...Chapter 12…

~Cambell estate - 30 Years ago~

The still human Susie Cambell is in her family home putting her baby to sleep just before returning to the studio. "Sweet dreams Linda, Momma will be back home soon." As she opens the door her elderly mother stops her.

"Sweetie are you really capable of raising a child on your own? What happened to that deadbeat?" She angrily asked out of concern for her daughter and grandchild. Susie visibly winces at the mention of her child's father, clearly not a comfortable subject. Susie's mother then sighs of resignation of the subject. "Be careful at work, I've been hearing unpleasant rumors about Joey Drew."

Outside is Joey in his car waiting on her, growing impatient. She finally enters the car with a reluctant expression on her face. "Took your time, it's like you don't want to keep your place in my studio." Angered by his comment Susie slaps him.

"I was putting my daughter to bed! Some of us have families you know." As they drive away Joey's hand rides up her thigh suggestively. But She never did come back, Alice transformed her into an ink monster and then lost her mind and her body.


Susie has taken Henry and Alice to her old home, which has been long abandoned. The grass has grown wild in the three decades of neglect. A condemned sign on the door, the place is scheduled to be demolished. "NO!" Susie panics at the sight of her old home she runs inside, not even using the knob, leaving a Susie shaped hole in the front door.

Henry opens the door with zero effort, proving it was never even locked. "Susie wait!" He runs in right after her, leaving a still upset Alice outside. Normally she would say some snide remark about Susie behind Henry's back but can't. All she can think of is feeling powerless for the first time since her creation.

Inside Henry chaises, Susie upstairs worried about her demeanor after seeing that state of her old home. "Hay Susie wait up!" He follows her to a child's bedroom with the only thing left is a broken old crib for a baby. Susie drops to her knees holding onto the bars with black tears running down her face. "Our baby!"

Henry holds her hand and she soon is crying in his arms."You've been gone a long time, people thought you died." Then he remembers the exact words she just said. "Wait Our baby?"

Susie whips her tears away and hands him the photograph of a baby. "Do you remember that night in that club? I sang Blue's in the night to a cheering audience and your jaw had to be picked up off the floor. Do you also remember my dressing room afterward?"

Henry blushed profusely at that particular memory, rubbing the back of his head nervously. That is before the implication of her questions finally hit him. "Wait .. baby?! You mean… with ME?! You're telling me, I'm a father!?" Henry can hardly contain his surprise and shock in his voice. "This is a lot to take in!"

"Her name is Jenny Campell." Susie rests her hand on the crib, remembering her daughter's face. "Because of how young you were back then I had to keep her father a secret. But then again you had secrets of your own, right?"

"I didn't want to deceive you, I just wanted to work in the studio. Fuck I was such a stupid kid back then!" In a fit of anger, he punched a wall, putting a hole in the wall. Three decades later regretting his teenage mistakes. "I'm so sorry Susie I'm such a moron!"

"I'm not exactly innocent either Henry, But I've never blamed you for anything.

Outside, Alice is sitting on the dusty old stairs, Waiting for Henry to come back out. "What's taking so long in there?" She asks as a raindrop falls on her head. After moving onto the porch she can see jet black rain. Being born from the Ink Alice instinctively knows what it is. "Ink?" Puddles of black ink quickly begin to form on the ground alarmingly fast. A collection of hands reaches out form the puddles, Something clawing its way out. "You have gotta be joking!?" In the distance, a massive black tower of ink stretches past the clouds. The clouds part as the sky turns black across all of new york. "We… we better get out NOW!"

Henry and Susie run outside after noticing everything turned pitch black. "Alice why is it raining ink?" As soon as Alice sees Henry she pushes Susie away from her creator. "We have to get as far away from here as possible! Bendy is coming after us and he is bringing the ink with him!" Ink tendrils wrap around Alice's neck, lifting her off the ground. "Bendy keep your Lovecraftian appendages to yourself!" Susie's chainsaw is thrown at her and Alice stretches her arm out to grab it. "This still doesn't make us friends Susie!" Before she can pull the chain the tendril smashes her into the house, leveling it in the process. She explodes out of the wreckage with her head impaled through a pipe. "Big mistake Bendy, the only person who can lay pipe in me is Henry!" She pulls it out like she didn't feel it. "And you don't do it for me!"

A hand made of ink grabs Henry by the leg, He looks down to see a Piper latched onto him. "Get off me you creepy bastard!" Henry stomps the little ape in the face, it's head exploding under his foot. More start coming out of the ground, and Henry pops his knuckles. "Well, what are you waiting for, Bring it on!" More of the spawned in Butcher Gang start coming towards Henry, A giant hand smashes on that gets too close. Henry gets knocked back by the impact with a large shadow looming over him. He looks up to see Monster Boris defending him.

"Bad news Bendy is coming for us!" Susie helps him back to his feet, butcher gangster's mutilated litter the ground before Henry even notices. "Good news, with the ink with him we can defend ourselves."

"Do you honestly think you can possibly win?" An unholy legion of voices speaks to them from the dead butcher gang bodies. "This is just an invitation, Alice! Return to the studio or I will cover the world in a Tidal wave of ink! Nowhere will be safe for you or your pet human to hide!" The tower of ink that can be seen past the clouds begins to change, bubbling up and forming a torso and head.. Two streams of the black stuff shoot out from both sides, forming large cartoony arms with giant gloved hands. L huge fanged mouth forms on its face. "This is my world now!" The colossal dancing demon rawr in as the ink storm grows more violent around it. A massive earthquake hit New York as gargantuan ink tendrils rising up around it, reaching past the clouds.

Alice uses Susie's chainsaw to cut down the ink tendril that slammed her into a house. "Great, he's gone full Chornibog!"