[Shot of the Big Donut. Steven is walking out of the front entrance, bag in hand. Peridot is standing outside, looking out into the distance.]

Steven: [Waving into the store.] Bye, Sadie! [To Peridot.] How are they doing?

[Cut to Connie and Lapis walking down the beachfront, Connie pointing to various labels and signs, Lapis squinting to read each one.]

Peridot: They're...ok.

Steven: I didn't know gems could have...flaws of that kind. But it's nice seeing her-

Peridot: It's not a flaw. Flaws aren't meant to happen.

Steven: ...Peridot?

[Peridot turns to Steven, sighs.]

Peridot: I've made a lot of gems as a kindergartener. I know how they're designed, what they're designed for. I've never made a lapis, but I know how they're made. They, like all gems, I guess, are made with...weaknesses.

Steven: Weaknesses?

Peridot: A gem is supposed to be good at a job, and only that job. For peridots, that means pattern recognition and memory, and weak physical stature. It makes us need technolgy. A lapis controls water, they need to in order to help terraform colony planets. That makes them extremely powerful on new worlds, and extremely dangerous if they rebel. So, they're made so that it's hard for them to read. It helps to control them.

[Steven looks into the distance, seeing Lapis sitting down on a bench with Connie.]

Steven: Have...you, ever made a gem like that?

[Peridot looks to the ground, ashamed.]

Peridot: You had faith in me even when I didn't have faith in myself. I thought that I could so the same, but she's struggling more than I thought she would. I'm scared if I've just set her up for disappointing herself.

[Steven rubs his chin, deep in thought.]

Steven: Hmmm. We'll just have to see. And I think I might have an idea...

[Cut to the Barn, in the evening. Peridot is in a hammock with Pumpkin, sleeping. Steven, Connie and Lapis are on the ground with a few books. Lapis is smiling and looking into the book while Connie reads]

Connie: 'Not in the dark, not in a tree! Not in a car, you let me be!' [Looks down at watch.] Oh, look at the time, I have to get home!

Lapis: Wuh-wait, aren't you going to finish this one! Please?

Connie: I'm sorry, Lapis, Mom is very strict about me getting home on time. Maybe tomorrow.

Steven: Yeah, we'll be sure to be back in the morning.

[Lapis picks up the book, looking disappointed.]

Lapis: Alright, I guess I can wait.

Connie: We can leave the books here, that'll save us from bringing them back up again. Goodnight, Lapis!

Steven: Yeah, goodnight! Say goodnight to Peridot for us if she wakes up.

[Cut to Peridot in the hammock, mumbling mid-sleep with Pumpkin sleeping on her belly.]

Peridot: Nya, mmm, hum.

[Cut back to the group, Lapis sets down the book and keeps sitting on the ground, chin on her knees.]

Lapis: ...goodnight, guys.

[Steven and Connie walk out of the barn. Once outside, they stand still, ducking their heads and looking back to the barn entrance.]

Connie: [whisper] Are you sure this will work?

Steven: [whisper] I don't know. I remember Dad doing it on me.

[Steven and Connie peer inside to see Lapis still sitting with the books. She picks up the book she set down and stares at it. She stands up and walks over to Peridots hammock.

Lapis: Uhh, Peridot, can yo-

[Peridot mumbles audibly louder, interrupting Lapis.]

Lapis: I...guess not.

[Lapis walks to her recliner, laying down inside it. She leans back and closes her eyes, in a position ready for sleep, but she soon opens them up, sits up and looks at the book again, frustrated. After a moment, she opens the book.]

Lapis: Alright...'I...do net-not, like them, in a...box...I do not like them, wh-with a fox...'

[Cut to Peridot, turning towards Lapis and opening one of her eyes.]

Lapis: 'I will not ate-eat them in a ho-house...', give me strength... 'I do not...like them with a...mouse...

[Cut to Steven and Connie, eyes widen.]

Lapis: 'I...do not like them here or there, I do not like them...anywhere!'

[Lapis forms her wings, flaps herself forward into a standing position, holds the book above her.]


[A thump is heard to the side, Peridot and Pumpkin are on the ground, Peridot struggles getting up into a stand. She is smiling.]

Peridot: Lapis!

[Peridot runs towards Lapis, wrapping her arms around her. Pumpkin comes up and jumps on her legs..]

Peridot: I'm proud of you. Keep going.

Lapis: [giggle] Alright, a few more tonight.

[Cut back to Steven and Connie.]

Connie: Should we go in?

Steven: [smiling] Nah, I think they've got it.

[Star-Zoom into the three Barn Mates, eyes inside a book.]