
So yeah this is my first fanfic well ever, I got the inspiration from playing fallout and watching the division and the last of us gameplay so criticisms are welcome just not too harsh.

So anyways to the plot, so basically society crumbles. An unknown outbreak coming from nature itself wiped out almost all of civilization. A man that only goes by the name of Drake was hired to escort them to Berk. Which was dubbed the safe zone by everybody who wanted to start a new and survive the wasteland.

There will be factions coming from the books and tv-series, Oc's are welcome good or bad so leave them in the comments and I'll see if they can make that cut.

(You can Skip this part since it will all make sense in the Story but depends on you)

Modern Names are to be followed.

Harper Horrendous Haddock III: Hired mercenary and an urban legend in the wasteland only known as Night Fury

Alek (yes, it's a girl's name) Hofferson: Leader of the scavengers in Berk dubbed the Riders (idk why xd)

Frank Ingerman: Mapper and member of the scavengers.

Terrence Thorston: Explosive expert and member of scavengers

Rebecca Thorston: Assistant to her brother and member of the scavengers

Sam Jorgenson: Weapons expert of the scavengers.

Heather Gonouf: Planner of the scavengers

Cami Bog: Scout of the scavengers

Eret Eretson: Marksman of the scavengers

Stephen Haddock: Leader of the small-town Berk dubbed "The Safe Zone"

Vallory Haddock: Doctor of Berk

Gerald Belch: Stephen's best friend and local mechanic and gunsmith of Berk.

Seth Jorgenson: Second in Command of Berk

Viktor and Garret Grimborn: Leaders of the faction known as the Hunters

Derrick "Dagger" Deranged: Leader of the Berserkers

Alvin the Treacherous: Leader of the Outcast

Drago Bludvist: Leader of the Bewilderbeast, and alliance with the Hunters

If you guys have any suggestions of factions do good and bad comment down below I'll see if they'll make the cut

Now enough of this, enjoy.

Chapter One: The fall of Man

After civilization fell after an unknown outbreak coming from nature itself. The disease has spread worldwide wiping out half of the population. Most turning wild due to the disease making them feral. Others forming their own civilization, some forming factions. As society collapsed and a new order created by men with ambitions, men who are made, or even who seek power in today's world.

There all the same to Harper Haddock, after he was separated from his parents in an evacuation center. He was on his own since, he roamed around, city to city, road to road, surviving like everybody else. At the age on seventeen it was the first time he killed a living human who supposedly wanted to mug him.

Young Harper grabbed the man's knife as they fought on the ground before stabbing the man in the heart. He looked at his eyes lifeless before he fell back looking at him. His body motionless, Harper felt one word sick, he just collapsed as he emptied his stomach for the sheer act of defense changed his perspective on life.

He got up, pulled the knife out. Grabbing the man's pack from his corpse. Before stalking away to a new life where he would be no other than a legend in people's eyes. The Night Fury

(Harper's P.O.V)

It's been five years after the outbreak, I've been in the wasteland for far too long. I just look back on the past where everything was okay, when I was merely a loser in high school. Weak, scrawny, thin, useless, pathetic let alone a hiccup and the list goes own. I was a nobody in back then. My father the mayor Berk and my mother being a veterinary. How I remember my father wanting me to be a strong beefy man, with extra guts and glory on the side. Using my muscles instead of my smarts. Well He got the opposite.

And here I am now roaming the streets of Chicago on the way to my hometown, Berk. Where it became dubbed "The Safe Zone", safe zone more like no man's land. When I was at a bar waiting for someone to hire me for my expertise. A trader came in goes by the name of Johann, said a faction is currently sieging Berk. The leader goes by the name of Alvin the Treacherous.

Already a man who seeks power, he's the leader of a faction called "The Outcast", said to be mostly ex-convicts from every prison in the state. I was busy attending to my drink when Johann came and sat in front of me.

"Hello are you the mercenary everybody speaks off?" He asked, he looked scared I can tell by his body language since he's mostly tapping his fingers on his lap.

"First stop tapping your fingers I'm not going to kill you, unless I was paid to do it." I started with a chuckle, His face paled as he gulped in fear. "Now yes I am this mercenary but why do you ask my assistance?"

He cleared his throat, "Well you see I need protection to enter Berk, and as you can tell trade routes have been marked by the Outcast to ambush traders such as myself."

I looked at him closely as he pulled the collar of his supposed tunic or in that case a red long sleeve with a makeshift vest that I hope is bullet proof. He looks like a Viking in mixed with a wastelander type of feeling due to his long hair seeped into a bun along with his beard with two braids on each side. He had a satchel with him, and he looks to innocent to be a killer even in self-defense.

He looked like dad except for the killer part since he was a veteran. I looked at him in silence, and I can tell by the situation it was getting awkward.

"Alright I'll do it" I spoke out and he sighed in relief. "But, as for payment since you're a trader and you go all around the country I want you to my informant. Tell me some rumors, gossip anything that could help me in my outside the wasteland got it" I proposed.

He looked at me skeptically, before nodding. "Alright it's a deal but what do I call you?" he asked. I just smiled under my half-mask. "You can call me Drake, but my friends call me Fury."

Johann had an eyebrow up, "Why Fury?"

I got out my knife from my chest and pulled Johann on the table pinning him down with the blade on his throat. "It's because I kill people like I'm a demon in the night, an unholy offspring of death itself. Does that answer you?"

He nodded his head franticly "Yes loud and clear now would you kindly let go of me so I can have safe passage back into my body?"

I let go of him, sheathing my knife. I looked around to see and audience mostly the patrons of the inn or bar which ever you want to call it looked at the scene before going back to their drinks. "Tomorrow we head out to this safe zone, make sure your caravan is ready." I informed Johann before finishing my drink and walking out to the black market.

As I walked through the stalls, I looked closely to see my personal favorite was being harassed by some welps. Guys who think they own this world even if it's a wasteland now and nobody rules it. Still you get this on a daily basis, with a sigh I pulled out my Berretta placing it behind my back concealing it.

As I approached I can hear the commotion something about Demsey not paying there "protection fee" wow Odin's beard these guys are delusional. I kept my head down only showing my hair pretending to ignore the situation, I crept up a little closer.

Two guys and I think not about and older than me, One was a really strong and the other one was average, "Yeah protection, I'm feeling safe right now." Demsey retorted. I grinned must have got that from me I thought.

"Look we're asking nicely" one of them sneered, "You give your share like everybody else or Dagger will do it and trust me you don't want Dagger to take it from you when he's done with you."

I walked forward looking at the muscular guy, I quickly kicked his kneecap to his side dislocating it instantly. He let out a shriek of pain as he tried to clutch his knee, it was pointing on the left clearly rendering it useless. I pulled him into a headlock before placing the barrel on his head.

His friend looked at the direction frantically pulling out his pistol, and by pistol, I mean a piece of shit. There was tape all around it and it was rusty, over all he didn't maintain the quality of his firearm. "Atatataatata, you might want think first pal, I might clean my clothes after I fix this leak I'm holding right now." I said menacingly tapping my gun on his friend's head for emphasis.

"Well it's about time Drake." Demsey started with a grin on his face. "Thought you wouldn't come around at this time, well it is a free country or I mean lawless country care to do the honors."

I just gave an eyeroll before shooting the guy's hand, he dropped his pistol as he clutched his now bleeding hand. "Berserkers are at it again, why don't you boys fuck with somebody else. So far you are asking black market merchants for protection money for the mere fact that you are in a settlement where all bounty hunters, hired guns, and raiders come here to sell what they had got in the wasteland." I chuckled "Is Dagger really that desperate?"

"And what are you exactly, the Berkian Guard?" The Berserker mocked in a shaky tone, yeah that give me the chills for sure.

"Well I'm a bounty hunter, hired gun, mercenary, whatever comes out of your mind as long as it involves me killing someone for money." I answered, yea I want to kill him now I thought.

"Who are you?" He asked shakily, still frightened I grinned.

That's when Demsey answered the question, by now everybody formed a circle going over commotion and this is starting to make me uncomfortable, this reminds me back to high school when I was at the center of attention by that I mean the ass of jokes. I snapped back to reality to hear Demsey's oh so loving speech about my mysterious persona.

"They call him a legend, some say he's just a wanderer, say he's a hired gun, hell even say he's not even a man at all! Rumors say that he's the unholy offspring of death itself! Don't people tell that when they hear the whisper of the night it's actually him about to kill his supposed victim!" Demsey said proudly, causing not only the berserker to quiver in fear same goes for the witnesses looking at me with fear.

Thank you Demsey, I thought. Way to get my reputation into a greater much higher level. I just sighed before knocking out his friend before throwing my gun at his head knocking him out.

"Is that the gun you bought from me?" Demsey ask with a bit of a scowl. I always well break most of his "merchandise" since I'm always under fire, and well I always use my guns or equipment as weapons hell I even used my spoon once to kill a raider. Shoved it down his throat causing him to choke, well he didn't die because of it since I kept banging his head on the wooden tiles.

I walked over picking up the pistol before answering "No, don't worry you Scandinavian fuck I learnt my lesson with destroying the shit I bought from you, found this in a rotting corpse in a pharmacy. Anyways here's the things you told me to get, I don't want to ask why do you want well you know what I mean…." I said as got my satchel and tossed it to Demsey.

He opened the bag looking at the contents before smiling widely. "Yup this will do now I suppose you came here for a specific reason besides the favor you just did for me?" he asked grinning.

I can tell he knew I rolled my eyes. "Yeah well, I need a rifle, one that can take at least two-hundred to three hundred meters, needs to light and smooth when I pull the trigger I want it to be smooth midway before I could hit my target. When I hold it it's light as a feather, and lastly ammunition has to be something I can find in the wasteland as I go. I answered calmly.

He looked at me with a questioning look before shrugging. He went into the back and it took like maybe thirty minutes to an hour before he came out with a rifle that I can't even tell if it's already been made or its one of Demsey new designs for his guns.

Demsey is a gun nut and he creates his own designs, firearms, even restores old pieces of history in a museum into a working firearm. I don't know how he does it all I know he came from a family who are all but mostly smiths. From blacksmithing to gunsmithing his whole family are talented and innovated to create weapons for man to kill each other.

"Um Harper still there, I don't know what's in that mind of yours. What thinking of drawing more designs to help with this gorgeous lady." He chuckled. I snapped back to reality taking the rifle carefully from his hand.

It was a Springfield M1903 but the body was all black, it had a custom-made barrel fitted with an custom-made suppressor that looks it a shotgun type. The butt of the rifle was different it had a butt of Mosin Nagant which was also an old rifle. It had pocket around it to hold to my surprise not cartridges but magazines. I looked under the rifle to see it was not a rifle based reload instead it was a magazine. I pulled out the magazine to see 7.62x39 cartridges, and that right there is what the Russians and Chinese use in there Ak's. The scope was still the standard issue scope only it was wrapped around in cloth.

"Yeah this looks well I have no words but are you sure this suppressor will muffle my shots, this is a shotgun suppressor Demsey." I told him with a bit of uncertainty in my voice.

He just smiled, "Harper you always use my guns what's the difference with this trust me I fully remade that suppressor it will fit nicely with the barrel itself. And you can tell its light?" he asked me.

I weighed it in my hand and it was true it was lighter than my old rifle. "What material did you use to make this, it feels more lighter and it looks stronger."

"Well it's a family secret Harper something I'll teach to you when you have time to help me with the shop." He told me with a smile.

I reciprocated his smile, grabbing the rifle along with the ammunition. We said our goodbyes before I went to an inn where I normally head in. It's not comfy but I need some rest before I escort Johann to Berk. I sighed well it's time to go home.