Archie and Jughead were sitting in the Andrews' living room, fixated on the video game that flashed across the screen. It had been a while since they had hung out together as friends, and with all the drama that had happened, they needed something like this to keep them sane.

Despite the obvious need for the two friends to hang out like they used to, Archie asked Jughead over for another reason. Jughead wasn't completely unaware of this, as this invitation arose completely out of the blue.

Archie sighed as he put the video game controller beside him when the round concluded and "game over" appeared in bright flashing letters on the screen. Jughead had won the game for probably the fifteenth time they had played it, which was the opposite of what usually happened when they played video games.

"Damn Andrews, I guess today really isn't your day," Jughead said lightheartedly. Archie couldn't help but notice a slight uneasiness in his tone. "But I'm really starting to doubt that asked me here just to hang out and play video games."

Archie paused as he processed Jughead's words.

"You're right," Archie conceded. "It's about Betty."

Jughead nodded as he continued to listen.

"That night at the school really freaked me out, Jughead. I've known Betty for at least half my life and I've never seen her act that way before," Archie said.

"It surprised me too," Jughead replied. "I've been trying to talk to her, and she has been talking to me about it too, but at this point I'm not really sure what to do. I don't know how to help her anymore."

"Just promise me you'll look after her, okay," Archie said, picking up the controller and setting up the next round. Suddenly, he didn't want to talk about this anymore. It made him realize how much he wanted to be in Jughead's shoes. It made him realize how much he wanted to be the one to take care of Betty. After all, he and Betty had been friends for years.

"You know me, Archie. Of course I will," Jughead replied. "But I'm starting to think that I can't give her the help she needs. Maybe she needs to see a professional."

"A professional? I don't know, man. Doesn't that seem a little extreme? She just needs somebody to support her more. To be there for her," Archie said.

Jughead looked down at his controller, trying to figure out how to respond. Was Archie seriously trying to tell him that he wasn't a good boyfriend?

"I'm not sure what you're implying," Jughead said, taking his attention off the tv screen, looking Archie straight in the eye.

"It's nothing," Archie said, continuing the video game.

"No, Archie, if you have something to say, then say it," Jughead said calmly.

After a long pause, Archie finally turned his attention away from the tv and spoke.

"I just think that Betty deserves a little more support," Archie said.

"I've done what I can," Jughead said, his voice slightly getting louder. "She was on the verge of shooting somebody for god's sake!"

"A few weeks ago you decided to go run off and join the serpents behind her back. How's that for support?" Archie said angrily.

"I did that to protect her," Jughead said as he stood up from the couch. "I don't know why you're doing this, Archie, but I'm going to leave before one of us says something that we'll regret."

"I'm doing this to protect her, too," Archie argued.

Jughead paused, letting that comment sink in.

"I'd never thought that I would be saying this, and trust me, I'd be the last person to say something as arrogant as this," Jughead said. "But I'm starting to think that you're jealous of me and my relationship with Betty."

Archie looked back at Jughead, unsure of how to answer. When he offered up no response, it confirmed Jughead's suspicions, and with that knowledge Jughead left the room without turning back.


"Jughead?" Betty's voice rang in Jughead's ear, who was sitting on his own bed with his face resting in his hands. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Jughead said, attempting a smile as he looked back at her. "I've just been a little distracted lately.

This was one of the few times that Betty had been in Jughead's room since he had moved in with his foster family. She hadn't really gotten to know his foster family very much, as they both worked during the day. Nevertheless, from what Jughead had told her, they seemed like a wonderful family.

"Do you want to go out tomorrow and do something?" Betty asked as she fiddled around with Jughead's new desk, which was already covered with a mess of papers.

"I really want to," Jughead said. "But I actually have something I have to do tomorrow."

"Oh," Betty said, slightly disappointed. "That's okay."

"I promise we can do something the next day," Jughead said.

"Okay," Betty replied. "What's the important thing you have to do tomorrow anyways?"

"It has to do with my dad," Jughead explained. He couldn't lie to her. "I think I might have found a solution to get him out of jail."

"Really? That's great, Juggie! What's the plan?"

Jughead paused for a moment, contemplating whether he should tell her about the whole Penny Peabody situation. He really didn't want to lie to her, but he also didn't want to get her involved. The situation seemed a little risky and he didn't want to put her in any danger.

"I'm meeting with another lawyer," Jughead said. "With her help, I might really have a shot at getting my dad out soon."

"Let's hope she can," Betty said, overcome with happiness at the thought of Jughead finally getting his dad out of jail. "Who is this lawyer anyways?"

"Uh," Jughead stalled, but then decided to tell Betty the truth. He couldn't lie to her anymore. "It's Penny Peabody. She's a popular lawyer for people on the Southside."

"That sounds great, Jughead. But I thought you told me that you couldn't afford a lawyer other than the one they gave your dad for free."

"Well, the thing is, Penny Peabody's doesn't expect payments in the general sense. She has her clients run errands for her or make deliveries, that sort of thing," Jughead explained.

"Are you sure about this?" Betty asked cautiously. She didn't want to disappoint Jughead, but at the mention of the lawyer not requesting money, the whole situation began to seem a little odd.

"What option do I have?" Jughead asked.

Betty nodded.

"I guess you're right. But Jughead," Betty began. "You're taking me with you. There's no way I'm letting you step into a potentially dangerous situation alone."

"Betty-" Jughead began to protest. If the situation did end up being dangerous, he wanted Betty to be as far away as possible.

"No, Jughead. I'm coming with you."

Author's Note: Thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. I just want to let everyone know that due to my schedule next week, I will not be able to post a chapter. I hope that doesn't disappoint anyone, and don't worry, I will get back to my regular schedule after that week.