A/N: Wow so I finally got to finish this out. I want to thank any of those that have stuck with it so far. I know how hard it is to wait for chapters. So, I learned a few things writing my first story after being such and avid "consumer" of others stories. The first lesson is planning is really important. My favorite scenes I wrote were the ones I planned long before writing them. The second lesson is that endings are hard. The third is that if you have a story you should write it. Most likely you will make mistakes and not be entirely happy with every decision or chapter. This story had a lot of ups and downs that made me learn that I have a lot of room to grow as a writer. I think the biggest limiter was the fact that I brought in elements of the witcher. What started as interesting soon became a handicap to other things I wanted to explore. In my next story I will either stick to cannon things of go full AU.

Final Lesson: Wait there's an Ending?

Jaune and Blake found themselves sitting in the cell right next to Adam's. They both looked sheepishly at Neptune, who was scowling at them. There was no denying it. As far as Neptune was a concerned they were a curse on him for some past transgression many lives ago. It was the only logical answer. The gods had sent Jaune and Blake to punish him.

Jaune raised his hand. "For what it is worth Neptuneā€¦" Neptune Raised a hand. There weren't any excuses that he could give Weiss to explain all the overtime he will have to pull. Neptune slowly lowered his hands glaring at Jaune and Blake.

Neptune Scowled. "Not another word. It's been what a week of you living in Vale? You've caused untold property damage, put multiple people in the morgue and hospital." He pointed at Blake. "I expected better from you though. Would it have been too much to ask for at least a little discretion." Blake looked downward a slight blush of embarrassment. "How did Ozpin cover for all the shit you did while you were still in School? Weren't you supposed to be the stealthy one?" Neptune did bring a good point. Blake's team had surely caused more damage during their first year than many others did.

Neptune sighed. "Unfortunately for me and my computer, the city of Vale has chosen not to press charges against you." Neptune begrudgingly unlocked the cell. "No more trouble though or I'll shoot you myself." Jaune shivered at the thought. Neptune looked deadly serious.

Jaune and Blake smiled dashing out of the cell. "Don't go too far you are witnesses!" Screamed Neptune as they ran out of the station. "Perhaps it would be good to have friends in high places."


Jaune and Blake eventually got far enough away that they were sure the risk of somehow being arrested again was pretty low. Neither Blake nor Jaune would really be able to blame Neptune for doing so after the trouble they had caused. Jaune softly smiled at Blake. She smiled back missing a tooth. Jaune had hardly seen a prettier sight than the disheveled woman before him. Not that he was a charming picture himself. Blake didn't seem to mind though.

The scars he carried today would be held in higher regard to the countless ones he gained during the war. Jaune became lost in thought thinking back to all the fighting he joined in. Compared to the brawl Blake and he had with Adam they all seemed so trivial. To fight for someone else.

They walked the streets of Vale still a bit dirty and bruised from the night before. Jaune had more than his fair share of bandages, while Blake had her arm in a sling. This earned them lots of looks as both of them looked like they got in a fight with a bulldozer. Despite this both Jaune and Blake had smiles adorned on their faces. Laughing with the last vestiges of energy they had. "That sure was exciting." Jaune said sheepishly.

"You shouldn't look so happy. A good huntsman doesn't seek excitement." Blake responded.

"It's a good thing I'm not a good huntsman then." Jaune clutches his ribs when he tried to laugh. Perhaps they were a bit more than bruised than originally thought. Blake's smile showed that his joke had at least hit a home run.

Blake's face soured as if she was sucking on a lemon, pensive like she often was. That was the thing about Blake. Her mind was rarely empty. "Jaune, I don't think this is over. Adam isn't dumb, but I don't think he was behind everything."

"That's alright Blake. We should just take these things one step at a time I suppose. All we can do is keep moving forward. I think all this time I have been focused on doing things because of what was behind me. But know I am finally looking forward. I can start trying to figure out who I really want to be thanks to you Blake." Jaune could hardly bring himself to admit it,

Blake smirked and snickered at his slightly cheesy speech. "Who's really been reading too many romance books between the two of us?" If there was anything that even war couldn't tarnish it was that Jaune wasn't exactly a smooth operator Blake thought to herself. What was left from all those years was Jaune's simple determination and commitment. It was the one thing that always defined who he was. The things that can't be taken away so easily. They had all changed in the past years. Each day chipping something away and sculpting who they were. It had been a long time since Blake had felt like something had been added.

"Tell me Jaune do you really think your honeyed words will affect me." Blake said mockingly. It would take more than that too woo her. It was a good start though she thought to herself warmly. He would have to work harder than that to woo her.

Jaune looked up to the sky. "No perhaps not." Jaune looked back down at Blake and placed his hand on top of her head and rubbed her ears. "Maybe if your good though I'll take you out dancing again." Blake rolled her eyes while knocking his hand off and poking him in the rib. Before they had knew it, they arrived at the safe house. "I am lighter on my feet than you would have thought though." Jaune smiled as they walked up the steps.

"Perhaps." Blake said twirling under him with little grace lost after such a battle.

Jaune's eyes were brighter, almost like when he was young. "So, what's next, something tells me this isn't over?" Jaune asked almost hopefully as he brushed his hand ever so lightly against hers.

Blake lightly intertwined her fingers around his. "You know it almost never is. There's still hunting down Salem. I don't suppose you would want to stay a while and help out." Blake said giving him a wry smile.

"At least for a while." Jaune said closing his eyes and leaning in kissing Blake deeply. The door closing behind them.

A/N: Thank you for those of you who have read this story. I wanted to give a special thanks to my Beta AnnoyinglyNormal for all his help. In other news this story made me realize I need to work on shorter stories. I have a one/multi shot coming out called spear of the raven. Be on the lookout!