Chapter 1

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash stood side-by-side as they walked down the long path. It seemed like a quiet day, perfect for fun outdoors. But Pinkie and Dashie we're not strolling for fun, no. They were going to go visit Fluttershy. Both Pinkie and Dashie had always planned that if they could get Fluttershy in a corner, they would both do her. It was beyond their knowledge of how it would play out, but they were planning this for tonight. And they wanted it to be hot.Rainbow Dash finally asked, "So, how are we gonna do this?". Pinkie gave an evil, sassy smile, "Oh, you'll see. It always works out when I'm around! Tonight will be like the threesome of your life...," they kept walking, and then it struck Rainbow Dash; were they about to rape their best friend? It suddenly felt like such a not so good idea. "Wait, we are about to rape our best friend! This isn't a good idea! All of Twilight's annoying lessons about friendship weren't for nothing!" and with that, Pinkie held her nose up high. "Nonsense! She'll thank us later! Besides, the point is to fill her insides..." Rainbow Dash heard this and quickly responded. "W-WHA-" Pinkie quickly cut her off, "Oh, will you look at the time! If we don't hurry, we'll be late! Now where is the bridge kids?!" Before Dashie could process her next words, all she could muster was "Oh not this shit again".

They ran the rest of the way, laughing. Pinkie hit a tree at one point. When they made it to Fluttershy's house, Pinkie excitedly knocked, putting on the trademark Pinkie Grin. "w-who?" A shy voice was heard from behind the door. "Knock Knock, it's DASHIE." Rainbow Dash said from behind the door. It quickly opened, to see a grinning Fluttershy. "Please, come in!" she said, welcoming the 2 horny ponies in.