A/N: So fair warning this is AU. This first chapter is a bit dark, but future chapter should have a mix of comedy and action. This story draws from things like the Witcher series, Gintama, along with some war movies. This is a story about how sometimes those who return from war, don't always return whole. I have always thought that Remnant is a harsh place to live seeing as children are forced to fight. I wanted to delve into the repercussions of that on a more personal level with the characters in the show. In saying that. This story is meant to hopefully show a recovery of our beloved characters.

Huntsman Lessons

Lesson 1: A lost Wolf is a Dead Wolf

War was cruel, young Hunters being forced to Kill and Die. Forced to give up so much at a young age. The true irony of war is how unfair it is. He watched many as skilled or more than Pyrrha die, some by his own hand, and yet somehow, he still lives. He could only feel that battles were decided by luck, and not who has the greatest semblance. He lost the right to his years ago. Of course, he couldn't let that get in the way of protecting what mattered to him. In the second year of the war, Mantle developed a new program called the Witcher program. This program sought to create a new breed of huntsman and huntress through an alchemical mix of dust, herbs, mutagenic mushrooms, and stimulants. Of the thirty participants, he was the only one not fortunate enough to die before the worst of the trial. It turned his natural blond hair white, and his eyes took on the form of a wolfs. With all this came heightened physical abilities and an even greater aura than before. He could become everything he ever wanted to become. Of course, such shortcuts come at a price. The only cost was his semblance would be forever locked away.

It was finally over. Cinder was dead. Jaune lay on top of a cliff not far from her decapitated body. He was not in great shape either, as he was currently missing his right arm that he sacrificed in order to remove the witches other eye. This gave him the opening he needed to remove her head. And yet as he lay there next to a headless body, he smiled. What a messed-up person he became. 16-year-old wouldn't recognize him today. His body was riddled with scars. Gone was Crocea Mors, many battles ago. Replaced by a black longsword, and a red short sword both accompanied with special runes. The runes allowed him some leeway in mid to long-range combat to make up for a lack of shield. He was never a gun guy. It was only right that he builds something simple yet effective.

He was not a hero, heroes don't smile about killing their enemies. Ever since leaving Beacon he was always so angry. Angry at Qrow, angry at Ozpin, himself, and even sometimes angry at Pyrrha for leaving him behind. He realized what a pointless exercise this all was. Young huntsman and huntress dying as pawns in a game they didn't understand. He took himself far too serious. He started laughing, harder than he had done in the past 7 years. It was all so funny, like some messed up joke. He achieved his dream. He became strong like his Grandfather, but he wasn't a great hero…just a great killer. He abandoned who he was, he abandoned his friends. At the time, he felt he could justify it. To protect the things, she cared about. Pyrrha was a hero. Someone who fought out of duty and honor for others. She fought for her very soul. He fought for himself, for thrill and revenge. Pyrrha wouldn't even recognize him dancing across the battlefield sword in hand killing across Mistral. "The Hunter system is messed up." Jaune thought as he once more looked over a Battlefield strewn with bodies of both friend and foe. Laying there Jaune came to the realization that in winning battles he lost himself. And now as he lay he hoped Pyrrha would forgive him for losing his way.

Jaune was brought out his thoughts by the pitter patter of a beginning rain storm. "How cliché… I would have given anything just to…just be…with you all again…" It was going dark. And for the first time in a long time the Witcher felt scared, cold, and alone. Dying on a battlefield far away from home, in a war he didn't start.

He would not be going to where she is, no amount of repentance could do that. Slipping out of conscious he could here footsteps. A flash of red and black. It was a red hood.

"Jaune…Jaune…can you hear me, Jaune" was what he heard but it was as if he was underwater

"Ruby?..." was the last thought he had before he felt himself slip away.

"Jaune!" he heard. As his eyes opened he saw he was sitting at the cafeteria in Beacon next to her. "Your dozing off again…are you feeling alright." His eyes grew wide with shock…that voice it was Pyrrha's. He was afraid to turn his gaze away, lest she disappear. "You look so weary Jaune perhaps you should sleep." Her eyes, her eyes they were bright emeralds, caring and kind. "JAUNE!" she said in surprise as he grabbed her in a deep hug.

"It was just a bad dream Pyr. Nothing to worry about" he meeked out tears running down his face. The way she smelled brought everything back.

"You never were this affectionate when I was alive" she said making his breath hitch.

"Excuse me" asked Jaune as the world around him blended into darkness leaving only him and Pyrrha who now had a hole in her chest, and was beginning to burn away.

"You were always so weak, I can't believe I died for you," she said her face grimacing. "I should have never saved you during initiation!" "The least you could have done was kill yourself so you didn't hold the others back. Thanks to you Nora and Ren died. They died saving you just like I did." She spat out grabbing by the throat and lifting him in the air.

"No No this is a dream! You're not real!" He screamed out with what little air he had.

She dragged him closer. "This is not a dream Jaune, this is your punishment." She said throwing him across the dark void. Something metal clanked across the ground landing next to him. It was the tip of Milo. "Kill yourself now, do it! It's the only way you can atone!" He was sweating and his hands were shaking but he was drawn to the blade. He picked it so tightly it made his hands bleed. He was ready to plunge the blade into his gut, when suddenly a bright light opened in the void.

"Jaune wake up! Please…don't…I won't lose you to"

Jaune was shocked. That voice it sounded like Ruby. But it couldn't be. She was halfway across Remnant last he heard


Before Jaune could make a decision on the matter. Light enveloped him and cast away the specter.

His face was wet. Was he still laying in the rain? Jaune thought.

His chest felt pretty heavy too. As his eyes creaked open he could see something vaguely red shaped.

"Ru Ruby is that you?" He said stuttered out with a very dry throat.

"I'll get you some water don't move!" She said before zipping away and reappearing with a glass in her hand.

Jaune instinctively reached out with what would have been his right arm…before realizing it was no longer there. "That's right…" The white-haired man said now taking the glass with his left arm and gulping down the water. "Ruby why are you here, I thought you were hunting Salem in the badlands? And, where are we?"

Ruby looked away from Jaune and was silent for what felt like an eternity.

"She got away, Weiss was hurt pretty bad. Blake, Yang, and I barely got her back alive. I couldn't lose anyone else after all that's happened not again." Ruby said with a fire in her eyes. Jaune realized how much the war has forced them all to grow up. Gone was a happy go lucky quirky girl. She was replaced by a woman who has become a master of her craft. "As for where we are we are in Vale. Your injuries were quite grave." Her face became tight "If it weren't for what Ironwood did to you Jaune, you surely would have died." She said turning away, "If you had come to us we could have helped."

"Ruby…I chose this path, no one forced it on me"


She had slapped him, and grabbed his collar

"You idiot! REN AND NORA JUST DIED WHEN THEY APPROACHED YOU! Do you think that was some kind of coincidence Jaune? You're smarter than that. Did you know they didn't even expect you to live? I bet you thought it would be fine to just go a die? I thought if anyone knew what it was like to be left behind it would be you." She released his collar.

"I'm sorry. I know I was selfish. Please forgive me…I can help you catch Salem."

"Seriously!" Ruby said rubbing her forehead "You barely escape dying and then you offer to go help hunt the most dangerous being in existence! That's exactly the problem Jaune!"

"I mean it Ruby. No funny business, no teenage revenge angst. I want to help you. It is what Pyrrha would want."

"Well I have to still report to Oscar…but I'll consider it. Regardless you are stuck here till your arm heals enough that you can put a prosthetic on it. You and Yang will be arm buddies" Ruby said trying to Wink as she left the room.

"See you later Crater Face." He returned getting a well-earned eep from Ruby.