Chapter One

The Proposition

A/N: Welcome everybody! I cannot believe that this will be my third fanfic I've posted. Harry Potter has been a series that has been there for my life. I've read the books, watched the movies, built the LEGO sets, and am now creating my first HP fanfic. I know I've stated that I would concentrate on my other stories that are on my profile, but this is something that's been plaguing my mind for some time and I wanted to work on the story and see how it plays out. I hope everyone enjoys!

Disclaimer: Harry Potter, nor any characters mentioned, belong to me, other than any OC's I create. The right to claim Harry Potter and the entire Wizarding World belongs to the brilliant J. K. Rowling.

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With a slight breeze brushing the aged willow tree leaves against the window, a small, black feline jumped upon the window edge and purred within the depths of its ebony chest. A hand reached out towards the feline and brushed behind its ears, causing the cat to purr even more. With another brush of wind, the cat jumped from its original perch and onto the lap of a young woman lounging in a comfortable armchair. The female glanced away from the book she held in her hands and continued to scratch the creature, smoothing the fur along the feline's back. Reacting towards the sensation, the cat outstretched its paw and gently tapped the women's cheek, who only chuckled and smiled even more.

"Oh Merlin, you lovely creature. If I keep petting you, I'll never be able to read. Does that sound fair?" The woman spoke and the feline only blinked in her direction. Chuckling again, the woman picked up her book once more and the feline curled on the female's legs in an attempt to fall asleep. The book that was in her lap was title Rethinking the Advanced Making of Medicinal Potions. With a pencil in hand, she annotated all notes within the margins and underlined important passages she would like to view later; with her background in various subjects, she wanted to expand her knowledge on currently known potions to see if she could change their nature to become more potent, efficient, and possibly, less time-consuming.

She had read several more pages when she suddenly heard the familiar hoot of an owl soaring nearby. The female focused her attention on her book until the chirping of an owl grew louder until a sleek barn owl perched itself on the open ledge. Smiling, she marked her page, closed the book and stood; Merlin growled annoyingly as he lost his comfortable position of her lap. Stroking the owl's feather along the back of its neck, the beautiful creature gently nipped her finger, dropping a signed letter in the process. Grasping the letter, she wasn't surprised that it was labeled with her name on the parchment envelope. Returning to her seat, she took a quick drink of water before turning the letter over; her eyes slightly widened as she recognized the wax insignia that belonged to Hogwarts. Now why would I be receiving a letter from my old school? Opening the letter, she quickly recognized the old handwriting and smiled.

Dear Aurora-Nyx Warrington,

I hope this letter finds you well, my dear, and that your time since leaving Hogwarts has been treating you well. Reading this, you must be wondering why I have owled a letter. If you would please join me for some tea and a nice conversation, I wish to speak with you, face to face. Later this afternoon, at exactly 2:30 pm, please meet me in office; I await to see you there.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headmaster

Reading, and rereading, the letter several times, Aurora scratched the back of her head in confusion, questioning the motive behind the random letter from her old Headmaster. Noting the time of the meeting he stated, Aurora glanced at the clock on her wall and smirked; shaking her head, she really had to give it to Dumbledore as the clock stated one in the afternoon. He must have planned this purposefully, she thought. Regardless of what he must want, it would be nice to see Dumbledore, and my old school as well. Placing the letter back into its envelope, Aurora reached inside a small container on her bedside nightstand, Aurora retrieved an owl treat and gave it to the awaiting creature that still stood on windowsill. Chirping, the owl swallowed its treat, opened its grand wings and flew back to the owlery on the Hogwarts grounds.

Petting Merlin before he decided to follow her, Aurora left her room and walked down the stairs of the house she lived in with her mother. As she walked down the stairs, she could hear her mother and her caretaker speaking within the kitchen about the latest Quidditch match and who they were betting on to enter the Quidditch World Cup. Snickering, Aurora walked down into the kitchen and grabbed a water from the fridge before either of the two ladies noticed her presence. As she sat down at the table, her mother tuned and stated, "Aurora! My goodness, I didn't hear you come down!"

Smiling in her mother's direction, Aurora took a long drink before she answered. "Sorry. I came down to let you know that I'll be stepping out for a bit."

Turning away from the stove, Rose – her mother's caretaker – asked, "Leaving? Where to missy?"

Smiling, Aurora couldn't help but laugh at Rose. Several years ago, while she was working at St. Mungo's, she met Rose during her time learning the ways of a Healer. A few years after she had graduated from Hogwarts, her mother's health gradually declined, Aurora hired on Rose as a personal caretaker to watch over her mother as her work, after she left St. Mungo's, led her to leave London altogether for several months at a time. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

Raising an eyebrow, Rose gave her own smirked and said, "After some of the stories you've come home with? Try me."

"Alright. I received a letter from Professor Dumbledore asking to speak with me at Hogwarts this afternoon."

Her mother only smiled as Rose nearly dropped the spoon she was holding. "He owled you? When?"

"Just now."

"And you're gonna go, right?"

Staring at Rose, Aurora has to laugh. "Of course I'm gonna go. I have no idea what he wants to see me for."

"This may be a good opportunity for you, Aurora," her mother stated sweetly.

Rising from her chair, Aurora bent down and kissed her mother's cheek and stated that she would be back later this afternoon, but to not be surprised if she returned later than expected. Nodding towards Rose, Aurora made her way back up towards her bedroom to glance at her appearance in the mirror. Her hair was slightly wavy, but the witch decided to place the brunette waves into a pony tail; her converse, jeans and black t-shirt, with a Pepper-Up Potion insignia, would have to do as she still wanted to be herself when she met her old Headmaster. Wrapping her black traveling coat around her shoulders, Aurora closed the window before deciding to apparate to her destination; with a POP, the witch lost sight of her bedroom and soon found her vision focusing on the stone courtyard of Hogwarts.

Standing where her apparition led her, Aurora stared up at the large clocktower that also served as the main entrance into the castle; an eyebrow raised in question and confusion. I shouldn't have been able to apparate this close to the castle. Did Dumbledore let down any wards to allow my entrance? The witch was suddenly overcome with a rush for forgotten memories and lost feelings. Turning in her spot, Aurora could see her younger self walking across the stone courtyard, books in hand, walking off to her Care of Magical Creatures class; an even younger self standing near the Quidditch Pitch wishing that she could be on the House Team; and a girl in her seventh, and final, year at Hogwarts standing where she was now looking back on everything that had happened and what would occur in the future.

Taking a deep breath, the witch stepped through the clock tower entrance and sucked in a deep breath. The castle held different forms of memories that were encased within Aurora, and the moment she stepped through, she was taken back to the day she had received her Hogwarts letter. Chuckling, Aurora pushed those memories deep within herself as this was not the place to become emotional; she had to meet Dumbledore and question why he, all of a sudden, wanted to have tea and a conversation with her.

On swift legs, Aurora twisted through the castle, remembering every corner, each nook and cranny, and all the secret passages she and her friends used to maneuver across all level of the castle. Memory after memory coursed through her mind'; she saw teachers, friends, and even those she didn't care all that much for. Looking at the watch on her wrist, she noted there was more than enough time to stop by the Fat Lady Portrait that guarded the Gryffindor Common Room. Reaching the Grand Staircase, Aurora flew up seven flights of stairs, admiring portraits of old and those that were not there the last time she was a Hogwarts student. Each portrait waved "hello", causing the witch to smile eve more and wave in return. It took the witch some time, but she finally made her way to The Fat Lady. Stepping in front of the large portrait, The Fat Lady's eyes widened as she spoke.

"Why, a graduate student from Gryffindor. What brings you here, my lady?"

"Dumbledore has asked to speak with me. I arrived earlier than needed and thought I'd come say hello. It has been some time."

"Yes, it has my dear. However, there is someone inside about to leave who you would probably like to see again."

Raising an eyebrow, Aurora questioned who it could be. But before she could speak or utter a word, The Fat Lady opened her portrait door and all Aurora could see was a very familiar green velvet cloak, and a black pointy hat. Aurora smiled and immediately blurted, "Professor McGonagall!" The elder, but most prestigious witch Aurora knew, swiftly turned her head towards the unexpected voice, but her spectacled vision softened when she recognized an old student and former member of her house.

"Aurora-Nyx Warrington. My, my what a pleasure it is to see you, my dear!" Minerva stepped forward and pulled her former student into a hug; Aurora grasped her old professor tightly before pulling away.

"Professor, it is good to see you looking so well. It's only been about ten years but you look as radiant as ever."

Minerva chuckled and wrapped a loose piece of hair behind her air. "Oh, my dear, no need for such candor; though it is much appreciated. But honestly, I did not expect to see you here this early, as you have stated, ten years after you have left school. What brings you here?" So, she spent several minutes explaining to her old Professor and Head of House the reason for the visit and the spare time she had, thus why she was at The Fat Lady's portrait. When she finished, Aurora sighed in frustration for the lack of understanding for the random occurrence.

Smirking, Minerva patted her old student's shoulder. "Does it make you feel better to know that I know the reason Professor Dumbledore has requested to see you?" Aurora nodded her head and looked with a question on her face; but Minerva was not about to spill the secret. "Well, let me take you to the Headmaster's Office." Briskly walking ahead, Aurora caught up with the instructor and stayed in step with her. "You do remember where the Headmaster's Office is located, don't you?"

"Oh sweet goodness," Aurora slowly stated, a grin spreading across her face. "How could I forget? I did come in to trouble several times during my seven years as a student."

"But was it ever for anything serious, was it my dear? No, you were a very open-minded student and was not afraid to speak your mind."

"True, Professor. Unless…you count the time I punched James Potter in the face my second year."

"Oh yes, Ms. Warrington, I remember that day well. If I do recall, I gave you two-week's worth of detention, am I right?"

"I deserved the punishment as much as he deserved the punch." She laughed at her own statement, but realized that she was talking about someone who did eventually become a close friend, along with his late wife, Lily Potter. Seeing the sudden drop in her face, Minerva said reassuringly, "I know what you're thinking, but don't fret over your thoughts, Ms. Warrington." She provided Aurora with a reassuring smile. Within a few moments after silence filled the air, the all-too familiar gargoyle statue came into view, and Minerva's voice echoed across the empty stone corridor.

"Cheery Cauldron Cake."

The gargoyle came to life as the stone statue twisted upwards, revealing a staircase the higher the gargoyle ascended. Turning towards her old professor one last time, Aurora smiled, but wasn't expecting Minerva's final statement. "I'll see you in a few weeks dear. It'll be nice to work with each other as colleagues," and then she walked off in the direction of her office. Standing there was her mouth slightly agape, Aurora had no idea what Professor McGonagall meant by her words, but shrugged and ascended the stairs one by one to determine what awaited her in Professor Dumbledore's office.

~ oOo ~

Reaching the large, wooden door, Aurora lifted her hand to gently knock to pronounce her presence, but the door creaked open as if it had been expecting her in that precise moment. Gingerly stepping inside, Aurora glanced around the room hoping to see Albus sitting in his mahogany chair, waiting specifically for her. But alas, as she stepped further into the familiar office, her eyes instantly found Fawkes the Phoenix and walked up towards his little stand. Outstretching her hand, Fawkes leaned its majestic head down and rubbed against her hand, chirping in its happiness. This made Aurora smile even more, as if she could, she felt as if she had been holding this feature all day.

"Ah, Ms. Warrington, you have arrived." Glancing upwards, she noticed Albus standing on the balcony above, his hand on the railing. As he made his way down towards he, he continued talking. "How have you been Ms. Warrington? It has been some time since I have seen you in my office."

"That is has, sir." Looking around his office, Aurora added, "It has been ten years since I last stepped foot in this castle."

As he reached the bottom step, Albus noticed she was still petting and soothing Fawkes' feathers. "That is has, that it has." Albus took the seat behind his desk and motion for a chair from the side wall to be pulled forward, and he motioned for the witch to take a seat directly in front of him. Nodding in response, Aurora followed Albus' silent request; pulling her traveling cloak off her shoulders, she cast her wandless magic and sent the cloak to be hung along the wall near the office door. When she turned back towards the Headmaster, Aurora noticed that he was smiling in her direction, and she had to cock her head to the side in question. "You have a question on your mind, Aurora."

"I just…" All of a sudden, it would seem that Aurora couldn't find the words she had been thinking of since she had first received Albus' letter earlier that afternoon. Raising a hand to her cheek, the witch simply asked, "I'm confused. I…I apologize for being blunt, Professor. Without stating the purpose for the visit, the letter was very unexpected. Though, I might add, that it is good to see you, Headmaster."

"I appreciate your honesty, Aurora. I understand your situation, how it was very unexpected of me to do so. The reason for the visit is because I have a proposition of you and I was curious to see if this would be something you would like to venture into. I've heard that you've had quiet the career since you have left school."

"Oh, I have, Professor. My career has led me to venture to different countries with vastly different experiences."

"Please, would you mind telling me about the past ten years before I explain my offer?"

"Of course." First beginning with the day she graduated from Hogwarts, Aurora began her tell. Her story was long as she wanted to provide Albus with as much detail as possible. She first began with her time spent working as a Healer within St. Mungo's, to becoming Charlie Weasley's Head Assistant as she worked with dragons in Romania, until she finally apprenticed under the Potions Master at Ilvermorny in the United States, and the last bit of her career allowed her to uncover and study the effects of the magical world of Witches and Wizards during the period of Ancient Egypt.

Taking a deep breath, Aurora could see the glimmer in Albus' eyes, but couldn't speculate as to what the Headmaster was thinking. Silence settled on the two individuals as Aurora sat quietly, but Albus eventually continued the conversation. "My dear, you have quiet the experience beneath your feet, eh?"

"I would like to believe I do sir, yes."

"Well, how would you like to use that experience and become a Professor here, at Hogwarts?"

As she was listening closely to the Headmaster's words, she had just missed the end of his sentence. Rubbing her eyes, she looked at straight into Albus' face and asked, "Sir, can you…can you please repeat that…?" Aurora had a feeling that it wasn't a trick of her mind, and that the Headmaster actually asked her to…

"I am asking you if you would like to become a Professor and teach at Hogwarts."

I was right – I heard him correctly.

Rapidly blinking her eyes, Aurora suddenly stood to her feet and began to pace back and forth in front of the Headmaster's desk. Albus watched on as the former student was considering – not questioning – his proposition. He was surprised she hadn't bombarded him with questions as soon as he had asked. That was the type of student she had been while she was in school; if she understood, she was quiet, but if she had questions, she asked the moment she had the chance to speak. But as Albus was pondering about the past, he hadn't noticed that Aurora reclaimed her seat and was waiting for his attention. "Aurora, my dear, you have another question on your mind."

"Yes sir, but before I provide you with an answer, because…I actually have already made up my mind, but I have some…questions."

"Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Ms. Warrington."

His statement made the witch smile before she cleared her throat and began. "I believe the most important question I need to ask is this: what would I teach? Last time I checked the Daily Prophet, none of the current professors had retired."

"Ah, yes. Well, at the end of this previous year, the staff members and I all came together and began discussing different courses we believe should be taught within the school. These discussions have last since the end of last term and we have finalized two different classes we feel need to be examined and provided for students. We've decided to add these: Muggle History and Potions for Medicinal Uses."

Raising her eyebrows, Aurora was astonished to understand that the suggested courses were subjects she found entirely fascinating, as they were within her knowledge of expertise. "If I might, Headmaster, doesn't Professor Quirrell teach Muggle Studies? Why not have him teach the Muggle History course as well?"

"Ah, in the time that you've been gone, Aurora, Professor Quirrell is now the teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts and Professor Burbage will begin teaching Muggle Studies starting in the new term next month. Also, this course is designed to be different than that of Muggle Studies. We're looking for someone who has had more contact with the world of Muggles than those who have had more interaction with the Wizarding World."

"Is this because I'm Muggle-born, sir?"

"Absolutely not, my dear. Actually, we first thought of you because of your Outstanding score in all your courses, especially Muggle Studies, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Ancient Studies, and History of Magic. Your background in understanding the historical aspect of both the Muggle and Wizarding World is what intrigued us to choose you."

"Hmm, alright. But what about the second course, the new Potions? Is Professor Snape still teaching?" An electric shiver shot through Aurora's spine at the mention of the Potion Master's name; an image of her old friend, and professor, formed in her mind, and she had to mentally shove the image away to focus on the current situation and the conversation at hand.

"Yes, Severus is still teaching Potions, but he is the only Potions Master we have, so he teaches the course for all seven years. This new course would be specific for medicinal uses, and would be beneficial for any student considering becoming a Healer, or wanting a background in the power of healing. You, my dear, are almost at the level of a Potions Mistress and you have personally worked as a Healer at St. Mungo's. Need I say more?"

Sweeping several loose strands of hair out of her face, Aurora tilted her head and an airless laugh escaped her opened lips. "I guess, not Headmaster." Her voice slowly drifted away as she finished her sentence, and Albus had to told his head as he continued to peer at her through his half-moon shaped spectacles. "Headmaster, I…" Straightening her back in the chair, Aurora pulled the tail of her hair around her shoulder and twirled the ends of hair in-between her fingertips, a technique she had formed during her early years at Hogwarts. "There's still something I do not understand. Why me? I graduated Hogwarts ten years ago, surely there must be someone out there who, not only has more experience with teaching students, but in the suggested fields as well."

Leaning back in his own chair, the Headmaster examined the former student was great curiosity and genuineness. Her personality was one her remembered well; she was always doubting her abilities, but proved herself nonetheless in all her classes. She was the only student in the history of Hogwarts to achieve the highest grade for all the classes she took within her seven years as a student. Albus knew that Aurora was beyond bright, and intelligent, but the girl just didn't understand how special she was. When he finally did speak, it was with a gently, fatherly voice that almost brought tears to the witch's eyes. "Aurora, we chose you because the staff here at school believe that you have the capability to teach the students these subjects. The offer is on the table, but the decision is completely yours."

Sitting still within her chair, Aurora kept her eyes on Albus for several moments before swiftly gazing across the all-too-familiar office. If she said yes, she would return to the school that had brought her joy, but also great pain. Hogwarts was a place where she experienced the oncoming's of death, loss, and love; but even after leaving the school, the witch knew that she also wanted to explore the world of knowledge and have the opportunity to give students the potential to learn what she did.

She always wanted to teach, and Albus was proposing the best offer to do so.

But something inside shadowed and questions the answer she already confirmed. Was it the right decision? Was she ready to face those from her past? If so, did she have the courage to stand up to the pain? Deep within her chest, Aurora's heart beat to a fast rhythm as a familiar face swallowed by long curtains of ebony hair materialized in her mind. Internally, Aurora reached out and saw the seventh-year student she had been; she sat within her Potions class and saw the professor who she had believed to be her friend.

Rapidly blinking her eyes to distill the sudden onslaught of tears, Aurora smiled and looked directly at Albus, who waited patiently as ever, blinked when their eyes met. "Albus, I would like to gratefully –" But there was a sudden knock on the door, and the old wood creaked as another individual stepped inside the office.

"Headmaster, I apologize for the disturbance, but if I may…" Turning in her seat, Aurora couldn't believe the voice that spoke; her heart pounded against her ribcage, sweat caused her palms to become slick, and the witch could feel her breathing quickened, as it used to all those years ago. Before her stood the individual who she had considered her friend, who ultimately became her professor during the last year she was a student in the castle. Obsidian orbs locked onto her ocean blue eyes and widened slightly before returning to normal; but Aurora had noticed the difference and swallowed the lump in her throat. When she spoke, her voice was barely a whisper, but it echoed across the deadly silenced that had enveloped the room.


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I would greatly appreciate any and all reviews, favs, follows and comments. Please tell me what you think, if you have any suggestions, or corrections on any grammatical mistakes I may have missed. I work very hard to develop a thought-out plotline for all my stories as it's my hobby, as well as something I am passionate about. I love to hear from people and gain their perspectives!

Until next time!

Chocobocolina :3