He hadn't found Gaston. Neither on his way back home nor at the home itself. Where could his captain have gone? For the first time in twelve years LeFou had come back alone. It felt so weird, so wrong. Well, less wrong than being abused or shot by his beloved one. The ex-war nurse let out a sorry sigh. He loved Gaston, no question about that, and surely Gaston loved him back. The mouth that had tasted the hunter's bitter tears could testify. Still, LeFou doubted. He wanted to believe but…

Come on, LeFou… someone who calls you "weakling", "pathetic" or "piece of fat" and shoots you dead just can't possibly love you! Be realistic!

But… Gaston regretted, didn't he? Otherwise, he wouldn't have cried a waterfall –what's more in public!- or vanished in such an abrupt way. If Gaston didn't regret, he'd have come back home as if nothing happened! It was his house after all! LeFou went to bed wondering if his only love would ever return. He didn't know if he could bear laying in this cold and too large bed for long. He soon fell asleep, his nose buried in Gaston's pillow.

Belle and Prince Adam had planned a ball and invited all of Villeneuve's inhabitants. Even LeFou who wondered why. It's not like he had remained static during the attack on the castle. Plus, he didn't see the point of going to a ball without a partner. You have to be two when you go to a ball, don't you? LeFou then got the most unexpected invitation. Stanley stood at the door and asked him with a trembling voice and his face all flushed if LeFou wanted to go to the ball. With him.

Belle wasn't the resentful type, was she? She had invited him, Gaston's faithful doggy, and Stanley, one of the countless guys who used to bully her. Oh well, both she and LeFou knew Stan wasn't a bad guy. Just a bit too mesmerized by Gaston's masculinity. Like most of the men in the village. It can lead to do stupid things you don't really want to do just to 'prove' you're a man.

"S-so…is…is it a… yes?" Stanley stammered.

Also he looked really cute. LeFou recalled seeing him a splendid dress when he had gone out of the castle. He should dress like that more often. Maybe LeFou wished to see him in that dress if he accepted his invitation. He took Stanley's hand in his to the dread of the latter.

"Yes." And kissed it.

Thanks to Stanley's help, LeFou had never been so well-dressed and so good-looking. At least, that's what he thought. His improvised maid assured him he looked good all the time. God, Stan actually was so adorable. Maybe the freshly groomed dancer should have fallen in love with him rather than Gaston. Everything would be so simpler. Or maybe with one the Bimbettes. Oddly enough, they had insisted to prepare LeFou for the ball. But he realized quickly it just was an excuse to ask him about Gaston.

"Where is he? Where is he?" they asked.

He wished he knew too! Plus, he wasn't sure if they were actually concerned or just wished for revenge. Gaston hadn't really behaved like a gentleman with them. So even if he knew, LeFou wouldn't tell them.

They all were at the ball, dancing waltz and minuet. It had been a time since LeFou had performed such formal dances. Yet, he was doing fine. Belle, the three sisters and Stanley already had shared a dance with him. He was quite the good dancer, wasn't he?

When the time came to change of partner again, Stanley went swirling with Miss Plumette while LeFou was tenderly embraced by a stranger. How could he tell who this handsome guy was, he had a mask! The kind of Venetian carnival mask. Black, of delicate lace and covering his eyes and nose. The stranger's hair was loose, raven dark and glistening in the sunlight. He wore a long sapphire-blue coat, the kind of coat a French soldier would display at an important party, like a ball. He acted a bit too intimate with LeFou. Contrary to minuet's manners, the stranger kept LeFou close and embraced against his heart.

A wild beating heart. LeFou thought.

He wished the music would never stop. LeFou strangely felt warm and secure in these robust arms. This man's tender embrace felt like a protecting cocoon. It was soothing and… kind of familiar.

While swaying and hugging, the smitten débutant decided to interrogate this rather shameless man.

"I'm sorry sir but…have we ever met before?" He asked in a flirtatious tone.

"Maybe we have." The stranger answered in a baritone husky voice. "Maybe we haven't. Is that important?" He added as he hugged LeFou tighter against his broad chest.

"I just… appreciate to know… who I'm dancing with. You may be a dangerous criminal." LeFou teased.

"Maybe I am." His stunning crush whispered in his ear.

LeFou suddenly felt boiling hot. And hard. He just noticed his smooth-talker's face was dangerously close to his crimson one. The charmed waltzer was sure this man looked beautiful. So beautiful he needed to put a mask to prevent… accidents.

"You're… you're incredibly good-looking… sir…"

"And you…" The stranger gently took LeFou's chin between his thumb and forefinger. "…are the wildest, most gorgeous thing I've ever seen." He recited just before he led his suitor behind a large curtain. LeFou preceded him in peeling off his black mask.

"Did you mistake me for your mirror?" The blissful dancer tried to hold his tears. God, he was so happy he could die for good this time!

"I can never look that beautiful, LeFou." Gaston replied as he ran his fingers in his beloved's fluffy hair.

Et merde! He loved him! He loved him! He loved that bastard so much! He couldn't refrain his tears any longer. Or his lips. His captain was more than happy to kiss him back.

Débutant: someone who's never been to a ball before

Et merde: oh shit