Hi guys look it's another chapter of The Nightingale's Song so please bear with me it might be a long chapter again, but I don't think most of you have a problem with that anyways. This time we are going back to an episode chapter hope you enjoy it and WE ARE NOW ON THE SECOND SEASON. *coughs* So that means I will be bringing in Terra and you will see how Nightingale reacts to her which it won't be negative promise I mean not until later on, but that is for another time to chat about hm? Ah also I have changed my username and somehow got a Wattpad…? Yeah I don't know why either it's just there now, but you can still call me Anri if that is much easier. Well we shall get on with the rest of the Authors note before slipping into the chapter.

This chapter is the episode How Long is Forever? And my gosh guys you'll get to see Nightingale as an adult all grown up at 36 or 37 because it's a 20 year time jump so like…honestly I am proud of how she came out. She might look a bit different, but again this is an alternate timeline so in the future she might not look like that at all. It's a possibility I haven't decided yet on her grown up appearance. Just enjoy seeing her that way you know? Again this is going to follow the episode and you'll see how the titans fall apart after Star's disappearance into the future whooooo how has everyone been for twenty years? Because I have fun stuff to touch on hope y'all enjoy how I approach this though if I am telling the truth to all of you I had a hard time deciding on how Starfire would meet Nightingale again though I found a simple option.

Oh and I apologize for the wonderful almost thing that happened at the end of the last chapter like once I posted it a part of me felt dead inside questioning why I did it…until I realized I just wanted to and it seemed like a good way to end the chapter so to all the people who were internally screaming at that. Hehe I am completely sorry about it so I promise no other incident like that will happen again in this chapter. Okay I am probably lying there so haha look forward to another wonderful moment at some point in the near future.

Ah aside from that I have been doing much better and my mind has been clear lately so I haven't had anything I didn't want popping up to enter my mind. Yeah its just a small update on my own mental health though that's not what y'all are here for lol.

Kinda a warning? I'm going into fun depression thoughts and breaking down my character to an almost former shell of themselves so please don't be mad and if you cry I am sorry.

Oh hey even though this is an M rated story I am going to warn you at the beginning there will be mention of a dream. That mention of a racy dream is my horrid attempt at trying to add something of a lemon…? I think it counts as one I really don't know you guys can decide? I am again horrible at lemons like please I had to have someone at least help me with this and that again goes to a wonderful user on here who I have to thank once again. Rizzlesmyiles again you are an awesome reader and a great friend so really thank you for helping me a bit with how to start this chapter!

Okay onto the disclaimer now let's see here…

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans and I never will that is owned by the big wigs at cartoon network and DC. I only own Nightingale, the Thorn Maiden and well that's about it aside from their back stories like seriously.

On with the wonderful and lovely show my darlings.

Oh leave a favorite the story to stay updated on when I get a new chapter up. Leave a review or PM me if you want to I enjoy hearing your feedback on the story itself so please don't be shy!

Chapter Seventeen: How Long is Forever?

Sunlight was starting to creep in through the grey colored drapes dust dancing in and out of the beams of light towards a sleeping figure that was starting to squirm under their sheets. A few moments passed before they bolted up from the bed revealing the familiar messy hair of a certain tan skinned heroine breathing heavily running her fingers through her a few damp strands trying to calm her nerves. Her sleep clothes clung to her frame the sticky sensation running along her exposed limbs making her feel disgusted for a moment, but the reason she felt like this was starting to burn bright in her mind. Pieces of her dream slowly started to meld into her mind once more her cheeks becoming brighter a low groan escaping from her lips wishing that the images would stop, but now it seemed like her own brain was against her at the moment. The feelings…the sensations flooding her mind were enough to make her want to squirm trying to get the images once again out of her head a sudden chill ran up her spine looking around to see a certain demon sitting at the edge of her bed giving a large grin towards her. She looked away from the beast not wanting to hear its teasing these dreams had been happening ever since Raven…she bit her lip feeling her mind already slipping back to the images created by her sleeping form her face burning at the thoughts.

It felt so real the tingling sensation that passed through her fingers tracing along the surprising softness of Raven's skin. The feeling of her body pressed against hers and the heat of skin to skin contact made her sudden interest turn into a panic no she shouldn't be thinking of her like that quickly grabbing a pillow and shoving her face into a muffled scream of some type of frustration it was hard to really tell what kind it could possibly be. A laugh echoed through the room making her look up from trying to smother herself out of embarrassment towards the sort of dream she had been having the past week of her recovery always waking herself up before it really heated up. The maiden grinned at her eagerly wanting her to say what was on her mind noticing the demon had started to take its own form outside of the little pocket she stayed in spotting a wolf skull headdress adorned on her heart shaped features. Her outfit changing to a flowy white dress that hung off their frame a bit with intricate pieces sewn in with grey stitching. Hell even from where they were sitting in the light slipping into the room she could even spot that it didn't have her childish features anymore, but another shiver ran up her back staring into the purple orbs like it the creature was waiting for her to speak though it beat her to the punch on that matter.

'Have another one of those dreams kiddo? How far did you go this time hm?' it asked another cackle rippling through the air making her frown towards being teasing its host had become some sort of game that was driving Nightingale up a wall. She gritted her teeth out of anger hurling the pillow towards the demon before getting up hearing it softly thud against the ground making a guess that they weren't solid picking out a clean costume for the day , her utility belt and a towel with a few other essentials…she needed a nice cold shower. She heard the demon behind her a teasing tone once again entering their voice, but she ignored it passing through the threshold of her door knowing that it would disappear soon letting her ears and mind fill with utter silence for a moment.

Carefully she took a small breath moving towards the bathroom hearing music traveling down the hall from the ops room, but she wasn't curious about that right now a shower was way more important than someone playing music. Discretely she knocked hearing no one reply making her glad she wasn't interrupting someone opening the door moving into the bathroom with ease the sliding door closing behind her with a soft thump. She stripping off her sweaty clothes and throwing each item into the hamper shivering at the cold air around her before moving towards the shower turning it on, but not going past the lukewarm setting knowing at some point she'd be switching between both warm and cold water at this point. She took small steps into the shower closing the curtain behind her a small squeak escaped from her throat while the water cascaded down her back finally getting used to the feeling of the droplets hitting against her skin.

Her mind slowly started to wander back to Raven making her quickly change the water to cold a sharp gasp escaped from her throat gritting her teeth trying to hold in the scream that wanted to come out god how could she even think of her like that? They were just friends so why was she having all these dreams over one small incident where she didn't warn her about her wings, but Nightingale knew there was more to it. She almost kissed the magic user that night and what would have happened? Sure a small part of her wished that she had actually done it, but the after math…she really didn't want to think about that if she was being honest with herself and just wanted to be friends with the violet haired heroine not anything more. Though her thoughts were soon disrupted by the familiar sound of the demon in her head trying hard to ignore its words

'Lying to yourself isn't going to change anything kid, but you can keep doing so until your face turns blue.' She heard the demon's words echo in her mind…no it was a small crush right? It would go away and she wouldn't have to worry about the dreams anymore. Just burying the feelings deep inside her mind would be enough to ignore those odd growing feelings towards her…god this was going to be difficult. She finally changed the water to a more warmer and suitable setting before washing her hair then moving to her body getting all the suds off quickly not knowing if she was going to be needed for a patrol later on. She turned everything off grabbing her towel to begin drying off before getting out and throwing on the necessary parts of her costume leaving her gloves and mask to be put on last. She checked herself over making sure her outfit was decently put together clipping her belt around her waist hearing the satisfied click of the buckle reaching for the gloves on the counter pulling them tightly over her hands before being satisfied they would stay on. Carefully she picked up the mask placing it on her face to finish the look though her hair was still a bit damp it wouldn't be a bother stepping out of the bathroom hearing the soft sound of her boots hitting against the carpet made her feel normal again. No more trying to find a lost friend, dealing with Siren's bullshit or almost being on the verge of dying though the new scar on her side lower abdomen still stung the more she thought about the events that had happened in the past week with Raven once again assaulting her mind a light dust of pink covered her cheeks for a moment.

She took a deep breath hearing the ops doors open though it wouldn't be peaceful hearing the sound of music blaring loudly in her ear that didn't seem tasteful to Beast Boy and Cyborg shouting about a video game that they were playing already started to ruin her semi-peaceful state of mind. Nightingale could already feel a migraine coming on while her eye slowly started to twitch taking in another deep breath trying to focus on who all was in the room seeing that the whole team was there with Robin the one blaring the tasteless music through the whole area possibly trying to block out the two who were arguing over their video game, but her eyes met a certain violet eyed heroine who seemed just as annoyed as she was towards the who debacle and she had just only entered the room. She carefully walked down the steps noticing Starfire her bubbly nature just rolling through the tension in the air moving towards the boys hearing snips of their argument about who was playing the game, but honestly she really didn't care feeling a pair of eyes on her once again glancing over towards Raven seeing her eyes averting back towards the book she was reading making her slightly nervous why had she been watching her? Both girls were heavily avoiding each other since that night on the roof and personally she didn't know if it was for the better though her mind soon shifted accidently running into Starfire's back catching the girl's attention making her turn around. The sound of bells filled her ears seeing her hands holding many necklaces that jingled when she moved along with a few gifts in her hands wearing a wide grin on her face she seemed to be radiating happiness.

"Friend Nightingale! Happy Blorthog!" She cheekily said holding out one of the necklaces towards Nightingale, though she was slightly confused by the words that had exited her mouth. Before she could even ask what that even meant she felt the metal necklace being placed on her silently glad that it wasn't iron*. "It is the joyous holiday celebrating friendship on my home planet of Tamaran."

"I um…Thank you Star it's really sweet of you to give me this…" The words fumbled out of her mouth trying to figure out what this thing was around her neck hearing the jingling sound coming from it. She was really trying, but again her brain was having trouble catching up with her mouth at the moment so her words soon transformed into soft mutters while she looked towards the ground at least trying to show she was at least thankful for the gift. She raised her head to see that the alien girl was smiling happily at her making the slight amount of anxiety that had been forming in her brain dissipate Starfire had such a positive effect on her mind almost making her forget about the dream from earlier…well almost.

Ever since she had gotten better Starfire rarely left her side well that was pushing it honestly she kept checking to see if everything was alright. The alien girl was worried truthfully all of them were since Robin wanted her to still be on bed rest after it all happened knowing what toll the mind control had on her brain, but she continued to reassure everyone that she was fine and honestly the rest wasn't needed…not with these dreams happening constantly. She took the necklace off when Starfire turned away from her to pay attention to the boys placing it gently onto the counter catching out of the corner of her eye that Star was trying to offer one of the necklaces to Cyborg, but he was still fighting Beast Boy for the controller only to be over taken by the green imp changing into an octopus pulling the bionic man back with a loud thud shaking the entire room for a moment. An audible sigh escaped from Starfire's throat dropping her items onto the ground seeing a few gifts that were different colors possibly coordinated for each titan…did she make them or buy them if it was the latter than how? The questions slowly started to eat her up inside wondering if she had gotten to her credit card again meaning she might have to check the most recent purchases not that she minded honestly at least someone was having fun with the money. She spotted Beast Boy was now on the back part of the couch mashing the buttons on the controller making Nightingale wince a bit at how the device was being treated hearing Starfire trying to talk to him.

"Many blessings friend! May your ears be filled with sugar candies and…?" The poor alien girl was soon cut off in her little speech by Cyborg yelling the green imp's name while he continued to play the game without even looking towards the screen making Nightingale slightly impressed.

"Look I'll give you the controller back once Raven gives back my nail clippers!" Beast Boy yelled back at the bionic man completely ignoring Starfire to glare over at the magic user for a moment. Nightingale shivered for a moment remembering the time she accidentally walked in on him clipping his toenails…god how could a human even let them get that long in the first place? She continued to watch the boys' antics for a moment seeing that the green boy had once again been captured by the bionic man trying to get the controller from his grubby hands. Starfire's attention however was now drawn to Raven who was now glaring at the two idiots continuing to squabble over nothing her violet eyes catching a glimpse of azure ones for a moment before giving a response to Beast Boy.

"Not going to happen. How else am I supposed to keep your toenails off the coffee table?" Raven responded with irritation melding into her voice, but that wasn't a decent point to make.

"Raven I really don't think it's a sound thing to keep his nail clippers away from him it's…" Nightingale began to speak up only to earn a glare from the magic user making her shut her mouth hearing the demon whispering in her mind that she was already whipped changing her slightly terrified to an annoyed expression though this made the Raven think it was directed towards her.

"Do you have a problem with my decision?" She questioned an angry tone entered the air making the black haired heroine slightly uncomfortable, but she could at least explain why she didn't agree.

"Look all I'm saying is it's not a smart decision to keep that away from him. Yeah it's annoying that he keeps clipping his nails on the coffee table like a heathen," She heard a response of protest from Beast Boy, but she ignored it continuing on. "But I don't want to hear his nasty nails tapping against any hard surface any time soon."

Both soon started glaring daggers at each other with Nightingale sensing the tension rising even further making her glance around at the others in the room how long have all of them been at this? She heard Raven let out an irritated sigh guessing that this had been happening most of the morning, but this were easy solutions for each problem though she didn't understand what was wrong with Robin. She carefully watched Starfire glance over at her before looking back towards the violet haired heroine seeing that there was a possible chance that she might have to save the latter from the magic user's wrath. Carefully Star approached her with a warm smile on her face not seeming to be affected yet by how the cloaked heroine was feeling though if the alien girl possibly needed back up she could at least help her out of the situation.

"Happiness and delight my friend! On this wondrous day I wish you sunshine and funny…" Her perky voice soon stopped noticing Raven's eyebrow had started to twitch giving Nightingale the signal to step in grabbing the alien girl by her shoulders milling her back away from the angered empath hearing a soft weak laughter escape from her throat. Though honestly her attention was soon drawn to where the music was being expelled seeing Robin with his back towards everyone being enveloped by the waves of the tasteless music changing tracks once more to something worse.

"Robin could the music be a little louder? I can still hear myself think." Raven commented with irritation still threading in her voice towards their glorious leader. Nightingale turned to see that Beast Boy and Cyborg were still having a tussle over the controller hearing their shrilled bickering mixing in with the music a twinge of a migraine had started to form in the back of her head though from Robin's response he seemed honestly ticked over what was going on.

"I only turned the music up TO DROWN OUT ALL THE YELLING!" He responded with heated anger towards the others and that's when the tension in the air snapped around them delving into a mess of arguments from multiple sides leaving Starfire and Nightingale out of the fray.

A heavy sigh escaped from Nightingale's throat reaching up and pinching the bridge of her nose out of irritation finally understanding why the cloaked heroine seemed to share the same emotions, but according to Starfire it was a festival of friendship on her planet today so they should at least act like they could get along. Though even she knew this all was normal amongst people who are around each other constantly honestly it wasn't even that bad the girls' dorm at Gotham Academy was much worse if she had to compare. Her thoughts soon changed however hearing Beast Boy give out a quickly panicked response turning her head to see what he had been going on about wasn't enough of a chance to reach when the controller they had been fighting over slammed her in the face. A low hiss escaped from her mouth reaching up to where the piece of plastic had hit her hearing Starfire's voice asking her if she was alright hearing the others still arguing though her own interest shifted to the controller picking it up off the ground slowly the sound of Beast Boy's voice mixed into the air while he was wrestling to get out of Cyborg's grip. She ignored the people around her anger already bubbling up inside her chest at the pettiness around her god why did they all act like children?!

In one quick motion she snapped the controller into two pieces hearing the two boys gasp in shock at their entertainment had now been destroyed, but she wasn't done yet. She dropped the pieces onto the ground hearing them clatter softly against the carpet while she moved towards them and grabbing both boys by one ear a low snarl escaped from her throat causing both of them to shutter wondering what she was going to do next. Her voice sounded rough and raspy making her wonder if it had enough of their bickering as well, but the words spilled out of her mouth anyways not caring at the moment.

"Can you all stop bickering like damn children?! Hades I've about had enough of all of you and I just woke up not thirty minutes ago!" Nightingale shouted towards the boys, but mainly it was towards everyone in the room though Robin was the first one to speak after her small outburst.

"Sorry we interrupted your beauty sleep, but I can't work with these two acting like idiots!" he responded back just as heated looking like steam was about to spout out of his ears. Nightingale glared towards him going around the couch dragging the boys along with her hearing their pained cries of being pulled by the ear purple flames licking off her presence every now and again reacting to her anger.

The bickering match between everyone soon started to reach a head with both Nightingale and Robin shouting at each other's throats while the others soon joined in. Starfire looked between all her friends a fearful expression passed across her features the necklaces she had been holding fell to the floor. She felt the urge to try and calm her friends down, but how they were already at the point of almost throwing fists at each other though Beast boy and Cyborg's ears were possibly about to tear off by the force the black haired girl had been applying to them. Possibly saying words might help, but even if everyone was shouting it didn't hurt to at least try to have her own input after all it was Blorthog a happy festival on her planet that she wanted to share with the people she had grown fond of on the planet that she had called home.

"Friends please! You must not…" Her voice was soon drowned out once again by the bickering making her take note that Nightingale's body was slowly starting to have the familiar black specks melding off her frame. "I-If we could simply…Happy Blor…?"

The sound of the bells from the necklace started to roll and jingle slightly only to hear one being crushed under a boot watching Nightingale slip for a moment losing her grip on both Beast Boy and Cyborg's ears giving them sweet release before hitting the floor. The other balls that adorned then necklace scattered across the floor making the black haired heroine become aware of what she had just done the black specks soon dissipated her eyes glued to Starfire an apologetic look quickly melded onto her face. Honestly it was too late to even apologize now being that she had been dragged into the petty arguments by just getting hit in the face by the controller personally she didn't feel any better than the people she had been judging moments earlier. She winced slightly hearing Starfire's voice not used to the alien girl being annoyed by anything since she had such a joyful air about her, but even she could so how be at the end of her rope about all of this.

"Stop! Friends must never behave this way and especially not on Blorthog! Do you wish to invite the Rekmas?" Starfire exclaimed looking towards everyone with a worried look on her face meaning that this possible Rekmas or whatever had to be serious.

"Uh gesundheit?" Beast Boy responded in confusion towards what she had said though all of them were curious of what she meant.

"On my planet Rekmas means "The Drifting". The point in which close friends begin to drift apart." She spoke sadly a slight chill ran up Nightingale's spine her eyes glancing back and forth between the others around her a sudden eeriness filled the air for a second. Starfire was wrong they weren't drifting apart right? This was normal teenager arguments and yeah sure powers were involved, but again just normal things to argue about.

"Oh come on Starfire." Cyborg commented trying to brush it off as some sort of joke, but even he seemed a bit bothered by the conversation.

"We are so not Rek-whatever." Beast boy perked up reassuring the alien girl, but again this didn't seem to have much effect on her.

"We're just getting on each other's nerves a little. Big deal." Raven had her own input on the situation and honestly she wasn't wrong making Nightingale feel slightly reassured at the moment moving forwards towards the alien girl placing her hands on her shoulders giving her a wide grin.

"Trust me Star I've been in worse arguments than this when I was living with Misty and James in Gotham though I don't have to hear…" She stopped herself for a moment making the others curious on what she was about to say, but she cleared her throat a bit of pink dusted her cheeks thinking back to the times she had to hear the two argue only for it to end in a make-up session or something even worse.

"Yeah it's just typical roommate stuff. We're not going to drift apart Star I promise we'll all be friends forever." Robin commented with confidence in his voice at the words he spoke seemed to be enough to perk Starfire up, but the sudden happiness soon shifted hearing the familiar beeping of a communicator going off. He reached down to pull his up the beeping motioned again that they didn't have time to chatter anymore something was either being attacked or stolen. "Titans trouble!"

The others responded quickly moving out of the ops room doors to where ever the signal was being set off at leaving Nightingale and Starfire alone for a moment. The black haired heroine looked back to see the orange haired girl was looking down towards the broken necklace on the ground seeming to be dejected about dealing with a criminal, but she moved closer to her placing a hand on her shoulder startling the alien for a second. She gave another famous reassuring smile to only earn a half one back making her worried about Starfire trying to think of what might be going on in her head though that could wait. There was a villain that needed their ass kicked at the moment and she was itching to take a bit of the anger that had still been built up inside of her out on them…now that she thought about it that didn't seem very healthy. The two of them soon started to move out of the ops room knocking one of the jingly balls away from its resting place not knowing what events would happen and what things a certain orange haired girl would have to go through.

Minutes later at the Museum

The Jump City Museum had been emptied of the patrons that were there usually chatting away at the pieces around them or just admiring the new exhibits that passed through every now and then, but this was a routine being that the new arrivals were just getting the finishing touches placed. One of the newer exhibits that had been set up recently contained clocks from different makers in history that Nightingale wanted to check out being that the Blackwater Foundation were the ones that fronted the bill to get all the clocks under one roof including their rarest find…The Clock of Eternity. The piece honestly looked simple with a cylindrical base and a dome on top revealing the mechanism inside keeping the device running though the black haired heroine was thinking of bringing any willing member of the team here after the opening night, but that might possibly get pushed back now that they were here. She winced at the thought of any of the pieces getting damaged in the supposed ensuing fight and especially the Clock of Eternity since even it was uniquely built that a special clock maker in Germany was the only one who could really fix it if any damage were to occur. Carefully the titans moved along the upper platforms looking over the exhibit curious of why the alarm had been set off in the first place, but they didn't have long to wait seeing a black portal slowly opening before the main attraction making a low hiss expel from her throat.

A man with a goatee stepped out of the darkness covered in some type of armor with golden cuffs around his wrists and a gold chest plate over his upper abdomen. The center of the armor held a sort of disc like object that made her slightly curious of what it could possibly be able to do, but the sound of thundering footsteps interrupted her thoughts spotting two guards entering the room their weapons raised towards the villain who had stared intently at the priceless artifact making a low grumbled growl escape from Nightingale's throat making a few members of the team look at her with curiosity and interest in why she was acting this way.

"Hey stop!" One of the guards shouted towards the man knowing of his intent already, but even that was extremely apparent.

"Stop yourselves!" The man yelled back towards them turning on his heels to wave towards the guards freezing them in place making them become encased individually in ice. Personally Nightingale felt sorry for the police officers and guards of this city being that they usually got the brunt of a super villain's attacks. The man one again turned his attention towards the piece once more smirking lightly at the item like it was nothing more than a game trying to obtain it. "I didn't journey back 100 years to squabble. I came to steal…The Clock of Eternity, valuable in the past, priceless in the future."

He began to reach for the glass making Nightingale want to rush off the platform to attack, but Robin beat her to it throwing one of his famous birdarangs towards the villain the weapon making soft impact with the chest piece the evil doer was wearing only to fall to the ground after hitting its mark. He looked up and sneered at the group making their presence known each member of the team taking a stance with Nightingale holding her fully charged batons a large grin appearing on her face at least trying to seem intimidating. Inside her head she could hear the demon muttering about her no using her powers, but she still needed to at least make sure that she could integrate each ability into the teams fighting styles so now really wasn't the time to do so. She heard Robin say something about the villain keeping his filthy hands off the artifact, but she was more surprised he traveled all the way from 100 years in the future to just to obtain a clock though it again was one of a kind. The villain's voice echoed off the vaulted ceiling above them making her pay attention once more towards the task at hand.

"The Teen Titans. This is a treat I've read all about you in the historical archives." The man responded towards Robin's threat with two devices raising from his shoulders a red dot warming up in the center a smirk appearing on his face once more making Nightingale slightly annoyed by its presence. "And now you're all history!"

Red laser beams soon started to shoot in a barrage towards the six titans who soon scattered for their positions towards the floor. Nightingale curled into a ball trying to lessen the impact she was about to take, but the explosion behind her made that almost impossible slamming into one of the wooden pedestal holding another clock hearing it rattle above a wince traveling across her face from the impact. Slowly she stood onto her feet spotting the villain still taking shots towards Robin's direction while he tried in vain to deflect the attacks with his staff, but the weapon soon broke under the pressure making her move quickly to try and take a strike towards him. She almost caught the villain by surprise, but he soon turned on his heel shooting a barrage at her making her try to dodge the oncoming attacks with one baton being shot out of her hand feeling the beam skim across an exposed finger the burn soon became intolerable. Nightingale quickly shook it off, but it wasn't fast enough being hit by another blast to the chest knocking her back towards the ground a cry of pain escaped from her throat only to have her stumble onto her feet once more trying to swell the rest of the sudden strike. Through her agony filled expression she spotted both Starfire and Beast Boy getting taken down by the villain her anger started to swell how could he take them all out so fast? He had mentioned earlier that he had read about them in the archives so it was possible he could have picked up their attack patterns and even ways of disabling them.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

The familiar sound of an incantation filled her ears making her look towards Raven seeing her holding up a pair of grandfather clocks surrounded by her magic making her want to protest to using them, but it was already too late seeing that she had already hurled both towards the villain. Even though they were tossed towards him the villain was easily able to move them away his hand almost putting them back down on the ground in a decently safe spot which gave Nightingale a small bit of relief, but that didn't last for long. He shot out a blue beam from his forehead towards the magic user that seemed to knock her back like a shockwave making her levitation falter for a moment causing her to plummet to the ground. The black-haired heroine moved quickly her feet almost skidding across the ground to catch the cloaked girl stumbling only when she landed in her open arms warmth suddenly exploded from her chest, but she needed to ignore it she couldn't indulge in these feelings even if she wanted to make a cheesy joke. She placed Raven onto her feet before moving back into the fray spotting Cyborg trying to attack with his sonic cannon getting a direct hit on the villain earning a victory holler from bionic man only for it to be cut off seeing the man walking through the smoke a shield around him humming lowly while it shut off. Once the shield was down enough the man reached for his belt pulling out a sort of egg timer and tossing it towards Cyborg having it hit directly onto his chest ticking for a few seconds before electrocuting him making her feel the rage underneath becoming unbearable hearing the villain speak with pride.

"You cannot defeat Warp. I am from the future." He commented cockiness filling his voice seeming to tick Nightingale off even more the anger from earlier finding a new target to be attached to. She didn't even notice the small black flecks fluttering off her body or the fact that the demon inside was telling her to calm down.

"I've had just about enough of you!" Nightingale howled towards the villain black flecks swirled around her as she began to rush forward hearing Robin protest her hands becoming covered in the black specks while purple flames danced along her fingertips. She jumped into the air trying to go for a high strike, but even she couldn't predict what he was going to throw at her hearing him chuckle for a moment the world seemed to slow down around her watching him pull two shiny balls out from a pouch on his belt.

She watched him smirk towards her not knowing what he had in store for her throwing the two orbs to the ground having them explode on contact. Sparkling grey dust started to float in the air with Nightingale taking a sharp breath already regretting it feeling her throat slowly burning from the inside while her exposed skin also started to singe. She could hear the demon inside hissing lowly knowing what the substance was though it was going to be a hassle from trying to breathe in anymore of the material hoping it would move towards where Raven was. Her fingers snapped lightly the sound of marble crumbling and cracking echoed through the air thorn vines soon shot out from outside the cloud slamming into her side and hurling her outside of the grey cloud her body crashing hard into the ground while the others looked on in slight confusion at what had gone on in the grey dust though the sound of coughing started to fill the air. They were stuck in place watching Nightingale clawing at her throat coughing roughly some flecks of red splattering onto the floor her voice coming out ragged and crisp their faces changing to shock for a split moment at the scene.

"I-Iron...I can't b-breathe!" she hacked out with small bits of smoke billowing off her body a low hiss of pain escaped from her throat while she watched through her agony filled expression seeing the Robin and Starfire being taken out by Warp watching him move towards the Clock of Eternity once more his hand seeming to slip through the glass grabbing onto the piece before taking it out. He turned his back towards the titans while another portal opened in front of him another cough escaped from her throat with a low rumbled growl mixing in with it having a hint of a gurgle thrown in there. Part of her was raging inside wondering how some future archives would even have information on a demons weakness, but then again in the future they might not try to avoid the supernatural.

"Ta-ta Titans. I have enjoyed our time together, but I've got a very bright future ahead of me." He commented already having one foot in the portal making Nightingale wish that the healing process happening in her body would speed up by now feeling herself trying to hold her body up while another ragged cough escaped from her throat. A loud yell of frustration entered the air making her look up to see Starfire charging in and tackling the villain through the rest of the portal earning a surprised reaction with Robin trying to go after him as well only for the portal to close. He tumbled on the other side turning quickly his eyes widened with fear, but he wasn't the only one meeting azure blue eyes across the room that seemed to swell with panic their voices echoing through the building. One seemed to be surprised Starfire even would do such a thing while the other voice seemed to be flooded with panic and worry at what the alien girl had done.


Meanwhile with our alien heroine

The sound of ticking clocks started to slowly move around Starfire, but she didn't care she was too focused on getting the artifact back from Warp and finding a way back to her friends. She gritted her teeth eyes glowing green while she continued to struggle reaching for the clock while another moved slowly above her head the ticking becoming louder before subsiding to a low tone. Warp looked displeased that she was even there, but he if he could possibly separate from this rabid alien though it was going to be impossible to break free from this strong gripped creature.

"Let go!" He shouted towards her struggling more to get out of her grip holding the Clock of Eternity away from her grasp feeling her fists beating against his chest piece in anger.

"You endangered my friends and ruined Blorthog!" Starfire retorted the anger bellowing in her voice while she tried to reach for the clock once more only to miss completely. She soon resorted to hitting against the chest piece ignoring the warning that the villain was shouting to her about damaging the suit. Her mind drifted back to seeing Nightingale racked with pain from the iron substance that had been thrown by Warp to incapacitate her not noticing that she had grabbed onto the device on the man's chest hearing a loud protest being heard while she tore it away sparks floating into the air while the two separated the sound of Warp's screaming filled her ears. The clocks around them started to fade away seeming to follow the one that summoned them before he was soon swallowed by the darkness that slowly started to melt into view. A sudden flash of light startled Star, but she soon started to notice her own decent a scream of terror ripped through her throat while she braced herself for impact. She didn't hit solid ground more like a fluffy mound of snow was her cushion for now popping up from the mound shivering slightly at the sudden change of temperature around her before brushing the snow off her own shoulders and hair. A glint in the snow caught her attention picking up the device that she had torn from Warp's chest looking it over curiously before attaching it to her belt making sure it was secure.

"What has happened? Why is it cold? And where am I…?" She questioned to herself, but her last question was soon answered looking towards the scenery around her seeing a familiar T shaped tower looming above her in disrepair. The large windows showed cracks and with no lights gleaming out of the place seeming as if there was no more warmth left while glass where the ops room would be a lit had a large hole. A worried expression passed over Starfire's face while she slowly started to move closer to the building. "Friends…"

She rushed forwards quickly pushing the doors opened with all her might slipping through to the lower level of the tower going through the lounge area the smell of rotted furniture hit her nose, but she ignored the smell moving continuing on towards the elevator though it wasn't working. Starfire went towards the stairs seeing that they were still in tactic and began to walk up towards the destination her steps becoming heavier at the thoughts bubbling inside her head the sounds of the building creaking around her made unease soon travel though her body…where were her friends at? She finally reached the right floor spotting a large hole in the roof with snowflakes fluttering down from the opening while along the floor multiple different parts had been bent and disassembled making her wonder if Cyborg approved of all this. She called out again for her friends hearing no answers coming from anywhere in the building glancing down towards where their rooms began her eyes widened at the dead thorny vines covering the area some still twitching to life only to finally subside in its resistance to the cold weather…did Nightingale fight someone? She stumbled a bit looking towards what had almost tripped her seeing a vine twitching lightly reaching for her only to die along with the rest from earlier her green eyes soon looked towards the ops room doors seeing that they were sealed shut.

She walked up to the familiar metal doors sticking her hands through a partial opening between them pushing them with all her strength making sure they wouldn't close behind her once she stepped through, but she was taken aback by the disrepair of the living room. Memories flooded into her mind while she walked forward seeing her friends having a grand old time making her heart ache to see them again…where could they have gone? This was their home just as much as it was hers so why were they not here? Her boot gently hit against something on the floor hearing a soft jingle making her look down to the floor spotting one of the necklaces she made for Blorthog lying broken on the floor while the plastic controller that Nightingale had broken in half still lied near jiggling orbs. She carefully bent down a picked one up off from the floor inspecting it spotting stains of rust forming onto the ball only to have it crumble in her hand little chunks of it still trying to hold together when a sudden eerie feeling shuttered along her back making her turn to see an almost familiar red dot looking towards her perhaps her friends were still here.

"Cyborg! Oh Cyborg thank goodness you are…" Her words soon halted holding her hand up with a hum of green energy lighting her way trying to reveal that her friend was just hiding in the dark, but that was not the sound of something scurrying about before her. Scavenging through the computer parts was a cybernetic bug that was built by someone its red eye looking up towards her like it seemed surprised another person had been present. A small shriek escaped from Starfire's throat being startled by the creature shooting a few starbolts at it until there was nothing left, but a few more scavenger bugs crawled out from the pile of scrap they had been scrounging scaring her once more continuously shooting at the ones that had just arrived until there was nothing left. She started to breath heavily wondering who was still in the tower when she heard heavy footsteps headed her way turning towards the open ops room doors to see who it could possibly be her breath getting caught in her throat with a small amount of tears wanting to build up behind her eyes at the person who had come into her field of vision.

"Yo! Who's up here blasting my…" A familiar voice fluttered in her ears her eyes still staring in disbelief at person before her. Cyborg's form looked disheveled and broken the usual blue parts on his body had been replaced with a dead grey tone with a few pieces being cracked. His human part of his face looked worn and weary while his human eye stared at the girl before him in shock while the pipe he was holding clattered to the ground making her notice that one of his robotic legs had been replaced with a yellow one while one arm seemed to be wrapped up from the wrist midway up his lower arm. The sound of something being dragged behind him caught her attentions seeing hoses sticking out of his back while he continued forward in disbelief while he slowly started to walk towards her with the heroine meeting him halfway her own shock had not drowned from her expression. "Star...? Starfire…I don't believe it. You…you haven't aged a day."

"Cyborg what has happened? Why are you…?" She asked curiously her hands reaching forwards placing them on his cheeks a small sad smile formed on his face seeming to be amused by her questioning.

"Old? Well that's what happens to folks when you go away for twenty years." Cyborg finished her question watching her face morph into surprise over is sentence her mouth opened in a silent gasp of shock.

"Twenty years?!" She shouted out of shock looking around the tower hearing Cyborg shuffle past her towards the broken parts of the sofa that lied on the floor carefully propping a suitable seat for Starfire to sit knowing another guest would possibly be here soon…how would she feel seeing her? A small grimace passed over his face as memories flooded into his mind only to shake them off completely.

"You disappeared Star and that battle with Warp was a long time ago. You fell through a wormhole…and well welcome to the future." He commented finally getting a the cushion back into a standing position hearing Starfire sounding confused at the mention of being in the future, but her own thought process was interrupted hearing an older female voice behind her.

"Hey Cy sorry I'm late and I know I apologize for that a lot, but you wouldn't believe the weather outside like there is snow up the a-." The woman stopped her apology her voice sounding familiar to Starfire making her turn around to see who was standing in the ops room doors. "Starfire…?"

The bag of groceries and computer parts fell from their hand before rushing forwards towards the alien girl without warning a strong arm wrapping around her waist pulling her in close towards the new figure in the building while Cyborg watched from the other side of the room a small smile appeared on his face at the reunion. The woman pulled away giving Starfire a full view of a new, but familiar face her green eyes showing different swell of emotions towards the person before her. She had aged well during the twenty year absent that the alien girl had missed out on seeing that she stood a few inches taller now. Short white hair fluttered around her familiar oval face while a bewildered look seemed to be plastered on their features at the sight of the alien girl making her take in the rest of how the woman before her looked. Her costume had been replaced by civilian clothing with a pair of winter boots adorned her feet while worn jeans hung off her frame just a bit giving them enough protection from the cold air slipping into the tower. A black turtleneck hugged tightly to her upper body with a tan trench coat unbuttoned while the left arm of the coat seemed to flutter in the wind with only the shoulder area remaining intact. The orange haired girl soon started to take in the other changes in their appearance noticing their partially tan skin had now changed to porcelain her eyes moving back up towards her face to meet two different colored ones with an array of emotions pouring out of them. Her right eye held a haunting purple color with black filling in the white of the eye while her left contained a familiar azure eye sparkling with wonder while specks of gold fluttered in an out of the sea of blue.

"It's really you…" The woman moved her hand placing it onto her face a sudden unnatural cold feeling resonated from where her fingers had touched her skin. Her different colored eyes looked at girl with a flood of happiness expelling from them at the sight of seeing her once again while a low whisper entered her mind ignoring its input for now.

"Friend Nightingale…?" Starfire asked already feeling that she knew the answer to that question, but watching her react to her speak sent a shudder through the alien girl seeing the woman before her stiffen slightly pulling their hand away from her face a sudden expression of panic appeared on her face at hearing her name flutter out of her mouth. Cyborg watched the two for a few moments more seeing the alien giving a curious look towards the former heroine's motions, but he already knew what was going through the white haired woman's mind.

"It's been a long time since I've heard you say my name…" She muttered softly seeing that Starfire had started to move her hands her mouth opening a bit with an apology already hanging on her lips, but the white haired woman stopped her. "Starfire it's okay I promise you just startled me a bit if I am being honest…when I first saw you I thought I was hallucinating."

"What has happened to you?" The alien girl asked a sense of concern filling her words the miscolored eyes looking back up towards her a small smile graced Nightingale's features making the worrying feeling dissipate at the sign of seeing her friend in a better mood.

"Well that's a bit of a long story and I think it would take a nice chat over some hot chocolate to explain what has happened over these twenty years." Nightingale joked softly trying to mask her own emotions bubbling inside her mind at seeing the other female heroine here the thing inside her head whispered louder rattling her brain a bit, but she didn't want to hear it not right now…not when she finally returned.

Mentioning of how many years it had been seemed to jolt Star back to the earlier conversation she was having with Cyborg reaching down quickly pulling the device she had removed from Warp's chest the two adults around he seemed a bit puzzled by seeing it the bionic man reaching carefully for it taking the item from her grasp. He began to visually study the object in his hand already beginning to draw back on memories from the fight with Warp the man's voice echoing about being from 100 years in the future…so did separating him from the device that helped him travel between different points in time become disrupted by Starfire tearing it off the suit? He looked back towards the other individuals both seeming eager to hear his words on the predicament a sudden peg of familiarity flooded through him at seeing both the girls together once more before a fowl memory clawed its way into his mind making him linger on what Nightingale had done to the tower after her little incident only for the thought quickly dissipate shaking his head for a moment not wanting to dwell on the past giving the device back to Starfire.

"Warp was planning to jump ahead 100 years right? Looks like you stopped him at twenty." Cyborg proposed his assumption taking in that the alien girl seemed to still be confused by it all, the two older members of the team made eye contact taking in that the other female member was worried about person she had moved to stand next, but an odd sense of hope passed over her features for a fleeting second making him curious of what she had been thinking about.

"Still I am confused…please why are you in disrepair and, "Starfire paused for a moment looking towards Nightingale the woman raising a curious eyebrow towards her wondering what she was going to say. "Why does friend Nightingale look like that?"

"Let's just say that things haven't gone so well since you left." Cyborg responded a sudden bitterness mixed with his words with Nightingale reached for her absent arm biting her lip gently feeling the memories flooding back into her mind trying to shake them away though they only seemed to grow stronger with the heroine's next questions.

"But what of the other Titans? Where are our friends?" She looked between the two adults who glanced hesitantly towards each other before looking back towards the orange haired teen both knowing that breaking the news to her would be hard, but Nightingale took the weight of the questions upon herself a soft sigh escaped from her throat catching Star's attention.

"The Titans no longer exist Star...we aren't friends anymore." Nightingale's words expelled from her mouth knowing they weren't of her own thoughts hearing its opinion slipping into her voice looking away from the alien girl already regretting her words. She really only knew where two members of their former team were that she stayed in contact with after she…no both of them weren't to blame for what happened it was her mistake and hers alone already hearing the demon rumbling an apology. Her thoughts flashed to another person before fading back to reality once more, but getting her to realize that she was even there had begun to become difficult internally shaking away those thoughts for now she had to deal with Starfire's reaction to it all.

"No you are wrong. This…everything is wrong how could such terrible things," Starfire responded in the way that the white haired woman expected hearing the familiar voice of the demon rumbling from the back of her mind, but the girl wasn't done yet her green eyes looking towards Warp's device in anger. "Warp! His interference in the past must have changed our future."

"Star I don't think-." Cyborg started to explain to her that it wasn't possible, but he felt a heavy hand land on his shoulder making him glance towards the different colored eyes of his former comrade hearing Starfire speak up again once more.

"He caused all this madness to happen. He made this technology and he is the one who can make things right." She confirmed floating towards the two former team members a pleading look filling her green eyes Nightingale looking away quickly knowing it would be impossible for her to ignore covering her face with her hand feeling an odd heat rushing to her cheeks…damn that puppy dog look. "We must find Warp! You will help me?"

"I wish I could, but my last power cell burned out years ago…" Cyborg nodded towards a lone generator in the corner that was hooked to his system a pained expression crossed Nightingale's face being noticed by him sending a grateful look towards her way trying to reassure her. "Nightingale has been helping to try and adapt this stuff to my circuits, but I can't leave the tower Star. I'm obsolete."

"Cyborg if you would just let me take you to the guys at the lab maybe they could…" She tried to plead with the bionic man once more on the subject, but only earned the same disheveled shake of the head the hope once again fleeting from her system with silence filling the air her miss colored eyes moving towards the orange haired girl seeing the hope draining from her as well…damn her partially still beating heart. "Star maybe I can help. I know where Raven is and Cyborg can inform me on where BB is since I lost track of the green imp a few years back."

"And Robin…?" Starfire asked curiously only for the former heroine to shake her head softly the small blink of a smile disappeared from the alien girl's face.

"We lost touch a long time ago. If you're looking for him you're on your own." Cyborg commented taking the words right out of Nightingale's mouth though she tried to think back to the last time she had even heard from the former boy wonder her mind slowly drawing blanks only for an unpleasant memory to return already wanting to take her mind off the subject. Her lips tightened into a sour expression form on her features, but it disappeared quickly tapping the bionic man to get his attention to tell her where the green imp was.

She pulled Cyborg aside to figure out where Beast Boy's location was only to learn that the green man had turned himself into a circus sideshow. Her face fell for a moment before it changed quickly to anger towards herself she should have kept an eye on him if only she had just…no there was no way of fixing the past now or maybe there possibly was if she could get Starfire home. She glanced back towards the young heroine a small sense of hope stirred in her chest for a moment walking away from the bionic man giving him a thumb up signaling all would go decently if she had to bet on it. Nightingale carefully tapped on the girl shoulder startling her for a second, but it was just to get her attention to start their little journey walking slowly towards the broken part of the window the wind fluttered her white hair for a moment taking in a deep breath of cold air feeling the fabric of her turtle neck and trench coat ripping and tearing for a moment her wings extending a bit making Starfire hold back a gasp. Her wings were now stained black not a speck of white was left on a single feather making the alien girl's curiosity grow towards what had happened to the former heroine seeing her back up a few steps folding her wings in for a moment moving into a full sprint out the large hole in the window feeling gravity trying to take hold. She plumped a few stories the wind bustling around her form for a moment enjoying the breeze for just a moment before opening her wings catching herself before crashing into the ground below causing lose snow to flutter up around her.

A small smile graced her lips before flying back up seeing a relieved look on Starfire's face signaling her to follow which the alien girl didn't hesitate to do. The two flew silently towards where Cyborg had told Nightingale where Beast Boy was Starfire watching the former heroine she was flying next to seeing the left arm of her coat fluttering along while they flew a sudden peg of hurt entered her chest. The two of them were so close in the past, but why did it seem like she was trying to hide something from her the memories of seeing the vines scattered in one of the hallways cause a small shutter to travel through her system for a moment. No there was nothing wrong and she wasn't hiding anything from her, but a small bit of doubts still resonated in her mind though she had to ignore it since they were getting close to their destination spotting the carnival tents from the sky. The two soon dived down towards the ground landing safely, but Nightingale didn't make her wings disappear slowly walking forward not spotting a ticket booth anywhere in sight her eyes casting quick glances towards the few people that were milling about trying to spot where the former energetic hero could be performing only to watch Starfire run past her.

She tried to reach out and stop her, but a sudden shutter went through her body causing her to bend over wincing and grasping gently at her chest for a moment a rough cough escaped from her throat going unheard by the young heroine barreling towards a green blob in the distance. Another cough escaped from her body shaking her frame feeling a familiar metallic tasting liquid entering her mouth watching a few droplets pitter into the snow using her thumb to quickly wipe away the liquid hearing the demon voice its concerns, but they were not needed she still had time. Soon she followed after Starfire carefully seeing two boys shouting towards the animal in the rolling cage taking in that it was an usual green color...her eyes widened at the sight of Beast Boy getting pelted by snowballs the ball he had been balancing on his pig nose knocked away with a panicked squeak entering the air before a low snarl escaped from her throat rushing forward past the alien girl at an inhuman pace seeing that one boy had finally resorted to throwing his food towards the poor guy. She and him may have been at odds after the Titans broke up, but treating him like he was a piece of dirt was enough to make anyone mad rushing forwards her voice sounding horse from the coughs seemed to startle the boys and even the alien girl had been affected by it.

"HEY! Get the hell away from him!" She shouted towards them already feeling another cough building up underneath the words, but it had been enough to cause the young degenerates to run away a hint of fear rolled in the air for a moment making her take in a deep breath trying to calm herself spotting Beast Boy shaking off the remnants of the food off his head before changing into his human form. He had become portly over the years and it seemed to of lost the hair on the top of his head, but aside from the aging to his face he still looked like a green little imp though the image running through her mind of him being a wise old mentor in a move had to be choked back.

"You…what are you doing here?" He took notice to the former heroine looking at him with pity from behind the bars glaring at her. "I thought I told you I didn't ever want to see your face again after you..."

"I'm not here for a petty squabble with you Beast Boy…I'm here for her sake." Nightingale cut him off her voice trying to sound sincere moving out of the way so his eyes could take in the orange haired girl that had finally caught up with her watching his displeased look started to melt away.

"No way it's you! But how…?" He stated in a shocked tone the malice from before started to melt away into bewilderment at seeing Starfire standing there before him unchanged by her time travel.

The two started to talk with Nightingale slowly losing interest knowing all too well that Beast Boy might not be willing to help them in this situation. She caught snips of the conversation him mentioning when he decided to go on being a solo hero when the Titans separated, but hearing him mention that he was beaten a lot caused a shutter to pass through her body. Once she had seen one of those beat downs in person with her breaking up the fight knocking the villain off their feet with ease though her help went unappreciated getting into an argument with him over his own safety only to have his petty pride swell up telling her that she wasn't needed. Her miscolored eyes glanced towards him seeing he had changed into a chicken for a quick moment trying to explain his own cowardice that seemed to be pointed at the ones who observed him from the other side of the cage. Finally she wanted to place her input hearing him joke about being in the show business glancing around at the tents around her before letting out a soft laugh catching the green man's attention a scowl being directed her way.

"What you think this is funny? I'm sorry I don't have a multimillion dollar company to fall back on." Beast Boy retorted towards her his glare seeming to worsen to an animalistic degree. "I mean after what you did to the tower I'm even surprised Cyborg even wants to be around you…let alone Raven possibly doesn't want to acknowledge your existence after your little experiment…"

"Shut your damn mouth! You all left us alone to our own devices so I don't want to hear it Mister Show Biz how many times did I offer to help you only for you snub it out because of a petty thing such as pride!" She shouted towards the man ignoring the alien girl trying to plead with her to calm down reaching her arm up her hand gripping tightly to one of the bars feeling it burning her hand slightly though she ignored the pain. Her purple eye slowly started glow with energy surging around it with smoke billowing off the bar from a combination of her skin burning from the contact of the iron and the purple flames dancing along her hand. "Don't you dare start acting high and mighty towards me Gar…I'd give anything to have her just look me in the eyes one last time before I…"

She looked away her face contorted with pain pulling her hand off the iron bar revealing that she had almost completely melted it down to nothing the heat wisping away once the cold air brushed against the slightly molten metal. Starfire rushed over picking up some snow off the ground hoping it would at least help placing it into the woman's open hand the frozen liquid at least soothing the burn a bit Beast Boy and Starfire looking towards each other with concern the former's anger slowly dissipating taking in the state that his former teammate was in. Beads of sweat started to roll down the side of her face while she tried to ignore the pain resonating through her body though this wasn't from the burn hearing it's calming voice enter her mind with a mixture of anger towards her little outburst…they didn't have time to feel any hate towards the green imp not with what little time they had left. She took in a sharp and shaky breath her lips trembling trying to hold back the whimper of pain that wanted to escape from the back of her throat standing up straight giving a weak smile towards the two companions before her catching their worried glances towards each other.

"Friend Nightingale are you alright?" The alien girl's concerned voice pierced through the roar of agony rumbling through her ears giving her a quick thumb up though that didn't seem to reassure the heroine or even Beast Boy for that matter.

"Hey are you sure you're looking paler than usual." He commented reaching through the bar placing his hand onto her shoulder only for her to pull away at the sudden warmth radiating from the touch only to regret pushing him away once more giving an apologetic look.

"Sorry I…Thank you for the concern Beast Boy, but we really better get a move on come on Starfire I don't think he really wants to help." She muttered softly to herself walking past the two Star once again giving him a hesitant look only to feel a hand wrap around her wrist halting her in place turning her head towards him seeing an expression plastered on his face that had never been seen before.

"Hey…keep an eye on her please. I know it seems like were bitter towards each other, but she's been helpful over the past few years ever since Raven…" His stern expression soon faltered for a moment a sudden sadness filtering through his eyes before it was soon replaced with a cheerful expression though the underlying feelings still poked through. "If you guys are seeing her next just be there when it's over with."

He let go of her wrist giving a small wave while a concerned look passed over her features hearing a sharp whistle catching her attention spotting Nightingale watching from a few feet away her expression unreadable. Starfire quickly caught up with the former heroine who had been waiting patiently for her before starting off once again the snow crunching her thoughts lingering on what Beast Boy had said to green eyes glancing up towards the white haired woman wondering what had happened between her and Raven though a part of her mind already linked it to her current state and what Beast Boy was trying to say earlier about some sort of incident happening. Nightingale's wings twitched at the cold air brushing past causing a shiver to travel along her spine her miscolored eyes focusing on ahead knowing where they were headed next a sudden sense of nervousness passed through her body thinking of a certain violet haired companion. She had just found her at this new location and the urge to find her had grown over the past few months her mind fading for a moment trying to remember the last time she had looked at her face only for a sudden burst of pain to resonate from her head stopping in her tracks. Slowly she reached her hand up towards her head spotting the familiar black specks floating off her bare hand her pained expression changed to a somber one hearing the soft thump of her heart trying to reaffirm her attachment to reality feeling a gentle touch being placed onto her upper arm glancing to the side spotting Starfire giving her a warm smile causing a surge of confidence to swell into her chest.

She gave a reassuring smile back her face starting to hurt from all the positive looks she was doing taking in that they were a good distance away from the carnival to take of her wings stretching out behind her twitching with anticipation once more. The takeoff was easier this time her wings lifting her up off the ground with ease while Starfire floated alongside her the two flying off once more into the city carefully moving between the buildings that towered around them with snow fluttering out of the grey clouds above. The nervousness began to build in her chest once more her mouth growing dry spotting the building that Raven was dwelling in for now hear it chime softly in her head that it would be alright, but even it's encouragement wasn't enough to make the sinking feeling disappear landing in front of a pair of haunting gothic gates kicking them in with her boot ignoring the gasp that had escaped from Starfire's throat. Her legs started to move on their own passing through the broken double doors her boots echoing on the cracked marble floors her mind trying to ignore why she would even be in here glancing down the labyrinth like hallways her heart fluttering in her chest a feeling she hadn't given a second thought to. She could hear Starfire trying to catch up, but she was moving too fast finally through looking around the first floor when a soft voice entered her mind making her stop near a staircase leading to the second floor it was faint, but it had to be her. Her feet felt heavy while she stormed up the steps hearing the alien girl not far behind her though she ignored her completely moving towards the door to her left the loudness of her heart thumping filled her ears while reaching for the doorknob the hesitation soon being overcome by determination pulling the door open eyes soon becoming flooded by the pure white room before her breath hitching in her throat spotting the familiar cloaked figure before her.

"Raven…" Her voice echoed in a hush tone along the walls spotting the white hood seeming to flinch at the sound of their name leaving her mouth. A sensation of relief started to wash over her seeing that she was okay and was taking care of herself was enough to wash away the worry that had flooded into her system not even noticing Starfire stepping past her.

"Raven? Raven it is Starfire your friend." The girl commented trying to get the cloaked woman's attention taking in that her usual indigo colored cape was now pure white though her heart dropped at the emotionless tone answering her back.

"No such thing…" Raven muttered softly ignoring the people behind her…no they weren't people they were figments of her mind wanting to play tricks on her. She heard the figment of Starfire pleading with her to listen what was left of her emotions whispered in her mind trying to get her to look at least getting her hopes up, but she still didn't turn towards the duo. "Just another figment…don't even look."

Starfire started to protest once more only for Nightingale to move from her spot halting her in her continuation forwards towards the magic user her miscolored eyes softening towards the cloaked figure. She hadn't seen her in so long and to see her mind decayed like this…a sharp pain echoed in her chest making her move closer her heart seeming to falter with every step that she took towards her holding out her hand reaching towards her hesitantly. Words tried to form in her mouth, but a soft stutter escaped from her lips seeing to catch Raven's attention her cowled head turn slightly catching a stand of violet hair slipping past though the words couldn't escape from her mouth looking away feeling the tears already building up behind her eyes. She turned on her heels quickly leaving the white room entering onto the platform already feeling the hot liquid spilling from her eyes hearing the muffled conversation behind her seeing Raven like that caused memories to start flooding back into her system ones that she had pushed back the hot tears finally cascade down her face dropping against the snow outside of the building while she continued to walk away.

The memories continued to flood into her mind causing her to soon collapse near a car parked along the street her hand clawing at the soft ground beneath her…she hadn't seen Raven in ten years and just seeing her broken like that she stiffened a sob trying to compose herself not knowing when or if Starfire was going to catch up to her. Why didn't she stay with her? Why did she decide to leave when she…Nightingale stopped herself reaching into one of the pockets on her trench coat her body leaning up against the car for support while she continued to search knowing that it was there somewhere just in case she found her again the words slipping out of her mouth already feeling the pain echo in each word.

"I really fucked it up this time…didn't I dear?" She muttered softly to herself continuing to feel the words with memories flooding her mind and panic rising while she tried to find the item she was looking for.

Her fingers gently brushed against a soft velvet box the surge of panic that leapt from her chest started to fade the tears started to slow to a soft drizzle a slight shutter traveled through her system feeling someone placing their cold hands onto her face wiping away the remaining stream of tears like a mother would when their child was bawling over a small injury. Her miscolored looked up to meet a pair of purple eyes resonating bits of pity towards her while a sad smile appeared on the demon's heart shaped face gently placing its forehead against hers before disappearing once more into her mind knowing that this limited contact gave her a bit of comfort, but it just emphasized on what little time they had left. She pulled her hand out of her pocket pushing herself off the ground hearing someone sloshing up then snow behind her turning to see Starfire had caught up with her wearing the same dejected look like when Beast Boy told them he couldn't help…meaning Raven must have pushed her away. She gave a sad smile towards the orange haired heroine about to give her an encouraging and rousing speech only to feel a pair of tight arms wrapping around her giving her a hug causing he brain to falter for a moment before returning it gently with her one arm. Her mind started to buzz wondering if she should even tell her the bad news about her health, but it seemed like the cat might come out of the bag anyways.

"Raven did not remember me…" Starfire sniffled trying to hold back the tears that were building behind her eyes making the older woman hold her tighter hearing her voice quivering. "Friend Nightingale what has gone wrong with our friends…?"

"Starfire…after you left things went downhill for all of us. You were that glue that seemed to hold us together and when you disappeared we all broke apart piece by piece. Since you know everyone's story except mine I think it's proper I tell you." She replied back rubbing her back knowing that the words coming out of her mouth didn't sound so reassuring, but the truth was never something someone wanted to hear. "I had…difficulties with you being gone since I felt like I should have stopped you from going after Warp…if I had just ignored my own problems I could have stopped you and it haunted me to the point I had nightmares of what you were going through and I had to fix it, I had to bring you back. Losing you that day made me realize I'm tired of losing people I care about."

A sharp and shaky breath escaped from her throat pulling away from the heroine seeing her concerned expression, but she wasn't done yet already feeling the memories flooding back into her mind knowing that magic could possible solve it all. Cyborg and Robin helped her build a mock-up of some sort of retrieval device while Raven helped her at least try to find a possible spell that might work though Beast Boy had left a few weeks prior to go out on his own. She could finally get rid of the guilt that had been building inside her mind, but something happened during the first test…she could hear Raven and Robin trying to tell her to stop and Cyborg saying the machine couldn't last much longer. The explosion almost destroyed the tower and her arm changed in the process… Her miscolored eyes looked up towards Starfire holding a somber expression trying to put the words together in her mind on what to say next her memories soon switching to when she gave Raven a place to stay lips trembling at the slightly happy memories flooding into her mind.

"I left the tower not a few weeks after you disappeared retiring from heroism for good and Raven came to my door one night a year later. We were fine for a good ten years and my powers…they were kept in check, but I lost control and Robin," Her lips started to tremble more looking down towards the snow covered ground feeling the happy memories becoming swallowed by darkness her hand reaching towards where her left arm once was the nub that remained seemed to twitch for a moment. "He…we had to resort to drastic measures and Raven didn't approve though we moved past it and things were fine until a month later. I-I woke up and she wasn't there next to me so I panicked looking ever where for her and I…"

She choked back the tears that had started to form behind her eyes not wanting to look like a blubbering fool before someone she thought of as family, but the tears spilled anyways breaking away the calm demeanor to show a person who had been broken for far too long. Nightingale had spent the last ten years searching for Raven constantly picking up her train only for her to arrive too late to even catch the enchantress that haunted her dreams making her extend all the contacts she could scrounge up pestering Dr. Fate* and John Constantine** to see if they could get any information or sightings of her to only have both masters of the occult to come up empty though she stayed with the latter for a while honing what little control she had left over her abilities. It even moved to the extent of the latter getting ahold of Jason Blood*** to get advice from the demon of riddles himself Etrigan only for him to spew out nonsense towards her demise almost wanting to tear the hellion to pieces at the mention of it. She began to wipe her tears away trying to compose herself at the thought of her own demise feeling the demonic energy inside of her eating away at what little humanity remained miscolored eyes looking up towards Starfire exploding with despair and sadness that was starting to eat away at her exterior. The ten years that she had been looking with her own abilities had started to take a toll on her mortal form the demon inside of her constantly pleading with her to give the search a rest, but she never listened.

"S-Star I'm dying. I don't know when, but my mortal clock is ticking away and I just," She felt the heroine rush forwards hugging her tightly once more her one arm returning the same vice grip she was feeling. "Starfire I'm scared I-I don't want to die…"

The alien girl tried to extent more comfort towards the woman falling apart in her arms not knowing what to say and who could? Someone you looked up to and care deeply about like they were your own blood just admitted they were dying and didn't know when their clock would stop the ticking. Anger bubbled up inside the alien girl realizing that all of this could have been avoided and would be avoided if she could just go back in time to return to the team though her wish would be granted quicker than expected. Snow started to be crunched from above the sound of an older yet annoying voice echoed above them the two pulling away from the tender moment their eyes traveling up a nearby building.

"What's the matter dear? Have I come at a bad time?" Warp asked inquisitively towards the younger titan Nightingale taking in the rage that seethed off the heroine before she took off towards the villain shooting off towards him the words faltering in her mouth trying to stop her. He seemed unamused by the sudden action the laser generators rose from his shoulder shooting towards the person who retaliated with green starbolts while the former heroine watched unable to move her mind swarmed with ways on how she could help since it had been years since she even fought a villain of this caliber, but her hesitation was costly hearing the beast inside screaming at her to do something her eyes focusing back on the battle once more. With a simple wave of his hand Starfire was frozen in a block of ice her form dropping from the sky and smashing to the street causing a crater to form underneath her unconscious body. A panicked look passed over Nightingale's face her legs moving on their own towards her fallen friend hearing Warp approaching a snarl escaping from her throat turning while she turned on her heels towards him. The villain had aged since the last time she laid eyes on him, but that didn't matter much to her watching the dark specks fluttering off her body the rumbling in her head echoed once more the demon wanting to tear him apart though she had to ignore the dark thoughts for now.

She tilted her head from one side to the other the bones in her neck popping a bit the darkness spreading along her form while an unemotional face looked towards the older villain seeing his stance stiffen a bit while the darkness around her started attaching to her figure bubbling up for a few seconds causing her to wince slightly. Nightingale's appearance evolved more her fingers changing into sharp claws melting any snow that decided to flutter onto her exposed flesh the darkness spreading in one eye while the other started to slowly melt into the purple coloring while a menacing grin appeared on her face revealing sharp teeth ready to tear him apart. She was about to make a move when the sound of someone groaning behind he caught her attention making the fatal mistake of looking back to see Starfire starting to get up, but a sudden sharp pain distracted her from the relief flooding through her forcing her to hiss lowly her feet stumbling while the smell of singed feathers floated in the air. She ducked avoiding another laser aimed towards her back once again pointing her darkness covered hand towards the villain vines thrusting out of her open palm towards him, but with another wave of his hand he encased them in ice rage bubbling up inside of her trying to summon fire to burn away at the ice only for a wave of nausea and agony to expel from her stomach causing her to grimace a bit trying to stay on her own two feet only to feel them shaking under the weight of the pain. Though she tried to continue the charade that she was in control of the situation Warp had a very sharp eye even in his old age a grin appearing on his face, but it did not linger long hearing Starfire standing to her feet and looking towards her direction.

She glared towards the villain though that soon changed to shock spotting that he had aged as well making him catch on to what she was thinking a frown appearing on his face before speaking towards the alien girl ignoring the older woman who was trying to hold herself together.

"This is what happens when someone steals my vortex regulator." He chided towards her holding his hand out signaling her to hand it over. "The regulator if you please. I really must get back to my future."

"If you ever wish to see your future," She states back to the villain menacingly reaching for the regulator on her belt and holding in one hand while the other was starting to generate a starbolt. "You will repair the damage you have done to my past!"

"Damage? Silly girl there is nothing wrong with your past." Warp replied his eyes glancing back towards the demonic former heroine seeming to struggle with the darkness surrounding her arm spotting it slowly crawling up her upper part reaching towards her shoulder a pitied look passing over his features watching her finally crumple to the ground on her knees. "One cannot damage history because history cannot be changed."

He turned his gaze back towards the heroine holding his regulator before reaching to grab the Clock of Eternity the time ticking by before he spoke up once more. "I went back in time to steal this because history says it disappeared and history said it disappeared because I went back to steal it. Past, present, future it is all written in stone my dear."

The minute hand finally took another movement finally landing on the twelve seeming to be the point of his little speech was that there was no way to turn back the clock on any of this before her. Starfire's face faltered her green eyes landing on Nightingale seeming to struggle against her own powers seeing that the darkness had now spread across her chest whilst a pained look grazed over her facial features if history could not be changed then she would inevitably…the orange-skinned girl didn't want to think about what would happen. She slowly lowered her hand the starbolt dissipating into nothing with Warp walking closer towards her taking the lens from grasp without a fight his final words blending into the air as a shout from Nightingale's mouth echoed in the air watching him raise an arm towards her with a blaster attached to his wrist ready to fire. The demonic heroine ignored her own pain trying to spring into action to stop the blast from at least hitting the alien girl, but someone else beat her to the punch quite literally. A shadowy figure slammed into the villain making him stumble into a nearby alley way standing to reveal a black silhouette with long hair pushing the man further down into the alley.

Starfire rushed over towards Nightingale her face swarming with worry, but the former heroine held up her darkness covered hand shaking her head trying to tell her not to get any closer. Inside her mind she was cursing slightly knowing what had gone wrong was not having the same mindset as the demon inside of her body hearing the beast hum an apology towards her while the darkness continued to try and eat away at her, but she didn't want to die yet or ever for that matter. She focused on her breathing calming herself first while the darkness slowly started to slink away from her heart and traveling back down towards the point of origins with her fingers finally returning to their human form with remnants of the darkness still lingering on the tips. A grimaced smile soon appeared on her face her skin growing paler giving Starfire a small nod signaling that it was alright to touch her now feeling a careful hand pick her wrist up gently while the sound of crunching snow filled her ears. The alien girl bent down to help her friend back to her feet feeling an odd jolt pass through her body, but she ignored it giving a warm smile back towards the older woman who nudged her head towards the alley wanting to see who it was that saved them the alien girl having no problem having her older friend leaning on her.

The two arrived at the end of the two silhouettes little squabble seeing Warp blocking the attacks from some sort of explosive device hurled by the unknown hero with a force field dissipating the old man looking up towards the sky above a frown appearing on his face. Nightingale wanted to rush forward to attack the man while he was distracted, but another twinge of pain traveled outwards from her chest making her take a sharp breath in catching Starfire's attention. The alien girl had a sort of panicked look on her face hearing her friend taking ragged breaths though she had to focus on the man before them the sound of something dropping from above made her look back. The villain was already half way through the ground this time fazing through it for his grand escape his words seeming muffled a bit before disappearing all together a silhouette crashed to the ground where Warp once was a light curse escaped from their lips. The two cautiously stepped forward the more hurt of the two from her own inflicted wounds trying to focus on who this could be when they finally spoke their voice unmistakable her thoughts faltering at why he would even be here in the first place.

"It's good to see you, both of you actually." His voice exclaimed forth calmly and in a powerful demeanor the childlike pitch to it had disappeared altogether becoming deeper in tone. Nightingale gave a small eye roll with a hint of a small smile appearing on her face though it looked more like a grimace while her pain slowly started to fade a bit.

"Robin?" Starfire expelled with a hitch of happiness attached to her tone was the first one to speak after his comment a sudden sense of hope seemed to resonate off her person.

"I haven't used that name in a long time." He responded back still in the shadows for only a moment stepping into the light revealing his new look. A skin tight black uniform hugged his older self whom had gotten taller since the last time either girls saw him last his usual traffic color look disappeared all entirely carrying himself proudly. A blue hawk was spread out across his chest while the familiar domino mask covered up his eyes and nose with black gloves covering up his hands with sliver attachments clung to both lower arms. His grey utility belt seemed it be a more modified version of his old one with the final touch his long black hair framed his sharper face leaving the childish image flooding their minds to disappear entirely. "Call me Nightwing."

"Pfft copycat." Nightingale spoke nonchalantly trying to ease the small amount of awkwardness that was being generated by his presence her smile from earlier growing a bit wider seeing he had somewhat enjoyed her joke, but the good times weren't to be had at the moment another jolt of pain traveled through her body causing a rough cough to escape from her throat blood splattering onto her lips reaching the uncovered asphalt below them. Nightwing's face soon changed to a slightly worried expression moving more towards the girls grabbing Nightingale by her chin tilting her face from side to side seeing that the darkness from her other eye had slowly started to spread to her azure eye specks of purple started to peak through the blue causing his worry to soon change to concern.

"Come on I know where we can talk more." He spoke up once more waving his hand for the girls to follow which they obeyed one hobbling a bit before Starfire helped her towards where ever he wanted to take them. It was a long walk Nightingale felt herself fading in and out of consciousness before becoming swallowed into her own mind feeling her body trying to recover a bit giving her a sense of weightlessness, but she did not know where Nightwing was taking the both of them. While she was fading in and out her hearing could pick up the sound of gears churning all around though everything else was lost.

It felt like hours since the last time she had been awake when her miscolored eyes finally opened to see that Starfire or Nightwing had placed her onto a free table to give her some rest feeling a rough blanket slipping over her body her wings finally had dissipated. She sat up checking every part of her body seeing that the pain had finally faded away, but there were still remnants of darkness splashed across her skin just like what had happened to her arm though that thought soon dissipated not wanting to linger on the past much longer. The room she occupied was large containing a few blank computers and a control panel to one side making her curious of how long Nightwing had even been in the city since the last she heard of a Robin sighting was that he had been in Bludhaven, but that's when he own informants were unable to find him.

Her eyes moved away from the computers towards two cylindrical storage containers spotting Starfire standing in front of one though her expression was hard to read from her reflection. From what she could spot in the container it was the Robin suit sitting there collecting dust like a fond memory to look upon once in a while, but a soft sigh escaped from the orange skinned girl's throat seeming like she was disappointed to see it like that. Nightwing came from a side room carrying a blanket spotted their sleeping friend had finally awakened seeing her staring in Starfire's direction seeing her staring longingly at the costume. He silently walked towards her wrapping the blanket around her catching the girl's attention once more away from the costume.

"I've heard you've been looking for help." Nightwing commented the sudden tension in the air slowly started to slip into despair with Starfire's hopeless look travelling across her features. Nightingale looked away from the two remembering Warp's words echoing in her mind wanting them to disappear not wanting to hear the cynical man anymore though Starfire seemed to be more affected by his words than she was.

"There is nothing you can do…there is nothing anyone can do. The past cannot be repaired and the future cannot be altered, no matter how wrong it seems." Starfire spoke softly her voice pinging with hopelessness echoing off the walls. The white haired woman slipped off the table she was on her boot gently hitting against the concrete already hearing the demon inside protesting that she needed to sleep more, but there was a certain person who needed reassuring. Her strides continued hearing Nightwing speak up in an affirmative manner towards the orange haired girl's comments.

"So its impossible." He moved towards the computers his hand resting on the control panel before turning towards Starfire a smirk appearing on his face. "Good if memory serves we've done the impossible before."

Starfire stared at him speechless for a moment feeling a firm grip being applied to her shoulder her eyes tearing away from Nightwing for a moment to see that her former comrade had finally awoken form her light slumber miscolored eyes seeming to smile back at her. The small amount of remaining hope that lingered in her chest started to grow once again, but there was a bit of a falter at what the three of them could even do in this situation though Nightwing had the answer all along.

"I held onto this just in case." He pressed a button on the panel among many there causing a part of it to split apart revealing an old titan communicator sitting there in pristine condition. Star and Nightingale moved closer one hoping that her eyes were not deceiving her while the latter seemed to be reminiscing on old memories watching him pick up the device from its holder pressing a button on the side. The T in the center started to flash red causing the stones on Starfire's costume to glow and flash with the same coloring revealing that they were some sort of emergency system. Nightingale felt warmth expelling from one of her pockets reaching down towards it pulling out the center piece of her old utility belt seeing the N flashing red towards her a grin appearing on her face at the invitation set forth towards her. Across the city each of the former titans were receiving the same signal to come and aid their comrade, but who would actually answer was up in the air.

The three waited there for a moment before springing into action knowing where Warp would be their minds focused on the museum and that alone. The villain in question was already there two armed guards once again frozen in place while he twiddled away in the back with his regulator welding it back into place. The clock exhibit from the past was no longer there replaced by the computer equipment that now covered the exhibition hall the villain grinning slightly knowing he was close to victory.

"Tic-tock." He exclaimed with a hint of excitement in his old weathered voice before continuing. "Just a few more seconds and I shall finally-."

He was cut short by a short staff hitting against the tool he had been using to repair the regulator hurling it away from the man who cried out in pain and surprise at the sudden attack. His view moved up towards the balcony spotting Nightwing and Starfire standing at the ready to fight against him, but where was the other one? No matter these two would be easy to defeat and he would be back to the future in no time at all.

"The future will have to wait." Nightwing commented towards the old man extending his staff out to the full length. "You just ran out of time."

The elderly villain let out a frustrated growl towards the two heroes bringing out his shoulder lasers firing a few rounds at them causing them to dive away from the attacks. A smirk appeared on his face for a moment on to be wiped away when a chill ran down his spine causing him to turn on the heels of his boots towards the shadows behind watching the demonic heroine slipping out of the shadows. A sharp toothed grin appeared on her face purple flames danced along her arm while it covered in darkness once rushing forward sending a swipe towards his wrist with it coming up to block the sudden attack. This seemed to only be a diversion though watching her slink back into the darkness the grin from earlier not disappearing while Warp turned to see a barrage of explosive disc headed his way along with a few starbolts bringing his force field to life once more. The two reached floor level with Nightingale melting out of the shadows created by the computers nearby ready to fight alongside both of them already feeling a small ounce of pain appearing, but she ignored it entirely knowing it would fade at some point. Warp dispelled his force field glaring in anger towards the heroes before firing off both shoulder lasers with no end in sight this only makes them move forward towards the villain dodging and weaving through the chaos with Nightingale's trench coat receiving minor damage from the attacks. Star is the first to strike sending a shot towards the man only to see him deflect it just like twenty years ago, but she was more prepared this time dodging the ricochet. The white haired woman moved in second hurling a few purple flames towards the older villain hitting a pouch that was attached to his side where he held the iron dust balls melting them causing the villain to cry out in pain while black vines slowly creeping out from the marble flooring to help aid in keeping him there. She quickly moves out of the way only to have a laser barely miss the side of her face only to duck back into the shadows once more lying in wait for her next attack.

Nightwing continued on jumping in the air when he arrived close enough to the villain, his staff raised high above his head, before bringing it down onto one of the lasers attached to Warp's costume shattering it making it lose power altogether. He landed behind Warp making the villain struggle to turn on his heels blasting away the vines from the floor only for a starbolt to slam into him once his back was turned bowling him over a bit creating a larger shadow along the ground. Nightingale appears quickly slamming her fist into the villain's face a laugh escaping from her throat before ducking back into the ground once again melding with the shadows a sudden glee expelled from her person part of her missed this. She appeared behind a pillar her eyes watching eagerly for her next opening watching Warp shooting more laser strikes towards Starfire to no avail only to bring his attention back to Nightwing who tried to do an overhead swing towards the villain, but was unable to land a hit on him with a barrage of laser blast heading towards his way. The blasts were easily blocked by the black cladded hero his staffs not even showing signs of breakage swinging towards the time traveling bandit making him take a step with each block though he didn't seem to be ready for the roundhouse kick aimed towards his face causing the golden villain to falter slamming into the ground.

The two other heroes moved closer towards the fallen man Starfire dispersed her starbolts thinking he was already down, but the white haired heroine noticed a small twitch to the man's left hand. Her eyes widened emerging from the shadows trying to call out a warning towards the orange haired girl, but it was too late Warp blasted straight up towards the roof above her causing rubble and snow to come crashing down onto the unsuspecting alien. A low animalistic snarl escaped from Nightingale's throat her eyes aglow with the familiar purple hue rushed forwards watching Nightwing get knocked away by the time traveler's wrist blaster flames danced along her fingers and up her arm raising it to strike from above only to be knocked back herself into a pillar creating a dent in the marble. She tried to shrug off the pain feeling it whip back at her tenfold the searing sensation traveled through her body gritting her teeth while struggling release herself from the marble's hold succeeding in the process only to drop down to the floor in a heap. Her bones felt like jelly at the moment, but that could be ignored stumbling to her feet once more heavy and bated breaths escaped from her throat flames expelling along with each one the purple in her eyes seemed to be brimming with magic. The demon hummed softly in her mind like it was trying to tell her something important, but she ignored it for now she would get a lecture later on the matter whatever it may be seeing the battle was almost far from over.

Purple started to slowly seep from underneath her skin running along like cracks across the marble with every heavy step she took a low rumble escaped from her throat, but her rage slowly started to seep away watching Warp's tool be knocked out from his hand once again getting slammed in the chest by a familiar blue beam of light from a certain sonic cannon. This hit launched the villain across the room slamming into a cabinet finally to stop him from being blasted through a wall with a smirk appearing on Nightingale's face turning to see the familiar bionic man standing there his circuits aglow with power once more. Nightwing had in the matter of minutes was able to get Starfire free from the rubble the two joining the white haired heroine while she stood next to him while he lowered his cannon both glad that he even was here in the first place. Their excitement was short lived however with Warp standing to his feet once more holding one of the time devices from all those years ago in his hand once more.

"So sorry," His words echoed coldly across the marble floors the bitterness seeming apparent that he wasn't too keen on the titans stopping him once more. "Perhaps I should finish you first!"

Before he could even get a chance to throw the device towards the bionic man a green lion charged across the already damaged flooring towards him slashing sharp claws against the golden armor the villain wore catching him by a sudden surprise. Nightingale watched the villain bring up his wrist to shoot off a beam towards the lion who was recovering from the strike making her rush blindly forward hearing Starfire trying to tell her to stop her arm reaching out and gripping tightly onto the man's wrist. The two started to struggle the one armed heroine getting a small upper hand for a few seconds, but the bravado soon faltered the old man getting the upper hand slamming his free fist into her stomach catching the air in her throat before knocking the white haired woman to the ground. Time felt like it started to slow with the barrel of the wrist cannon aimed straight for her face knowing that she might not be able to dodge in time her miscolored eyes closing waiting for the impact sending a silent goodbye to the others in the room. The sound of a familiar yelp of surprise escaped from Warp's throat once more snapping her out of the small moment of despair and possible over dramatic flair her eyes opening to see the man once again getting hurled across the room a black aura surrounded him for a moment.

All five heroes watched in shock before a large grin appeared on the white haired woman's face watching a black form rising up from the ground a black bird stretching out its wings before swirling back in on itself to reveal the white cladded sorceress. Nightingale tried to scramble to her feet, but she felt her bones turning to jelly once more at the sight of the telepathic titan her smile never faltering for a moment. She carefully lowered herself back to the ground hovering above the floor by a few inches her voice seeming to contain that monotone sound though there was a threatening tone to it with certain pitches.

"Nobody hurts my friends." She spoke towards the villain firmly her eyes seeming to move towards the fallen heroine floating towards her holding out a hand gracefully waiting for her to take it. She didn't have to wait long feeling a warmth shooting through her arm something she missed for quite a while, but they didn't have time to reminisce now there would be time after the fight hopefully.

The others soon were standing at the ready the with the two of them joining the stand-off the last being Beast Boy who was rubbing his human head for a moment muttering about something being unfair. Warp had finally gotten back to his feet for one final time his regulator attached fully to his chest piece opening a wormhole a smirk appearing on his face as if he had won against them. Nightwing hurled something towards the time traveler with him doing the same the former's spreading out to looking like one of his birdarangs that had been seriously upgraded slicing cleanly through Warp's device before slamming into his regulator causing a crack to appear across the opal colored glass. Electricity arched from the device traveling along his body causing the villain to start panicking before the changes began making the Titan's stare forward at what was unfolding in front of them. He began to age backwards his voice of anger soon turned to panic and higher pitched continuing to do so before he soon disappeared into his armor with it clattering to the floor. Beast Boy was the first one to make a move carefully walking forwards and reaching to remove the breastplate revealing a screaming infant wrapped in the black fabric that Warp had been wearing though what he had said to be quirky about the whole situation was soon ignored their eyes moving towards the wormhole that was beginning to close.

"We gotta get you home come on!" Cyborg shouted towards Starfire pulling the regulator free and forming his cannon once more shooting a beam towards the portal slowly forcing it back to it's original size though for how long it would hold was unknown. "I'm redirecting the wormhole, Starfire go!"

Nightwing nodded towards the alien girl signaling her that it was time to go her steps hesitantly moving towards her only way back. She turned on her heel taking them all in one last time seeing that Nightingale was gripping Raven's hand tightly the cloaked magic user returned the same gesture while everyone looked on towards the young titan. Nightwing stepped forward towards Starfire a blank expression masked his face for a moment meeting her near the portal wanting to say a farewell, but she spoke before him.

"Please must this really be out future?" She asked towards everyone who all stayed silent watching Nightingale look down biting her lip wanting to say something towards the alien girl, but she seemed to be holding herself back. "Is there nothing I can do to change it?"

"I'm sorry Star. There isn't time." Nightwing responded towards her drawing her green eyes towards his form seeing them watering up a bit. He reached forward placing the Clock of Eternity in her hand the girl lowering her head for a moment her frame shaking slightly at the thought of this future existing at all.

"Starfire! Don't believe what Warp said. The future isn't set in stone; it is what you do in the present that can alter everything!" The white haired woman exclaimed catching everyone off guard seeing a familiar cheeky grin appearing on her face towards the alien girl who looked up from her for a moment seeing the tears welling up in her green orbs. A look of hope appeared on the girl's face feeling the sudden pressure of someone placing their hand on her shoulder looking towards Nightwing one last time a tender smile forming on her lips watching him return to the others to watch her leave giving her one last image of seeing everyone together. Carefully she took a few steps forward before being swallowed up by the black gateway it closing behind her once and for all in the blink of an eye.

Present Day Jump City

Warp was saying his farewell towards the Titans once again a sudden sense of déjà vu creeped over the scene watching Starfire bolting forward in anger towards the gold cladded man the two soon crashing through the portal. In the blink of an eye Starfire was gone causing panic to flow through Nightingale's body scrambling to her feet to where the alien girl was last seen her eyes not believing what had happened a sudden numbness traveled through her. If she had just stopped Starfire everything would have been fine, if she had just ignored her own injuries the alien girl would still be here, but she was too late to even do anything. Robin looked towards her with worry watching the black cladded heroine seeming to kick herself mentally for not doing anything his gloved hand reaching towards her for some sort of comfort at least.

"Um, where did she-." Before Beast Boy could even finish the full sentence that wanted to escape from his lips a flash of light expelled through the gallery originating behind him and Cyborg causing Nightingale to stand quickly to her feet to see what was happening. Her eyes widened spotting a portal opening up watching huddled up figure rolling out from the opening before halting in a kneeling position a familiar clock being held in their hands. The sound of the boys rushing over towards the person was enough to cause her legs to move forward pushing past them all to see Starfire looking up at them with a smile on her face holding the Clock of Eternity up towards them triumphantly.

"History said it disappeared, but history was wrong!" She exclaimed happily towards them all her green eyes soon becoming full of surprise feeling someone wrapping her tightly in a hug only to feel fingers tugging against her cheeks.

"Goddamn it Starfire do you know the type of fright you gave me? Quick are you hurt, is there any limbs missing, how many fingers am I holding up?" Nightingale rattled off question after question finally holding up three fingers in the alien girl's face, but she soon was enveloped in a strong hug quickly taking her breath away the black haired heroine struggling to breath. "S-Star please…I can't breathe…"

Back at the Tower after Starfire explained where she went

Everyone looked towards the alien girl in awe while she recounted what happened while she was in the future, but she left out a few details pertaining towards Nightingale not knowing it if was proper to even bring it up around the others. She continued to recount everything from beginning to end already feeling herself wrapping it up already seeing the others listening intently towards her knowing she was near the end anyhow. Nightingale had seated herself on the counter her legs crossed her azure eyes watching and listening with curiosity towards the future laughing when she heard that Beast Boy had been balding in the future was enough to send the green imp on a tyrant before calming down enough sulking with tears expelling from his eyes.

"Then Nightwing handed me the clock and I entered the vortex." She finished it off a warm smile was sent towards her teammates watching their reactions towards the ending of her story.

"Whoa." Raven spoke up first her face seeming to hold a bit of shock towards the future though she wasn't the only one to voice their opinion hearing Beast Boy going on another rant of him going bald in the future another snicker expelled from the black haired heroine's throat.

"Shut up at least I'm not missing an arm in the future!" Beast Boy retorted back towards the heroine hearing her cackle some more before halting mid laugh looking towards him with smirk.

"At least I look like a badass without my arm unlike you which by the way you sound like a middle aged dad in the future." Nightingale chided back earning a glare from the imp knowing that he was going to get back at her some way or another, but it was too easy to pass up teasing him. He made a mad dash for her only to be stopped by Cyborg holding him back from the beating he was about to sustain from the black cladded girl seeing her smirk growing even more.

"Guess you were right about that Rekmas stuff." The bionic man said towards the alien girl finally getting Beast Boy to calm down after shooting Nightingale a look telling her to at least hold off on teasing the green imp.

Robin voiced his own concerns to all of them drifting apart, but Starfire reassured him that they had already changed Warp's past so it was possible they had changed the future also. The soft sound of bells being lifted off the ground caught Nightingale's attention watching Raven's magic enveloping them and reassembling the necklace once more. She grinned towards the magic user seeing that she was avoiding her gaze at the moment, but her mind slowly started to wander away towards what Starfire had said knowing that the girl might possibly be holding some things back. A frown formed on her face wanting to ask the alien girl for some other information on the future unknown of how long those memories would even linger in her mind more over how she even ended up in such a state. The sound of bells jingling caught her attention seeing Raven standing before her holding out one of Starfire's necklaces a light blush seemed to be dusted across her grey cheeks taking her mind away from the future for now, the present was what mattered now. She let the violet haired heroine place the jingling piece of jewelry around her neck feeling her fingers touching her skin on accident causing a blush to appear on her own face the two soon moving away from each other both trying to not show that they were even that close, but a pair of green orbs was watching them the whole time a small smile appearing on her face wondering what their relationship would be like now that the bleak future could possibly be avoided.


*coughs* anyways my fingers are on fire at the moment because I was trying to finish this up before I had to sleep. I feel so happy and free like dear lord its done. Also iron has a certain weakness to demons and those connected to the fae so…yea that's why she gets affected by it. Also anyone want to guess what was in the little black box? Huh? Go on try and guess.

*Dr. Fate: A DC superhero and an occult expert being one of the Lords of Order. He wears a fancy helm that grants him magical powers from the ancient being known as Nabu being his vessel in return.

**John Constantine: An antihero of the DC universe and an occult detective of sorts that hunts down things that go bump in the night knocking back just as hard.

***Jason Blood: A world leading expert on the occult and demonology in the DC universe. He had been around since the sixth century ever since Merlin the Wizard bound the demon Etrigan to his soul.

Anyways lovelies I am tired as can be so please leave a review, follow the story and please be at peace~ I am out for now until next time!