Thanks for the reviews. Hope you enjoy reading this chapter x

Chapter Two

He was laughing, that worried her, why he was laughing she had no idea. It was making her uneasy. He rose to his feet and paced the room. He turned back to her "Mine, you are saying he is mine, you have got to be kidding me". She shook her head and he frowned "No way Stevie, you ain't pinning this on me". Tears filled her eyes as the reality set in of how he felt about their son. She rose to her feet and he shook his head "We haven't even slept together Stevie" he laughed "This is ridiculous" he turned to face her "I have a girlfriend" god that was a slap in the face, she bit her lip "You have got this wrong"

"No" she replied "Bobby is your son Smithy"

"When, tell me when we crossed the line, I can't wait to hear"

"Sit down Smithy" she replied as she rested on the sofa, he copied her action "We were drunk"

"Well no shit Stevie, because if this actually did happen, I certainly don't remember it"

"Smithy please calm down"

"Calm down, really Stevie?" he shouted "What are you even doing here?"

"So you can get to know our son"

"Your son Stevie, that kid ain't nothing to do with me"

"He is your son"

"Well that's nothing to do with me, if he is mine, which I highly doubt, you are on your own"


"I have a girlfriend and a life and you and your kid are nothing to do with it".

"Okay" tears rolled slowly down her cheeks "He is your son Smithy" she placed a small folded piece of paper to the coffee table "if you change your mind" she gestured to it "My address and phone number" she smiled "I'm sorry Smithy, I didn't mean for this to happen" she headed to the door and left.

Callum Stone had become a good friend of Smithy's, it had taken a while but they had got there in the end. He had felt Callum's eyes burn into him as he stormed down the corridor between the Sergeant and Inspectors office and into his office. Smithy shut the door and rested down next to his desk. The door opened abruptly and Smithy glanced up and sighed loudly "Not now Stone" he snapped before switching his computer on and busying himself with some paperwork on his desk

"It's your day off"

"And do I tell you what to do with your day off sergeant?" he snapped

"What you done?"

"Excuse me?"

"You have obviously upset her" he rolled his eyes, clearly frustrated with his boss "Donna". Smithy sighed at the mention of his girlfriend, with her long blonde hair, green eyes, tall curvaceous body, she was to die for, they had been together fifteen months and he was genuinely happy, or at least he had been until his life had been turned upside down this morning

"Its not her"

"Then what is it"

"Close the door Callum" he followed out the instruction and moved to sit down opposite the inspector "What's up Smithy?"

"I saw Stevie this morning"


"Yeah" he nodded

"Jesus that's a blast from the past"

"She had a baby"

"No way, Stevie Moss with a kid, well I'll be damned"

"She says it's mine"

"Shit, what you going to do?"

"Nothing, it ain't mine, I never slept with her" Callum's eyes dropped and Smithy frowned "What do you know?"

"Noth-" he interrupted

"Don't give me that, what was that look?"

"Alright, don't blow your lid. My fortieth birthday, I got the feeling you and her, you know"


"You just got close and you told me you were going to fuck her"

"Nice" he replied "Why didn't you say anything?"

"You both seemed to forget, I didn't know for sure"

"You should of told me"

"If I had of known you knocked her up, I would have"

"I can't be a dad to that kid"


"I don't want kids, I told Donna it's never going to happen, I can't suddenly produce a sprog and say oh by the way this is my son"

"She would get it"

"She really wouldn't"

"So what you leave Stevie to do it on her own?" he asked "Like your Dad did to your Mum?"

"I am nothing like him"

"No?" he asked

"I would never hurt a woman"

"No just leave her to bring your kid up alone, without even supporting her financially, what kind of man does that make you?" he rose to his feet and headed to the closed door "Donna will understand and if she doesn't maybe she isn't the one, but right now Stevie and that kid should come first, your kid Smithy" he walked out and Smithy pushed his paperwork to the floor.

She had bathed her son and cuddled him close, she hated to think she had uprooted her life and Bobby's for nothing, Smithy had rejected them both, this was horrible, she was now more alone than ever and with no one to turn to she really didn't know what her next move would be. A few moments passed as she got her son ready for bed and laid him into his cot and kissed him gently before heading into the bathroom, she had showered, removed makeup and was now in her fluffy black dressing gown. She had been to see Bobby several times but as the child refused to sleep she gave in and despite it being just gone half past nine and she knew she shouldn't, she got him up and carried him into the living room, she switched the TV to children's channel and snuggled him into her body. The doorbell rang twenty minutes later and she jumped, she moved Bobby onto the sofa and headed towards the front door. "Smithy" she smiled as she opened the door "What are you doing here?"

"I think we should talk" he replied, she glanced through her flat to the living room "Is this a bad time?"

"Erm, its just, I, no it's fine come in" he stepped into the hallway and he turned back to her and she pointed to the living room "Bobby is in the living room, he wouldn't go to bed so we were having a quick cuddle" he smiled

"It's fine, lead the way"

"He is such a pain at bedtime" she smiled as she walked towards the living room, Smithy close behind, he stopped in the door way as she moved to their son and picked him up "Smithy, this is Bobby"

"Hey Bobby" he spoke and the boy buried his head into her shoulder

"Sorry, he is sleepy"

"Its fine" he replied "He is really sweet" she smiled and nodded as Smithy stared at the small child "I still can't believe you had a baby"

"Nope, neither can I most of the time" the boy yawned and she grinned "Hey sleepy head, time for bed" she smiled at Smithy "Do you mind?" she asked gesturing to the door

"Course not"

"Make yourself at home" she gestured to the sofa, before disappearing from sight.

Smithy moved round the living room, it was free from many personal touches, noticing a small photo on the side he picked it up and smiled at the blonde holding a new-born baby wrapped in a white blanket, she looked beautiful, albeit slightly tired. He placed it down again and headed to the sofa and sunk down, he could hear her soothing the boy to sleep. Was this his life now, a child, a little boy, a son, maybe he could do this after all. "Sorry about that, he is sleeping now"

"Okay" he sat in silence, not looking at her and after a few moments she frowned

"Smithy I don't mean to be rude but what do you want?" she asked "You made your feelings perfectly clear this morning"

"I want to support you, financially"

"I don't need you too"

"You say he is my son, I want to contribute, see you both alright"

"And what about Bobby?" he shrugged his shoulders "Do you want to get to know him?"

"I can't, I have a girlfriend Stevie, she will never speak to me again"

"He is your son"

"I get that Stevie but this is the best I can offer him" he rose to his feet "If you hadn't of ran away with him it may of been different"

"I didn't leave because of Bobby" she paused "And if I had told you, what would you have said?"

"Probably to get rid"

"And I would of said no, so it was better that I left"

"You still had no right to disappear with my child"

"I didn't intentionally disappear with your child, I didn't even know I was pregnant"

"No" he was shouting now

"No" so was she

"So why did you go?"

"Because of you. I left because I was in love with you".

I am thinking of changing the rating to M for the next chapter, I want it to be graphic in places, will people still read or does it put you off? Please review x