Disclaimer: I do not own Cattie-Brie, Drizzt, Zak, Dinin, or Nalfein; they are registered property of R.A Salvatore. The rest of the characters belong to me.

Please review and let me know what you think. I have finally gotten around to writing this and I am really enjoying it! Are you?

"Kalin!" Drizzt cried, frantically hacking through the armored men around him. "Kalin!"

"Ilharn!" Kalin shrieked, struggling to escape the grasp of the grizzled man who held him. "Ilharn! Save me!"

"Shut up, you worm!" snapped the boy's capturer, punching Kalin across the face. "No one is going to save you today!"

"Get your hands off him!" Drizzt roared, tearing away from the men around him. He raced toward his son but Kalin was dragged away from him, toward the edge of the cliff that bordered the forest on one side. The cliff dropped down into a river.

"NO!" Drizzt yelled.

The grizzled man leered at Drizzt. "My father was a bandit wizard, struggling to feed his family. You viewed him as an enemy; you were responsible for his death! I hated you for what you did to my family! Say goodbye to your son!" And he shoved Kalin over the cliff.

"Kalin!" Drizzt felt his world beginning to crumble around him. All the love and security he had known was gone! Kalin was gone! Kalin's cries echoed up from the cliff, receding into nothingness. The last thing Drizzt would hear from his son were his dying screams.

Drizzt felt his blood begin to boil. Monsters! Beasts! Murderers! He threw himself into the fight, disregarding the injuries dealt to him, and slaughtered every last man. Stumbling to the edge of the cliff, he stared down at the rushing white waters below him. Kalin. Sweet son. Innocent child. Gone. Murdered!

Drizzt fell to his knees, weeping. His body ached with sobs. Why was this world so cruel to him? It took everything from him! The people he loved, the woman he loved, and now his child! His only child! What had he done to deserve this?

Unable to find an answer, Drizzt heaved himself to his feet. He would comb every inch of the river, searching for Kalin or his body. Kalin deserved a proper burial; he was a good child.

Drizzt had to walk a long ways down the top of the cliff to find a suitable place where he could descend to the riverside. As he walked, he began to feel sick and dizzy. The world began to reel. Drizzt stumbled away from the cliff before he took a wrong step and plummeted to his death. He wandered into the trees, surrounded by a whirling vortex of images: Kalin sleeping, Kalin looking at the stars, Kalin smiling. Kalin hugging him. Kalin gone. Kalin dead. Kalin drowning. Kalin splayed out on the rocks with vultures picking at his insides . . .

Drizzt fell to his knees, vomiting. He hacked and retched uncontrollably, the sickness overwhelming him. Blackness crashed in from all sides. But Drizzt was a fighter; he would not give up so easily. He twitched a few more times before he lay completely still.

Please review and let me know what you think. I have finally gotten around to writing this and I am really enjoying it! Are you?