[Chapter 3]

Good & Bad Feelings

While we walk across the school's ground, Ruby began to question about Aura's trick of bringing me closer to her.

"Aura, how did you do that little teleportation trick with him?" Ruby asks, curious.

"Yeah, I was curious about that too since it looks like a magic trick." Jaune remark.

Aura smirk happily as Jaune mention magic trick and I am curious as well since I have reasons to believe that trick could be involve with her little magic trick she shown me.

"Sorry guys but a good magician keeps his magic trick a secret. It would spoil the illusion if I told you every step on the way and I don't really enjoy revealing too much." Aura comments.

"I guess you are right…" Ruby sadly agrees.

"But man, I never expected a good magician showing up in school. This feel so surreal, don't you think so too?" Jaune question.

I nod at his question since nobody would attend school while doing magic trick for their own desire. It only brings curiosity to everyone to find out more about her goal and reason to be able to do such thing.

"Okay, how about your weapon! I want to see your weapon very badly. In fact, let me show you mine!" Ruby happily said.

Ruby quickly pulls out a strange red looking scythe from before and slamming down shaking the ground with her blade. Jaune flinch at the weapon since it is strange looking and changing form by the wielder's will.

"Wow! Is that a scythe?" Jaune ask, scare.

"And it is also customizable high impact sniper rifle" Ruby adds.

Jaune became clueless as Ruby spoke about her weapon and not understanding what she meant. Ruby notice Jaune's face as she pull the hammer and explain in a brief words.

"It is also a gun, and together makes Crescent Rose." Ruby spoke.

"Oh." Jaune said, astound.

"Then I will go next!" Aura happily spoke.

Aura quickly pulls out a strange looking black stick with a white tip from her black scabbard and we look at the tiny weapon with confusion.

"What is that, it looks like a wand, right?" Jaune ask.

"Yes but not just an ordinary wand!"

Aura slashes her black wand to reveal a hidden blade hiding in the wand and to reveal a long sword. Ruby drool with excitement at Aura's weapon and began to touch the blade.

"Wow! Such a good weapon making, did you made this yourself?" Ruby wanders.

"Yup, a good magician will always make their own stuff to impress his audience and while keep some stuff hidden." Aura wink.

"That's pretty amazing, I never knew people made weapon for them selves. I always imagine people buying weapon from blacksmith or stores." Jaune explain.

I put my right hand on my chin to agree with what Jaune say since I could obviously see relationship with blacksmithing and customers.

"There people who can buy their weapon but in Signal, I made mine to fit my fighting style and because I love weapon in particular." Ruby said, nostalgic.

I see a connection with wielder and weapon…

I began thinking on their view of creation of weapon but Ruby began to approach me excitedly and stop my train of thought.

"What about you? Can I see your weapon? I didn't have time to check it out back there." Ruby asks.

I nod to her request and pull out my two vajra which she quickly examines them. Ruby quickly notices the missing dust crystal from my weapon's blade and I am impress by her memory. I reach for my pouch hiding behind my robe and grab a couple of them so I can show her the rest as she wants. I brought three dust crystals to her to which she quickly began to experiment with my weapon and excite to learn the mechanic of my weapon with her gleaming eyes.

"Wow, a Vajra, I haven't heard of this weapon for a while now." Jaune gasp, amaze.

Jaune look at my weapon nostalgically as he smile and remembering a good memory from the look of his face. Aura and Ruby turn to each other confuse by the name of my weapon just like Glynda did when we meet each other.

"Vajra? I never hear of those things before or any store for that matter." Aura mention, curious.

"Which make it so special to see! A forgotten weapon, I could almost feel the history within my palm of my hands." Ruby smile. "Hey, did you make this beautiful? If so, what name did you give them?" Ruby ask, excitedly.

I became puzzle by that question as I don't recall making this weapon myself or giving such name since I felt like they don't need it. I became even more confuse at the thought of not giving my weapon a name like it wasn't important and I engross myself into a deep thinking to figure out such line of thinking. I forgot my surrounding completely as Ruby laugh at my deep thinking state and Jaune pat my shoulder to bring me back into reality.

"For a minute there, I though you didn't name your weapon or forgot to do so like you have amnesia or something." Jaune jokingly predict.

I nod to his correct prediction which he quickly froze at my answer and didn't find it funny anymore since it is true. The girl's faces look worry about me and I tilt my head in confusion to such reaction since I didn't understand their worry for.

"Oh, I am sorry. I was asking too many questions without knowing your problem you are having right now with your memories." Ruby apologizes, as she kicks the floor and looking down.

"Me too, you are probably very afraid and confuse right now." Aura sadly said.

The atmosphere felt heavy as I made them feel uncomfortable and sorry for my sake which I didn't want since it is something not worth look out for. I quickly shook my head at sorrow so they wouldn't feel bad about themselves nor I seek pity to feel something. They felt relief to see my reaction to their sorrow and smile at my worry of them while Jaune smile to bring some joy into this gloomy atmosphere.

"Nice thinking buddy, there is no hard feeling between so let's keeping moving forward with the present and look into the future." Jaune happily explain.

"That's actually sound cool for Jaune." Aura gasp.

Jaune puff his chest proudly at his current speech and feeling happy with his achievement to impress the girls. Ruby approach me to receive back my weapon and dust crystal from her.

"Here you go, thank you so much for showing your weapon and they are amazing to see." Ruby smile.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Jaune spoke.

Jaune quickly bring out his sword hiding in his sheath and suddenly, he becomes a sad to see it out in the open, almost embarrass by it.

"I-I got a sword.." Jaune mumbles. "And a shield too." Jaune add.

The girls look at the regular sword and special shied amaze by it despite the lack of crazy function or added weaponry to the fine weapon. I actually like the classic since mine is almost like his but I do rely on dust crystal to get the job done.

"Why is the shield made like that?" Aura asks.

"Well…" Jaune think. "The shield get small, so when I get tired of carrying it. I can just put it away." Jaune answer.

Ruby quickly spot something odd coming from that recent claim of Jaune and I was confident on Ruby's skill on weaponry.

"But, wouldn't it weight the same?" Ruby ask.

"Yeah it does…" Jaune spoke, depress.

"Anyways! Everyone weapon are good, so don't be sad of having it and be proud of wielding it." Aura nervously spoke.

"Of course.." Jaune sigh.

Aura felt sorry for Jaune but she wanted to change the subject so she wouldn't make Jaune feel bad and so she began leading everyone to our destination. We traverse through the school's building and finally, into the outside where we could see group of student entering the large building. We reach our destination inside of a building and we could easily see group of students gathering around for something. As we enter the building, a blond girl wave at Ruby and she wave at her.

"Sorry guys, I have some stuff to take care of. I will see you all later." Ruby said.

Ruby left the group to join the blond girl as they began chatting among each other and causing Jaune to feel sad for her departure.

"Why did she have to leave? I want to know more about her.." Jaune sadly mutters.

"Don't worry champ, you will find another friend you can talk to." Aura reassures.

"You really think so? Well, I am a kind person so maybe you are right?" Jaune smile, feeling hopeful.

Aura pat his shoulder with joy at Jaune recover but it look like Aura had another plan as she glance around the auditorium and looking at potential new friend around here.

"Excuse me guys, this girl has magic tricks to show to the whole world." Aura happily said.

Aura happily left the group so she could pursue her life as a magician and began showing random people her gift like she done to me. Jaune didn't take it so well as he look hopeless and the same just like Ruby left us.

"This isn't my day.." Jaune mutters, sadly.

Jaune hunch down at the thought of the girl's departure and I could see people slowly gathering in this area. I see many students around me with potential to become huntsman or huntress with their own dream to follow. Meanwhile, the only in this room lack such potential is me and the right to have a dream just like the others. I raise and look at my right hand with the line thinking on such thing relating to my missing memories that hinder such possibility.

"It looks like the thing isn't starting anytime soon, so I propose to split up and figure out ourselves." Jaune suggest.

I nod to his suggestion since I need some alone time to figure out more about myself and think on the stuff worth thinking about. Jaune say his farewell and began looking around for people to talk to. I wander around this place as I spot Glynda behind the stage and she notices my presence which she wave at me to come closer which I did.

"So, how is the school treating you so far?" Glynda ask.

I scratch my head as I clearly remember fighting bully during my first step here so I wasn't so sure to answer such question. I raise a thumb up to her questions and hoping she could buy my lie but my blank expression should do.

"I see, very well then. Oh right, Ozpin told me to give you this so your silent demeanor wouldn't cause a problem with the other students or your image in this case." Glynda explain.

Glynda hand me a piece of paper with a pin and written on the paper is [Nameless] on top and [N/A] on the bottom. I look at her as I became curious as to why I have N/A below my name which Glynda notice.

"Are you curious as to why I put that there?" Glynda ask.

She did that?

I nod to her question and I became curious to find out why she put this below my name given by Ozpin.

"It is simple really, you didn't have name to begin with and so I put it as not available in your school paperwork and so, you're very welcome." Glynda smile.

I sigh at her way of getting payback for my silent or from I can tell, bad manners.

"I was just joking; you really think I would hatch a bad scheme to one of my student for their bad manners, silly boy." Glynda chuckles.

Yes. Totally. Absolutely without a doubt…

"It is a nickname from me, and this little introduction card was my idea after all." Glynda reveal.

My eyes widen at the sudden reveal of Glynda doing such length for my sake and solving a crucial problem I was having. I felt happy to see someone helping me for once and I smile thinly at her kindness to look out for her students.

"See, you do have a reaction after all. Remember, I may be harsh and stern with the small thing but, I am always caring for the student's wellbeing and future." Glynda states.

I nod to her believe as I have a little respect for Glynda now as she enlighten me with her view and hopefully our relationship could flourish from now on.

"In any case, you should go now and try to make friends around the campus. I need some stuff to take care of before Ozpin show up in the stage." Glynda spoke.

Glynda went behind the stage and away from the student's sight while I follow her advice to gather more friend since I have this little paper with me now. I left the building to look for such people and think more about my lost memories. I find my way into the back of the building and finding a good place to rest without anyone students lurking around. This place feels calm as I witness the sight of a pond surrounded by benches.


Suddenly, I could hear some cats meowing close to my perimeter and I never knew wildlife could walk around near school. It look like this place is well guarded against the Grimm that even allow animals to wander lose in the terrain without fear.


I became surprise to hear a feminine voice trying to imitate the sound of cat and I could hear it next to the bushes in the far back. I slowly walk toward the voice to find some cat and perhaps another person making those noises. I peek through the thick brushes while I kneel down to see a cat faunus girl sitting down in the grass and playing with some cats.

The cat girl has pale yellow hair that reach mid-back with strange looking eyes of her as the left one being yellow and the other a slight dark yellow. The girl clothing consists if a yellow tank top with a black vest above it. She wears black pant and a half-skirt with two silver belts and a pouch. She also has a pair of mary-janes shoes; I glance at the girl and hoping to hear the sound of her voice. The cat faunus pick up a cat from the floor and look at the cat.

"Why do you sleep here, nya?" She asks.

I remain quiet at her questions since it sound silly to ask a cat that and adding -nya at end of a sentence make it a bit childish. From the little information I have witness, this girl look like the type who isn't afraid to show her childish side and enjoy the peace of solitude.

"Do you want some milk, nya? If so, I have some with me because I am also a cat, nya." She reveals.

I nod to my confirmation and decide to leave the girl alone since it will only cause some awkward silent between us. I back out from the bushes to see yet another girl noticing me back in away from the brushes and I became surprise by her sudden appearance.

"What are you doing down there?" She asks.

I glance behind me as I didn't want to bring attention to myself and not get her involve. My eyes widen at the idea of the paper Glynda gave me and I point my right index finger on the paper pin into my left chest and she glance at my name.

"So? Your name is Nameless?.." She ask, confuse.

I nod to her confusion and she seems satisfy but also curious to my silent just like everyone who meet me before did.

"I see, well…Nameless, my name is Blake." Blake answer.

Blake became quiet as she stares at me and I analyze Blake a bit more so I could understand her a bit more. My eyes narrow at the sight of a book being held by her left hand and I know she was going to read her book in this peaceful place. I raise my hand to point at her book which Blake show her book to me and point at it.

"My book? What about it?" Blake asks, curious.

I approach Blake to examine the book and I tap her book as I want to see more about it since this book is very important hobby of hers.

"Do you want to know what's about it?" Blake wanders.

I nod which she seems very reluctant to answer and look away for a second before speaking with me about the book.

"It's about a man with two souls, each fighting for control over his body." Blake answer.

I took a minute to think on the story summary for a second and I never heard such tale before or does it bring any faint memory. Blake turns to my curious and intense thinking on the story which she thinly smiles.

"It look like the story has gotten your interest like me, I haven't read the story yet.." Blake spoke.

Blake gaze turns toward the building were the big ceremony is going to be held with annoyance.

"Because of nuisance and noises getting in my way of my reading." Blake finish.

Now I understand, she came here to read her book in this silent atmosphere in peace.


We turn our attention to the sudden voice behind us and my eyes widen at the familiar faunus popping out of the bushes. Although, she does look different than I expected to be as she stand very elegant and proud. I notice Blake looking at the girl's cat ears and the only thing she is focusing about her.

"My, I didn't expected visitor to come here. My name is Límone, nice too meet you young fellow peers." Límone greet, as she bow.

I tilt my head as I rest my hand on my chin while I became puzzle by her mature behavior and opposite to what I predicted.

"Nice too meet you too, my name is Blake.." Blake greet, as turn to me. "Also, this guy's name is Nameless." Blake adds.

I felt happy to get some help from a friend and I stare at Blake with good thoughts about her which she didn't get. Límone chuckles at our interaction and made Blake very uncomfortable by our stare.

"I see, then should we begin reading that book of yours?" Límone ask, smiling.

"How did you know that?" Blake asks, curious.

"I overheard you from the bushes over there, see?" Límone point out.

Límone point at the bushes behind her and made Blake think on something bothering her.

"Wait, if you were there in the first place then.." Blake trails off.

Blake gaze turn to me which I respond to a confuse look at her stare and finally understanding the thing I was hiding.

"Now I get it. Anyways, I don't really mind if you can keep quiet it throughout the whole reading secession." Blake spoke.

"I promise." Límone answer.

I raise my right arm as I also swear to that promise to remain quiet but I didn't have to since I could easily do such thing or even better. We all began taking a seat at the nearby bench as Blake sit between us and open her book for us to read. Blake quickly began reading the passage and engrossing herself into the story. Meanwhile Límone strangely narrow her eyes seriously as she began to follow her lead and I became puzzle by their motivation. I try my best to follow their lead but I was always the last one to finish the page before Blake turns the book so we could continue reading the book. As time pass by, Blake close the book which made us feel left hanging by the interest story.

"Sorry, it looks like the big ceremony is starting soon." Blake announces.

"Oh, you are right. I almost forgot, how silly of me." Límone gasp.

I sigh at the big interruption as I was hook by the story but we needed to go to the ceremony. Blake and Límone quickly left the area as I stick around for a bit to see them off.

I made some friends here…

I raise both of my hand and became surprise by own ability to accomplish such impossible task. A smile appear in my face as I achieve something good in my short life but, my joy is slowly overtaken by the overwhelming feel of dread and screaming inside of my head.


I grab my head at this intense feeling as I shook my head to get rid of the horrible scream overwhelming my mind. As soon as this new feeling came, it quickly vanish leaving me confuse and exhaust by that experience. I became afraid of myself and most importantly, afraid of others.

[Chapter 3 End]