
Chapter 2: What to do

Caeda stood there in shock. She was pregnant. She felt weak in the knees and on the verge of tears. Sharena put a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay Caeda. I'm sure Marth will be ecstatic to hear the news." She said comforting. Wrys sat down next to the group. He gave Caeda a small vile. "What is it?" Sharena asked.

"It is a mixture of tea to help the morning sickness." He opened a small box on a table, handing small packets to Caeda. "This is the same kind of tea. Drink it once a day." He said, drinking some herbal tea himself.

Elise skipped in joy. "This is so cute! Marth will be so excited!" She stopped and looked to Caeda. "What're you gonna name it? Is it a boy or a girl?" She gasped, "Can I be an auntie!"

"Elise settle down." Wrys chuckled. "It is far too early to tell just yet. In months time all will be revealed." Elise huffed at the old man. "Caeda, I want you to take it easy from now on. Wether you decide to continue battling is up to you, but I recommend you sit out future battles."

Before Caeda could speak, Sharena began to speak for her. "Don't worry Wrys. Caeda will sit out any and all future battles starting today. The life of her and Marth's child will not be put at risk." The young princess looked to Caeda. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes milady." Caeda said quietly.

"Good. Now let's go tell Marth the good news." With that, Sharena and Caeda left the healers room to tell the Hero King the news. Caeda was at a loss of words. Sharena wouldn't let Caeda get a word in edgewise. "I sure wish I could be a mother. But Askr is too at risk for me to settle down with anyone."

Caeda laughed nervously. "Yeah.. Princess Sharena.."

The young Princess turned to her. "Yes?"

"You think.. maybe.. we could-" before she could finish, she was cut off by the pound yelling of Mae.

"Yo!" Mae yelled. The Valentian mage ran up to the Princesses. "If it isn't Sharena and Caeda. Wassup?"

Sharena smiled. "Well hello Mae!"

"Hi Mae.." Caeda greeted meekly.

Mae beamed. "If it isn't Princess Caeda. Marth's right hand girl. His wife forever. The one Pegasus Knight to rule them all." She joked. "When I was in Valentia, Est wouldn't stop talking about you."


"Yup. She said you're everything she wants to be. Something about being strong, loved, and being with the person she loves." Mae went on and on. Caeda could only sit there. As Mae kept talking, Caeda got an idea.

"I hate to cut our conversation short, but I think my Granddaughter Lucina is calling me." She lied.

"Lucina? I don't hear-" Before Mae could finish, Caeda ran off. She ran until she was out of view of the princess and mage. Caeda gave a sigh of relief and walked cautiously to her and Marth's room. As she drew closer she heard the armor clanking of Jagen. She grumbled. She liked the old man, but he was over protective of Marth. He was even wary of Marth and Caeda getting married. She quickly looked around, but was too late. He had seen her.

"Going anywhere Princess?" The old knight asked.

"N-no Sir Jagen. Just..."

"Just what?" He asked. His cold, steely eyes not making anything easy.

She sighed. "I'm looking for Marth. Have you seen him?"

"He's in his quarters talking with Sir Alfonse." Jagen said walking away. Caeda sighed as she walked to their bedroom. She slowly opened the door to see Marth instructing Sword stances with Alfonse.

"Good form. Now let's try this one." The young princess stopped as the two fenced. Marth stopped once he noticed Caeda. "Hello my darling, you're back much earlier than expected. Wasn't that battle supposed to be for another hour?" The Hero Hing asked. The Talys princess stuttered.

"Marth... do you think we could talk... alone?" She said nervously. Marth and Alfonse nodded, the Askr prince leaving. Caeda was breathing heavily, not knowing what to do. Marth has a smile as he put an arm around her.

"Caeda, my love, what's wrong?" Marth had a hint of worry in his voice as he helped her sit on their bed. Caeda teared up, making Marth even more worried. "Caeda please. Talk to me. When we got married we promised to tell each everything."

Caeda inhaled. "Marth... you know how we talked about having kids one day?" Marth nodded. "Well when I was on the battlefield I got sick and..."

"Sick! By the Gods Caeda did you see a healer?" Her husband worried.

"I did. I saw Wrys... he said I'm..."


She closed her eyes and shouted. "Marth I'm pregnant!"

Marth blinked in surprise. "Pregnant."

I'm baaaaaaack!