Merlin is owned by The BBC.
A/n: Merlin's past is very different in this au.
Hunith and Merlin lived in the woods in Ealdor. They were too poor to be able to buy themselves a home, so they lived in the woods. Will gives Merlin his first crossbow on his thirteenth birthday. Balinor had taught Hunith to defend herself with a dagger, and after he left, Hunith decided to teach Merlin to defend himself with a dagger. Merlin had found a book on archery, and he had the basics of the skill down. He teaches himself to shoot a crossbow after that. Merlin had gone down to the blacksmith to get a custom crossbow made for him. When Hunith told Merlin that she wanted him to leave for Camelot, he gives Hunith the crossbow that Will had given him for his birthday, and he teachers her how to hunt.

Merlin grabbed his crossbow and arrows. He made a cut on the back of his shirt to place his crossbow in so that he could carry it. He made a cut on the right sleeve to conceal a dagger, should he not be able to reach his bow in time. He used his sleeves to conceal the dagger in case of emergency. When Merlin was younger, and he lived in Ealdor, Hunith taught him to defend himself with a blade.

Hunith and Merlin slept in the woods, as they were too poor to afford a place to live. Will had given Merlin a crossbow and some arrows for his birthday, and Merlin has kept the bow ever since. While browsing the village library, Merlin found a book on archery. After checking out the book and reading it, Merlin had the basics of shooting a crossbow down.

It took a year before Merlin became good at using it, though. When Merlin became skilled in archery, he started hunting for food. Gone were the days where he and his mother would trade for food, which was something that Merlin was grateful for. When Hunith told Merlin that she wanted him to leave for Camelot, Merlin grabbed the extra crossbow that he had, and that's when he taught Hunith how to use it. If he had to leave, at least she wouldn't starve.

The day that Merlin became Arthur's manservant, Merlin had shot an arrow in the attacker's neck, thus saving Arthur's life. When questioned about the incident, Merlin lied and said that he just grabbed the nearest weapon as he didn't want to see the prince die. Everyone believed him of course, as no one would expect a simple serving boy to be skilled in archery. Of course, no one knew about his magic either, so that was two secrets that Merlin kept from Arthur. The third secret was his skill in fighting with a dagger.

Since moving to Camelot, Merlin didn't have to hunt for food anymore, which if someone had told Merlin that he wouldn't have to hunt for food anymore, he would have thought that they had gone mad. He didn't have to hunt for food anymore, but there would always be a part of Merlin that itched to go on a hunt. He gets Arthur's breakfast from the palace kitchens, and that's when he walks into Arthur's chambers, slowly placing the plate on the table next to him as he slowly opened the curtains, letting the sunlight come into the room.

"Rise and Shine!" Merlin calls, to which Arthur groans in response.

"Come on, it's a new day!" Merlin calls. Slowly, Arthur opens his eyes, and that's when he slowly sits up.

"Oi! Don't you normally dress me first, before you give me breakfast?" Arthur asks with confusion.

"Well, if you insist sire." Merlin mutters, helping Arthur get dressed. Now that he was dressed, Arthur sits at the table, looking at his breakfast. When he realized that it was deer meat, Arthur's eyes widened in shock.

"Is that deer meat? Where on Earth did you get it?" Arthur exclaims, excitedly biting into the meat. This deer meat was exquisite, whoever cooked it knew what they were doing.
"The lower towns have a food seller that sells only animals that have been hunted. Deer meat was one of the choices, and so I thought of you." Merlin lies. The truth was he had gone out hunting. He didn't need to hunt anymore since he moved to Camelot, as the job pays enough for him to be able to buy food, but there's nothing better than hunting, well hunting and magic. Hunting was an activity that Merlin didn't need his magic for, that and defending himself with a dagger.

Merlin didn't know why he put up the charade that he was nothing but a helpless, serving boy, if no one saw him using his magic, then he would be free to use his skills with his crossbow, and daggers, but at this point Merlin was used to keeping secrets. He had to, magic is a death sentence in Camelot. Another thing, too, is the fact that he is a serving boy, and as such, he shouldn't be capable of hunting, or hand to hand combat, so he keeps that a secret too.

"Man, they really know what they're doing." Arthur says, chewing the deer meat. Merlin waits until he gets done eating, and once he does that, he takes the plates to be washed. Once he does that, he returns to Arthur's chambers to find him sitting up on the bed.

"I was wondering, are you planning on going on any hunts anytime soon?" Merlin asks without thinking. Arthur hadn't gone on a hunt in at least a month, and Merlin wanted to join him for this one. Merlin was tired of keeping the secret of his hunting skills. That was one secret he wanted to be rid of. He could never be rid of the secret of his magic, but surely two secrets were better than three?

"I was planning on it in about a week. Why?" Arthur answers with confusion. Surely Merlin wasn't suggesting that he take him with him on the hunt. What would he know about hunting?

"Because I was thinking that maybe I could join you, if that's okay, sire." Merlin answers. Merlin froze when Arthur put his hand against his forehead.

"Sire?" He asks with confusion.

"Are you feeling alright Merlin? You've never shown interest in going on a hunt before." Arthur asks with concern.

"Excuse me, you wouldn't let me go on a hunt. I offered to go many times, and you said no." Merlin reminds him.

"Alright, fine, you want to go on a hunt, we're going. Three days from now." Arthur scoffs. What had gotten into the manservant lately? Where did this intense desire to go on a hunt come from, and does Merlin even know how to hunt? If that idiot gets himself hurt, I swear.