A/N: Greetings, and welcome to another Overwatch fanfiction. I'm personally really excited to finally upload this, since it's an idea I've been toying with for a few weeks. The main plot will first start properly in the second chapter, since this first chapter will mainly focus on how the two main characters of the story, Angela and an OC nicknamed Max, met. I hope you enjoy!

The clock was a quarter past eight, and every student in the school began to head towards their classes, for the days first lesson.

However, for the students of 8.A, they were greeted by a surprise when the class began. Their teacher entered the door as usual, but what, or rather who, followed her was the surprise.

After their teacher had entered, another girl entered the class. She was about the same age as the rest of everyone else, likely meaning she was a new edition to the class.

Apart from looking their age, the new girl also had long blond hair, which was tied up in a loose ponytail, and a pair of curius, but nervous blue eyes.

"Class..." Their teacher suddenly said, snapping almost everyone out of their trance.

"... this is Angela Ziegler. She's been moved here due to unfortunately not fitting in, in her previous school. I excpect all of you to treat her nicely, and make her feel welcome here." She continued, saying the last sentence with a pretty strict voice, Angela thought.

"Yes." The class collectively groaned.

"Now, Angela..." The teacher now said directed at Angela. Her voice was suddenly much more sweet and welcoming than what she'd used towards the class.

"... this is your new class. Say hello."

"Greetings to you all. I've been very exited to meet you all, and I hope we can get along well together." She greeted, like she'd practiced it many times.

Already, the class had begun whispering about the new arrival. Some good, some less good, but none were directly bad or insulting. A good start.

Suddenly, the teacher coughed, signaling everyone to be quiet again, and, eventually, they were.

"I'm sure you will." She then said, once again in her nice voice.

"Now, we'll just do a quick naming round, so you can get to know your new class. Then you can go and sit at your desk, which is all the way back there." The teacher explained, as he pointed towards the back wall, where a single empty desk stood.

"Sounds good?" The teacher asked, though it didn't really sound like a question.

Angela simply gave a nod, and the teacher the turned towards one of the boys in the front row. "How about we start with you?" She asked, and the boy with a leather jacket on followed Angela's example and simply nodded, before he stood up and said "Name's Adam."

He sat down, and the boy next to him stood up, and said "The name is Jason."

The pattern repeated, and at some point, it reached a redheaded boy in the back row. He stood up and simply said "I'm Max." before sitting down again. However, when he did, Angela couldn't quite take stop watching him out of the corner of her eye. He kept looking at her, in a strange yet curious way she hadn't been looked at before.

Once everyone had been introduced, Angela went down to her desk and sat down, before the lesson began. The lesson itself went by as usual, likely to make Angela feel more comfortable.

After about an hour, the lesson was over and all of the students immediately left the classroom and went out.

Once the students were outside, they split up into the usual groups. The ones who played football played football, the ones who talked talked, and the ones who watched from the sidelines watched from the sidelines.

Since Angela was new, she didn't have anywhere to go immediately. Luckily for her though, a group of girls from her new class approached her, and she naturally fell in talk with them.

A few minutes passed, where Angela got to know the different girls. Once they were done bombarding her with questions, she looked around, and saw something, or rather someone, that caught her interest.

Leaning up against a pillar, under the roof of the school building, stood the same redheaded boy that'd looked at her wierd. Right now he was looking at some of the boys playing basket, and not her, which somewhat calmed Angela, since she admittedly didn't like to be looked at the way he had.

A few of the girls noticed she was looking at something, and they followed her eyes, to the boy.

"Oh, that's Max. He's a... bit odd." One of the girls, Lucy, said.

"Why?" Angela asked, unwillingly intrigued by the boy named Max.

"Well first off, he's not very social. He spends all his freetime on homework, and other school related work. When he's in school, he's always looking on from the sidelines whenever something happends, but he never interfere. Even if there's a fight going on." Another girl, Emma, explained.

"He never interferes? Ever?" Angela asked, with a hint of disbelief.

"No." Lucy confirmed. "And then there's his look."

"His look?" Angela asked.

"He just... looks at things wierdly. Like he's observing, and calcualting. It's just... wierd."

"Hm." Angela said thoughtfully.

"Let's talk about something else." Emma said and everyone eargerly nodded. However, in her head, Angela decided to go and talk to Max during the next break.

However, when Angela looked over at him again, he was looking her straight in the eyes, before he turned his gaze towards the basket game again.

The next lesson was geography, and it was about as boring as you can imagine.

When geography was finally over, all of the students exited the class, but when Angela tried to find Max, she couldn't see him anywhere.

Thinking he'd already gone outside, she was about to step through the door, when she heard his voice behind her.

"I though you were going to speak with me. Was I wrong?"

Angela litteraly jumped, and turned around, only to see Max leaned up against one of the desks, while looking at her with a curious look.

"Please don't ever do that again." Angela said, as she got her breath under control.

"Do what?" Max asked, his look briefly turning confused before he added "Oh, I surprised you. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to."

"It's fine." Angela said, as she finally got her breath under control. "And no, you weren't wrong. I was going to speak with you, but I thought you'd already went ouside." She added.

"Well, here I am." Max said with a small shrug. "Anything in particular you wanted to ask about?"

"Yeah actually." Angela answered. "I wanted to ask why you look at people the way you do."

"The way I... look at people?" Max asked, clearly baffled over the question.

"Yeah. After you presented yourself, you kept looking at me in a wierd way. And I've heard from the other girls you look at everyone that way. I don't really know how to describe it..." Angela explained, as she instinctively rubbed her neck, since she didn't want to offend him with the wrong words.

"You're feeling nervous." Max suddenly said.

"What?" Angela asked.

"You're rubbing your neck. It's a typical thing to do when you're embarrased or nervous." Max explained, as he pointed to her hand, still on her neck.

"Oh." Angela said, now understanding how he knew that. "It's just that... it's a bit difficult to find the right words to describe the way you look at other people. Without insulting you, that is. And I'm not the type that likes to insult." She then explained.

"It's okay." He simply said. "I'm not easily isulted."

"Okay..." Angela said slowly, as she tried to come up with a way to describe it. "... I wouldn't say it's unempathetic, or cold, but more... observing, in a way. Like you're watching from a distance, not having anyting to do with what you're looking at."

"I see." Max said, as he got a condecendig look on his face. "But if you don't like it, just say so and I'll do my best to look at you normally."

"Well, I would appriciate that." Angela admitted.

"Ok." Max said, like it wasn't a big deal.

"Well, it was nice talking to you." He said, as he started walking towards the door, but when he passed Angela, she unexpectedly grapped his shoulder.

"Hold on a moment." Angela said, and Max turned around with a slightly confused expression, before asking "Something else?"

"Yes. When you startled me, you said 'I though you were going to speak with me'. How did you know that?"

"Oh that? Well first off, you looked at me pretty curiously during the last break, and though I didn't hear all you talked about, I did hear my name being mentioned. And when this break started, you kept looking around, and given your interest in me during the last break, I naturally reached that conclusion." Max casually explained.

There was a moment of silence, where Angela simply stood with an overwhelmed expression on her face, until she spoke.

"Ok then. Wow, you really seem to know a lot about how to read people." Angela said, which resulted in a chuckle from Max.

"Something funny?" Angela asked, but Max quickly regained his composure, and answered "Not really. It's just that you are very right, though I prefer to describe it as psychology. I don't exactly know why, but psychology just seems incredibly natural and easy to me. And thinking about it logically, that's likely also the reason I apparently look at people wierdly. I don't just see what people do, but I also think about why they do it, from a psychological standpoint."

"I see." Angela said thoughtfully. "Well, like you said, it was nice talking to you." She then said, followed by a "Likewise." from Max.

The rest of the day went by without anything special happening. Max still looked at most people the way he usually did, but whenever his eyes landed on Angela, his quickly switched expression and looked at her normally.

They didn't talk during the remaining breaks, and simply returned to the way it was before. Until the day was over and the students headed home.

Angela was staying at her aunt's place, and so to get home, she had to take to take a bus. She turned a corner, and could finally see the bus stop. But she could also see something else.

To her surprise, Max was also standing and waiting at the bus stop. He had a couple of headphones on and he stood and tapped his foot in rythm to the music, making him unaware of Angela's presence until she lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

This time, it was his turn to be startled, and he quickly turned around to see who'd surprised him.

"Oh, it's you." He said, before letting out a sigh of relief, as he took off his headphones.

"Yeah, it's Max right?" Angela asked, since it was a while ago he introduced himself and she'd just learned a lot of new names today.

"If you prefer. It is the easiest to say." He said, which confused Angela a little.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, to be honest, Max isn't my real name. It's my nickname." He explained.

"Okay. What's your full name then?" Angela asked, suddenly stricken with curiosity.

"Maximilian Dallenbach Edmondson." He said.

"Okay yeah, I can see why you prefer just Max." Angela admitted with a smile.

"Yeah, it's not far from a tongue-twister." Max joked, which got a small chuckle from Angela.

They stood like that for a couple of seconds, before Angela once again noticed the headphones around Max's neck and asked "What're you listening too?"

"Oh, this?" Max asked, as he took of his headphones, and held them in his hand. "I'm not really sure whether you'd like it." He then admitted.

"It's pretty hard, and the subject matters aren't exactly... family friendly." Max continued, earning a raised eyebrow from Angela.

"So you like hard rock?" Angela asked, not sounding judgemental but merely curious.

"Well that's the funny thing." Max answered. "I don't usually like hard rock actually, I'm more of a country person, but there's just something about this band that have captured me." He explained.

"What's the band name?" Angela curiosly asked.

"They're called Ram-" Max started, but he was unexpectedly cut off when someone behind them yelled "Well, look who it is."

Both Angela and Max turned around, only to see two boys walking towards them. One of them Angela didn't know but she recognized the other one. Adam, the first to present himself to her.

"It's Max. And it looks like he's already made the new girl his girlfriend." Adam said mockingly. "Must be out of sympathy." The other said, in an equally mockingly tone.

"Definetly." Adam said, before he looked at Max.

"You know, I actually wanted to wait until now to continue our tradition, so that I wouldn't leave a bad impression on our new arrival here." Adam said, as he pointed towards Angela. "But now it seems it's unavoidable." He added, as he looked into Max's eyes.

Angela briefly looked at Max and he simply stood and looked at Adam with a dull, expressionless look. She realized this wasn't anything new for Max and she had to do something.

Angela quickly stepped in between the pair, and looked at Adam with a stern look.

"Leave." She simply said, but it only resulted in a chuckle from Adam and his companion.

"I think you should leave. I'd hate to mess up that pretty face of yours." He then said.

"I'm not leaving." Angela stubbornly responded, which annoyed Adam enough so that he forcefully, and violently, pushed her out of his way. She quickly lost her balance and fell onto the pavement.

For some reason, seeing Adam treat Angela, one of the few people who'd treated him nicely, that way ignited a fire inside Max. Swiftly acting out of instinct, he kicked Adam in between his legs, which made the bully fall to his knees.

"Get lost." Max said, more threatingly that he intended, as Adam's friend simply looked at him in disbelief.

Adam eventually managed to get up, while letting out painful groans. He looked Max in the eyes for a split second, before he turned around and started to limp away, while he furiously yelled "This isn't over Maximilian!"

Once the bullies were gone, Max offered Angela a hand and she happily took it.

"Thanks." Max said in a low voice.

"What for?" Angela asked, as she wiped some of the dirt off her pants. "I think you did the most there."

"Perhaps." Max dismissively responded. "But I meant for standing up for me. No one has ever done that before." He then explained.

"You're welcome." Angela said with a smile, before looking in the direction the bullies went.

"I'm usually against violence, but I think I can overlook what you just did. He deserved it." She said.

"Yeah." Max agreed.

After a couple of seconds of silence, Angela turned her head towards Max, and said "I've got a good feeling about this friendship."

"Me too." Max agreed with a smile. "Me too."