i want the world to see you'll be with me
hey soul sister

Helsinki has three Sisters staying at the Academy City facilities. Their serial numbers are 10101 (who is secretly proud of her binary number), 12153, and 13879.

The Original shows up and wants to talk to them. They are thrilled. (The entire MISAKA Network seethes with jealousy.)

The Original explains that she had flown to Helsinki because she was worried about them. They are touched. (The Network's jealousy deepens.)

Then the Original disappears and there is a very intense localized thunderstorm in the city. They are quietly terrified. (The whole Network twists in the shared-memory flashbacks to the Level 6 experiments. In Academy City, Last Order flinches from a confused Accelerator. Worst flees his vicinity outright.)

The storm ends. The Original appears in front of the facilities, beat up and unconscious. They are worried.

"It is now 0300 hours. According to our prepared schedule, it is now my turn to watch over Oneesama, MISAKA-12153 points out."

"While that is true, it does not mean I must vacate the room. I am fully within my rights to remain here, MISAKA-10101 insists with firmness in her voice."

"That would be a clearly unbalanced situation. 10101 got to stay in the room alone with Oneesama for four hours, taking every bit of time allocated in the schedule, and I deserve the same opportunity, argues MISAKA-12153, making an excellent point."

"Nothing prevented 12153 from coming during my Oneesama-watch shift, says MISAKA-10010, implying that her relative lack of time with Oneesama is 12153's own fault."

"10101 is forgetting we arranged this schedule precisely so that our duties in this facility are still covered, MISAKA-12153 points out acidly."

"It is not my fault if 12153 has decided that our gravely-injured Oneesama, who was gravely injured for our sake, is of less importance than our chores, and has not decided - like others have - to structure her priorities in such a way that our daily duties come second to her, MISAKA-10101 proclaims righteously."

"That is just a fancy way of saying that 10101 is skipping out on her duty rotation to intrude in my scheduled Oneesama time, protests MISAKA-12153 with much indignation."

"Hee. Hee. Hee. Neither 12153 nor 10101 has noticed that I have 'one-upped' them by crawling into Oneesama's bed to cuddle with her, chortles MISAKA-13879 quietly."

Mikoto awakes to arms full of cuddly clone-sister and two outraged clone-sisters attempting to pull the lucky one away. 13879 clings tighter and Mikoto winces slightly at the pressure on cracked ribs.

"You are hurting Oneesama, accuses MISAKA-12153."

"No, no, it's fine!" Mikoto mumbles, drowsily enjoying the feeling of warm human contact without having to worry about it progressing to sexual assault. She feels toasty-warm and sleepy and content. Even the pressure-pain dims and fades behind her sleep-hazed feeling of well-being. There is a quiet hum and she opens one eye to see tiny blue cracklings of electricity dancing in her sister's bangs. They stretch outwards, arching fluidly like fountain-jets, and disappear into Mikoto.

"Feels nice," she yawns, snuggling back into a quietly ecstatic 13879. Her body enjoys the electricity like sun-hot skin would enjoy a light mist, drinking in the relatively light electricity like water.

"No fair, say MISAKA-12153 and MISAKA-10101 in unison," say the other two clones in deadpan stereo.

Mikoto yawns again and shifts herself in silent invitation. The other two Sisters are quick to take it. By the time the scientists check up on them, all four Misakas are curled up together in the bed like puppies, all three Sisters periodically sparking with electricity that their Original absorbs happily.

Hardened, logical-minded Academy City scientists cannot help but squee.

Oneesama will be staying over in Helsinki for an additional three days in order to facilitate her healing. During this time-period, she will be spending time with MISAKA-10101, MISAKA-12153, and MISAKA-13879, having indicated it is a high priority in her hierarchy of tasks/schedule.

The Network ripples as this update is delivered from the Helsinki sisters. Multiple identical inputs come in at the same time from all around the globe: "Not fair!"

Extra: Another Certain Conversation

"Hey, bratling. What are you looking at?"

"Oneesama killed a building for us! We are very touched and pleased. So we asked the Sisters in Helsinki to take pictures! And video! So we have a material memory of it, not just the memory they uploaded to the Network, chirps Last Order happily."

"...you mean Third-rate?"

"Oneesama is oneesama, explains Last Order helpfully."

"Yeah, okay, whatever, just - holy fuck. Did she do that?"

"Yes, she did it for us! clarifies Last Order with a joyful tone of voice."

"...huh. Still a fucking walkover, but at least she can bring the hurt. To weaklings. Bet I could have done better."

AN: The Sisters hijacked this one, for some reason.

Edit: As pointed out by arches-biggest-fan, 10010 would have been dead, so I replaced her serial number with 10101