strapped down to a chair as the masked men filled the room. One man wearing a red devil mask was talking on a cell phone before seeing that the "special package" had finally arrived.
"Ah! And here she is. Don't worry, she'll be in good hands and ready for you to pick her up in the morning. Ciao'."
With that the phone call ended and with a snap of the man's fingers Mocha's head bag was removed.
"Where am I? Who are you?" she asked as she struggled against the leather straps on her wrists.
"Now now, there is nothing to worry about. We're just your friendly neighborhood package delivery company, and you Extra-Species are in high demand at the moment."
"Demand? Who would want Extra-Species?"
"That just so happens to be the question isn't it? Who would want sideshow freaks like you running around our beautiful cities stealing jobs from the hardworking class and bringing pointless laws into existence. Monsters belong in fairytales, not in the real world. So we, the H.A.M.A, were founded to fight against this rising plague."
"…So what are you going to do to me?"
"Nothing, well, at the moment anyway. All we have to do is keep you alive until our boss's new client picks you up in the morning."
"So you're just going to sell me off to some random guy?"
"Hey, that's just how we do business. And is booming."
The devil faced man placed his hand on her shoulder as he said this, Mocha finally broke free from the leather strap on her right hand before delivering a solid punch to his face sending him staggering back before falling to the floor. The other masked men pulled put their guns and aimed at her ready to fire, meanwhile the devil faced man rose up from the floor in a very…unnatural matter…like a snake with arms and legs. He straightened his crooked mask and a dark aura was emitting from his body.
"Looks like someone needs to teach you a little lesson in manners."
With a snap of his fingers the masked men stepped aside as something covered by a white sheet was rolled into the room, as the sheet was removed Mocha tensed up at the sight of an old fashioned wooden stock you would see at medieval festivals. At once she was removed from the chair and placed inside locked up tight with only her arms and head sticking out, even with her monster strength the stocks remained in place yet she persisted until the devil faced man walked up to her.
"Now what?"
"Now is something I'd like to call…poetic justice."
With that he slipped the red ball gag in her mouth and nodded over to a man with a demon oni face mask who slipped on a black leather glove and slowly pulled out a certain object, the low hum of the object meant it was vibrating. With the foreign vibrating object shoved in deep into her naked backside Mocha was everything but comfortable as she screamed behind the gag wanting the object to be removed as the men watched laughing aloud and enjoying the show. A few minutes later the devil faced man removed the gag from her mouth allowing her to speak.
"Enjoying our little special treatment?" he said with a cocky tone in his voice.
"Go to hell." She said after spitting on his shoe.
Not even bothered by her spit he replaced the gag before turning towards the oni masked man.
"Turn it up to max."
The oni masked man nodded before turning the small remote in his hand's setting to high, immediately the sexual device obeyed increasing it's vibrating power to maximum. Mocha muffled screams and kicking legs showed she wanted it out of her right now but they only responded by laughing even more.
"I think she wants more, how about it lads?"
The other men nodded in agreement before arming themselves with leather whips and one by one they started lashing at her, she let out muffled screams of pain with each stinging hit before finally her legs shuddered violently before a creamy stream of white burst free from between them. Mocha's eyes were widen and she held her head low in disbelief that she came from such a abusive treatment, she has never been so ashamed of herself ever in her life.
"I think that should be enough lads, we'd still her to be conscious when our client comes. Take her away for now."
With that the masked men freed Mocha from the stocks and she didn't even bother putting up a fight after that, she kept her gaze fixed on the floor as they led her out the room.
End of flashback:
Mocha was pulled out of her haunted trance just as I finally got the tight knots to unravel before they slid off her wrists with ease, she massaged her aching wrists and looked at me.
"Thank you." She said without much enthusiasm.
"Hmm, your 'thank you' sound more like 'drop dead'."
"Whatever, take it or leave it. Now get out of my way."
She pushed me and the twins out of the way before walking out the front door.
"So just to recap, you risked your life…to save her?" Alex asked with a raise of her eyebrow.
"She doesn't seem very nice." Alice said in agreement.
"She's been through a lot, I can only imagine what could be going through her mind right now. Come on, we better follow her." I said quickly running after Mocha with the twins following closely behind.
We were greeted by an army of masked men armed with AK-47 assasult riflesMocha was standing there with a blank expression as if not surprised to see so many at once. I walked up and stood in front of her which in fact did surprise her, and so did the twins. Despite the large number of H.A.M.A members all Mocha could see was the red devil faced man himself as he walked in front of his men, his plastic red eyes staring at all of us.
"You Extra-Species really are quite the handful." He said coldly.
"Let us go, or else." I said.
"Heh, or else what? Who are you? Some wannabe hero or something? Didn't anyone teach you to stay out of adult business?"
….Damn, I had nothing to say back.
"Take the girls and lock them up, kill the guy if he tries anything. Then kill him anyway." The devil man ordered as he turned and started to walk away.
Two men started to march towards us, the first went for Alice's arm grabbing it tightly which triggered Alex's reflex to punch the man hard in his jaw with a sickening crack as the man fell to the ground and Alex grabbed his gun and aimed it at the other man. The army readied their rifles and took aim, I doubt Alex would fare well against bullets as well as the rest of us. I never liked giving up hope but the way things were looking I was convinced that this was it, it was going to take a miracle to get out of this one alive-
The load roar of a speeding engine cut through the silence as one of the black vans sped into view before screeching to a stop in front of us, in the driver's seat was Agent Seven.
"Ah Yamato! There you are, I hope you don't mind if I save the day do you?"
Before I could say anything the masked men opened fire on the van, the bullets piercing through the metal leaving a hundred holes all at once.
"Quick! Get in!"
I quickly slid the van door open before helping the twins climb inside then Mocha when one of the bullets hit my shoulder, I winced in pain as I kneeled against the van.
"Yamato!" Alice called out.
A hand reached out and pulled me inside the van before slamming it shut.
"Thanks Alice." I said before looking up and realizing it was Mocha who pulled me inside.
What was even more surprising was the raccoon sitting in the passenger seat.
"Hang on!" Agent Seven said before stomping on the gas pedal.
The van's wheels squealed as the vehicle sped through the crowd sending several jumping out of the way while they continued to shoot at the van, Agent Seven drove through several metal fences and road blocks before driving onto a busy highway barely dodging incoming traffic before slowing onto the freeway.
"Phew, well I think its safe to say the worst part is over. Right?" Agent Seven said with a sigh right before his side view mirror was blown off with a loud gunshot.
This wasn't over yet as hundreds of other black vans flooded the highway chasing after us and were quickly gaining, Agent Seven stomped on the gas once more and the vehicle sped faster doing his best to dodge the slower cars in his lane while Alex was readying her rifle.
"Do you even know how to use a gun?" Alice asked.
"Sure, just aim for the head and shoot." Alex answered as she slid the van door open and started returning fire hitting the windshield of the closest enemy van.
"Aim for the tires!" I shouted.
Alex did so aiming lower and piercing the rubber of the tires, the enemy van soon lost control and crashed along the side of the highway yet hundreds of enemy vans still gave chase and continued to open fire. One of their bullets must've finally hit one of our tires because Agent Seven suddenly swerved to a hard stop, the pursuing vans squealed to a stop a few feet away. Despite how hopeless this scene was Agent Seven kept calm all the same.
"Seven! Are you crazy? Why did we stop-" I began but the man simply smiled back at me.
"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine."
And I thought that my dad was over confident but I wondered if this man had a low key death wish, all the same the agent pulled out a handheld two way radio.
As the army of men started to leave their vans and march towards us a sudden beam of light shined and the sound of propeller blades filled the night sky, a massive black cargo helicopter emerged from the dark clouds before dropping an enormous crane claw that latched onto the top of the van. The masked men opened fire once more as the van was quickly hoisted off the highway to prevent our getaway, one man walked up with a RPG.
"Hey, has anybody seen where that raccoon went?" Agent Seven asked once he noticed his furry passenger had left.
As the man was about to aim the rocket launcher the raccoon suddenly attacked his face causing him to drop the gun right before it fired blowing up a huge chunk of the highway to bits.
"Huh, that's weird." I suddenly said now that I was in the passenger seat.
"What's weird?"
"For some reason I got the feeling we just got saved by something small….and furry."