Hiss 2

Rose let out a soft oof, making the snake release the deadbolt grip she'd locked the woman in. "I am sorry. I did not mean to squish you. You're not the eating deer,"

"She has jokes too? Where have you been hiding all our lives?!" Emmett bantered.

"In sand,"

"Oh my God. I think I'm in love. Do you wanna trade Rose?" Emmett pleaded.

"Not on your life," Bella's sharp-toothed grin pricked her lips.

"I would eat myself before I get with anything else," Bella mumbled to herself. "Plus, she's beautiful. I am winning the lottery today,"

Rose couldn't take the compliment because she was too enthralled watching the shifter talk herself in circles.

"You sure can talk," Rose eyed her, impressed.

"I do not talk often. My mouth is usually full," Laughter erupted from the mammoth man and the rest of Rose's siblings. Even Esme had a hand covering her mouth.

"I do not understand. What did I say?" Her head cocked as she eyed the blonde for answers.

"I'll explain it to you another time, hm?" Rose smiled softly.

"Hm," She nodded slowly.

A few months later

Emmett whooped and hollered as Rose swayed confidently down the aisle. "That's my sister!"

A soundless chuckle seeped past her full lips as they turned up in a gentle smile.

Bella stood in a well-tailored black tux that required some very persuasive behavior to get her to approve of.

She'd literally snaked her way out of the thing four or five times. Her head was cocked slightly as she watched doe-eyed as Rose inched closer to her.

"Wow," Bella muttered to herself. "I did not think she could get any prettier."

The small grin she'd been wearing grew brighter at the compliment. "Oh yes, you can hear me. I forget." Bella rubs her neck sheepishly. A habit she had picked up from Emmett.

"Oh my god, how is she so wholesome? I think I'm going to pass out, Eddie. Catch me," Emmett feigned grandly into Edward's lap.

As Rose reached Bella, she gazed into her eyes. Her slit pupils shone with adoration, which she happily returned.

"What, now?"

"Hm?" Rose hummed.

"What do we do now?" Bella's brows knit together curiously.

"Well," Rose's eyes fell to Carlisle.

"You may kiss the bride," Carlisle grinned.

"Oh…" Rose rolled her eyes and pulled the shifter into a kiss.

Bella seemed dazed by it. "That was easier than I thought it would be,"

"What did you think it would be?" Rose giggled out.

"Well, I thought I was going to fight things show you that I am a proper marriage material,"

"And where exactly did you get that idea from?" Rosalie blanched. Bella's eyes snapped to Emmett before landing back on her newly-wed wife.

Rose craned slowly.

Emmett was staring at the ground whistling to himself. Rose sent a glare promising to torch him before returning to Bella with a smile.

"Well," She paused, letting the words toil in her head before she said them. "I already knew you were marriage material, otherwise I would have never let you do this," She brought the shifter's cool hand to her stomach.

"Oh...I am happy, then." Bella smiled, her fangs protruding over her lips.

Rose chuckled. 'Yeah, definitely marriage material.'


Finally got around to making that second chapter I said I would. I hope you enjoy it.

All questions comments or concerns welcome. Please review.