Hello! This is my first ever fanfic I decided to write, let me know how I did! Good and bad. Also, don't own anything as it is Oda's creation. Set pre 3d2y, starting at Enies Lobby to Sabaody. Kinda replacing the filler arc after they leave with a Coup de Burst with the Thousand Sunny to escape Garp. Not going to be totally canon obviously as this is a pairing. Luffy x Robin as there is not nearly enough of those out there.

(this text is 3rd person)

(this text is a person's thoughts)

Believe in Luffy

Chapter 1: Save Robin!

She couldn't believe it. Even after telling them straight to their faces that she didn't want to be saved, and lying to them, berating them for coming for her: they couldn't care less. How could she make them understand? Her very existence, was a sin. As stated by Kuzan, every organization she had ever been a part of had either ceased to operate, or exist, mainly due to the circumstances surrounding her. Before it was easy, as her life was a lonely one, no family or friends for 20 years – until now. It was easy to join an organization to use it for her own personal goal of discovering the Rio Poneglyph, then betray her former boss without any regret – it was another matter entirely when it came to the Strawhats: especially him.

She watched as he looked up at her from below, almost as if he was defying heaven itself to come save her from being sent to hell. The normally restless Rubber Man was anything but, now, as he was completely silent and still from hearing her latest revelation. She was afraid they would see her as a burden eventually, and betray and leave her like everyone else had done in her life so far, excluding Saul.

"Look at this flag pirate scum!" Roared Spandam, pointing up.

Nico Robin stood there silently, praying that they would understand the enemy they were up against if they continued to be together, and that they would acknowledge that she would be a burden to them just by being in their crew.

"That mark, it represents the unity of over 170 countries, dotting the four seas and the grandline! This is the world!" Spandam again screamed.

It was true, to ally with her was to make an enemy of the entire World Government. She was already a devil in the eyes of the world – and now the only thing she wanted at this point was death, although, she felt somewhere down deep, an urge to flee and runaway with her friends, runaway with him.

"Do you even get how insignificant your existences are compared to this? Do you get how powerful the organization after this woman is?"

This was it, she would see them acknowledge the truth finally. That she was irredeemable, damned by the world. Just leave me alone! Why won't you let me die?! She thought. As she prepared for the inevitable truth that this truly would be the last time she would see them, she looked at her former captain. The young man who had saved her (against her own will) from dying once already in Alabasta, was whispering something to the sniper, although she couldn't hear what. She nearly cried out, when suddenly he fired a fireball shot straight at the World Government flag, essentially declaring war on the World Government itself!

"BRING IT ON!" erupted the young strawhat. This boy, was willing to take on the entire world, just to keep her, her on his crew. He didn't care about her past, the sins she had committed just to survive. He welcomed her into his crew without a second thought, even though she had been aligned with Crocodile. She had never met anyone quite like him.

Spandam screamed in pure terror.

Robin felt tears well up in her eyes as she stared directly at Luffy.

The rest of the crew looked on, as Luffy screamed, "Robin! We still haven't heard you say it!"

Robin whimpered as a few tears fell from her eyes, listening, holding onto every word he said like it was a lifeline. Luffy…

"SAY YOU WANT TO LIVE!" screamed Luffy, with all his might.

Remembering back once again how everyone told her she was a sin, and that she should just die, she had only one wish. One wish she desperately wanted to say, as she had been denied anything all her life. No one had ever did so much for her, no one had ever... cared. Believe in Luffy… - that was what Usso – Sniper King said to her. Tears began to freely run down her beautiful face, as she found the courage to answer Luffy, and utter a wish, just this once.

"I WANT TO LIVE! TAKE ME TO THE SEA WITH YOU!" Robin desperately yelled. She never took her eyes off Luffy, her captain, her savior. Crying, she focused all of her being on her friends, but especially Luffy. They all had come for her, Zoro, the swordsman, Nami, the money loving cat burglar, Sniper King who was really Ussop, Sanji, the pervert love chef, and Chopper, the adorable reindeer. She believed it was only a matter of time before she would be reunited with them now; she placed her life, her existence on them, on Luffy. Even as they jumped of the roof down towards the falls looking as if they were committing suicide, she believed in them. In his words. In Luffy. As she was roughly lead away by Spandam and Lucci, she slowly began to realize that her captain was beginning to warm her cold heart. Somewhere along the way she had gained a deep admiration for his dedication to his friends, and his carefree lifestyle. Shutting her eyes, she pictured the strawhat captain clearly in her mind, unable to get him out of her thoughts now after that declaration. Her face warmed a bit just thinking of his big, goofy smile that stretched ear to ear. Have I really fallen that far? She wanted: no needed to thank Luffy and the others for not giving up on her, even though they should have and had all the rights to do so. Silently thanking whatever deity sent her her guardian angel in the form of a Rubber Man, she continues to picture Luffy in her mind, as she is led out of Spandam's office. Whatever happens, she is happy she finally has true friends. Smiling a true smile, she forcibly walked on, counting down the minutes that she would finally be reunited with her friends.