"I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand & the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep & there are no words for that."
Brian Andreas, Story People: Selected Stories & Drawings of Brian Andreas

Michonne. Michonne. Michonne. Sigh.

I had to show her a blindfold to get her in the car. It was the only thing that enticed her. Luckily there was a bandana in the car that belongs to Judith's doll that had fallen off. I had to think quick to convince Michonne that I did have a surprise for her.

Judith and Carl were excited about Michonne wearing a blindfold and the constant chatter of Michonne asking if we were passing certain landmarks gave way to where we were headed. My beach house.

Soon as we were inside and in the theater room, I took the blindfold off, and Michonne was entirely surprised. I did surprise her. Her family and my family all in attendance. The look on her face, I hoped someone was filming. An emotional Michonne is a beautiful sight to behold. I took her hand and led her to the two vacant seats in front of the large projection screen, and T-Dogg dimmed the lights, and instantly we were submerged in the blur.

The video presented was nothing but a collage of blur. I was engrossed in the fact that I loved this woman for a very long time. The man in the video eyes portrayed a love sick puppy. The man was me.

This woman was blurring and oozing blur in every photo. I hadn't seen the finished production. Everything was new to me as it was for Michonne. We were experiencing this together. I couldn't believe how flagrant I was with, Michonne. I was giving off signals, and she was reading me right when I told her she was wrong and anyone who thought we were when we weren't, but we gave the impression that we were was out of their minds. How long was I in denial?

I do think I became attracted to Michonne somewhere between her telling me to go sit my ass down in my office to having her agree to spend time with us on the third time of having Pizza that included bumper cars. I had the incredible urge to bump into her constantly with my car. I couldn't continue with Jessie when the comparison was so glaring.

Michonne's eyes were glued to the screen when the ring box opened, and my movement tore her eyes away to watch me as I got down on one knee and proposed. Real-time.

I think I was about to suffer from a panic attack. My heart was racing.

"I love you, Michonne. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I was on bended knee while she sat on the couch with our family witnessing the moment.

"I love you too, Rick. I want to spend every waking minute with you."

I eyed her, and she eyed me right back. I could tell she was holding her breath again. I was trying to catch mine, but I couldn't keep her waiting with abated breath.

"Will you marry me?" I asked the woman I wanted more than all the money I was worth.


Her hand was out, and she was ready for me to slide the ring on her finger, and it was perfect just like her lips. I kissed her. I didn't care who was looking or how inappropriate it was to do with onlookers. I kissed her, and she kissed me back. We had cheers but what broke us apart was Judith.

"Yay! They kissed! Now Daddy, can Michonne see your snake?"


Michonne and I spent a lot of time dancing. We had a dance teacher, and we were considered naturals. Internet sensation did not compare to having a life where Michonne and I found our unique rhythm in and out of the bedroom. She continued to work and spent most of her time in Georgia. If she went to San Diego, I was only 24 hours behind her with the children.

I kept Michonne good and pregnant. If I could have had her barefoot and pregnant I would have but we are awaiting our third child and her dressed in a pair of sweats and tank top that framed her eight months stretched belly was close enough.

"I'm not going to work in the morning. I am exhausted."

I stretched out my legs on the bed, my back against the headboard. The baby monitor was on my night stand. I watched Michonne take her hair out of the ponytail, and her dreads fell past her shoulders. She turned from the dresser mirror and gave me a quizzical look.

"Okay." She said.

"I am serious, Michonne. I am really tired."

"Sure." She didn't believe me.

"I dropped Carl at his friends house and Judith over to stay with Lori for a few days before the both of them are back to live with us full-time. I had the babies with me all day. I'd just put the babies to bed, and that isn't an easy task after bathing them both, you know," I remarked.

Abigail was the easiest. Andre was three years old, and he was a different story. He would stay up all night if permitted to do so and he didn't like clothes. We would find him naked running through the house and pissing on the potty instead of in the potty if left unattended for more than five minutes.

"Good." She quipped.

"Andre finally allowed me to put on his PJs. I told him that, Momma doesn't like for him to sleep in just his pull ups."

"WE don't like for him to sleep in just his pull-ups."

"Well, I don't care how he sleeps as long as he is covered and asleep." I countered.

"Abigail wears her pajamas. He will wear them because WE want him to wear them. Why must you do that?" Michonne scolded her hands on her hips.

"I am preparing my son for code talk. I am preparing him to know when a woman requests something it is in his best interest to do as told."

"You are flipping the script, Mister. You are using my lines against me. You think that when I beat you to bed, I don't want to have sex. You think that by me telling you all that I have to go through with Andre and Abigail, your daughter that I had just less than a year and a half ago mind you, is to blow you off. It is not. I am knocked up again by you, Rick. I have every reason to not go to work. You have no reason to not get up in the morning to show your face at GO Stop."

"When I said I was going to be hands on with my kids and help out Michonne. I meant that."

"You have proven that on more than one occasion, Rick. You have. I appreciate you helping me, and I am with you on the no Nanny business."

"We have our hands full. We haven't even come up with a name for the baby and It will not be Blur Grimes."

"We do and will, and I was just kidding about naming the baby Blur. You won't let me forget that you have no sense of humor. It was a joke."

Our baby was due in less than a month.

"I love you."

"I love you. Nothing has changed, Rick."

Sometimes I needed reassurance from Michonne. I needed to know that we were okay and sex provided that security reinforcement.

"I'm not going to work in the morning." I reaffirmed.

"It's not because you are tired."

"Exhausted." I gave her the exact word that I used.

"You are hoping to get some of this good stuff, stop playing and help me get on top of you because I am horny right now."

Michonne was all baby the third time around. I watched her pull the tank over her head, revealing the most beautiful brown round belly that held our baby.

"I am really tired, Michonne." I pretended still.

Her eyes were on my arousal that tented my pajama pants. I was at full attention looking at her breast that was two different sizes.

"I will make this quick." She licked her bottom lip. When she did that she knew I wasn't going to resist. That bottom lip of hers. Never chapped.

I knew she was mimicking me when I was in need of sex from her, and she was feeling too tired. I would say I would make it quick and within five minutes or less I would grunt or pant out that I made it as fast as possible for her. She would grind her ass into me indicating I didn't give her enough time to enjoy and I had to do quick work with my fingers or tongue. Most times she wanted to go straight to sleep.

I was horny, and I didn't care. I wanted Michonne if she was willing and offering.

I had to contain myself with Michonne who was still sexual but less so with this third pregnancy. She was far enough along where I still wanted to be careful and her on top did not make it easy because I wanted to flip her over or off at random to get her in different positions. I had to stay focus that once I came, that was going to be it for a few days if not a whole week and then the six-week drought.

Michonne likes the lights on, and I didn't mind one bit. I like getting lost in her eyes. I like her straddling me. I love when she begins that slow rotation of her hips. I love the long drawn out kiss before she starts to get revved up and ride me.

I like vocalizing it. I can't believe I use to keep all the words inside. I am surprised I hadn't gone into cardiac arrest when we began having sex. I can only last a minute and thirty seconds without saying a word or sound. After a minute and a half, I was giving out instructions for her to take it slow. I wanted to last longer than four fucking minutes.

I didn't want a quickie. Michonne wanted a quickie, but I didn't. I wanted to enjoy the slower pace, and the snug fit that she attributes to doing Kegel exercises.

"How much do you love this?"

"I love it. I love when you-"

Michonne's belly was blocking my view. I loved to see my penis being worked like a magician; now you see it now you don't. Her belly in the way I couldn't get a good visual. I would like watching when Michonne's eyes closed, glimpsing myself pounding into her or she making my dick slick with her juices was a turn on.

"When I what? Tell me." Michonne commanded to hear dirty talk.

She was speeding up. I didn't want her to go faster.

"Baby, slow down. Slow down baby."

"What?" Michonne stopped, and I was confused.

"Don't stop. Please."

"What did you call me?"

"Please for the love of all things Michonne Grimes, let's do this."

"No, Rick what did you call me? Repeat it."





I had no idea where we were going with this. I knew I was in the moment when I said it.

"You never called me that before."

"Was it a good thing or a bad thing, Michonne?"

"You never said it before. You have never referred to me as your, Baby."

"You are my baby, Michonne. I am going to take care of you baby. I am going to always be here for you baby. I am always going to want to do this with you baby. Baby I love-."

"I fucking love you." She held my face in her hands.

This woman kissed me in a way that reaffirmed I was a lucky man. I was the luckiest man in the world. That kiss. Yeah, that kiss. We officially lasted three minutes before we shared an orgasm at the same time. It was loud, intense and earth shattering. I fucking love her too.

The end
I hope everyone enjoyed this story. I wanted to show all things inappropriate whether in a workplace or to start a relationship.