Ree had been living with the Griffiths for two weeks now. Lizzy had shown her how to take care of herself and how to help her around the house. The Griffiths treated her like family; they couldn't afford a doctor after Dr. Griffiths quit his job after Lizzy had shown him that Fairies exist. Lizzy loved having Ree at the house she felt like she had a sister. They did everything together, Lizzy would sit on her bed and talk for hours about her adventures with the Fairies she had met. Ree didn't know if she believed her but she always repaid their kindness anyway she could so she decided to believe her. Reina was helping Lizzy cook dinner while Dr. Griffiths set the table and made a fire in the hearth.

"Ok, what do I put in next?" Ree asked trying to read the recipe, Lizzy had been teaching her how to read, but she still needed a lot of practice.

"The olive oil." Lizzy replied Ree, looked around the kitchen and in the cupboards.

"Oh, I just realized I don't even know what olive oil looks like." The girls laughed, Lizzy opened the cupboard to her left and pulled out the jar of olive oil. She poured the right amount into the pot.

"Alright, all you have to do now is stir for five minutes. Don't worry I'll tell you when to stop." Lizzy smiled at Ree, she walked over to her father and helped him finish setting up for dinner. Ree was so thankful that they had found her. They were so sweet and had taught her so much. Elizabeth had even made her a dress; it was blue and reached the floor. It had long white sleeves and a white apron that she tied around her waist.

Ree had just finished dinner; she used her apron to carry the pot to the table without burning her hands. She had already made that mistake once; she burned her fingers in the process. She had dropped the bowl and ruined dinner, she cried and apologized for hours. Ree put the pot on the table and served the food. They all sat down for dinner and talked about what they had done that day.


"Yes, Elizabeth?"

"Would you tell Ree and I about the Elven girl you grew up with?"

"Of course sweetheart." Dr. Griffiths took a drink of water and wiped his mouth before continuing. "When I was eight years old my mother brought home a little girl; her name was Clarion. My mother would never tell me where she was from, but Clarion told me she was an elf. At the time I didn't believe a word she said, but we became very close. We did everything together; she was the sister I never had. She was quite a lovely young lady; I do wish I knew what happened to her. The last time I saw her, she was going to run off with a man and get married."

"Maybe she lives in NeverLand with Tinkerbell and her friends!" Lizzy exclaimed, Ree, smiled at Lizzy as the little girl giggled with excitement.

"Maybe Elizabeth. You should ask Tinkerbell when she comes to change the season this summer."

"That is a fantastic idea! I hope she comes this year!" Ree giggled at her excitement; she loved Lizzy like she was her own. Ree hoped one day she could have a family of her own and be just as happy.

After dinner had been eaten and put away, Dr. Griffiths put his daughter into her bed and kissed her goodnight. As he left the room Ree gave Lizzy a hug goodnight, she and Dr. Griffiths stood in the doorway and waved to Lizzy as she drifted off to sleep. Dr. Griffiths took Ree to her room and told her goodnight before heading to bed himself. As Ree brushed out her long light brown hair, she glanced out the window. She could make out the tree Lizzy had shown her a few days earlier. She had told her all about how she met the Fairies and how they brought the seasons. She loved to hear Lizzy talk about Fairies; Ree hoped one day she could see them for herself. She hoped that there was some magic in the world. Then she climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next day Queen Tinkerbell flew around all of Pixie Hollow. It seemed like everyone needed her help and they wanted her to do it right away. Lord Milori was just as busy as she was, and so was Fairy Mary. There was so much to do to prepare for the changing of the seasons. Peri had tried many times to get all of them to take a short break but every time they tried something always seemed to go wrong. Tinkerbells day went on as busy as ever. She was busy working, but she was having an alright day. She loved helping others with their problems. That was until Syntha, a healing talent Fairy, told her that somehow Vida's yearly blood test had dark magic in it. Worried about her friend she flew as fast as she could to the hospital wing. Vida was still there; she was trying to process the news.

"Vida, are you alright?" Tinkerbell tried to stay calm for her friend's sake.

"I-I'm fine Tink. Just a little shaken up that's all." Syntha flew into the room behind Tink.

"The dark magic belongs to Sebastian your majesty."

"Please don't say that name." Tinkerbell hated to hear that name; she hated the man whom it belonged to.

"Sorry, Queen Tinkerbell. It seems like the magic has been in her system far longer than 'He' was in Pixie Hollow."

"That must be why I was so mad at you Tinkerbell. I am so sorry." Vida apologized to her friend. She wished she could take back the mean things she had said and done to her and Queen Clarion.

"That's alright Vida. It wasn't your fault." Syntha did multiple tests on Vida. She figured out a way to drain the magic from her blood. Syntha promised Tink that her friend would be better by the time Summer was over. After hours of worrying, Tink made her way back home; she had never felt so stressed in her life. As she flew through the door, Peri flew into her arms and hugged her.

"We heard about Vida is she alright?!"

"She's fine Peri."

"Oh thank the second star!" Tink gave Peri and her Father a weak smile. They had been waiting for her to get home together. Tinkerbell suddenly threw her hands in the air and screamed!

"UGH! Why did all this have to happen?! I hate that man! He took my mother away from me and now I have to be the Queen! I can't do this!" Tinkerbell's face was deep red as she huffed and puffed.

"Tinkerbell hunny-" Milori tried to comfort his daughter only to receive an angry reply.

"What?!" She spat at him; she sighed realizing what she had done. "I'm sorry daddy, I-I just need a minute to calm down."

"No, what you need is something your mother never took."

"What's that?"

"A vacation." Milori smiled and gave both his daughters a big hug. "How about this Summer we go with the Fairies to the mainland and have our first family vacation?"

"Oh, that sounds flitterific!" The twins yelled at the same time. They giggled at each other, then as fast as they could fly they went to start making preparations for their first family vacation.

Meanwhile on the mainland Ree was in a deep sleep. She slowly tossed and turned as a dream started to form in her mind. The air was cold around her; she seemed to be walking toward something or someone. As she trudged through the deep white snow, she could see someone in the distance. A tall man with white hair and deep brown eyes. He was so handsome and seemed so familiar. He reached out his hand, she tried to reach out but she couldn't. It was as if she was so close to his touch yet so far away that it seemed like he was worlds away from her. Suddenly everything started to go black she could hear the faint cry of a name. She couldn't make out the name, but it was like she knew who he was calling for. Ree woke up with a start; she sat straight up in bed. She breathed heavily, unable to grasp what her mind was trying to get her to remember. She tried to calm herself back down and laid in bed. She fell slowly back to sleep; her mind was rushing trying to remember who that man was and who he was to her.

Another chapter up! I hope you all enjoy it! Your support means the world to me! :)