What if Walt Disney Wrote the Harry Potter Books?
By: Lorelei Wood w/ Ginny drama
A/N: This is a humour fic that we decided we wanted to write one day. This has a story line, therefore most of the humour doesn't come in until chapter 2. From there it gets a little odd, but it flows like a story! We've seen a few others like this, but they're either one chapter long with just one song, or they don't really have a story-line, though they are funny. Here we go.
Prologue: How it All Started
Walt Disney was in his old age, and he was not very happy about that fact. He owled a friend for a de-aging potion. The owl came back with an de-aging potion, and along the way it picked up and odd trinket. It looked like a golden timer, except it has numbers going both ways, starting from zero at the top. After drinking the potion, out of curiosity, he put it forward onto fifteen, and he fell into a house who knows where. The first thing he did was rent all of his cartoon musicals, and watched them all.
J.K. Rowling was in her study reading her latest letter from Harry.
Hey, how are you. It's been a while, just finished reading your biography on my fourth year. Dang, you know a lot about me and my feelings! Good job, I hope to hear from you soon. Oh, and thanks for putting it under 'fiction', could you imagine the Minister of Magic's reaction if you told all the Muggles about us!
Joanne stopped reading when she saw a flash of light from the house next door. The next thing she saw was a man exiting the front door. That was odd, no one lived in that house that she knew of.
Later that day the man came back to the house with a bag full of movies, one of them that was poking out of the top she saw was 'Beauty and the Beast' .
She decided that she would visit this new neighbor, maybe she'd even bring him autographed copies of her books. Shortly after she began writing notes for the fifth book, and after finishing that task, she signed some of her books from her large collection (she enjoyed admiring her work). She headed over to the next house over.
Walt had just put the 'Lion King' back in it's case before he heard the doorbell.
"Hullo," a blonde stood in his doorway.
"Er, Hullo," he answered the stranger.
"I'm Joanne Rowling, I live next door. I brought you some autographed copies of my books as a 'welcome gift',"
She paused waiting for him to introduce himself and after a while she said, "Anyroad, I have some writing I must do. You may knock on my door if you have any questions or troubles."
"Thank you, Joanne," he said, taking the books. He stayed up all night eventually finishing all of his movies and spent the next day reading the book gifts. And then he got an idea. An evil idea.
(A/N: I wanted to leave of there but it was too short, soooo…)
(A/N: I know, couldn't resist, this chapter was too short and it looks pretty. Anyroad, you've probably figured out the idea by now)
Walt smiled to himself and knocked on J.K. Rowling's door. "Imerio!" he shouted. He made her sit down at her computer and start writing his version of Book Five.
Joanne heard a knock on her door, she went to open it and saw the man from next door with a smile upon his face. "Maybe he'll tell me his name this time," she thought to herself.
The last thing she heard before falling into a daze was, "Imperio," and she was forced to re-write Book Five.
A/N: I know, I know, so far it's really bad and short, it gets better. We suck at beginnings. It gets better though…honestly it does. We promise.
Oh, forgot this at the beginning.
DISCLAIMER: We own not the characters, they belong to J.K. Rowling who owns herself (I guess). We own not the songs that are to come up, sorda. They were originally Walt Disney's (Who I guess owns himself, either that or the owner of the graveyard he is buried in), and we just totally messed them up.