Chapter 1: Whatever The Hell We Want

So this is a cross over with the 100! I hope to do this justice, and this chapter is pretty similar to ep 1 but after this it's going to get quite different. Notice- I changed 97 years to 300.

I say, screw fear. I'm telling my own damn story.

{Bellamy Blake}

The ground was rough and uneven beneath her feet as she took her first few cautious steps, weary of her new surroundings. Her new home. She relished in the sounds of the leaves crunching with each step, and the feel of the wind on her face.

They were alive.

When the door to the drop ship opened, she didn't know what they were going to face; whether or not they would be hit with radiation and burn and die. She was scared.

But that wasn't the case and she, despite everything, was happy. For the moment at least. They still needed to figure out food, water, shelter, and everything else. For now she would take in the earth—a place she never thought she would get to.

She looked around with wide eyes. Trees loomed above, mesmerizing, with thick branches full of colourful leaves falling every now and then. The sounds of the other prisoners echoed through the forest, so utterly entranced by this new world. A smile quirked the corner of her mouth, slowly breaking into a grin as she took in a deep breath. Fresh air filled her lungs. Fresh air.

It was heavenly.

"What are we going to do, Lucy?" The sound of her best friend's voice brought her out of her trance, drawing her back into reality. Lucy bit her lip, looking to Levy uncertainly. She fumbled with her bracelet, toying with the keys attached to it.

"I'm not sure, Lev." She looked around at everyone laughing and exploring the ground in excitement, but still staying close to the ship. She figured they were just as scared as she was, even if they weren't showing it.

She spotted Jellal and Wendy—the sister locked up for being born, and the brother who watched as his mother got floated. She pitied them. Her eyes softened as he pulled the young blue-haired girl in for a side hug. At least they were together now.

"Whatever the hell we want," a voice stated confidently from behind Lucy. Turning around, she saw Cana, the girl who had been imprisoned for stealing alcohol.

There were worse things to go down for, she mused. Lucy rolled her eyes and looked up to the grinning brunette.

"We're free from the Ark now, with no one to tell us what we can and can't do, so I say we do whatever the hell we want." Cana emphasized at the end, smirking with her hands coming to rest on her hips.

"Cana," Lucy stated forcefully, crossing her arms, "there are one hundred people here, most of us under the age of eighteen." She glanced briefly at Jellal, wondering how he was here. It didn't make sense. "And we don't have enough food or clean water to last a week, let alone months, if we survive that long. Plus, where is everyone going to sleep?" Lucy narrowed her eyes, daring Cana to go against her logic. "It's been over three hundred years since anyone has been to Earth. We can't just do whatever the hell we want. We need order."

"Order?" Cana laughed, though it wasn't a happy sound. "Fuck order. We're finally free and able to live. Don't you want to live, Lucy?"

"Yes. Which is exactly why we need to have a game plan. To establish some basic rules." Cana shook her head, sighing as she turned her back on Lucy.

"That's not living, princess. That's surviving."

Scowling at the nickname, Lucy stomped back to the drop ship to search through what little the Ark had supplied them with. The Chancellor said there was a bunker close by with supplies to last them a few years, they just had to find it with the map that was given to them.

"She's right you know."

Turning, Lucy spotted blue hair and recognized Jellal almost immediately. Licking her lips, she narrowed her eyes before going back to one of the bins and continuing to search through the contents. She already found the map, she just needed to be prepared for the journey. "Why are you even down here Jellal? You're twenty-one. You aren't a guard." Canteen. Protein bars. Knife. They didn't give them much.

And with a cold revelation, Lucy's resolve only hardened. They didn't expect them to survive.

She would make sure they did.

Ignoring her questions, Jellal carried on. "We finally have freedom, don't you want to know what that's like?" He came closer, looming over her as she glanced at him over her shoulder, eyes hiding something she couldn't quite figure out.

"First we survive. Then we live," she said. Adamantly, she grabbed her pack and the few others she put together before storming out of the drop ship.

"Whatever the hell you want."

Lucy paused at the entrance, looking back to him, gaze steeled. "Whatever the hell you want, Jellal." She hiked up the packs on her shoulder, leaving him in the drop ship as she went to find Levy again. She felt irritated, his expression burned into her mind, refusing to leave. She still wanted to know how he got onto the drop ship since the why was pretty obvious. The way he and Wendy smiled at each other warmed her heart and gave her something good to focus on for a little bit.

"Here you go, Lev," Lucy tossed her one of the packs and set the others by her feet. "Couldn't find much, but it's better than nothing. There's just the matter of not knowing what's out there and nothing to really protect us." Which was the biggest thing and, in hindsight, Lucy should have tried to cooperate with Jellal a bit more since she saw he had a gun. But he grated her nerves in the worst way, and she wasn't having that. "Here, you're the better navigator. Probably," Lucy grinned as she gave Levy the map, the blue-haired girl giving an airy laugh. What good were tests and scores when it really came down to it. They were here now and who knew what would happen.

"So, who else is coming?" Levy asked, already studying the map. It wouldn't take her long to decide the best route to take.

"Good question." That was the next step—finding people to go with them. She knew Levy could easily get Jet and Droy, since they were both basically in love with her, but they weren't enough and they needed more people they could trust.

She scanned the area and a grin broke out on her face.


They'd had their differences in the past—mostly involving his refusal to knock off his overdramatic 'lovey' talk to anything walking on two legs—but quickly got over them.

Lucy looked to Levy, "You go get Jet and Droy, I'll get Loke." Levy nodded and took off with a smile she knew would get the pair in an instant.

Making her way to Loke, Lucy smirked, wrapped her arm around his waist, and poked his cheek. He looked down at her, eye twitching as he glared at her finger. He hated it when people touched his face- a fact she knew and took full advantage of- and the irritation on his face was purposefully undisguised.

It quickly changed, however, to a flirty smile. "Why hello, princess, what sparked this lovely visit?" He wrapped an arm around her and adjusted his sunglasses with his free hand. Flirtatious banter was something that had quickly become a part of their friendship, but there was never any serious intent behind it. If anything, Loke was like her brother. He was someone she would do anything for, and she knew that whatever he said, he felt the same.

"Want to go on an adventure?" she asked, letting her arm drop and offering one of the packs.

He dipped into a small bow, accepting the pack as graciously as he could, "Anything for my darling Lucy." Rolling her eyes, Lucy gave him a playful nudge before gesturing for them to make their way back to Levy.

"Ready to go?" Levy gave Lucy and Loke a quick once-over. Jet and Droy flanked her on either side with their packs slung over their shoulders, equal expressions of adoration fixed on her.

Poor things.

"Yeah, let's go." Lucy couldn't deny that she was extremely excited. To be able to see Earth and explore it—it was a dream come true. She never thought she'd get to see it.

With smiles and a thirst for adventure they set off into the woods, excitement coursing through their veins in anticipation of a new adventure.


"So, it should be about five miles east from here."

The lake had been the perfect place to take a break and bask in the beauty of the sun. Birds chirped in the trees, leaves rustled in the wind, there was a river close enough to hear that they couldn't see where they were sitting. Levy was mapping out the rest of their course, being careful to leave marks on the trees with chalk from the dropship so they could easily find their way back.

"Five more miles?" Loke groaned, plopping down onto a log with exhaustion. "Haven't we walked twenty by now?"

"We've walked about four, Loke." Levy deadpanned, eyes not leaving the map in front of her. Grumbling in response, Loke rested his chin on his hand and kicked at the dirt with his heels.

Lucy snickered and shook her head with a smile. Loke was such a child sometimes.

She stretched her arms high behind her to pull at the knots in her back and looked back out at the lake in front of them. It was a beautiful sight. Rocks and trees surrounded the shore, the sun's rays sparkled off the shallow ripples—this was something she promised to keep in her memory forever.

You would love it here, mom.

"Oh no."

Turning at the sound, Lucy looked at Levy with concern. The blue haired girl stared at the map with wide eyes and a hand covering her mouth.

"Levy?" Lucy stood and walked over to her friend, knowing that it could be nothing good. The rest of their group crowded the small girl as she pointed to a patch of green.

"I should've noticed this sooner. But there isn't supposed to be a lake here."

One beat.

"We're on the wrong damn side of the mountain."

Two beats.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Loke growled, snatching the map from her to get a look himself.

"Loke…" Lucy didn't know what to say. It was her fault for dragging him along without really thinking about the consequences, and she didn't know what to do. It made sense though. Their map was three hundred years old, it was bound to have some discrepancies, but that only meant that there was most likely a lot more wrong with it. They might not even be heading in the right direction.

"Well I guess that only means one thing!" Levy stood, grabbed the map back from Loke, and stuffed it back in her bag. With hands on her hips, she stared them all down. "We've got to cross the water and go as far as we think is safe before nightfall. We won't get anything done if we don't try!"

Levy's enthusiasm had Jet and Droy cheering her on, and Lucy chuckling at their chanting. She couldn't help her smile as she grabbed her pack and walked over to Loke, resting a hand on his shoulder. His gaze was firmly fixed on the ground, both sad and deep in thought. Lucy frowned. It was a shitty situation. The whole thing was. None of them agreed to go to Earth, and none of them were ready for it.

"Hey," she started, giving his shoulder a squeeze. "Cheer up, yeah? We'll get through this. I know we will."

He glanced at her before he looked back at the lake and tilted his head to the sun. "It really is beautiful, isn't it?"

With a smile and nod, she grabbed his hand and led him over to the others. "Yeah, it is."

They joined Levy, Jet and Droy by one of the larger rocks along the shore. Levy smiled and hooked a thumb over her shoulder, the three of them had found the river.

Water from upstream shimmered a foot or two over a thick, submerged rock-face. "Found an old bridge, I think," Levy prodded at the rocks in the water with the tip of her boot.

"Think it's safe to cross?" Lucy swallowed at Levy's movements, suddenly overly cautious of their new environment. She didn't know what was in the water, or hell, whether the water itself was even safe.

"It's pretty shallow here and the rocks seem to go all the way across from what I can see." Levy took a tentative step forward, water coming up to her ankles. The rubber of her heel shifted under her weight and Lucy's heart leapt into her throat. This was dangerous. She shouldn't be doing this alone.

But by the time Lucy looked up from Levy's boots to tell her just that, she was already halfway across the river.

Panic quickly took hold of her, and Lucy scrambled toward the riverside, feet moving of their own accord. Levy was getting farther and farther away, Jet and Droy lazily following behind her. If she didn't do anything...if she kept going—


Come back.

Lucy felt a hand on her arm tugging her back, but she ripped herself away. She needed to get to her friend. It wasn't safe. It wasn't safe.

"Levy!" Lucy yelled—making her way across the lake—eyes catching those of her friend, safe and sound, and for a moment she thought it would be okay.

A high-pitched whirr in the air had her stomach dropping.

And then there was a spear in Levy's chest.

Blood rushed in her ears, running cold, and almost in slow motion Levy crumpled to the ground.

And then she was screaming.


She tore toward the other side of the river, struggling against arms now encasing her, trying to get to her friend who was dying, if not already dead.

Another whirr. Another spear just narrowly missing her nose.

"Lucy, we can't go over there!" She barely heard Loke's yell over the adrenaline even though he was wrapped around her. She heard him calling to Jet and Droy, but they either couldn't hear him, or weren't responding. They stood halfway from the shore, paralyzed at the sight of their best friend on the ground, impaled, and probably bleeding to death.

A strong shake pulled her from shock.

"We need to get out of here!" Loke's voice was both urgent and comforting. How did he even manage that? A hand stroked through her hair to calm her down as he pulled her back toward the shore as quickly and safely as he could. "We'll come back. We'll come back and get her. I promise. Breathe, Lucy. Breathe for me."

Her breathing started evening out, shallow breaths turning into long, stuttering gulps through her nose and out her mouth. In and out, in and out. Her fingers ached, curled into his shirt, and eyes cleared of tears. She looked over her shoulder to Levy and bit her lip.

We'll come back, Levy. Hang on.

With one last deep exhale, she gave Loke a slight nod, telling him she was okay now.

Loke helped her to the shore, picked her up as soon as she was out of the water, and carried her as fast as he could back to the woods. The sound of Jet and Droy's feet hitting the water and thumping behind them calmed her nerves, so she concentrated on that.

Loke sat her down against a tree and shoved his pack inside hers before slinging it back over his shoulder. He looked at her, concern and anxiety all over his face as he pulled her to her feet.

An arrow bit into the bark of the tree where she'd just been sitting.

They didn't have time to look back. Twigs cracked beneath their feet, large branches snapped in the trees around them. Lucy hastily wiped away new tears as she kept pace with Loke. She could hear Jet and Droy's muffled cries behind her as they picked up the pace, finding each tree Levy had marked on their way.

Her voice barely carried over the sound of their heavy breathing.

"We're not alone."