I rekindled my love for PMMM recently and this happened.

When Homura was younger she had loved ballet. There was a dance studio down the street that she loved to watch through the windows. The numerous dancers twirling and twisting with the most grace Homura had ever seen as a child. She wished to join their motions, follow their movements with the same amount of grace.

But that was not meant to be.

When she was diagnosed with a heart condition, those dreams fell apart. She was too weak to even walk properly for some time. The hospital was too far from the studio and she never had the time to be taken there again. The gentle steps of the ballerinas still echoed in her mind long after she could no longer make trips to watch the dancers.

Homura was all alone, waiting for the next surgery in the bland hospital room.

All Homura had wanted to do was to be a ballerina, with the beauty and confidence they had.

But that will never happen now.

Homura was not bitter, no, that was not in her nature. But she just closed in on herself.

A day would come when she would be a ballerina, but one walking to her execution.

When Mami was a little girl who still had living parents, she loved to host tea parties. She would invite her parents every time. She twirled a spoon around in the imaginary liquid in the little teacups. Always making sure there was enough sugar and cream to add to the mix. Whenever they were too busy she would feel sad, but it was no big deal. Mami would just bring her toys and stuffed animals as guests. As long as she had friends as guests, it was alright.

Then that horrible day happened.

It happened so fast and soon Mami was left alone in the backseat, gasping for air painfully. She had never felt so much pain before. She thought that she was going to die. Then Kyubey appeared before her, as her eyes began to close for the last time.

She wanted to live!

And so her wish came true, in such a tragically ironic manner. She would have survived no matter what wish she chose. Her parents were still dead and she almost wished she had joined them. At least she would not be alone.

After becoming a magical girl, she had no time for anyone or anything. Mami had never felt more alone as a magical girl.

She wished for the days where she played and talked at the tea table, just enjoying others' company. Now her coffee table seemed so empty without anyone to share cake and tea with.

There was a time when she gave in and could host all the tea parties she wanted, and would never be lonely again.

Originally published: June 4 2017

There is more to Homura and Mami's witch forms and meanings that I want to explore, some might be my own ideas and some are canon.

I plan to do all the main girls, perhaps even Nagisa and other minor characters.

Thanks for reading!

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