Let me out…

You cannot contain me, human. Weak, fragile human. You don't deserve my power.

That's it! Yes!



Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill….

"No! Stop it! Oh god, oh god…What have I done?"

Tskune stared down at those lifeless eyes of the unknown woman. She reeked of blood even in this rain he could smell it. It was everywhere. On the dead woman, on the floor, walls… his face. This had to be a dream. Please, let it be a dream!

The voice, in the back of his head, repeating for him to kill. He knew it was because of Moka's blood. The same one that this holy locket was suppose to contain. But instead he had killed someone, his own kind, and that voice was loud and clear, feeling it demand to take over. To cause bloodshed.




"Kill…" Tsukune heard himself mutter. Eyes widen in horror. "Nonononononon! I won't! I won't!" Without thinking, he grabbed a shard of glass. Probably from a beer bottle, maybe from a window. It didn't matter.

Kill kill kill kill kill kill

"No!" Tsukune shouted in the dark alleyway, the pounding rain silencing his cries. The only killing he was going to do, while he still had control, was himself. He held the hand size piece of glass to his throat. Jagged edge against his own flesh. Heart racing but that wasn't loud enough to block that voice in his head.

Let me out! Let me kill! Blood! Give me blood! Kill them all!

It was getting even more frenzied. He could feel it push against his conscious, wanting control of him. To get rid of him and use his own body to spill blood. A small sob escaped Tsukune mouth, hand trembling in fear and hesitation. His tears mixing with the blood and rain.

"Why did this have to happen…? Why couldn't I have been stronger?" He pressed the glass closer to his throat, breaking skill, beads of blood appearing. He didn't want to die, didn't want to leave behind his family and friends. Didn't want to leave Moka.

"Moka," he whimpered. It's only been two weeks since returning home from Youkai Academy and yet he was losing control. His urge to drink blood, specially Moka's blood, grew. But he held back, ignored that dryness in his throat. He was still human dammit!

Then one night the voice came. It wasn't human at all. Rather it was the monster that linger inside of him now. It was only in his dreams then it became a faint whisper. And by the start of this week it a clear voice. It mocked him, belittled him. And at night it demanded to be set free and to feed. Tsukune ignored it as much as he could, fought the influence it grew over his own body as much as he could. But it wasn't enough. The dead woman proved it so. Now he was going to atone for his sins.

"Moka…" He said again. If only she was here. She could had stopped him, saved him like she always did. They all could. And if they were here now, he felt they would give him a quick, painless death. But then again, Tsukune didn't want them to see this. To see this monster, he has become.

Ironic, wasn't it? Considering he was a monster himself.

Release me!

The voice was like a bat to the head, and for a moment his control slipped. The glass moved from his throat before he willed it back in place. He didn't have much time.

"I g-gotta… Now. I have to do it…" His jaw tensed, eyes staring at nothing but darkness. He gripped the glass hard enough to slice his own hand.

I want out! You can't keep me here, human! Kill! Kill them all! Blood, give me blood!

"SHUT UP!" Tsukune roared out and with all the courage he could gather and moved his arm swiftly.