As the reapers lay waste to the galaxy, Commander Shepard rushes to rescue his sister from war-torn Earth. But is there a place on the Normandy for a civilian, and does she even want one at all? AU Shepard/Garrus.
Disclaimer: This author in no way profits from the writing of this story. All characters, dialogue, or other referenced material from the Mass Effect trilogy belong to Bioware.
Jane burst into her brother's quarters with the oddest expression on her face.
"Janie!" John shot up from his chair. "What is it?"
She fell into his arms. "He loves me," she whispered against his shoulder. "I never thought…"
John breathed a sigh of relief. "You never do," he said. When she had calmed, he pulled her away to look into her face. "You've got to stop carrying around so much guilt and self doubt. You're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, Jane."
She snorted. "I'm carrying the weight of the world?"
He shrugged, giving her a sheepish smile. "You're always trying to take my burdens."
"Only because you took all of mine for so long." Her eyes were wide and serious on his. "You kept me from it as much as you could, but I know some of what you had to do to take care of me when we were kids. And then going into the military to pay my way through high school and college…" She swallowed, looking down for a moment before she met his eyes again. "I'm the reason you're here—the reason you died! I can never repay you, but I won't stop trying."
"Oh Janie," he pulled her to his chest, feeling tears pricking at his eyes. "Please don't blame yourself. Don't ever. You made it all worth it. And don't you think I feel inadequate sometimes?"
She scoffed into his shoulder, but he pulled back to smile at her. "Really!" he said. "You're so clever, and have changed the lives of so many kids. I always knew that the military was about as good as it was going to get for me."
"Don't be ridiculous," Jane said, irritated. "You're just as intelligent as I am. The things you've done are amazing."
"And I think you're just as amazing. You're worth it, Janie. Try to believe it, for me," John insisted. "And for Garrus, too! I won't have you breaking my friend's heart because you think you're not good enough for him!"
Jane laughed, blushing. "Believe me, I have no intention of screwing this up." She smiled at him, almost glowing with her happiness. "You know, I really didn't want to stay on the Normandy. But I'm starting to feel like this is the best thing that has ever happened to me."
He smiled. "You're welcome."
After days of attempts at kissing and formerly forbidden touches, Jane was at her wit's end.
She wanted Garrus, and she didn't want to wait.
So she called him to her quarters. "What's going on?" he asked as he entered. "Is there something wrong?"
"No, nothing," Jane said, trying to gather the courage to say what she desired. They were silent for a long moment, staring at one another as he awaited her explanation. "Garrus… I want to make love," Jane said at last.
The turian's mandibles flared in shock, and he opened and closed his mouth as if he wished to speak but couldn't find the words. After a moment, he reached out a hand to clasp around hers. "I… want that too. Spirits, it's felt like I've wanted this forever. But don't you think this is a little fast?" he asked. "Are you really sure?"
"I want this," she assured him. "And I think it might help with my little… problem. In training."
He tilted his head. "Problem?"
She blushed. "You thought I was getting sick. Because my face was hot and my heart was racing? That was all because of you."
"Oh," he said wonderingly. "I guess I still have a lot to learn about humans."
"That's okay. I'm sure I have a lot to learn about turians." She smiled at him. "We can learn together."
They made love slowly and carefully, exploring each others' alien bodies. There were blunders and a few laughs, but in the end they each came to a blissful peak, finishing in each others' arms.
They lay quietly for a long time, relishing their togetherness, when Garrus reached for Jane's arm, pulling up her omni-tool. "What…?" she started, but he shook his head.
After pressing a few buttons too quickly for Jane to follow, he laid her arm back down. "Jane…" he began, and she stared at him in confusion. "I love you."
It took her a moment to realize he was speaking English—he'd turned off her translator! She stared at him in awe. "I love you too," she whispered.
"Thank… you," he said slowly, labored. "For teaching me."
She smiled. "You were worth it."
Jane stopped in her tracks as she entered the observation lounge. "I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't realize anyone was in here."
Private Ortega looked up at her and smiled. "It's alright, Miss Shepard. I was just working on my reading." She brandished the book that was in her lap.
Jane came closer, glancing at the book's cover. Her brows shot up. "Is that a paper copy of Pride and Prejudice?"
Ortega grinned. "I found it in a junk shop on the Citadel. When I read on a datapad or omni-tool, it's too tempting to use auto-translate."
Jane sat down next to her student. "How are you doing with it so far? The language it uses is pretty antiquated."
The young woman shrugged. "It's slow going. But it wouldn't be going at all if not for you."
Jane flushed. "It's my pleasure, Ortega. I'm really glad you asked me to teach. I felt like such a burden with no job here on the Normandy."
"You're doing a lot now," Ortega pointed out. "More than any other member of Commander Shepard's team." She glanced downward. "No one would blame you if you wanted to quit teaching the class now. It's the sort of thing you used to get paid for, after all."
Jane smiled softly at the younger woman. "Maybe it was, but you can consider it a gift. All of you work so hard to keep this ship running smoothly for my brother. It's the least I can do."
Ortega looked back up, through her lashes. "It's more than that," she said. "The Alliance requires officers to have a certain proficiency in English, since it's their primary language. Before this, I was trying to save up money for a class. Now I can send that money to my mom and little sister instead. And maybe I will be able to become an officer sooner than I ever dreamed before."
Jane stared at her in surprise. "I never imagined that my little class could have such an impact," she admitted.
Ortega smiled slightly, her eyes glistening. "Please don't doubt what your class means to us. So thank you." Realizing that Jane needed a moment to herself, the private quietly left the room.
Jane stared out the window to the stars, feeling a warmth growing within her chest thanks to the young woman's words.
"Where are we going?" Jane asked, smiling over at Garrus as he piloted the skycar.
"Somewhere I've always wanted to go… somewhere we're not supposed to."
Her eyes lit up, and Garrus grinned.
He parked the car on top of one of the highest Presidium bridges and climbed out. When Jane joined him, staring out over the Citadel, he put an arm around her. "I spent years working on the Citadel, always looking up and thinking that I wanted to be up there. Since we don't know what tomorrow will bring, I figured, why not?"
She met his smile and looked back out over the beautiful view. "It's incredible up here," she said. "Thank you for bringing me."
"There's no one else I'd rather be here with," Garrus said, and pulled her into a kiss. He'd been a quick study, to Jane's satisfaction, and while it wasn't like kissing a human, she wouldn't trade him for the world.
When Garrus eventually pulled away, he moved towards the car. Jane raised a brow when he came away from the car with a basket and a rifle.
"I brought a picnic… and I thought you might like to try some target practice?"
Her eyes widened as a smile grew on her face. "Up here? Can we really?"
Garrus grinned. "Try not to hit the cars."
They laughed and chatted as they took turns shooting bottles. Garrus was better at it, of course, but he never lorded it over her, instead taking pleasure in every improvement she made. Each good hit was rewarded with a kiss. Jane thought she would never tire of target practice.
When they had run through their ammo, they sat down to the picnic Garrus had brought.
"I admit," Jane said, "Sometimes I feel guilty for being so happy with you right now. When everything is so terrible."
Garrus stroked her hand. "You have to take happiness where you can find it, especially in a time like this."
"I suppose so. Now we just need to find someone for my brother," Jane sighed.
To her surprise, Garrus chuckled. "Let me tell you a story about your brother and a woman named Miranda Lawson."
Jane's eyes brightened with delight. "So my brother does have a lady waiting for him after all! He's been totally close-mouthed about it. Good for him!"
Garrus smiled back at her. "She's… challenging. But he likes it."
Jane laughed. "He would."
After a few minutes of aimless chatter, they lapsed into a content silence, taking pleasure in just being together.
"What now?" Jane said eventually, her voice soft as she broke the silence.
Garrus turned to her, his blue eyes tender. "We have something worth fighting for."
Jane smiled back, a smile that lit her whole face. She knew the war wasn't over, that there was a long way still to go. But somehow, when they were together, the future seemed bright.
A/N: That's a wrap! Please drop me a line if you liked it. Thanks for reading!