WARNING: This oneshot takes place IMMEDIATELY AFTER the conclusion of LOGAN and thus HEAVY SPOILERS

Still here? Ok basically I read some stuff about a certain actor regretting not being in Logan and the desire for an X-23 spinoff and came up with a little thing on a whim to tease both

After honoring the noble sacrifice of The Wolverine, the last of the legendary X-Men the X-23 children continued on their journey til they finally reached the border. Without hesitation, eager to leave their troubles behind they proceeded to cross when they spotted a very elderly man waiting for them. It was a shock to see him so old but they all knew who he was. Rictor began to speak

"You are the one they call Magneto!" He exclaimed. "Yes" he smiled. "Don't tell me they're still saying I'm "the bad guy"."

He looked upon the children and his eyes stopped at Laura. "And who might you be young lady?" He asked her. "Laura " she exclaimed without moving her head an inch.

He noticed the comic book in her hand and smiled. His plan had worked these kids all got here because of him. As he grew more elated he began to wonder if this is how Charles always felt.

"Charles told me about you." Laura said suddenly

"Charles?" Magneto asked genuinely shocked as he began to look around.

Hope turned to despair as Erik saw no sign of his old friend.

"He is gone." Laura said simply

After taking a moment in silence to collect himself he asked "And what is your gift Laura?"

Laura popped out her claws as Magneto seemed taken aback. "But that is not the gift you were born with is it?"

Laura shook her head. "So its true." He whispered quietly to himself.

"Charles and i" He continued "knew a mutant who had suffered similar pain"

Lauras eyes welled up

"you've met" magneto confirmed

The tears continuing to run down Laura's face were the only information he needed.

"I'm sorry my dear." Magneto said trying to give off a more comforting tone.

Regaining his composure he alerted the children. "Come we must go before others are informed of what has transpired."

As the children prepared to press on Erik thought of Charles and a tear briefly escaped his eye. He had passed his burden on to him now and he would carry it to the end. He took one last look back and gently whispered

"Farewell, old friend"

Actually ended up longer than I thought lol well what u all think please review