Disclaimer: If I ever make a few hundred billion dollars, I'll buy DC and then I will own the Teen Titans.


The Pillow

"All right, who was the smartass?" Raven growled at her friends assembled in the Ops room. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at her. She wore her usual expressionless mask and her eyes were calm, but her voice betrayed just a hint of otherworldly menace.

"What is it, Rae?" their leader broke a brief period of confused silence.

The sorceress' face creased into a small frown. "Someone entered my room while I was meditating on the roof and stole my pillow."

All heads turned to Beast Boy. He blushed.

"Dude! That's so not fair! Why are all of you jumpin' at me?"

"Grass Stain…" Cyborg drawled warningly. Beast Boy frowned.

"Oh, I geddit. It had to be Beastie. The prankster. The immature one. The idiot."

He tossed the game controller on the coffee table, rose from the couch and went to the door, pushing past Raven. As he reached the exit, he turned to face them again.

"I'm tired and I want to sleep," he said in an icy voice. "If you're going to search my room, do it right now."

"I ain't gonna be searchin' yer room, Evergreen!" Cyborg chuckled. "I don't have my hazmat suit with me!"

Beast Boy's face darkened with anger. He glared at Cyborg, then turned around and stormed away. Raven watched him leave with a raised eyebrow.


"It wasn't him," Cyborg concluded with a guilty sigh. "The only time he left the Ops room was to go to the bathroom, and he came straight back after it. I've checked the footage from the security cameras in the hallways."

"I told you that we need security cameras in the bathrooms and bedrooms, also!" Robin grumbled, then rolled his eyes as the rest of the team glared at him furiously. "All right, all right! Forget it!" he said, lifting both hands in a gesture of placating surrender.

"Nobody got into or out of Rae's room through the door or through the windows. I checked all the recordings, including infrared and LLTV." Cyborg turned to the sorceress. "You sure you didn't misplace it, little sis?"

"Don't be absurd, Vic. How can I misplace something as big as a pillow?"

"This may be a dangerous situation!" Robin said, falling naturally into his command role. "If someone can sneak into one of our rooms and steal anything, it means our security may be compromised. We should initiate a full security sweep right away!"

Everybody else groaned. A 'full security sweep' meant at least four hours, more likely six, and it was already late at night.

"Wait!" Raven spoke suddenly. "Let me search my room carefully first. If I can't find the pillow by morning, then we can start going overboard and tearing down the Tower looking for the thief."

Robin frowned. "I don't think –"

"The 'Ayes' have it!" Cyborg cut him short after exchanging concerned glances with Raven and Starfire. "Let's leave Rae to search for the pillow and we'll follow up in the morning!" He caught Starfire's eye. She smiled and nodded.

"This is serious, Victor –" Robin began, but was interrupted by Starfire whispering in his ear. His cheeks reddened slightly at first, then their color deepened. Raven and Cyborg bade them both good night with innocent expressions on their faces and left for their respective rooms.


Beast Boy closed and locked his door carefully. He was still angry with Cyborg because of his jab. Just because his room was somewhat untidy, it didn't mean it was a pigsty. He removed the uniform and tossed it into the dirty clothes hamper – there, you see? – and climbed onto the upper bunk that he preferred.

He looked quickly and with a bit of anxiety at the closed door before he slid under the blanket, right beside a large bulge. His hands went for it, his arms embraced it and his face sank into it as he breathed deeply, filling his lungs with her scent.

He wasn't able to resist it. He fought with himself for days before he finally gave in to the temptation to steal it. He planned the heist carefully; the cameras didn't have the resolution to detect the small green ant crawling under her door, and smuggling the pillow back into his room through the ventilation ducts wasn't a big problem.

It may have been stupid, but it was the only thing he could do. He couldn't just go ahead and tell her. It was simply unthinkable that someone so beautiful, so smart, so perfect could have any interest in a green freak like himself.

He breathed deeply again, her essence sparking delightful tingles all over his body but also making his muscles relax and his apprehension and fear fade. He felt himself becoming aroused, but he dismissed it easily. This was not about sex, though he desired her more than he desired anything else in his life. It was about feeling her intimately near, about being with her as close as he ever could and as he ever will be. He slowly released the grip in which his hidden love was held chained all day, every day, and let himself go. His mind slowly emptied of thoughts as he drifted into a deep, satisfied slumber, his face pressed into her pillow and his lips whispering her name.

She phased through the wall soundlessly, floating up until she could see him clearly. She took a risk, coming here like this, but she simply knew it was him.

And now she knew why.

A small smile lifted a corner of her mouth. Two could play that game.

Gentle, ethereal strands of black magic covered him and lifted him carefully up, while her hand grasped and removed his own pillow from under his head. With the utmost care she lowered him again, making sure he was still fast asleep, her pillow still clutched against his chest and his face still buried in it.

His pillow went under her cloak. She was just about to levitate out of his room when she turned back, floated over and planted a tiny kiss on the tip of his ear.

The ear twitched, but he didn't wake.

"I love you, too, you idiot!" she whispered. The ear twitched again and a huge smile spread over his face as he buried it deeper into the downy comfort. She cast a final, affectionate glance at the sleeping changeling before she phased away as quiet as a ghost, heading for her room.