Have you ever made a mistake?

No need to lie, I already know you have. Your internet history tells quite a story. Then again, if you're into THAT then maybe you don't see it as a mistake? Maybe this little story will give you a few jollies, pervertido.

But I digress.

Mistakes are a part of human nature. From the time we are able to walk and talk, we are doing things we regret or wish we could take back. I'm no different, unfortunately. Though unlike your choices on the world wide web, MY mistakes have consequences that are more than just a bit of a red face and people looking at you funny. My screw ups can get people in the kind of trouble that sees your body ending up in a ditch somewhere.

Like a majority of mistakes, this one came to be thanks to a mixture of desperation, hormones and quite a bit of alcohol.

"¿Es esto lo que llamas tequila?"

Sombra knew this place was run down and shitty, but something made her feel at home among the rotting wood, broken windows and drinks that could be used as floor polish. The bartender was used to her shit by now, the comments she made barely even drawing his usual condescending smirk. Looking into the bottom of the glass, she ordered another with her free hand while choking the current one down with a single gulp. The burning throat kept her tied to reality.

Not drunk enough.

The portly man took the glass, merely turning the bottle of the low shelf drink of choice onto it's head in order to fill it about halfway before sliding it back. A small smile pulls at her lips, the liquor a bit darker than the last glass. Better to not think too hard about how legitimate this stuff was, as long as it did the job. Knocking back this shot was a bit easier than the first, the burn starting to fade as the liquid slid down.

"Heh.. perfecto.."

After a few more shots, the place was starting to buzz in various ways. The fan in the upper corner was blowing around the dry air in some feeble attempt to cool the place down, as the small TV behind the bar was currently set to the news. Sombra tried not to pay too much attention, as all they were talking about was what had happened in Numbani only a few weeks ago. Of course none of those idiots actually knew what had happened. They all assumed someone had just broken in to steal the artifacts, other outlets claiming that it was Omnics in order to try and start fake controversy. Those who knew what had happened weren't about to come out and spill the beans. That would mean letting the world know that agencies like Talon and Overwatch weren't just stories that parents told their kids about. That would mean sharing secrets.

If it had been any other situation, Sombra would have been all over it. Getting into any computer she could, cracking every single last line of code possible to find some sort of truth. Problem was, she already knew the truth. She had witnessed it first hand.

Her mind began to buzz with the thoughts of what she had seen, what she had done and the consequences. While she had been a major player in saving the day, she was also the biggest resource in putting it in danger. That last scene played out in her head on repeat. The kneeling man, gun to his head. She had helped kill him.


The tender shook his head, instead taking the glass from the tipsy woman and putting it in the sink. A drunken dirty look was shot at him, though it was growing hard to keep him in focus. A sudden outburst of anger found her fist on the bar, her teeth grit as she stared the man who was cutting her off right when she was starting to go numb. A smooth voice came from her left, pulling her attentions elsewhere.

"You really shouldn't push your luck around these parts ma'am."

The perfect English coming from anyone that frequented this shit hole caught Sombra off guard. With slightly blurred vision, her eyes swiveled to find the source of the voice. What they found was someone who did not belong anywhere near where he was. As bad as a response as it probably was, she couldn't help but laugh. He looked like he had just stepped out of one of those old western movies and wasn't missing a single piece of the get up. Cowboy hat, boots, a poncho covering his dirty shirt and a pair of dust covered pants. The slight gleam of his belt buckle kept her attention for a few seconds, the laugh softening to a giggle.

"Is that so, vaquero? What're you gonna do? Rassle me up like some cattle? Tie me up and drag me to the barn?" Another soft giggle, though this one added in a raised eyebrow and an alcohol induced purr.

"Ooh, maybe that's what you're into though? Gimme enough time and I'm sure I can find out..."

The cowboy didn't say anything else, merely removing himself from his stool a few spots down and relocating to the spot right beside Sombra. He didn't look at her though, merely staring at the TV as if it had been the first time he had seen what they were covering.

"What I'm gonna do is save your life. Now sit up straight and keep your eyes ahead, like you're watching the news and it's the most interesting thing you've ever seen."

His voice was so demanding. Who did he think he was to boss her around like that? Only one other man had done such a thing and the fact that this damned cowboy had reminded her of him made Sombra clench her jaw and spit her response.

"Believe it or not vaquero, I'm not some maiden looking for help. I don't need you, or anyone for that matter, to come save me. I've drunk by myself plenty of times..."

The statement caused a moment of clarity, Sombra's head picking up a little to argue with the cowboy to his face. In the corner of her eye, she would see them. At least six or seven thuggish looking pricks, all doing their best to look nonchalant, even though they were all crowded around the entrance. It was obvious from just the few seconds of sight that they were with the local gang, the color scheme matching this territory. The drunken woman's head quickly jolted forward, right hand slowly reaching into her jacket and gripping at the machine pistol she kept with her at all times. Blinking a few times, Sombra could feel the adrenaline starting to pour into her veins and mixing with the booze.

"How long.. have they been there?"

"A good couple minutes, though I wouldn't make any sudden moves. They seem... twitchy."

Sombra nodded softly, the back of her neck crawling as she could feel the thugs sizing her and her new friend up. As badly as she wanted another shot to dull her nerves, the last thing she needed was an even sloppier shot. She swallowed a bit hard, eyeing the cowboy as he continued to watch the television. How could he be so damned calm at a time like this?

As that thought passed through her mind, the cowboy turned around with a smile on his face, the brim of his hat just barely covering his eyes as his elbows rested atop the bar.

"If you boys value your lives, you best run to the hills while you got a chance."

The sudden shift from being cautious to openly acknowledging the men threw Sombra through a loop. Most had already been staring at the back of the man's head as soon as he had scooted closer to Sombra, though the last few were now all staring the out of place man down with evil intent clearly plastered on their faces. One stood up with a wide, stupid grin on his face, stepping closer though just out of arm's reach. His accent was thick, but his English was clear enough to understand. He had a few tattoos along his neck and arms, Sombra recognizing some as upper level gang marks.

"The FUCK you gonna do if we don't, vaquero? Gonna tie us up and call your deputy to take us down to the ole jail cell?"

The thugs all laughed in unison as their spokesman spit at the floor in front of the cowboy, looking back up at him with an obvious lack of fear. The tension in the air was thick as the cowboy slowly tilted his head up enough to stare at his new acquaintance. Sombra couldn't keep her eyes from switching between the two of them, her hand growing sweaty as she clung to her weapon. She was ready to pull it as soon as the thugs drew theirs.

The cowboy sighed softly, shaking his head a bit before his tone became a bit cold.

"Sadly, boys like you only learn from... rougher treatment."

Jumping from his seat, the cowboy brought his right foot up and found the first thug's gut, and audible sound of air being forced from his lungs from the surprise. Sombra barely had enough time to spin around and pull her weapon before 6 shots rang out. She was expecting the men to drop dead where they sat, but instead the sound of metal clunked to the floor below them. The cowboy spun his gun rather flashily before putting it away in it's holster at his side, his left arm reaching out and grabbing the thug he had kicked by the front of his shirt. The shine of the metal appendage was quick as he threw the thug onto the bar.

"Watch this one for a second darlin'?"

Sombra had finally managed to pull her weapon, ready to shoot as she got the new command. Part of her wanted to argue though with what she had just seen, she was just glad the cowboy wasn't gunning for her yet. Her eyes locked in on the thug that was now laying on top of the cleared bar, before she whacked him with the butt of her gun as he tried to pull himself up.

"¿Tu estupido?"

The thug growled but stayed put, his eyes staring down the gun as the cowboy walked over to his friends.

"Now then, you boys oughta be glad that you all still got your heads. I know bullets hurt, but better pain than not feeling anything, right?"

The cowboy smiled and kicked the dropped weapons off to the side before pulling out a cigar and a match, striking the small stick against one of the tables and lighting his smoke. He puffed on it a few times, his eyes going from thug to thug before he chuckled.

"Well go on now, get out!"

Without another word, the place was emptied of everyone save for Sombra, the cowboy and their captive friend. As the final thug left, the door shut and stayed that way. The cowboy came back and put his metal arm along the thug's chest, pulling his cigar from his mouth with his free hand and blowing the smoke out slowly.

"Now then amigo, we're gonna have ourselves a little pow wow right here and now. What you're gonna tell me and my new friend here.." The cowboy looked over at Sombra with a small smile and a nod, "..is why exactly you and your boys just went and ruined what could have been a wonderful night for the two of us."

Sombra's adrenaline rush had passed, her nerves melting as the cowboy seemed to have things under control. Her lips couldn't help but purse slightly as he spoke, though she blinked and shook her head to focus.

"Now, if we don't like what we hear? Well..." The cowboy pulled his cigar from his lips again, a large bit of the end just begging to be knocked away.

"It's pretty hot around here, ain't it? So this little bit shouldn't be too awful bad, just like a normal day for you?" The cowboy stared into the thug's eyes as he brought his cigar right above the slightly shaken captive's crotch, a few of the embers slipping off the end.

"Heh... you think you scare me vaquero?" The thug held up one of his hands to show that he was missing a pinky, his grin rather crazed now.

"I've been through way worse than a bit of burning." The thug laughed before the cowboy grimaced and shoved his cigar downwards, Sombra making a slightly disgusted face as the sizzle of cheap cloth and skin could soon be heard and smelt.

The thug cried out loudly, though he soon clenched his jaw closed as his eyes grew wide.


Sombra growled and grit her teeth, her drunken state taking over as she was insulted. She grabbed the cigar from the cowboy and pushed him aside, pressing the thing against the thug's throat with obvious malice.

The smell of flesh burning grew stronger as the cowboy had to push Sombra back to keep her from burning through the poor man's throat. As much as the thug probably deserved it, he still needed to be able to talk if they wanted to know anything.

As Sombra was pushed back, the thug laughed a bit, though he seemed to be a bit more fearful of his well being now that he saw the bad cop in this situation. He coughed a few times, struggling to breathe as he scooted himself further from the still crazed looking girl.

"Heh.. cough.. she knows what she did. Why she's already a dead girl..."

The thug was cut off by a swift punch to the face, the cowboy ending their conversation. It was obvious to the both of them that the thug wasn't going to say much more and from the way that Sombra was staring at the now unconscious jerk, she in fact did know why she was in this situation. The cowboy took a deep breath and brought his sight back to Sombra, tone softer than before but still taking charge of the situation.

"So then, I say we take out the trash and get out of here before more come. You got somewhere we can go?"

Sombra nodded for a second before realizing that he had said 'we'. She stood up and scoffed as she grabbed the thug and pulled him off the bar without much concern for how he landed on the floor. The loud thunk was oddly satisfying to hear.

"Whaddaya mean we, vaquero? I'm perfectly fine on my own." While she was still slightly tipsy, the adrenaline surge had sobered her up enough to believe the lie.

"While I am sure you are, I couldn't have it on my conscience to let you do so. If these guys are after ya, I'm sure they'll go through hell and high water to find ya."

Sombra scoffed at the mention of a conscience. What did having one of those ever do, apart from making life nothing but regrets for things you've done to stay alive?

"You might be able to just talk your way into any girl's home back in America vaquero, but I actually have standards." What those standards were, she wasn't quite sure but the line sounded good enough at the time. Sombra was always prepared, always the one in control. Yet she couldn't deny that the unknown factor of the man did pique her curiosity and researching him could prove useful in forgetting other things.

"Now miss, I never had any intentions of beddin' you. I'd like to just say that you did start it with that whole ropin' line." The cowboy chuckled as he smirked, one of his eyebrows raising as he called Sombra out about her previous comments. Sombra returned his look with a slightly dirty one, eyes squinted as if trying to deny that she had said anything of the sort. After a few seconds of their stare down, Sombra sighed and gave in.

"Fine vaquero, I've got a place that isn't my usual place that we can hide out in. But first things first, I'm gonna need your name." While this was an obvious part of the whole 'trusting each other' thing that she was sure the cowboy would want a part of, Sombra had other reasons for needing this.

"Of course darlin'." He brought his hat off his head, doing a little bow with a smile.

"Name's McCree."