AN: Thank you all for reading! Just fyi, this is a multiple chapter fic being updated once a week. I want to be able to delve into Betty's dark side and see how both Jughead and Betty would influence each other in that. This starts out in Jughead's POV but it'll go back and forth between the two. Post Season One, so spoiler alert! Enjoy. :)

Maybe the words 'I love you,' don't change as much in our lives as we think. Maybe it doesn't change anything, the words lulling us into believing it can somehow kill the darkness within. We believe that maybe by professing our love for another person, we will somehow be saved from longing for anything more in life: we have what we want and it will sustain us for all time. Or maybe it does help quench the loneliness inside, but it can't get rid of the side of us we'd rather pretend didn't exist. We all have it, don't we? A dark side that cannot be taken away with three simple words. Take Jughead Jones for example. Having the love of his life should have been enough to turn away a group of criminal individuals when they knocked on his door, asking for his allegiance. For any other man, it might have been. But within the worn leather donned with a snake, Jughead found an acceptance, a family, and a love that Betty Cooper could not give him. No woman ever could. Betty would be next to figure out that Jughead Jones could never save her from what was already wrestling inside her to get out. They could only pray that they wouldn't destroy their professed love in the process.

Jughead smiled at the South Side Serpents as they disappeared in the distance, closing his trailer door behind him and looking over at the disheveled love of his life. He had it all now. He had his community. He had friends. He had a... family. Sort of. He had a girl who loved him. His smile fell upon seeing the worried look on Betty's face, her eyes fixed firmly on his new jacket. She didn't like it, this symbol of his new life. She didn't like it and Jughead was unsure if that made him angry or just upset, but the emotions were coming. For Betty too, apparently. Jughead shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, partially wanting to take off the new article of clothing and partially wanting to hug it closer to his body. He decided to remain still.

"What?" he asked softly, and Betty physically shook her head.

"Sorry. I just…." Betty trailed off, pursuing her lips in thought once more.

Jughead couldn't bear to see Betty even the least bit upset. That was something that kept them glued so firmly as they started their relationship. The second Betty was upset, Jughead would feel the need to apologize or make it better, depending on the situation. Maybe that made Jughead whipped. He really didn't care. The brunette walked to her in concern, wrapping an arm around her waist while the other hand stroked her cheek gently. Betty lifted her face slightly, rubbing her nose lightly against his own, and Jughead realized how close their lips were. The blonde blushed, and Jughead couldn't help but think about how far they were willing to go just moments before. Maybe it was good they were interrupted? Jughead rubbed his thumb slowly against her cheek, and Betty's eyes fluttered closed. Or maybe not.

"What are you thinking, Betts?" Jughead asked, his breath soft against her lips. Betty didn't answer immediately, her eyes opening long enough to stare at his mouth before meeting his eyes. He smirked, proud that he could have an effect on Betty in the same way that she had on him. Jughead remained continuously surprised that Betty thought he was attractive enough to capture her attention. She was certainly out of his league and Jughead was grateful that, if she noticed, Betty did not seem to care. Typical laws of high school seemed to elude them. They were both content to chase their hearts instead. Rather than leaning up to kiss him as Jughead had hoped, Betty sighed heavily, dropping her forehead to his shoulder and snuggling into his arms. Though disappointed, he happily rubbed her back, kissing the top of her head.

"I...I'm just worried for you, Juggie," she said, finally. The man holding her nodded against her blonde hair, understanding.

"You don't need to worry about me," he said, his words grumbling in his chest. Jughead hoped that Betty would believe him, but he could see that her frown remained in tact. He pulled away slightly, tilting her head to look at him. "What can I do to prove that to you?"

"Please don't join the Serpents," she said, gripping the new jacket he wore intensely. Jughead wondered that if he was not there, if she would be digging her fingernails into the undersides of her hands again. He moved his arms to intertwine her fingers in his, rubbing the pads of his thumbs against her palms. It seemed to calm her instantly and she sighed, smiling slightly. Jughead returned her smile with one of his own, happy to help her feel better.

"I'm not going to join them, Betts," he said, marveling at how unconvincing it sounded. Sure, right now he didn't want to join them. He was glad to be protected by them, especially knowing that a millionaire was out for his blood just days before. But join them? No way. But even Jughead had to admit to himself that things did not always pan out as he planned.

"Are you sure? You took the jacket…" Betty seemed hesitant but still wanted to believe him. Jughead sighed, wondering how many of his thoughts he needed to burden poor Betty with. They were so close, but Jughead wondered when it would move from just 'close' to 'too close.' Betty's eyes seemed so hopeful, and Jughead could not bear to lie to her.

"Well…" As he trailed off, Betty looked at him expectantly, telling him with her eyes that he should continue. "Well, at least not right now."

Betty immediately took multiple steps back, her face showing how distraught this revelation made her. Suddenly without his girl to hold, Jughead raked his hands through hair and groaned, wondering why he felt the need to say that. He could understand why knowing that would be so hard. He knew the South Side Serpents weren't the best group to be around. They were dangerous drug dealers known for cleaning up the messes of the more notorious people in town. This was not the life that Jughead wanted to lead. It was just the life that fell into his lap! And yet….

"Betty, please listen for a sec," Jughead started, fully expecting that Betty would interrupt him and was surprised when she didn't. Instead, disapproval firm on her face, Betty stared at him as she moved to his ratty couch and sat down.

"Go ahead, Jughead. I'm listening," she said, as calmly as would allow. Jughead was a bit surprised at her mild nature, until he noticed her fists were both clenched on her knees.

"Can I…Can I see your hands first?" Jughead asked tentatively, wondering how Betty would respond. Instead of being upset, she looked surprised, opening her palms and revealing red cuts where her fingernails just were. It was almost as if Betty didn't even realize that she was doing it. The blonde gasped audibly at the sight, tears filling her eyes. Jughead rushed to her side on the couch, pulling her into his arms once again as she began to cry.

"What's wrong with me, Jug?" she asked, sobbing into Jughead's sweater. Jughead shushed her gently, rubbing his lips against her hairline and whispering about how it was ok. He allowed her to cry for as long as she needed to. Seeing her in the state was not something that he looked forward to, but Jughead was glad to know that even when they disagreed, she would always cry on his shoulder. Betty eventually pulled back from him, looking at her palms once more. "Why do I do this to myself?"

"Maybe for the same reason I'm thinking of joining the Serpents. I think we both might have a little darkness inside us," Jughead replied, smoothing her hair away from her tear stained face. Betty nodded, watching as Jughead intertwined their fingers. "You're not a bad person, Betty."

"I know that," she said softly, still watching their hands. Jughead scowled.

"Look at me." When she did, Jughead could see the emotion swirling inside of her once more. "You are the kindest, sweetest, most caring person I've ever met. And for whatever reason, you feel like you need to do that to yourself. I wish you didn't. I don't want to see you hurt. But it doesn't make you a bad person." Betty considered this for a moment before replying.

"What if I wasn't kind or sweet anymore. Would you still love me?" she asked, slowly. Jughead was taken aback by the question. He couldn't fathom a universe where Betty wasn't as he described. But he also couldn't imagine a universe where he was not in love with Betty Cooper.

"Betty, if you weren't all those things anymore, I don't know if you would be you," he replied, not sure what the real answer to her question would be. Betty didn't seem to like that answer.

"Whatever is going on inside of me is not kind or caring. What if I'm just suppressing the real Betty Cooper? What if I don't even know who that is?" Betty seemed more determined now, finally coming across a personal truth for herself, no matter how uncomfortable it was. Jughead pushed down a smile, but he was proud of her. Looking into your own dark side and standing your ground? If anyone knew how tough that was, it was Jughead.

"Maybe we both don't know," he said, taking her cheek into his hand, stroking it gently. "But I can be here for you if you need to find out."

Betty smiled at that, leaning into his touch and kissing the inside of his palm. Jughead became instantly aware of how close their bodies were to one another, warring with himself on how much closer he should allow himself to be to her. This was a vulnerable moment for Betty and he didn't want to take advantage. The dilemma seemed muddied even more, however, as the blonde closed the gap between them and captured his lips with hers. Jughead moaned, wrapping his arms around the love of his life as she climbed into his lap, her calves sliding against the outside of his thighs. Betty had never once tried something like this with him and Jughead wondered if they should stop. She was crying just moments before. As she raked her hands roughly through his dark hair, plunging her tongue into his groaning mouth, Jughead had very little blood left his brain to contemplate anything. His hands found the hem of her shirt and under it, sliding up along her flat stomach and Betty gasped against his lips. She arched into him and as Jughead found her bra, Betty quickly removed her shirt, throwing it to the floor. She added Jughead's jacket and sweater to that pile, giving them both better access to each others' bodies.

Before Jughead had a chance to move, Betty quickly turned them both, pushing him to the couch. As Betty braced herself on his chest, eyes of fire and hair eschew, Jughead could barely breath. She was by far the most attractive thing he had ever seen, even if all of this was very out of character for her. And it was acknowledging the out of character nature that brought him back to the real world. Betty might be consenting, but Jughead did not want her to ever regret anything that happened between them. He had to stop this. Jughead quickly placed his hands on her shoulders as Betty moved to kiss him once more.

"Betty," he said quickly, trying to snap her out of it. Betty smirked, biting her lip. Oh, dear Lord.

"Yes, Juggie?" Her voice was breathy in a way that made Jughead's own breath catch in his throat. Betty seemed to notice the affect she had on him, slowly removing his hands from her shoulders, intertwining their fingers and moving to kiss his neck. As her lips made contact, Jughead's eyes closed. Maybe there's nothing to be concerned about...

No, no, no! Follow through, man! Push past the Sexy Betty. Somehow.

"I think we should stop," Jughead blurted out loudly. Betty jolted up, surprised.



It took a few moments, but Betty nodded. She slowly got off of Jughead, giving him the ability to sit up with her. The blonde breathed deeply, trying to slow her heart and the brunette sitting next to her did the same. While Betty avoided eye contact, Jughead sought hers out, trying to know what she was thinking.

"Sorry," Betty finally whispered.

"What for?" Jughead asked. Betty shifted uncomfortably, still avoiding eye contact.

"For just… attacking you like that. That couldn't have been, well, comfortable." Jughead took Betty's head in his hands, forcing her to look into his blue-green eyes once more. Her own blue eyes reflected a rejection that made Jughead's heart sink into his stomach.

"That was not me complaining, Betts. In fact, I was having a very hard time concentrating on anything else with you being"


"I was going to say sexy, but brazen works." Betty's cheeks flushed a red hue and Jughead laughed at how easily Betty could go from the vixen straddling him on the couch to the girl blushing intensely because her boyfriend called her 'sexy.' "What brought out this new side, do you think?"

"I don't know. I saw what I wanted in that moment and instead of waiting for someone else to act, I grabbed it." Jughead hummed in satisfaction, smirking. She wanted him. What a time to be alive. His hands moved to her neck and shoulders instead of her face, stroking the skin he found there with his thumbs.

"If you enjoyed it, why did you stop me?" Betty asked tentatively, obviously waiting to be rejected.

"I need you to know, Betty Cooper, that if I had my way, we would already be completely naked," he said and watched as she flushed once again. "But you were so vulnerable before. I wasn't looking to take advantage of you. I wanted you to really think about why you were doing what you were doing."

"Yeah. You know, that just wasn't…. me."

"It could be. And anytime you want to practice that side of you, I'm here," Jughead said, grinning. Betty smiled then too, moving to snuggle into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I might take you up on that, Jughead Jones," the blonde whispered into his chest. What a time to be alive, indeed. They sat there, eventually moving to lie down on the couch together. Jughead retrieved a blanket and they spent their first night together on that ratty couch in the South Side trailer park. Betty certainly did not seem to believe she was slumming it when she cuddled closer to Jughead, allowing him to rub her back until she fell asleep. Sleep would come later for the brunette as he stared at the blonde in his arms, only after he had finished imaging what their future could look like together in dozens of different ways. They were only fantasies, sure, but maybe a few of them could come true. If a girl like Betty Cooper could love a guy like Jughead Jones, anything was possible. Their sleep would be interrupted early in the morning by a phone call from Archie Andrews, saying only one thing: My Dad has been shot, please come down to the hospital. And they would. But for now, they dreamed soundly, unaware of what was to come.

AN: Hope you enjoyed. :) Review, por favor!