[Chapter 1]

Silent Boy

[Glynda POV]

I adjust with my glasses while I walk around in this barely lit room as the only light source is a bulb above us and lighting a young boy sitting near a table. I tap my right feet impatiently and a bit angry at this young man stubbornness to answer such simple question of mine. I sigh as I take another chance at the question and hoping for such little cooperation. I glance at the white haired cap boy as his hairs reach his shoulder and his bangs covering his right eye. I notice him looking at me with his red eyes and difficult to see his expression change from his blank stare. His weird attire includes a black collar robe with red highlights and an white armor piece hanging from his left arm, and black trouser with the same color scheme.

This is a strange boy, but never the less; I must extract information from him before Ozpin show up.

"Tell me, what's your name young man?" I ask.

The boy remains silent as he stare at me with blank expression and not a slight tension from anywhere can be found. I became irritate by his state and rudeness of not answering the question. I sigh once more as I need to ask him even easier questions and hoping to get some respond from him.

"Where did Ozpin found you?" I ask, holding back my anger.

Again, no answer from the silent boy and I quickly slam my riding crop into the table with anger as I glare at the unfazed boy.

"At ease Glynda, he is just shy to new people."

My glare turn to Ozpin as he casually enter the room and smile at my behavior which I cough to ignore such action took place here.

"Shy you say? To me he doesn't look like the shy type from I can tell. Mute will be the precise word." I correct.

He sighs as he walks to the boy with a smile like he always does and began speaking to him which caught his attention.

"In any case, we can skip the interrogation now and focus on the little sparring I spoke with you, you remember right?" Ozpin ask.

The boy quickly nods to his respond which made him happy to see and me, a bit angry to see him getting some result from the boy.

"That's good to hear, then shall we?" Ozpin ask.

Ozpin glance at the door as he extends his right hand toward it and the boy began to get up. Ozpin took the lead as we follow him to the outside and wandering what this little sparring they mention. There is another young man standing outside and waiting for Ozpin as he wave at him.

"So, are we ready? Is this the boy you want me to spar with?" He ask.

"Yes, you both can start immediately while I and Glynda watch from the sideline. Good luck." Ozpin respond.

Ozpin turn back to me as I cross my arm at this unexpected turn of event and meanwhile, the mute boy began standing on the opposite side of his opponent.

"Care to explain this to me now, Ozpin? Why bring such a boy here, are you interested on him?" I ask, curious.

He smile as he watch the battle slowly starting as the huntsman smile with excitement and while the mute boy look unfit to battle compare to the other boys brought my Ozpin.

"He's very unique from I can tell and I can tell from your expression alone that he may look unfit to battle this experience veteran, aren't you not?" Ozpin ask, smiling.

I became a bit shock at his good guess but nevertheless, he spoke the truth and I will be honest with him about such conclusion.

"Indeed, he lacks any proper composer, he doesn't keep his eyes on his opponent and I can see many opening right now. This boy lack not only combat experience, but also manners with his elders with his mute." I answer, coldly.

Ozpin chuckles. "I thought so. " Ozpin smile. "To fill you in, I found this boy in the forest and I stumble on something special on that day." Ozpin mumble.

"Something special? What do you mean by that?" I wander.

Ozpin concentrate on the subject as he look up to remember but I notice him looking more confuse when remembering such detail and becoming serious as he grip his cane.

"I am referring to his semblance, although, even now I am not so sure if such thing I witness was a semblance." He spoke, serious.

I remain quiet at his serious tone as I look at battle starting and Ozpin looking anticipate for this little sparring to begin.

"Are you ready little guy? I will hold back so don't be scare of me nor my experience fighting Grimm." The huntsman spoke.

The mute boy finally turns to his direction and strangely kept his gaze firm on his opponent. I became a bit shock to see his eyes lock on the experience huntsman and Ozpin raise his hand to me.

"Watch, it look like he is doing it again for us to witness and I hope you have some opinion on this matter." Ozpin said.

I concentrate all of my attention to the white hair boy as I see some new reactions coming from him. He closes his eyes for a moment and slowly opens them as he nod to himself which made his opponent confuse by this behavior.

"Are you ready?" He ask, confuse.

The boy took out his strange weapon and began to quickly fiddle with his weapon around the edges.

"Oh, it has being a while since I seeing a Vajra-user. It is nostalgic to see such complex weapon in action." Ozpin pleasantly said.

"Vajra? I never seeing or heard such weapon before.." I mutter.

The boy smile proudly as he aims one if his vajra at the boy and it look a bit different than what he shown first. The blades have now being change into two ice dust crystal which made the huntsman nervous at the sight of this weapon, most specifically the ice dust crystal. I tilt my head in confusion at his reaction and Ozpin smile at my confusion as he glance at me.

"You look confuse, I allow me to fill you in. That huntsman I brought in has the semblance to summon fire weapons of any variety you see." Ozpin explain.

"Ah, now I understand his current reaction but what about it? You did tell him that, right?" I answer, unimpressed.

"No, not a single word of his opponent I mention to him since I pick this student randomly from the many I had in mind for him. His semblance is strange and makes me very confuse to understand. This is the reason I brought him here, to see his potential in this fight." Ozpin clarify.

I became a bit shock to see some profound potential on the rude one and became glue to the kid as I also became interest to see this battle to the end.


I dash at my opponent with a simple lunge attack and he easily avoids such predictable move like I expect it. He grits his teeth at my speed and I didn't let him breathe so easily since I spin my vajra on my right hand ready to attack. I throw my right vajra into his right arm which made contact and slowly freeze his arm.

"What in the world-Oh, now I see what you trying to do." The boy confidently announces.

He lifts his left hand to summon his fire hammer and began slam it down into the small ice covering his arm. My eyes widen to see my opening as the ice need some good hit before it could crumble into mere pebbles. I ran after him to cause him to look at me which is a mistake I foresaw and I quickly hop into the air to deliver a roundhouse kick into his face directly. The boy body's flew into the air for a bit before hitting a tree nearby and falling into the floor unconscious. I look down to see my vajra lose free from the boy's arm and I pick it up. I sigh at my power but I am not complaining for such easy task with my abilities. I approach Ozpin and that woman to hear what stuff they need me to do.

"Well done, I have to be honest with you, I didn't expect this outcome at all and especially the timing." Ozpin said, clapping.

"I guess you do have some potential after all but your manners could use some work." The woman smile, as she harshly comments.

I glance behind me to see some people already helping the kid out and I was a bit worry for his safety since I did hit him directly into his blind spot.

"Now that we seeing your potential, I have a favor I need to ask of you." Ozpin announce.


I tilt my head at this favor he speak of since I don't have anything to offer for him.

"I want you to enter beacon academy so I can watch your progress from there." Ozpin spoke.

"What!" the woman ask, shockingly.

I couldn't understand the meaning behind me being such thing and I don't have any memories to help me with such decision. I think on it hard since I barely woke up into this place and found by Ozpin in the woods to see my power. The more I thought of it, the more I realize I have nothing to go back to and this will help me in some way while I try to gather my memories. My decision is clear; I nod to Ozpin's favor which made him happy to see and the woman not very happy.

"Excellent, your orientation should start tomorrow morning so rest up for today. Tomorrow will be a long day for you…err.." Ozpin said, struggling.

Ozpin began thinking on something which made him difficult to finish his sentence and somehow, I knew the problem. Ozpin smile as he snap his finger at an idea he has on his mind.

"Since you don't have a name right now, I should call you Nameless from this point on." Ozpin spoke.

"Is that a good name to give him?" the woman asks.

I smile at my name given by the first person I encounter in this world and I will gladly take such name for me. The woman sight at my respond to that name and tomorrow will start my long journey of living in this school they mention.

[Chapter 1 End]


Name: Nameless (Given by Ozpin)

Nickname: N/A (Given by Glynda)

Gender: Male

Age: 16?

Weapon's Name: ?

Weapon: Vajras & Handgun

Race: human

Status: unique transfer student

Appearances: A 5 ft. 6 in. boy with white hair that are shoulder-length and his bangs cover his right red eye while wearing a white hat with his emblem. N/A attire consists of a collar black robe with red highlights and wearing a white armor piece on his entire left arm and wearing white glove on his right. He has black trouser and shoes with red highlights.

Personality: Nameless seems to have hollow personality which fit with his silent and mystery surrounding him. He hardly takes stuff too seriously and follows his own flow on things but he always has good intentions in helping others. Although, he does ignore his own safety and need for the sake of other's necessary and happiness.

Combat tactics: ?

Combat Role: Unique support & Offensive

Semblance: Analyze?: The user is given information about the opponent and find their movement as well?

Aura Color: Red

Emblem: Strange vortex located on the back of his left hand and on front of his hat.

History: ?

Strength(s): None

Weakness(es): None

Goal(s): To regain his lost memories.




10:00 PM Central Time 11/4/17

1 girl

Team NBLA (Nebula)

[N] – N/ameless [M] (Red) Human

[B] – Basil Ainsworth [M] (Teal Blue) Snake Faunus Shiroikage

[L] – Límone [F] (/) Cat Faunus Mirai Cheshire

[A] – Aura Mist [F] (White) Human Harukawa Ayame

Team ALIC (Alice)

[A] – Aaron Proteus [M] (Azure Blue) Human fire assassin

[L] – Lana Courtland [F] (Blue) Human Mitsuha Miyamizu

[I] – Open

[C] – Caradia Levi [M] (Orange) Human Mew Shadowfang

Team CMLT (Camelot)

[C] – Claire Lotus [F] (Yellow) Eagle Faunus DeathTheManiac

[M] – Maron Cline [M] (Maroon) Dog Faunus nicranger

[L] – Languid Blanc [M] (Very light blue) Fox Faunus DeadLyokoBrony

[T] – TaraDomus[F] (Light-brown) Panther Faunus BalancedHex1232