Her Loss Is My Gain.

By WorkingGir22


Santana Lopez told Brittany her feelings hoping to be with her but Brittany rejects her for Artie. What happens when her childhood best friend Rachel Berry surprises her after being gone for years? What will happen when Santana starts having for Rachel? Will she tell her or will she try to get Brittany's attention?

Find out what happens.

Rachel will go to McKinley and join New Directions.

Pezberry friendship then relationship

Starts in Season 2.


I decided that today would be the day that I tell Brittany my feelings for her. After we sang landside in Glee club yesterday and Finn's annoying ex girlfriend Mackenzie talked about us embracing our feelings for each other which I quickly told her off. I think I should admit that I'm in love with my best friend Brittany. I walked over to Brittany's locker saying hi and of course says she says hey back.

"Can we talk?" I asked softly. "But we never do that." She tells me and I know it's true because we never do. "I know but um. I wanted to thank you."

She stares at me surprised. "For performing that song with me in glee club." She softly said yeah. I took a deep breath and continued to speak. "Cause it's made me do a lot of thinking. What I've realized is why I'm such a bitch at times," I spoke tearing up a little. "I'm a bitch because I'm angry. I'm angry because I have all of these feelings." I look around so nobody can actually hear me say this.

"Feelings for you. That I'm afraid of dealing with, because I'm afraid of dealing with the consequences." She stares at me sadly.

"And Brittany, I can't go to an Indigo Girls concert. I just can't." I whispered feeling my heart race. "I understand that." She tells me softly.

"Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?" She shook her head no. "Not really." I sigh taking a deep breath. "I want to be with you." She stares at me surprised. Yes we've talked about it many times in private but I wasn't ready then but now I am. I just want to be with her.

"But I'm afraid of the talks, and the looks. I mean you know what happened to Kurt at this school." I said feeling the tears coming. "But Honey, if anybody were to ever make fun of you, you would either kick their ass or slash them with your vicious, vicious words." She said smiling at me sadly.

I start crying. "Yeah I know but. I'm so afraid of what everyone will say behind my back. Still I have to accept. That I love you." She stares at sadly.

"I love you. And I don't want to be with Sam or Finn or any of those other guys. I just want you." I said while crying. This was getting to be too much for me.

"Please say you love me back. Please." I said practically begging her. "Of course I love you. I do. And I would totally be with you if it weren't for Artie."

I stared at her surprised and hurt. "Artie?" She talks about how she loves him too and how she doesn't want to hurt him and how she can't just break up with him. What the hell was happening? She talked about how she wanted us to be together but now she's not feeling it?

"Yes you can. He's just a stupid boy." I said crying. "But it wouldn't be right." I shook my head no believing this. "Santana. You have to know if Artie and I were to ever break up and I'm lucky enough that you're still single." She starts grabbing my hand but I push her away. "Don't." I whispered angrily.

"I am so yours. Proudly so." I nod not believing this. "Yeah wow. Whoever thought that being fluid meant you could be so stuck?" I start crying.

"I'm sorry." She starts to hug me. "Don't-" I cut her off by pushing her away. "Get off me." I said crying before walking away. I walk around to the girl's bathroom to fix my face not interested in people seeing me cry. I stop crying, wash my face and redo my makeup before going to my French class.

When I got home from my horrible school day today. After Brittany rejected me today. I ignored her for the rest of the day and just focused on my studies and couldn't wait to come home. Thank god tomorrow was Friday and I'll just have to get through tomorrow and then I won't have to see her until Monday.

Anyways I saw that my mom was home from work early and I saw a navy blue range rover in my driveway. She's never home early and who's car is that?

I walked into the house and called out to my mom. "In the kitchen Santana." She called out to me. I haven't really come out to my parents yet and I just wasn't ready yet. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom cutting up some fruit and putting it in Tupper wear. I cleared my throat and she stared at me grinning.

"Hi sweetie. How was school?" "I shrugged not really in the mood to talk about it. "Well a package from New York City came for you while you were at school, I put it in your room, it's on your bed." She tells me smirking and I said okay confused before getting myself some water before making my way upstairs.

I opened the door to my room and I gasp in shock. Sitting on my bed was a short girl with shoulder length chestnut brown hair, natural tan skin, brown eyes, a slightly big nose, a slim but curvy figure, nice boobs and she was wearing white shorts, a navy blue see through top with a navy blue tank top underneath and white flats. She was smiling at me brightly.

"Oh my god Rae?" I said softly. "Hi Tana." She said smiling at me lightly then points to a picture."You got a boob job?" Rae asked softly. My eyes widen wondering how she knew about that. I closed my bedroom door and put my backpack down.

"What are you talking about?" I asked pretending I didn't have a clue what she was saying. "Seriously Tana? You really want to play dumb with me?" Rachel spoke firmly with her arms crossed.

"I'm sorry okay? But I wanted people to notice me more." She raised an eyebrow looking pissed. "Notice you more? You should be comfortable with your body not try to change it. What did you tell me about my nose?" I sigh. "That your beautiful and that you don't need a nose job." I muttered.

"Right. Don't get me wrong, they look amazing but no more plastic surgery okay?" I nodded smiling a little then I stop smiling and I'm all the floor in tears thinking about Brittany and it hurts.

She held me whispering comforting words as I cry. Brittany complains about how we talk about our feelings then she turns me down for him? It wasn't fair. Life fucking sucked. My phone starts ringing and I sit up taking my phone out of my pocket and saw Brittany calling.

"Who's Brittany?" Rachel asked softly. "She broke my heart today." I whispered tearing up again. Rachel takes the phone out of my hand and pressed ignore then puts it on my bed before pulling me close and she pressed her soft lips against my forehead.

"You want to tell me what happened?" She whispered and I tell her everything that's been happening in my life since she's been gone and she listens and when I'm done. Rachel just holds me close and whispers sweet words in my ear.

"I know it hurts right now but the pain will go away at some point. You have me again okay? Nobody is going to tear us apart." Rachel tells me softly and I stared at her seeing how beautiful she looked all these years. I needed her with me at all times.

"Are you going to my school?" She nods. "Yeah I'm going to McKinley High. I have amazing grades from my school in New York so I don't have to repeat my Junior year and my transfer papers were sent last week and my dads called the school and they got them." Rachel explains.

She needed to join Glee club with me and hopefully we'll win Regionals. Rachel had amazing voice. I tell her everything about McKinley and promises to pack extra clothes incase she gets slushied. She stays for dinner then she heads home. That navy blue range rover was hers and she promises to pick me up for school in the morning.

The Next Day.

Brittany and Mercedes were at Brittany's locker talking about homework when Mercedes noticed something and heard people whispering and pointing.

"Who is that with Santana?" Mercedes asked her friend. Brittany stared at her confused and turned her head to see Santana looking amazing in her outfits as always but she wasn't alone. She had a shorter girl walking beside her. Their hands were laced together and they were talking to each other softly ignoring others around them. The girl wore a black and white romper with black wedges. Her hair was in her natural curls. Her makeup was nice.

This girl knew how to dress and she clearly knew Santana normally Santana would call new students losers and order slushy facials. This girl wasn't getting a slushy facial. Santana glanced her way briefly before pulling Rachel towards the main office.

"I don't know who that is. San never really told Quinn and I about her past. We've only know each other since since 4th grade." Brittany spoke sadly.

Mercedes frowns feeling bad for her friend. "Well maybe she'll tell you during lunch or glee club." Brittany nods feeling a little better and they talk for a little bit then go to homeroom. The girl had the same homeroom as them and she sat in the back with Santana. Their pinkies linked.

It was now time for Glee club practice before lunch and Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce, Quinn Fabray, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Noah Puckerman, Mike Chang, Tina Cohen-Chang, Finn Hudson, Lauren Zizes and Mackenzie Bennett(she's joined New Directions before Kurt left) walked and wheeled into the choir room and took their seats. Mr. Schue walked into the choir room a few minutes later with Rachel behind him.

"Alright everybody, before we start talking about our set list for Regionals. This girl decided to try out of Glee club." Everybody but Santana stared at her surprised. Brittany frowns staring at the girl that has been by Santana's side all day. Quinn stared at her raising an eyebrow.

"Can she even sing?" Mercedes asked in a bitchy tone, not interested in having another girl taking her spotlight.


Rachel nods and tells the band what song she was singing then asks Santana to join and she gets up from her spot next to Sam and the band starts. Mr. Schue said okay taking a seat. All three girls looked at the girls and winked at Santana who winks back.

My body is sanctuary
My blood is pure

(Do doo do Do doo Do doo)

You want me bad
I think you're cool

But I'm not sure

(Do doo do Do doo Do doo)

Santana smirked from her spot next to Sam and sang the next part shocking everybody.

Follow me
Don't be such a holy fool
Follow me
I need something more from you

Rachel sang her part smirking at her.

It's not about sex or champagne
You holy fool

(Do doo do Do doo Do doo)

Santana circles Rachel singing her part while Rachel smirks singing her own part. Brittany frowns watching them.

If you want me
Meet me at Electric Chapel(Electric chapel, Electric chapel, Electric chapel)

Now Rachel circles Santana singing the lead placing her hand on her shoulder while Santana backs her up making everybody stare at them shocked.

If you want me
Meet me at Electric Chapel(Electric chapel, Electric chapel, Electric chapel)

Both girls keep circling each other then faced the group with smirks on their faces while singing together.

If you wanna steal my heart away
Meet me, meet me baby in a safe place
Come on meet me
In Electric Chapel

Santana looks at the group singing her part moving away from Rachel swaying her hips.

Confess to me where you have been
Next to the bar

(Do doo do Do doo Do doo)

Pray for your sins
Right under the glass disco ball

(Do doo do Do doo Do doo)

Rachel walks over to Santana singing right to her making everybody stare at them with interest.

Follow me
Don't be such a holy fool

Santana smiles at her dancing to the beat.

Follow me
I need something sacred from you

Together we'll both find a way
To make a pure love work in a dirty way

They looked at the group dancing while singing their parts. Brittany looked sad and Quinn looked pissed.

If you want me
Meet me at Electric Chapel(Electric chapel, Electric chapel, Electric chapel)

If you want me
Meet me at Electric Chapel(Electric chapel, Electric chapel, Electric chapel)

Both girls walk towards group singing together.

If you wanna steal my heart away

Meet me, meet me baby in a safe place
Come on meet me

They turn towards each other while singing together.

In Electric Chapel

They start doing a dance they came up with while singing together which made everybody but Britt and Q cheer for them.

Oh, oh, Uh uh uh, Uh uh uh.

Oh, oh, Uh uh uh, Uh uh uh.

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. Oh, uh, uh, uh, uh.

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.

They danced and sang together making Mr. Schue stare at them impressed. Their dancing was on point and none of the girls were messing up.

Meet me, meet me, meet me. Meet me, meet me, meet me.

Meet me, meet me, meet me. Meet me, meet me.

Rachel sings one part.

If you want me meet me, In electric chapel.

(Meet me, meet me)

Santana sings the next part.

Oh, if you want me meet me, At electric chapel,

(Meet me, meet me)

Rachel pulls Santana over to her chair and placed her down on while Santana sang her part.

If you want to steal my heart away,

Rachel points to her singing her part.

Meet me, meet me, baby, in a safe place,

Santana grins dancing in her seat.

Come on meet me in electric chapel.

Both girls stare at each other finishing up the song.

(Meet me, meet me) (Meet me, meet me) (Meet me, meet me)

Everybody but Brittany and Quinn clapped for them when they were finished and both girls hugged each other. Mr. Schue stood up impressed.

"Wow girls that was great. What's your name?" He asked referring to Rachel. "My name is Rachel Berry." Rachel tells him.

"Welcome to New Directions Rachel." Mr. Schue tells her grinning. Rachel squeals wrapping her arms around Santana's neck and both girls hug each other before taking their seat next to each other.

Brittany stared at them in jealousy not liking the new girl. Santana was her best friend and Rachel needed to back off.

Find Out what happens next and the song was Electric Chapel by Lady Gaga.